Just want to give a shout out to STAN4US who has been an immense help with this chapter. His contribution has not only made this chapter longer, but also give it more realism. In addition, he has given me ideas about how to proceed with future chapters. Please do check out his profile for me.

CNN New Room, New York, September 30, 7:31 PM EST

"Coming to you live from the news room, this is Maria Bennet with a follow-up on the story that has almost everyone's attention. We are not alone in the universe, that much has already been confirmed but what's our next step? Only about two hours ago, members of the United Nations assembled together in response to the discovery of these aliens and are still at it now. No one is allowed inside the assembly room but we have managed to get some of our questions answered by one of the UN representatives Daren Chase is at the scene."

"Thank you Maria," replied Daren standing outside the United Nations building, wearing a black business suit, the sun's light seeming to reflect off his light brown hair and eyes, "I'm here with Gary Qurnlan, the representative for Australia who has been kind enough to answer some of our questions. Mr. Quinlan obviously the big question that's on everyone's minds is what can we expect from these aliens?" The camera focused on Gary who seemed very calm and not at all worried.

"Well we can only speculate. This is unlike anything any of us have dealt with before. I can assure the people of the world that every precaution has and will be taken when dealing with these extraterrestrials."

"What's the UN's response to those who think that there should no longer be nations to govern humanity but one world-wide government?"

"With anything we can't allow ourselves to fall into chaos. Some changes will be made yes which shall be discussed by the UN but we have to take this all one step at a time."

"One more question sir if you have the time," said Daren in a more serious tone, "What is your response to those who say all of this is a hoax concocted by some secret organization, working through the United Nations to create a one world government?"

Gary Quinlan was silent for only a moment but replied with a light laugh, "Conspiracy theorists are always around and to those who believe such, need only to wait a little longer."

"What do you mean by that?" Asked Daren, truly confused.

"An alien ship is approaching, most likely getting ready to land. It's making way to Australia. we're unsure why there exactly but either way it looks like they're soon going to make a landing." Gary had more to say but the noise from the crowds around them made whatever he might have said impossible to hear. The noise was a mixture of fear, excitement, joy, and surprise.

Sol System, Earth Orbit, Quarian Envoy Ship Yaska, September 30, 2013

"Keelah! I can't believe we are actually doing this." Stated Aboar, shaking his head as he watched the planet through the viewport getting ever closer.

"It had to be done Aboar," replied Targeen calmly, "We have already been through this and it is too late to turn back now."

"Yes, fine, whatever! Let's get this over with!" Snapped Aboar, "Approaching the island continent. Will land in ten galactic minutes."

"Speaking of landing," a green suited male quarian, who was the ship's engineer, "Why there? We could have picked any of those other landmasses, like the one that looks like some deformed foot?"

Bellna, having been the one to choose the landing spot replied, "Having experience in other alien cultures has its advantages. You have to put yourself in their position. Try to think what they think and even then it's not enough. Were we to try to land near or in one of their metropolises it would have undoubtedly created fear and panic among the populace or they might perceive that as a threat. Nor do we want to try any major traveling centers like ports or harbors. This island continent is not too heavily populated, has not many major cities. Nor is it isolated enough to cause suspicion from the aliens. We don't want them feeling threatened. Not at all."

A snort of amusement came from Targeen, "Sadly that can all be very wrong, for these aliens may not think or even feel that way at all. Even with those devices of theirs we found aimlessly floating around near the edge of this system, we know almost nothing."

The devices of which Targeen was talking about were metal contraptions that looked unlike anything they had seen before. One of the devices, when opened and searched through, contained a golden hued bronze disc. Even now their best scientists and researchers were going over it, trying to figure out what it is and it's purpose. However damage from radiation and flying debris was making such a task difficult to the point that Targeen, and his fellow crew, did not expect them to yield anything interesting or helpful. At least not anytime soon. They just hoped that it did not prove invaluable later on when it was too late.

"That's true, but we must still continue on. We all know this will not be easy. If everything were easy we would never have lost Rannoch." Bellna stated.

"Speaking of Rannoch, how do we tell these creatures about the Geth or even the other species?" Questioned Aboar.

"Very carefully," Bellna answered, "We must not frighten them for fear of a bad reaction, nor should we hide that knowledge from them." Seeing Aboar about to object she quickly continued, "No Aboar. We won't gain their trust if we resort to subterfuge."

"I was just going to say that we should careful think about what we tell them." Aboar snapped.

"I agree Bellna," cut in Targeen, "Too much could cause possible backlash and hurt them as well as us."

"Thus the reason we have been chosen admirals."

"Admirals we are about to land. And we've got a lot of traffic going on." Said Targeen, reading the text in the console before him. "Looks like the aliens are waiting for us."

Sure enough, as the last of the low hanging clouds passed, everyone on board could see the area below them. A large plain with sparse vegetation swarming with aliens, too many to count. The crew also noticed strange flying vehicles that either hovered in place or slowly moved across the sky above the crowds. In the crowds were various flags of different design and colorations. Lastly was a particular crowd of aliens, smaller in size compared to the others, with a raised podium and the largest collection of flags, all different from the others, separated from the rest of the locals. Those, Bellna guessed, were the representatives of this species. As the ship's engineers began the landing of the Yaska; Bellna, Targeen, and Aboar readied themselves for what would likely be one of the most important event of their species history.

The Kuiper Belt, Hydrogen Wall, Border of Sol System

The depths of space in this region is almost dark empty except for the all-encompassing mass of stars in the distant background and the vastly nebulous Oort Cloud of dormant comets and space dust that shrouds the star system from the rest of the Milky Way Galaxy. However one lone object, one of four of them, flies across this void speeding ever deeper into the unknown beyond the Sol System where humanity resides and has begun its quest to explore the heavens as far as their then current technology would allow. That one object was a deep space satellite probe called Voyager 1. Originally designed and launched into space to first better study the solar system and its nine planets, it was not the first satellite to do so. But, it has since become the first human-made satellite to have successfully exited outside it's home start system and begun wandering into galactic space.

