A/N: So this is the last chapter I will be posting for this story. I do have a sequel started that will be longer, I will hopefully have the first chapter up in a day or so. My Microsoft Word is not working, like at all lol, so I am using a different program that doesn't use spell check, I also have no Beta so I tried to check all the spelling myself but probably missed alot, so I apologize! Hopefully you all enjoyed this story and will enjoy the next just as much! Thanks for reading!


Her eyes filled with tears as she watched the shiny wood coffin being lowered. It made her so sad that they weren't able to help, there was nothing they could do to save him.

She looked around and saw just a few people from town in the crowd; most of them didn't approve of his lifestyle so they didn't want to show. But there was also her new friends here. She saw Amelia and Tray standing there holding hands. Claude had shown up unannounced and was currently wrapping is arm around Sookie. Sam and Luna were in the back of the crowd along with Alcide in his wheelchair. Sookie turned back to the grave and saw Lafayette sitting next to the granite headstone, crying uncontrollably. She just stared at the beautiful craftsmanship on the headstone; it had an intricate border of what looked like ivy wrapped around it. Inside the black granite it read in big bold letters:

Jesus Velasquez

Caring Friend, Beloved Partner, Loving Brother

Sookie silently thanked Eric again for paying for this for Lafayette. Even without having Jesus himself in the coffin, Sookie knew that it would be easier for Lafayette to feel closer to him if he had a place to go to talk.

Just a few moments later, everybody started to disperse to go to Merlotte's for some food, Sookie turned and walked back to her house. When she walked in, Claude hot on her heels, she was surprised to see everything in better condition then when she left. She looked into the living room and saw several suitcases sitting next to each other next to the fire place. She sighed as she walked over and sat on the couch.

Claude followed suite. "What is wrong, Cousin dear?"

Sookie looked around again. "I just can't believe its over. I'm releived and at the same time I'm sad."

"Why do you feel that way, Cousin? I think you should be elated!"

Sookie laughed. "Part of me is, because this is over. Another part of me is sad because I know they are leaving tonight. I'm going to miss them."

Claude looked at her in confusion. "But your vampire is staying?" she nodded. "Then they are not truly leaving, just a handful of them are."

She sighed again. "I understand, but one of them is my brother! And I have gotten kinda used to havin' Godric and Natalia around."

At this point the front door opened and in walked Natalia bare footed but somehow free of any mud.

"We will come back. We must leave to give your brother time to...adjust to his new life. It will be especially hard for him to be around someone who smells like you do, Dear One." she said as she dragged some of Jason's things off of her back.

Sookie gaped at her. "Did you run all the way to his house and back?"

Natalia looked at her blankly. "Yes...why?"

Sookie just laughed. "Darlin' you know I would have driven you right?"

"Yes, but I wanted a chance to get out. We have some long flights ahead of us."

Sookie swallowed the lump forming in her throat. "Where are you guys going?"

Natalia shrugged. "I think Godric wanted to take a 'Tour of our Heritages' as he called it. Probably start off in Godric's homeland, now Northen France, then possibly mine in Russia, Pam's in Britain, and possibly find out Tara's and go there, and probably end in Sweden. That place has always been special to Godric, I believe he wants to share it with his new Child." she smiled slightly as she finished folding and putting stuff in the suitcases.

"I'll miss ya'll." Sookie said silently as she slumped back into the couch. Claude rubbed her arm comfortingly.

Natalia smiled. "Sookie, would you accompany me on a walk?" she stood and brushed none existant dirt off her knees.

Sookie nodded and followed suit. Claude followed them out of the door and waved saying he had to get back to the club.

Natalia started off in the direction of the woods and Sookie hurried to catch up. They walked a few minutes in silence.

"You are not losing your brother." Natalia finally said as she looked at the sky.

Sookie sighed. "I know, and I know its for the best but it still sucks."

Natalia laughed loudly. "Yes, I suppose it does. You simply must look at it another way; you are officially a part of Eric's family. I know the new vampire girl, Tara, loves you. Pam does not hate you. Eric loves you, Godric likes you, I find you great company. We are all honored to have you with us."

"But you all will out live me. I'll grow old and die and Jase will be left here alone."

At this, Natalia froze. She sighed and shook her head. "I do not believe you will age."

Sookie gaped. "What? Of course I will! I am a human...well mostly human."

"That is the thing, most humans age by the day, everyday looking older and older, more wrinkly and sagging, but since I have come here, you have not aged a day."

Sookie thought about this. "I'm not sure how long Faeries live, but I am mostly human; I'm like an eighth Fae."

