He was by her boat when she got home from school; she was juggling grocery bags, school tote, the retractable leash that jerked as JM tried to wrap himself around her legs, and her new pocketbook with room for a couple books and all her stuff. She'd have said he was patiently waiting, but she knew patience wasn't something he executed well; more likely, he was planning or watching or getting ready to attack. None of that mattered to JM, who darted forward to sniff his boots then put his front paws on Killian's leg and bark hello.
"You should have named him Scamp," Killian said as he bent to scoop up the puppy. "Not much of a guard dog, is he?" JM proceeded to try and lick Killian's face; when he used his Hook to push the pup back, the dog clamped his teeth onto the metal and began to play tug.
"JM!" Wendy said in a stern voice – establish who is alpha, the training book had said – but she spoiled it with a smile at the sight. Setting her bags down onto the bench in the boat, she took the dog, pulling teeth free. "I'd ask what you think you're up to and why you're here, but I imagine you'll only tell me what you want to anyway." She climbed onboard; he waited until she nodded assent before he followed her into the cabin, picking up some of the bags as he went. JM ran for his toy box and dragged out a braided colorful rope, sinking his teeth into one end and shaking it violently.
"I'm here to court you, of course."
She stopped, eggs in one hand and the other on the handle of the small refrigerator, astonished by the statement. "Excuse me?"
"Everyone knows about our common past with a certain stubborn boy. The easiest way to protect you is to make people think I'm romancing you to get back at Peter." Damn, but he was so cocky and sure of himself. And she liked that, liked it a lot.
"So, people believe I'm dumb enough to fall for your line of bullshit?" That wasn't a very flattering view of herself; Wendy liked to believe she was smarter than that. The thought made her angry, and she slammed the door shut after she'd put the eggs away.
"They see what they want to see, what's on the outside." He caught her hem of her sweater with his hook, a lovely emerald green cardigan, and tugged it up a little, eyes sparkling with mischief. "Little do they know what's underneath."
She swatted his hook away. "And how does dating me hurt Peter? He's not even here."
"He wasn't in Neverland when the curse hit, so how do you know he's not in this world somewhere? Do you know everyone in StoryBrooke?" He helped himself to a beer from the fridge, already making himself at home. "Besides, I'm a pirate. We steal women from our enemies all the time, right?" The darkness passed through, blue eyes growing shadowy before he shook it off.
"You didn't steal me; I got on that ship of my own free will."
"I know that. That's why I'm telling you the plan. If we're both onboard with it, we can sell it to the hilt." He sat on the stool at the bar, reaching down to take the end of the braided rope JM was attacking, yanking it away then letting the dog catch it again.
"And if one of your enemies approaches me? You know they may try to turn me against you – tell me you're a villain and think I'll help them get to you. Isn't that putting me in the middle of all this?" Wendy asked. "I thought that was the whole reason no one could know in the first place."
"That ship has left the harbor, Wendy. You're in this, have been from the minute you stepped foot on this boat. Time to use that to our advantage." He gave her a wolfish smile. "I'm a bad guy, remember? I'll use anyone to get what I want."
She came around, took the rope and threw it, JM scampering after it, Leaned into him, she braced her hands on the counter. "Is it using me if I agree to it? Because the way I see it, the two of us are in this together. Storybrooke is my home, and if people I care about are in danger, I'm going to do whatever I can to help them."
"Ah, there's the fearless Wendy I love." His hand slipped under the hem of her sweater to rest on the bare skin just about her skirt's waistband. "But make no mistake; Regina might be an evil queen, but she's got nothing on her mother. Cora is much worse. I'll do what I can to protect you, but this isn't an angry pixie or even a rabid mermaid we're dealing with."
"There are people here who will help us," she let her fingers tangle into his dark hair.
"One step at a time, love," he pulled her between his legs, snuggling her body to his, hook on the small of her back. "Let's start with just us for a bit, shall we?" The first kiss was a slow brush of lips, a promise of more to come.
