As always I own nothing. Thank you to those of you who have favorited or followed in the long absence of updates. I appreciate you sticking this out with me. I know this update is a little short, but I wanted to put something up to help keep my motivation going to finish this story. Feedback is appreciated as always!

Harry POV

Harry was nervous about Professor McGonagall's upcoming visit. He had been contemplating the situation non-stop and he only saw two possibilities and neither was without cost. The child in him hoped that Professor McGonagall would tell them what to do, but deep down he knew that was unlikely. Not to say she wouldn't have a plan, but he was certain it wouldn't be a plan that met all of his goals.

Severus entered the sitting room with a tea service tray. Harry tried to find a smile for the man. He knew that if he was nervous, Severus must be terrified. "Thanks, Severus"

Severus began to set up the tea service on the table. "It is my pleasure, Master." Severus looked conflicted for a minute before asking, "What is it you are hoping the new Headmistress will be able to do, Master? If Dumbledore could not do more to mask the cure, what do you think she will be able to do?"

Harry sighed. "I don't know what she'll be able to do say or do to help us, but I do know that this conversation will build the foundation of what we are doing this year. If she can't add to what I've come up with or agree to it than we'll know we can't go back. I know you meant it when you said you didn't mind being open about our connection, but I do mind. It was horrible enough when it was just Mione and Ron, I couldn't do that every day with all of Hogwarts.

Severus nodded and finished setting up tea. He started to take the tray back towards the kitchen before freezing and turning back towards Harry. "If she can't add to what you've come up with? Does that mean you have an idea?"

Harry squirmed slightly. "Right, wasn't sure you caught that. I don't have a full idea, but I have some thoughts."

"Maybe I could help you problem solve," Severus said hopefully.

"Well, I'd rather wait until she is here so I can tell you together." Harry can see the pain flash across Severus's face. "It's not that I don't trust you, I just think it'd be best if we waited. Can you understand that?" Harry pleaded.

Severus POV

Severus fought cringing at the pain of his Master not wanting to share his ideas or get his feedback. He forced himself to show nothing as he said, "Yes, Master."

"It's just going to be a difficult conversation and I don't want to have it twice," Harry said rapidly, his eyes begging Severus to say he understood.

Before Severus could answer, there was a loud knocking from the front door. "I'll get the door, Master," he said stiffly. He quickly spelled the tray to put itself away and hurried towards the door. It may have been an excuse to leave the awkward and painful conversation, but the bond was urging him to tend to his Master's guest as quickly as possible.

"Hello Headmistress," he said as he opened the door.

"Please, Professor, how long have we worked together? Please call me Minerva." Her voice was kind, but Severus knew there was pity lurking in it. They had never been friends or even what one would call friendly in all of those years of working together. He had meant it when he said he was prepared to be open about his connection to his master, but he wouldn't lie and say he wasn't dreading that pity spreading to everyone he met.

Severus didn't answer but began to walk back towards the sitting room, knowing she would follow. When they entered the room his master shot up out of his seat. "Professor! I mean, Headmistress, thank you so much for coming."

"You can sit back down, Mr. Potter. I will admit your note intrigued me, but I am waiting to hear what on earth has possessed you to run away from the safety of your muggle family and the order. I thought you had grown out of making these impulsive childish decisions."

Harry flushed, but ignored her statement. "How much of my connection with Severus do you know, Headmistress? Or can guess?"

It was her turn to flush slightly. She looked away from Severus as she said, "I can only assume by his presence here with you that Albus has left him to your custody," she said softly.

"Yes, the headmaster left me his slave, Severus," Harry said coolly, eyeing the Headmistress with disdain. "I asked you here to discuss what is to be done when school starts up, not why we are living here. If that is not acceptable I am afraid I will have to ask you to leave."

"What would you like me to do for the two of you? I assumed Severus would not be returning when he disappeared. Was I incorrect?"

"Well, the way I see it, if both of us return there is no way to hide his slavery. Some of the signs can be decreased as the bond strengthens, but Severus tells me there is no way for them to decrease enough for us to appear normal in school together."

Severus nodded, wondering where his master was going with this. He didn't like it so far, he had the feeling he was going to be left behind for his own protection.