Natalia laughed again. "That does not always matter. With the amount of Fae blood you have and the amount of Vampire blood you have had and probably will have, you may out live us all. It is nothing to fear, just a small fact. So Godric may keep Jason away for a while, but when we come back, both of you will look the same."

"I can only hope; I don't think Eric will like it very much if I turn into some old bitty." Sookie mumbled as she kicked a rock out of frustration."

"Eric will not trade you for another. He has never been with somebody as long as you, I do not believe he will give you up. I have never seen him so smitten."

"How long do you think you guys will be gone?" Sookie asked, wanting to get the subject off of her and Eric.

Natalia shrugged. "I am unaware of that. Godric needs time to teacch Jason the way of the Vampire, but he also wants to educate him further. Your brother is not exactly the brightest star in the sky." Natalia beamed at her use of human slang. "Godric says he will not have any child of his be gullible and dumb."

Sookie laughed so loudly that the birds in the nearby trees flew away, startled.

Natalia smiled softly as she waited for Sookie to finish. "We will keep in touch; you can call us if anything comes up, and I am sure Jason will write to you and possibly send pictures."

They continued walking in silence.

"I'm going to miss you guys so much." Sookie said quietly as she felt tears fall down her cheeks.

Natalia turned to her and wiped them away. "No weeping. You are stronger than that; you can do this, we are not leaving for forever. Just a few years at the most."

Sookie nodded.

"Now let us go back; it is almost night fall. They will be here soon and we must leave."

They turned around and walked back to Sookie's house in silence. At some point in time, Sookie slipped her hand into the elf's and held on to it tightly. Natalia didn't seem to mind.

By the time, they made it back to Sookie's, the sun was setting. They sat on the porch swing and waited for ten minutes until Eric came out of Sookie's house carrying the luggage.

"Good evening, Natalia, Sookie, was this all of your things?" he dropped them and bent down to sweep Sookie up. She giggled and play swatted his arm.

Natalia smiled. "Yes, darling, that was it. It is a good thing you have a good wingspan; I had to carry each of those seperatly."

Eric's laughter was loud and bellowing.

They all stopped when they heard cars aproaching. They turned to see three making their ways up Sookie's driveway.

Out of the first, a large pickup, Tray, Sam, and Amelia jumped down. The second was a pink minivan and Pam, Tara and Jessica made their way out. The last car was an Audi Q5, and Jason and Godric climbed out.

They all made a semi circle around the porch, with Jason the furthest from Sookie and Godric close to him.

They all stood in silence for a while until Amelia cleared her voice.

"Lafayette and Alcide couldn't make it; they are still at Lala's house."

"Yeah, Luna said she was sorry but she is still feeling run down and wanted to catch some sleep." Sam said as he fidgeted a little.

Sookie smiled. "Thanks for coming everyone. I don't know how many of you are leaving and when but I appreciate the chance to say goodbye."

Tray looked around their little group before his eyes stopped on Natalia. "You leavin' tonight?" she nodded and he looked at Godric. "This little lady is one of a kind; please don't let her die."

Godric smiled softly. "Thank you, it is good to know she has friends that she can count on."

Tray nodded. "If any of you need any help, ever, don't hesitate to call me."

"Or me." Amelia piped in. She looked at Sookie. "I have a feeling you and I will be great friends."

They stood in silence once more before Natalia started grabbing some suitcases only to have Eric grab all the and zoom to Godric's car and back.

"We must leave now if we wish to make our flight." Natalia walked over to Eric and pulled him down so he had to kneel in front of her so she could kiss his forehead. "I have missed you, Son, please we must keep in touch." Eric nodded and stood. Natalia turned to Sookie and hugged her. "Be safe, Little Human, and remember what I said. You will be hearing from us soon." she walked down the steps and was immediately pulled into a hug by Amelia and Tray. They both kissed her on the cheek and stepped back. She walked over to Pam, Jessica, and Tara and kissed their foreheads too. When she stood by Godric and Jason, Godric vamped up to the porch and imitated Natalia by kissing Eric and hugging Sookie.

"Welcome to the family, Faery, it will be a joy to get to know you better." he went back to his new progeny and his elf.

Sookie finally looked at Jason and saw the crimson tears falling down his face.

"Sook, I wish I could hug ya, but I don't really wanna eat ya."

Sookie could now feel her own tears falling but nodded her head rapidly.

"I'm glad we took care of your Bill problem once and for all. I'm also glad that you got yourself a new better man. But just remember that if he hurts you, I will come back and kick his ass; Viking or not." that earned some chuckles from their little group. "I love ya Sook."

"I love you too, Jase, always have, always will."

Godric, Natalia and Jason turned and got in the car and drove away. Sookie felt a hole in her heart, but knew that this was the end of one chapter and the begining of something better.