"I see your ulterior motive, Killian Jones. There's a phrase in this world – you want to have your cake and eat it too." She couldn't help but melt against him, lips parting in invitation for more.
"I don't know about cake, sweetheart, but I certainly wouldn't mind a regular diet of you." His hand found the lacy fabric of her bra. "And don't tell me you'd be against the idea."
Breathing in as his fingers cupped her, she smiled at him. "I'm not that good of a liar, Captain."
As it turned out, the groceries and papers to grade had to wait.
She ordered a drink at the bar; in a rough place like this, she was certain to find overpriced, ale flavored water and that was fine with her. At least she looked less conspicuous in her pirate outfit, leather pants, silk shirt, wide belt, knife secured and easy to see.
"I'm meeting someone," she told the grizzled bartender when he brought her mug. "A hunter by trade, not from around here. We've got business." Killian had told her exactly what to say and what not to say, and she stuck to the script.
"Over there," the man nodded to the small alcove by the fireplace. "But looks like you'll have to get in line."
The man was just as Killian had described him, but his youth surprised her. She'd expected someone older, what with his ruthless reputation. Dirty brown hair peeped out from under his battered black hat; leather coat looked weathered and only partially concealed the assortment of weapons underneath. It was in his icy blue eyes that Wendy could see the hardness she'd been warned about; like pieces of topaz, they coolly surveyed the two women seated across from him.
Wendy picked up her mug and started across the room; it didn't matter to her who these women were, she just needed a minute of his time. Hiding beneath their hoods, one white, the other red, the women were trying to avoid being recognized, backs to the room, bodies hunched to avoid any unwanted attention. He looked up as she approached, and she saw something stirring in the depths of his gaze, quickly disappearing back into frosty regard.
"I believe we have a transaction to conclude," Wendy pulled up a chair to the edge of the table.
"Wendy Darling, I presume." He leaned forward, examining her from head to toe, and she felt a moment of fear as he took her measure, a quick uptick at the corner of his lips letting her know he saw it too. "I'm afraid we have a slight issue. Seems I've misplaced the item at the moment and will have to find it again."
"That's your problem. We had a deal. I suggest you find it post haste." She'd been warned about this too, the hard sell to renegotiate price. "I know you'll honor your word."
"Post haste?" An amused smile threatened to emerge, but he kept it in check. "Well, it does happen that these lovely ladies have just presented me with another proposition that will put me in the right place to recover your merchandise. I imagine we can work this out." He nodded to the others. "Assuming it's alright with you if I consolidate?"
The dark haired woman looked at the brunette in the red hood then spoke for both. "As long as you kill this monster and get what we need, I have no problem with it."
The door to the inn burst open and palace guards spilled in, heading right for them; the bartender ducked behind the bar and patrons scattered. Wendy jumped up and put her back to the wall; Killian certainly hadn't prepared her for something like this, but he'd said to stick close until she got what she'd come for.
"Well, ladies, looks like that's our call to leave," the man said, drawing a thin rapier sword; Wendy got a glimpse of what looked suspiciously like a brocade waistcoat and a silver watch fob before the guards charged them. White Hood grabbed a chair and smashed it over the nearest attacker, and Red Hood punched another when he tried to grab her. Ducking through the tables, they beat a hasty retreat to the kitchen door and out the back; sounds of breaking wood and bodily punches came from inside as the patrons took exception to the disruption of their meals, delaying the pursuit, leaving them time to throw saddles on their horses.
"Well, Wendy, looks like you have to make a quick decision." He offered her a hand up to ride pillion. "If you want what you've paid for, you'll have to come with us." Without hesitation, she swung up behind him.
"You've only been paid half." She put on a brave face; she was, after all, fearless. "Although I'd like to know where we're going and who I'm with."
"That would be Snow White, the one the guards are so very anxious to meet, and her friend, Rose Red. I'm Abraham Van Helsing, but you can call me Van. Seems we're off to kill one very powerful vampire – the monster that has your amulet."
Wendy had little time to digest that piece of information as he spurred his horse, racing out of the inn yard just as more guards appeared over the crest of the road.