Hey everyone! This is my first X-Men fanfic! And so I decided to go the route of starting with First Class. The plot line has been tweaked to accommodate my character and her life. So hope you like the story!

Disclaimer: I don't own X-Men, in any way or form, I only own my own characters and tweaks to the plot line.

She took a harsh turn down the narrow alleyway. They seemed to be places she ended up in. The dark haired girl twisted her head back, searching for her chaser. Soon enough, the large figure was sprinting after her in a mad dash. She smirked, gripping tighter onto the deep crimson velvet pouch in her hand. She abruptly stopped, and pressed herself against the cold brick wall. The man approached where she was, and cackled when he neared her. "Too tired doll face?" He pants, and seizes a hand out, snatching thin air. He looked puzzled, as he frantically attacked the wall where she pushed up on, but nothing was there. "Damn it!" He cursed, continuing down the alleyway, casting a glance back and fourth, making sure he doesn't miss the little runt.

The brunette now exited the way she entered into the alleyway, away from the perpetrator, and snickered as she sprinted down the sidewalk in the shadows. The brisk spring air pricked her skin, and she regretted the fact she was not wearing pants. But all that mattered to her now was that she had money to buy food, and a few more outfits, and if she stayed in the shadows, she could get away with it, and not have anyone chase her down for it.

She knew stealing was bad, but it truly mattered to her at the moment, until she can find a place to hide out, and someone to help her survive in the thriving world. The sixties were harsher than she expected. Either you were rich or middle class. And whenever a poor person was spotted in her town, they were shunned from all other beings. She was an outcast in the eyes of those who knew her.

The brunette entered in a small clothing store called 'Ricky's', and sadly it was a thrift store, but it was all she could afford. When she stepped inside, and out of the shadows, the cashier always on shift perked up at the sight of the girl. "Kate! Come on in! So great to see you." The elderly woman squeaked to the girl, and waved her in more.

"Hey Mara, I got paid so I was going to treat myself." She smiled, holding up the pouch, and Mara beamed at her, the wrinkles on her face rolling over, her gray eyes twinkling just gazing at the girl. Her long silver hair was done up in a bun, a pencil poked through it.

"Well go ahead, and you know what, I'll give you a discount, two for the price of one," she winked at the girl, "now, don't go tell your friends, missy, I've got to keep a strict policy on sales."

"Will do Mar." Kate winked back at her, as she let her blue eyes roam over to the tops and dresses. She decided on a red plaid dress, a black top, a pair of pants, and a new pair of saddles. She brought the items up to ring them up, paid the cheap amount, and was off with her day.

"Have a great night, Katie dear, and don't go tell them people about our secret!" The old woman called out, and Kate only laughed in response, and exited out into the night, as she pulled her sweater tighter around her body, and headed towards the church she was staking out at, as the pastor was fond of the girl. She reached the enormous, chestnut brown double doors, and moved to step inside when she felt something was off.

Spinning around, two men stood behind her. She backed up against the door, and quickly glanced left and right, trying to find a way to escape from them. Then she felt the tingling feeling in her mind, and she gulped.

'We are not here to hurt you, Katelyn, only to discuss a few things.' The moment she heard one of their voices in her mind, she panicked, forcing up her mental block, and pushed one of the men back, as the other tried to catch his stumbling friend. Then Kate was off, taking a full sprint towards the shadows. But she wasn't quick enough, because she felt tugging on her necklace, earrings and bracelets as they began to drag her back to them.

She was going to be killed. It was probably two bookies coming to 'take care of business' because she crossed the line with Franco Gringrich, a popular mobster in her town, Kinglsey, New Jersey.

'What do you want?!' She shrieked into their minds, the tone piercing their ears, as they covered them, grunting in pain, but yet she was still held down by one of the men, whom she discovered with her telepathy to be a metallokinetic. She struggled, but the metal held her down, and remained frozen in her spot.

"Please, Katelyn, calm down. You are like us. And we only want to talk." The shorter man, who when she read him figured out his name was Charles, spoke it was the same voice as the one speaking in her mind. She did become calm, and then Charles turned to his friend and told him to stop. The tugging on her body released her, and she slightly stumbled forward, but caught her footing, and balanced herself. She gripped onto the hem of her dress, and nervously glimpsed at them. "Let me introduce myself and my partner. I'm Charles Xavier, and this is Erik Lehnsherr." The metallokinetic nodded towards her, and she glared at him, but forced her blue eyes back upon the Charles.

"So what do you need to talk to me about?" She bit down on her words.

"We would like to get to know you more. And by the looks of it, you sure do like to keep a few things secret. But your powers, those are what stand out most about you." Charles informed her.

"So what? I'm a telepath, and I can manipulate darkness. Big deal. Now, Charles, I can see there clearly is more than just talking." She raised an eyebrow, and Erik looked smug next to his companion. She shot him a scowl, and he returned the same scowl to her.

"You're right. So would it be alright if you came with us to Richmond?"

She watched him in surprise, and widened her eyes. "So you want me…to go with you two…to Richmond, Virginia…and you expect me not to find this a bit suspicious?" Erik huffed, and she sent him another piercing shriek, and he groaned in agony, covering his ears.

"I'm sure you can handle yourself if we try to do anything to you." Erik hissed to her, as he recovered from her trick. Charles grinned.

"Come on now." And she sighed, shaking her head. All she could get from Charles was that they were going somewhere involving the government, and a place with others just 'like' her.

So how was it for a prologue? Good? Bad?

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