Well Hello Lovely People. I just wanted to answer a few questions and also let you guys know that Part Two The Apocalypse: Race For The Cure will be up by mid to late next next so I'm not gonna make you guys wait too long for that I promise. I'm really glad that everyone enjoyed the first part. It was definitely a blast to write. Okay, to answer some questions now...

Question 1: No none of you are going crazy. I didn't want to put the full title up because I didn't want anyone to know about the sequel, I wanted that to be a big surprise at the end of the story and I know that it was right? lol Everyone who thought you were going crazy... it's okay, you're not (shakes head) calm down it's allllllllright. You don't need your crazy pills just yet lol.

Question 2: The Sequel will be pretty much all about trying to find the cure hence the new title. I hope that I do it justice. I have all these ideas of where I wanna go in my head but I'm not sure how I'll bring them all together yet.

Question 3: I guess this isn't really a question but...Ashley and the gang aren't entirely sure how they're mass produce this cure yet, or if they can even manufacture one from Ashley's blood. All those details will be revealed within the story though.

I am definitely excited because this will be different than part one. Something that everyone has been asking for will finally happen. :)

So be on the look out for it next week and I hope you all continue to read and comment on the new one. And show as much support for that one as you did for this one! AMAZING YOU GUYS ARE! #inmyyodavoice

P.S Annais81: The comment you made about me being an awesome person in real life because my stories are so awesome...I'm paraphrasing here... lol...anyways it make me smile from ear to ear and I'm pretty sure I may have even turned a bit red lol. Thank you! My girlfriend is lucky, but then again...so am I.