So far, it is monitoring what the nature of the Kuiper Belt is like with gigantic, colorful electromagnetic bubbles of hydrogen plasma floating about in vacuum while transmitting the digital data of its findings via radio bursts back to planet Earth now so incredibly far away. Soon in time its sister, Voyager 2, will do the same traveling in another direction than that of Voyager 1. Although both designed differently in physical structure and some capabilities as well moving in different pathways, they do perform the same actions in its nearly complete exploration and mapping, except for the ever illusive planet of Pluto and its moon Charon, of the Sol system. The aspect that makes Voyager satellites most common in relation is their ultimate end mission that will require cruises forever into unknown depths of space for eternity, accomplished. That mission is to become hi-tech, artificial emissaries of humanity to meet any other intelligent, space-faring life in the great cosmos. Even the earlier satellites, Pioneer 10 and 11, had the similar purpose as the Voyagers as they were the first to ever venture out of the Sol System in opposite directions from each other, but they merely carried with them gold plaques that depict very limited etched details about humans, the Sol System, and hints of scientific intelligence.

What the Voyagers carried on board their platforms were large gold record-like compact disks. On them were recorded digital data on everything about humanity and planet Earth, ranging from collections of every language and music tape samples to video and pictorial descriptions of the human and natural world. Literally, it was a crude and basic early. Literally, it was a crude and basic early electronic encyclopedia for aliens to find and study letting them know the people of Earth says hello someday if it were ever to be found by others amongst the cosmos Now, that day had surprisingly come as a quarian combat craft was carefully approaching the drifting satellite to be pick it up, currently like the other satellites of both the Voyager and Pioneer classes by the quarians surveying the Sol System, and then return to the larger vessels of the small recon detachment orbiting around Charon with the retrieved satellite for study. Already the other ones were being gathered as well. Very soon, the quarians will easily come to know and roughly understand this newly found human race and their home.

Australia, 20 miles North of Sydney, 11:48 PM

There was chaos amongst the crowded masses of people and the local authority force were hard pressed to keep things under control, and prevent them from spilling out into a large clearing near a mile away. The clearing was an open plane that was the designated area where the aliens would likely land. A hastily set-up area of large tents was the only place in the clearing with any activity, mainly Australian and UN soldiers guarding the tent base. The tents were where diplomats, ambassadors, scientists, and other experts had gathered, all ready for the first meeting with extraterrestrials in human history. Inside, their were small groups of official all preparing for the event, going over every possible situation; how to politely greet the aliens, what words or gestures would seem hostile to them, if food should be brought and what kind

One of the biggest concerns, voiced by none other than the current temporary officer of security, Daniel Marcus, was that of which he, and those under his authority, were responsible for. With the crowds of civilians so close, the possibility of something going wrong increased dramatically. In any large gathering, be they protests, strikes, or any other, something unexpected and unwarranted happened. What if someone, either a religious zealot or insane conspiracy nut, tried to attack the aliens. What if the crowds were overwhelmed with excitement and overran the perimeter in trying to personally meet with the aliens. A whole list of worries, either far-fetched or very troubling, resulted in the officer asking for more troops to watch the crowds, or better yet, force them back an extra mile or more. His concern was not to be ignored, after all, human history was full of such happenings. A simple event of one or more persons leading to dire world-wide consequences. The death of Archduke Ferdinand, resulting in world war one was a good example.

Back in the crowds, as was common is such gatherings, factions had formed and were preaching their views in either contradiction or slight support against those proposed by others. There was no clear lines that one could draw, if the crowds were represented on a map, to separate one faction from another. They were intermingled with each other, either one person alone or a fellow or two beside them. Out of this chaos, their were to factions that rose above the others. One believed that the aliens were here with benevolent intentions, though unsure how and why. This group was comprised mostly of new age thinkers, peace lovers, and idealists. They had the most cheerful and welcoming response with signs of all kinds showing symbols and messages in tune with their vocal ones. The other faction was somewhat the mirror opposite. This group thought the aliens were here with intentions not beneficial to humanity or Earth. Comprised of sci-fi fans, realists, and militant minded people, they were more numerous than the peace favoring faction, but they were weakened by the fact that they had separate factions within themselves. While they all agreed that the aliens were bad news for humanity, it was how they were that caused these divisions. Were they here for our resources, and if so, what about us? Perhaps they wanted this planet for themselves and humanities presence was a minor inconvenience. No, they were here to annihilate us, or force us to join their interstellar empire as a slave species.

There were as many views and arguments as there were people and it seemed that no one was backing down from where they stood. Only the arrival of the aliens would put an end to all of this, whether for good or ill was still also, like almost everything else about them, indeterminable. The only group that was not caught up in all this were the authorities whom did their best to hold the crowds back. While their were those amongst them that were just as curious and excited as the crowds, they stay loyal to their duty.

Though the crowds were reporters, camera crews, and staff of many news networks, from well known titles like CNN and BCC, to lesser ones such as CCTV and ABC News 24.

Each news network unloaded the latest gadgetry of the media wars and vied for the best place for broadcasting. Media vans with large screens that displayed what the network was broadcasting. News anchors spoke to the world live and though they spoke in different languages and started their reports in different ways, the message was all the same.

There was a roar of whirring as three helicopters passed over the crowds and almost every head followed them before the people erupted into indispensable noise as a dark shape emerged from the clouds overhead, one that was definitely not identifiable as anything human. The aliens had arrived.