A/N: I'm back with a new chapter and username! Goodbye reneexoxtyler15 and hello onceuponaprettylittlewriter. :) I promise you I didn't forget about this story. Time flies when you're being an adult. It's been a little bit since I've done any type of writing, so please bear with me.

Chapter 10: We're in this Together

"I'm just as worried as you are about Regina, but you need to rest. I don't want anything to happen to our son or daughter and you," Graham half pleaded. It had been a month since Regina disappeared. The idea of her destroying their happiness at any given moment scared her.

Emma sighed, "How can I relax knowing Regina can attack at any moment?"

Graham took her hands into his and looked at her with love in his eyes, "I know it's tough, but you have to. You worrying about her is letting her win. We have a baby on the way."

Tears started to form in Emma's eyes. Up until now, she didn't understand what her mom went through. And for years, she felt like her parents' decision to give her up was out of selfishness. Now that she was in a similar situation, the anger she's held onto for years was starting to go away.

"All my life, I thought my parents were wrong for giving me up. You know, I somewhat wish my parents didn't put me in that wardrobe. But I know why they did it. They wanted to keep me safe. And that's what I want to do for them, Henry, you," she placed her hand on top of her stomach, "and our baby. The worse part is that I don't think I can."

Emma broke down as she fell into Graham's arms. He couldn't tell if she was truly scared, or if pregnancy hormones were getting the best of her. Either way, it didn't matter. All he wanted was to ease her mind. He wanted to find a way to bring her the strength she didn't have.

"Emma, you know you don't have to do this alone. You have the majority of Storybrooke backing you. How do you think your parents got you here? They didn't have all the resources on their own. They had help. So do you."

She sighed, "You know I don't do well with that. I pretty much only had myself to depend on. I'm still trying to get used to being in a committed relationship."

He took his hand into hers and looked her deep into her eyes, "I know. I remember how much you resisted at first. And just like I didn't give up then, I'm not going to give up now. I love you."

She smiled slightly, as her muscles began to relax.

"Now, will you go to sleep?" he asked hopefully.

Regina's Lair...

Regina rubbed her tired eyes. She couldn't tell if the lack of sunlight or the creeping feeling of defeat was wearing on her. She had spent countless hours trying to find her answer. Her ticket to freedom and happiness. That's what the curse was supposed to be. Of course she should have known that Rumple would find a way to double cross her.

She scoffed at the ridiculous decision to trust him. Magic always came with a price. She thought she paid it when she took her father's heart. The worst thing of all was that she knew this was all fueled by envy. She was envious of the "Charming" family. No matter how much she put them through, they always came up on top.

Her mind began to race. Why did they always win? What did they have that she didn't? She sighed as violently closed the book. It was hopeless. No matter how she put them through, they always came out on top.

Good always wins. She laughed at the thought for a moment before aware of sadness hit her. Maybe there was truth in that. All this time, the whole twenty-eight years, she spent trying to seek out her revenge. What did she get out of it? Nothing. Even Henry was slipping away from her. A stray tear flowed down her cheek. Normally, she hated being weak, but right at that moment, it was all she had. She remembered as a small girl her father told her it was alright to express how she felt. Her mother, on the other hand, was the complete opposite. Emotions were a sign of weakness, and that often led to defeat.

That's when it hit Regina, she had to bring forth Emma and the whole "Charming" family's weaknesses. It was her only chance of surviving.

The Charmings Loft...

Graham quietly closed the door and tiptoed down the stairs. A frustrated sigh released itself from his lips.

"Did Emma go to sleep?" Snow asked with worry in her voice.

"Yeah, she did," Graham walked over to the love seat and slumped down in it, "I just wish I could ease her worries."

David gave him a sympathetic smile, "I know what you mean. I feel like a complete stranger to her. I remember holding her in my arms."

"Well, we can't turn back time. All we can do is support Emma and work this out, together."

"What about the rest of Storybrooke?" Snow asked.

"We need to call a town meeting," David stated as he stood up.

"Wait, now?!" Snow asked in a yelling whisper.

"The sooner the better. We don't know when Regina may strike, but I'm not letting any more time slip away."

Before another word could be uttered, David grabbed his coat and went out the door. Snow turned to Graham before following suit, "Stay here with Emma and Henry."

Center of Town...

