A/N: Minna-san, sorry for the wait. Well, at least I hope there's still some people waiting, that is...

I know I took extra long to update this chpt, but I still hope you guys don't lose hope in it. After all, this is most likely the last chpt. Sorry guys, everything comes to an end.

I hope you guys enjoy this last chpt just as much as I am writing this. Don't forget to review!

Disclaimer: I'll never be able to own KHR.

"Face it, trash. There's no slightly chance of you winning against us, might as well just gave up now and save us all from troubles." Xanxus threatened the Fiancata Sky who still looked as calm as ever with his arms folded across his chest nonchalantly.

"I'm not going to run, neither will an I going to escape. If you want to kill me just do it already."

"Really now?" Bel snickered at their prey. "Do you really not have any more tricks behind your sleeves? The Prince hasn't has enough fun yet. Ushishishi."

"You guys sure are better than what I've predicted. This battle, it's my lost."

"So you are admitting defeat now?" Mammon questioned, dubious about his words.


"Wow, that was easy." Fran stated, patting the invisible dust off his palms. "Way~ easier than what Me thought."

"So what's the meaning of your intrusion in the first place?" Mammon asked again. "Sure enough you're not stupid to specially come here to ask for an earlier death."

"I didn't really agree with Meridionale about the event taking place today ever since the moment she suggested this to me." Settentrionale replied. "Since I hold no grudge against you Varias, there's no reason for me to waste my time to lounge an attack on you."

"So why did you agreed to this in the end?"

"What can I say? I'm a thoughtful big brother who dotes my cute baby sister."

"What a creeper."

"For the first time in the whole of the Prince's royal life I agree with you, Froggy."

"Why would she suggest this? Since you hold no grudge against us, why would she?"

"It's a long story. To tell you guys the truth, me and Meridionale aren't really siblings by blood. We sworn after our first encounter nearly 7 years ago."

"And... how does that have to do with this intrusion, may I ask?"

"Before I became her brother, 8 years ago, she attended the party held by the Vongola Ninth. That is when she met you, Xanxus. For some reason, she felt in love with you at first sight. To me, it's awfully ridiculous. But who knows what that girl is thinking back then? Obviously she regretted that love later on, or else there won't this intrusion today. From what I heard, she tried to approach you but you ignored her presence and just threw her against a table, despite her intention to be nice."

"Why are we not surprised?" the three Varia Guardians muttered in unison.

"That certainly wasn't a good experience for her, especially to be heart-broken just the minute after you found the person that you love."

"The girl must be really crazy if she could call a love that is less than one minute 'love'." Bel commented as he rolled his eyeballs under that long golden bangs.

"To approach our boss as if he's some kindhearted weaklings like that Bucking Horse or Sawada Tsunayoshi, without knowing what kind of person he really is, being rejected like that is her own fault." Mammon added as if it's a-matter-of-fact.

Can't be helped. Me-tachi's boss don't even know how to love until recently with Captain.Fran used telepathy to send the message to his seniors, who nodded in agreement.

"I'll assume that that is the reason she holds grudge against Boss along with us Varias who work under him?" Mammon asked.

"To put it in simple terms, yes. That's basically the reason."

"How stupid." Bel said as he folded his arms behind his head.

"This has completely nothing to do with the intrusion but, how did you guys get Mukuro-shishou's abilities, may I ask?" Fran asked, poking one of the unconscious Fiancata Guardian, who happened to be Baleno, on the floor.

"After becoming her brother, I was told about her past. It seems that she was a child from the Estraneo Famiglia. You know, the famiglia that invent special weapons and used the children of the family as 'guinea pigs'."

"Yup, that's the famiglia Shishou is from too."

"Before Mukuro, she was being tested with the experimental product of the chemicals that granted him the Six Paths of Reincarnation. However, it didn't turn out so well and the people thought that she had died from the experiment, hence abandoning her in an alley around the place. No one actually knows that she's still alive. After she woke up, she found out that she had the 2nd path of Hungry Ghosts, that's basically where her power comes from.

Later on, not knowing where to go, she went back to the place again. By that time, the people in there were all killed by Mukuro already. For the first time seeing someone who could kill the people who made her suffered so much, she was surely amazed, and used her new power to copy all six of his powers.

After meeting me and my friends, my current Guardians, she proposed to us about all her plans on destroying you Varias along with this intrusion. To be cautious, she granted each of them a power that she had saved from Mukuro years ago."

"Okay... complicated but understandable."

"I had no idea why would you agree to have a sister like her or why she would want you as her brother," Mammon spoke. "maybe you two are just equally crazy."

"Don't say that, Arcobaleno. In the Mafia World, there's no one that's not normal. We can simply say that everyone is crazy, even you yourself."

"There's nothing abnormal about collecting money."

