"And welcome to New New New, New New York..." The Doctor paused. "This isn't New New York at all." He had thrown open the TARDIS doors with energetic waves of his arms. Rose shuffled up behind him.

"Looks like some sort of lab, if you ask me. A sort of... abandoned lab, yeah." She pushed past him and stepped onto the mossy floor. The panel groaned under her weight. "This place has been empty for years. You can tell by the types of growth. Look, that one takes about fifty years to grow that big." She pointed to a large vine that had grown around a giant glass tube.

"Very good, Rose!" The Doctor grinned and jumped lightly onto the panel beside her. It creaked, and even moved a bit. "Oops, gotta be careful. This thing could give way at any second."

Rose nodded in agreement. "Oh, what's that?" She jumped down off of the panel and onto a fallen support beam. She walked along it until she got to some kind of white, oblong mass. It looked like an oddly shaped camera. Rose nudged it with her toe.

"Careful, it could be dangerous."

"Oh, hush up. I just kicked it and nothing happened. Rose knelt down beside the thing. The aperture of the camera was closed. She tapped on the glass. Still, nothing happened.

The Doctor, after locking the TARDIS, joined Rose beside the object. He pulled out his sonic screwdriver. When he pushed a button, it made a high pitched whirring noise, and a blue light came out of the end. "Hey, this thing is alive. It's just... dormant."

"Hardly looks alive." Rose looked at the back of the object, which, now that she thought about it, resembled a head. "Hey, there's a switch back here."

Before he could stop her, Rose had flipped the switch. The eye began to glow yellow, brighter and brighter. "Rose!" The head had withdrawn itself, and was reattaching itself to another piece of equipment. Rose guessed that that was the body. Suddenly, a feminine, machine-like voice filled the room.

"Oh, hello. Thank you for turning me- Oh great, more humans. I'll just have to use you as test subjects."

"Wait, what? Test subjects?" Rose backed away from the robot. She tripped on the metal beam and into a puddle.

"Yes, test subjects. That's what humans are for, you moron." Suddenly two metal claws descended from the ceiling. One latched onto Rose, the other onto the Doctor. "I'll have to get some long-fall boots on you first. It wouldn't be any fun if you two died before you even got your portal guns." The cranes swiveled over to a pit that had just opened up. "I am GlaDos, by the way." With that, she dropped them into the hole. The last thing Rose saw before falling unconscious was the giant yellow eye.