Rose and Chell were greeted by a red beam shining across the room. It was coming from a door. "What's that?" Rose asked. She started walking toward it. Chell held her back. "What? What is it?"
Chell stuck her leg out into the beam. "There you are!" came an electronic voice. She moved her leg just was bullets came flying toward them. "Target lost." Rose gaped at the beam.
"Was that a turret, or whatever she called it?" Chell jumped. "Oh my God... How are we going to get past that thing?" Chell jumped. She moved towards the door into the next room, where the turret was waiting. "Don't go in there!" Chell didn't. She crouched behind the wall. She aimed her portal gun at the ceiling of the next room. She shot a blue portal directly above the turret. Then she shot an orange portal underneath it. The thing fell through the portal.
"AaaAaah!" It fell in a continuous loop as bullets flew. Finally one of its own bullets knocked it to the floor. "Shutting down." The turret's red eye stopped glowing, and its guns retracted.
"Is it dead?" Rose fearlessly went up to the little robot. It was actually kind of cute when it wasn't trying to kill you. She kicked it. Yes, it was dead. She turned back to Chell. "How long have you been here? Obviously a while, since you know how to get rid of these things."
Chell jumped. Rose's shoulders sagged. She wished that Chell could talk. Lack of communication was definitely slowing them down. Suddenly, a red beam flashed on Rose's chest. Before she could register what was happening Chell pushed her to the side, safely behind a wall. Rose felt a warm sticky liquid on her hand. She wasn't bleeding... "Oh my god! Are you okay?" She reached out and put a hand on the wound on Chell's arm. A bullet had grazed the strange girl's upper right arm. Chell looked pained, and slumped against the wall. "We need the Doctor. Oh, why do we always have to get separated? Doctor, Doctor!" There was no answer. Rose had expected as much. Biting her lip, she tore a strip off of her pant leg and tied it around Chell's arm to staunch the blood flow. "That ought to hold you through 'til we get out of here... If we can get out of here. Based on what I saw, it's going to be hard to kill those other things." Rose peeked around the corner into the larger room. There were three turrets, watching and waiting. "I can probably handle the first two on my own, but the third one, it's on those funny tiles that don't let you shoot portals on them. Chell crawled over beside Rose, and pointed to a cube sitting in the corner of the large room.
"Hello? Is anybody there?" Rose and Chell immediately ducked back at the sound of the turret's voice. Rose didn't want any more injuries. "Okay, so obviously you want me to get that cube, but what for?" As she pondered this Rose easily got rid of the first two turrets. The last one, however, wasn't giving in. Rose pursed her lips and shot a portal on the wall next to them, and then underneath the cube. She heard a metal thump behind her. "What now?" she asked, turning to Chell.
Chell rose, and very slowly shot a portal over the head of the final turret. She then turned to the cube and picked it up. She carried it back to the portal, where Rose could see the turret on the other side. Chell dropped the cube through the portal. Rose saw it strike the turret, and she heard it screaming and heard the bullets flying around the room. "Glad we got that taken care of. Now let's find the Doctor." As she said this the door in the larger room opened. It was the elevator. "Is there any way we can bypass the elevator, like any secret tunnels or anything?"
Chell shook her head and jumped.
"That's what I was afraid of."