"Greedy baby..."

"Anyway, you guys made a big mistake on intending to destroy us, that's your main reason for losing."

"Boss, should we get rid of him?" Bel asked, knife twirling on one finger.

Xanxus sit back on his throne, lifting his legs on the overturned table and closed his eyes. "Scum, even though your trash sister caused us a lot of trouble during these days, I'll specially make an exception this time to keep you alive..."

"Oi oi, are you kidding me now? I really doubt the great scary boss of the Vongola Independent Assassination Squad, Varia, will actually left me off. Unless..." Settentrionale grinned, knowing the reason for Xanxus's words. Just at that moment, the door burst opened, revealing a panting Meridionale, who is still in Squalo's body.

"Onii-sama, step aside so I can kill this guy!" the girl screamed, pointing her sword at Xanxus.

"Meridionale-chan," the girl's brother walked towards her. "please stop your nonsense."

"Onii-sama! What are you talking about? Are you trying to say that you're giving up after we had made it all the way until here?" Meridionale asked in disbelief. Is her favourite brother turning against her?

"I should have never agreed with you in the first place. This fight is meaningless, and you made all of us participate in it just to satisfy your own selfishness. And look what has it cost us." Settentrionale explained, gesturing at all the dead or unconscious bodies of the Fiancata Guardians on the floor.

"But didn't you agreed with me that we should attack the Varia because you hate them too?"

"I hate them only because their boss hurt you, my dear sister. I hate to agree but what the Arcobaleno said was true, you should act without thinking first, maybe that will save us all the troubles today."

"... so you're blaming it on me now, Onii-sama...?"

"You are the main reason these started, but I don't really blame you. How could I, especially against my sister?"

"Then... why...?"

"This battle isn't worth it, we've lost way more that whatever we could possibly gain. And we're going to die here as well if you don't get yourself out of that body now and return with me."

"But... my hatred all these years..."

"... I'll talk with you later after we've gone back. Okay?" Settentrionale gave his sister a warm smile that the Cloud girl just can't reject.

"Very well..." mist surrounded the silverette's body, nothing can actually be seen for a good ten seconds until the mist dispersed, showing a raven-haired girl, hoisting an unconsious silver-haired from the back.

"I'll be returning him to you." Meridionale said, walking Squalo towards Xanxus before leaving him in his hands.

"He's never supposed to be involved in this..." Xanxus whispered, fingers brushing through the shark's long silver hair.

"No, he's supposed to be involved in this. As your Right-Hand-Man and... *cough cough*... you get my point, he can't avoid situations that concerns you. You really should be grateful, having a subordinate like him, not trying to run away from anything, ready to face whatever is supposed to come even before you are. He's really an amazing one to break through my possession for that little while back then, no one ever managed to do it but he did."

"Don't expect anything less from Varia Quality, peasant." Bel snickered at the girl.

"Whatever. Let's go shall we, Onii-sama?"

"Ah, let's go." indigo flame surrounded the two siblings, along with all the motionless forms of the Fiancata Guardians on the floor, before they all vanished into thin air.

"Boss, is it really fine to let them go just like that?" the hooded infant asked, resting on Bel's head. "As long as that Sun Guardian of theirs is alive, all the injuries and deaths can be cured. Who knows if they'll shriek again?"

"Then let them be, we'll just have to face them again."

"But Boss..."

"An an assassin, you should be prepared for battles at all times. I expect you out of all people to know that the most, Mammon."

"... Yes Boss."

"Urghh... B-Boss..."

"Squalo." the scarred man looked down to see the silver eyes that he was so familiar with opening, can't stop the urge to utter the man in his arm 's name when he heard the sound that he haven't heard in a while.

"I guess this means that you defeated your wife?" the Sword Emperor smirked at his boss.

"Never use that term ever again, you trash shark. I didn't even wanted to marry her in the first place. Secondly, of course we had defeated them. Who do you think I am?"

"You're my boss. The man that I chose to follow with the rage that I look up to so very much." Squalo closed his eyes and rested his head against his boss' shoulder.

"Don't think you're already out of this, trash shark. It's your fault for being possessed so easily that we have to suffer through all this."

"Voi, why me? Aren't you the one who caused that girl to hate us 8 years ago?"

"I said it's your fault so it's your fault, don't deny responsibility."

"Tch, forever the same trashy boss..."

"Do you have a problem with it?"

"No, not at all..."

A/N: And that's how the story ends... *sniff sniff*

I'll miss writing this story ( this sounds so weird ), it holds so much meaning to where my time has fly off to!

Haha, thanks to everyone who sticked with this story all the way until here. You guys' been a great support for me to continue this story. Thank you!

Well, I guess this is it...


P.S : Don't forget to review! The button is just right there and all you have to do is click it!