He was loyal.

That part of him felt right. It clicked, somehow, allowing the moments of doubt to pass quickly. He'd always been loyal. It was who he was. It was all he knew. It was the only thing he'd ever been told, that every part of his mind had agreed with. Other things seemed wrong, but they couldn't be, because he knew that that one piece was right. He really was loyal.

It was something he thought about a lot, because it was the only familiar feeling that he was allowed to dwell on. When he was ordered to bring in a prisoner for questioning, or lead an attack that advanced the takeover, there was this stupid, nagging feeling, that made him want to disobey. At times like those, he had to remember that he was loyal. Being loyal meant that he had to follow orders, and that made everything better.

Sometimes, he'd wake up from a fitful sleep, almost, almost, able to remember the hauntingly familiar faces that he'd been dreaming about, but they were never allowed to surface on his conscious mind. He had been programmed that way. It was alright, because it helped him be loyal.

The fact was, he wasn't supposed to have any other feelings. The fact that he did, the fact that his tortured mind sometimes tried to misplace them, well, that was a malfunction. He couldn't care, or feel pity. They must all be some strange offshoot of loyalty

Yes, there were several areas in his mind that never seemed to function properly. He had no reason to expect praise, or kind words, or a proud smile, or a pat on the head. That was foolish. He had no right to long for them. He didn't follow commands because he expected rewards, he did them because was loyal.

It was a lifeline. There for him in every moment of doubt. And the doubt never lasted long. After all, he was too loyal to doubt.

After all, it only stood to reason. If he was loyal, and he believed it, deeper than he believed anything else that he knew, then there was only one direction that that loyalty could point to.

Doofenshmirtz's loyal general. Now that sounded wrong too, but that was foolish. Who else did he have to be loyal to? Doofenshmirtz fed him. Doofenshmirtz repaired him when his semi-metallic body wasn't functioning properly. Everyone but Doofenshmirtz was the enemy. It was not the other way around… he was too loyal to think that way.

He wasn't misplacing his feelings either. There was no one else. If he'd ever had family, or friends, well, that had to be Doofenshmirtz. It only made him more loyal.

No matter what happened, he knew he was loyal, and since he didn't know anyone else...

He was loyal to Doofenshmirtz.