Hey everyone! I'm back! Hopefully you guys missed me 3 so this is new Hunger Games Fanfiction If you are into The Mortal Instruments, check out my story Prince and Princess. Thanks! Here is the first chapter!

Disclaimer: I don't own The Hunger Games

Cato POV

I composed my face, expelling every emotion. I fixed my eyes into a glassy, unfriendly glare, and twisted my mouth into a smirk. I walked casually up the line of children, walking between the parting peace keepers before stepping up to the podium.

"My name is Cato, and I volunteer." I said simply, before watching the shrimp of a kid that had been reaped slink back to his parents. I stood in front of everyone, knowing that all of Panem would be watching. I watched as Clove, my partner, stepped up to volunteer. Nobody could see the butterflies in my stomach, or know that I felt as though I was about to collapse. I stood in an easy stance, my weight evenly distributed on each leg and my shoulders relaxed. I held my head up high and looked right at the cameras, forcing my blue eyes to portray just a hint of blood thirsty madness.

Prim POV

I shivered, even though it was more than a hundred degrees. I tugged at my dress and looked around for Gale. He provided for the family now that Katniss was gone. I shuddered again thinking about her. I shielded my eyes against the glare and watched as Effie Trinket took to the stage and cleared her throat obnoxiously.

"Welcome, welcome to the 74th annual Hunger Games!" I tuned out, shifting from one foot to another.

"Primrose Everdeen!" I heard a voice call out, loud and clear. My body shook and I my mouth went dry. Surely this was a mistake! Everyone turned to stare at me, but I barely noticed. I looked up at Effie and saw her gesturing to me impatiently.

"Primrose Everdeen?" She asked in her thick capitol accent. I felt all the blood drain from my face, and I'm sure I looked like a ghost at the moment. Without much thought, I marched like a puppet up to the stage. Thoughts blurred through my head…. Katniss hunting, Gale laughing, the accident. Before I knew it, I was being shoved roughly toward Peeta, the baker's son. He held his hand out for me to shake, and I lightly stuck mine out as well. After we shook hands, the Peace Keepers ushered us into separate rooms to say goodbye to our loved ones. Goodbye, because we were not going to come back. Nobody from District 12 has ever come back from the Hunger Games alive except Haymitch... I don't even know what that meant to him, however. I'm fairly sure I had never seen him sober. It seemed that he drowned out everything with alcohol.

Cato POV

I shook hands with Clove before walking confidently after the Peace Keepers to my room.

My father came in and clapped me on the back.

"Make me proud." Was all he said before leaving again. He expected me to volunteer Even though it was not uncommon in my district, it was apparently all he ever wanted for me. He wanted me to have glory, to honor him. If I died, it was my own fault. I was stupid... Unworthy of his time. Winning the games would prove to him that I am worthy... That I am smart.

My mother walked in, her eyes wet with tears. She hugged me tightly before turning to leave. She held one hand on the door and turned back.

"I love you." She whispered, before fleeing the room.

Sooooo… What do you think? The next chapters will be MUCH longer but this is just a little taste

This will be a Prim/ Cato fic (Obviously) but I might change the ages a little bit… What do you think?

Who is wondering what happened to Katniss? Leave a review saying what you think happened and if I really like it I might use your idea! (And give you credit of course!)

So anyone who has read my other fics… You know that I don't hold chapters hostage for reviews but I WILL update MUCH faster if I get more So REVIEW! Thanks!