"We need to figure out something! Regina could strike any minute!" Grumpy shouted to the other dwarves.

"Uh, but Grumpy," Sneezy said, "we don't have the power to do anything!"

"We don't have the power?! If we combined forces with everyone in town, Regina wouldn't stand a chance!"

"I agree!"

They all turned to see Snow and Charming approaching them. Quickly they all bowed, "Your majesty."

"What are we going to do about Regina?" One of the dwarves asked.

"That, my friend, is an excellent question. We know in our land, Regina was a powerful sorceress. This land was not made to have magic, but we can't assume she doesn't have any of her abilities," Charming stated.

"What? Are we just supposed to sit here and let her pick us off?!"

"LeRoy," Snow compassionately placed her hand on his shoulder, "we are just as terrified as you are. But we have to come up with a plan. Until then, we need to lay low."

Grumpy turned to the rest of the dwarves, "Well, boys, I guess this is goodbye."

"LEROY!" Snow shouted.

"Putting fear into us is what Regina wants. We need to remain calm. That's the only way we're going to get through this."

Back at the Loft…

Graham sat by the window as he watched Emma sleep. He hated feeling this helpless. He knew he had to stay strong for her. Even if she wouldn't admit it, he knew she would lose faith in herself if he couldn't encourage her. He had the utmost faith in her. After all, she was destined to be the protector of all of Storybrooke.

"Graham?" he heard Henry's small voice whisper. Graham's eyes immediately went to the door. He could tell Henry was worried. He signaled for the boy to come sit by the window.

"I thought you were asleep."

"I couldn't. I'm worried what Regina's planning on doing. I don't want her to hurt anyone."

The sound of Henry referring to who had be his mother by her first name, baffled him. He took him into his arms, "We're not going to let her hurt anyone. If anything, we'll figure it out. We just have to stick together and have faith."

The young boy looked up at him and smiled. And for the second time since getting his heart back, he felt an unexplainable warmness.

Back to the Center of Town…

Snow and David look at the crowd in front of them. Despite the pep talk, the people of Storybrooke had little faith this would work. They all knew how powerful Regina had been when they were back in the Enchanted Forest. Considering they didn't know how magic worked in this land, she could be twice as powerful for all they knew.

"What are we going to do?" Snow sighed as she turned to David.

"We're going to have to get their spirits up somehow."

"And how do you expect us to do that?!"

"By leading by example. We have to show them that we aren't afraid of Regina."

"Even though we both know that we should be?"

David took Snow's hands into his, "We defeated her before, we can do it again. All we have to do is stay strong and work together as a family."

Snow knew he was right. They had defeated her in times past. Hell, they even went through poisonous apples and a curse. If they survived all of that, what was making her doubt their abilities now?

She nodded, "You're right. We can do this."

David kissed her with as much fervor and passion as he could, "That's the Snow I know and love."

Her smile turned into a face full of determination, "Shall we rally the troops?"

They turned to face the crowd, "Alright everyone," David shouted. The crowd went silent quickly, "I know we're all scared. I know we're in a land that we're not familiar with. We've dealt with a lot before. And I know we can do it again. But we need to stick together. We wouldn't be asking this of you if we weren't willing to fight with you."

David and Snow looked at each other, silently agreeing it was Snow's turn to say something.

"We need all of you to give us your commitment and dedication. So, who's with us?"

Silence continued to rip through the crowd.

"Look, we know it's not always easy being brave. But if we don't take the chance, we'll never succeed. So please, take the chance. Let's take back our happy endings!"

Back at the loft….

Emma started to stir a little in her sleep. She placed her hand on Graham's side of the bed to find it empty. Struggling, she turned over to find him and Henry asleep by the window sill. Henry's head was laying on Graham's chest. A smile came widely across her face, tears started filling up in her eyes.

It was moments like this where everything felt real. She finally was getting the family she wanted. Sure, she knew she would have to adjust to having parents, especially ones that looked to be the same age as herself. And for the first time, she felt as if she could commit to the idea of actually being with someone. The biggest part of it all was that she wasn't afraid. It felt natural. She closed her eyes as felt them get heavy. Although she didn't know what was about to happen, but this time she wasn't going to be alone.

A/N: I think there's going to be a couple of chapters left in this story before it's over. I'm not sure where this is going to be heading, but I promise it'll all wrap up nicely.