"What I would like to have happen is for Severus to return as potions master and for Harry Potter to officially withdraw," Harry continued quickly, not looking at Severus.

"But, Master-"

"Hold on, Severus, I'm almost done. Officially I will be missing. One could presume I was out looking for Voldemort. But with your permission, Headmistresses, I would like to unofficially join him at Hogwarts."

Severus blinked several times. His master was proposing giving up his education for his comfort? He felt a rush of warmth at the caring, even though he knew he would do whatever it took to talk him out of it.

Harry POV

"What exactly are you suggesting, Mr. Potter? That you would hide out in Professor Snape's quarters? Do you really think you'd be happy without your friends? Without Quiddich?"

Harry wanted to roll his eyes. Did the Headmistress really believe that he would place a game over a man's safety and comfort? "Yes, there are things I would give up, but I really think this is the best way. And I wouldn't be stuck in his quarters, I could use my invisibility cloak to get in and wander the castle. I could even attend some of my classes so I didn't fall behind. Obviously not potions, I was hoping you could tutor me privately for that," Harry said and finally looked at how Severus was doing with his idea.

"Master, it would not be appropriate for you to give up anything for me. Couldn't we use your plan in reverse? I could officially withdraw but live in the castle?"

Harry shook his head sadly. He knew Severus wouldn't like this idea, but he hadn't been able to come up with anything better. "And where would you stay? Wouldn't you rather we live in the same place? Or did you not want to share your rooms with me?" Harry hadn't considered that he was inviting himself to live somewhere he may not fully be wanted.

Severus's eyes went wide and he quickly spoke, "Of course you are welcome, they're really your quarters, Master. I can't officially own anything. I just don't want you to give up anything."

"All I really need is to learn everything I can and figure out how to destroy Voldemort. After that's done we can figure out another plan. Now, I need to ask the two of you a difficult question."

"Mr. Potter, I haven't even agreed-" the Headmistress began.

Harry interrupted, "I know that, Headmistress, but you can't agree to the plan until I ask this question. Did anyone else know about the slavery bond between Severus and the Headmaster. It's clear that you knew, did anyone else know?"

Severus looked away before taking a deep breath, "Most of the faculty knew about the spell, as did many in the Order. Many other former students and parents knew there was something peculiar about our relationship without knowing the specifics, Master."

"Ok, so here is the part I think you both will really not like. The Order will have to believe that the Headmistress is your new master."

Severus POV

Severus felt like his blood had turned to ice in his veins. "You wish to give me away, Master?" he whispered, unable to hide the terror in his voice.

Harry stood up and came over to embrace Severus. "Of course not, Severus. I said that the Order needs to believe she is your master, not that I was going to give you away. I accepted your service, didn't I? I'm sorry for worrying you.

Severus forced the thought of the Headmistress watching from his mind as he enjoyed the feeling of Harry's arms around him. "Yes, Master," he finally whispered.

Harry stepped away but left his hand on Severus's arm. "It does mean there would have to be times that you acted like she was your owner. I need you to think about that and make sure it's something you could truly handle. If you can't, we'll go to Plan B."

Severus can't help but feel joy that his master cares about his comfort. There was no question that he could endure bowing and scraping to the Headmistress. It is nothing compared to what his Master is talking about giving up. "Of course, Master, I would not enjoy it, but I could endure it if it meant us both able to return to Hogwarts."

"Regardless of your feelings, Professor, I do not believe this is a good idea. Mr. Potter, you need to return to Hogwarts. If you are afraid of how people will react to the two of you than we can find somewhere else for Professor Snape to live." Severus tried to hide how painful he found those words. He did not relish that plan, but he knew it was the more proper course of action.

"I don't think you understand what I'm asking you, Headmistress. I know we need your agreement for my plan, but it's not an option of which of us returns. Either we work out the details to have Severus return and me withdraw or the two of us will not be returning. There is no third option."

Severus is proud of how calm and in control his master appears as the Headmistress glares at them both. He has a hard time suppressing his smile when the Headmistress finally speaks, "Very well then, Mr. Potter. Let's finalize your official withdrawal from Hogwarts."