A/N: Hey guys! It's the one-year anniversary of when I first posted a story! Yay! Anyways, this came to me when I started thinking of Speedy's past. I totally imagined an entire scene and I wanted everyone to see it. So here it is!

Twelve people groaned as they woke up simultaneously. They each opened their eyes to see that they were tied to chairs in a blank, white room. They tried to escape, but to no avail. The twelve people, who were Titans East, the regular Titans, Kid Flash, and Jinx, slowly sat up and looked around.

"Um, where are we?" Speedy asked, "And why are we here?"

"I don't know." Robin said, "But it can't be good."

"Hello!" Everyone jumped as a voice echoed through the room.

"Who are you?" Robin asked. The voice laughed.

"That is classified information. But you may call me Browniesarethebest."

"They are." Kid Flash said.

"I know! And I get commented on that all the time!" The voice, a girl's voice, said.

Bumblebee cleared her throat, "Um, that's great and all, but what are we doing here?"

"Oh, well, today is a special anniversary for me, and I thought that I'd entertain myself by knocking you unconscious, kidnapping you, and making you all watch some... interesting things about each other."

"What interesting things?" Beast Boy asked.

"Oh, nothing too important. You'll find out soon enough. Just stop trying to escape and enjoy the show!"

"I guess we have no choice but to do as she says." Aqualad said. Everyone stopped struggling and looked up at the TV in the wall. The TV turned on and two boys, no older than maybe 7, were shown on the screen in a small, makeshift kitchen. Mas y Menos immediately stiffened.

"Oh and since this is all in Spanish," Browniesarethebest said, "I'll translate it to English."

"We're going to get caught." The first boy said. His twin brother stared at him sadly.

"We don't have a choice. If we don't, we'll starve."

It was then that the Titans noticed that the boys were terribly thin.

"Wait, twins…" Robin said. He looked over to Mas y Menos, "Are they you?"

Mas y Menos nodded sadly.

"Were you starved?" Bumblebee asked. They nodded again and she growled.

"Don't take too much." The first one said, "If Mamá catches us, we're dead."

"I know." The second one said, "I'll only take a few pieces of bread."

A light came on and the boys froze. Footsteps were heard coming towards them, frightening the two boys further.

"BOYS!" A woman yelled. The second boy whimpered and the first one grabbed his hand.

Kid Flash flinched, though only Speedy and Robin noticed it.

"M- Mamá." The first boy said.

"What are you doing?" she snarled.

"We- we were hungry. We haven't eaten in days." The first boy said. The second boy nodded.

"You disobeyed me." The woman growled. The boys' eyes widened and they started running. The woman chased after them.

"You can't escape me!" The woman yelled, "I will find you!"

The boys ran outside into the night. They never looked back as they ran in fear. The womans screams became further and quieter until they stopped altogether.

"Should we stop?" The second boy huffed. The first boy shook his head.

"I do not want to take any chances." The boy looked up, "Look! A fence! Mamá will not be able to climb it. Come on!"

The two boys ran faster and climbed the fence, falling into a pit on the other side. They looked around in wonder.

"Where are we?" The second boy asked.

"I don't know." The first boy answered. Suddenly, lights turned on, momentarily blinding the boys. A whirring sound started and wind began to pick up. The boys held hands as the wind became fiercer and fiercer.

There was a flash of light, and the boys screamed.

Everyone was sitting on the edge of his or her seats now. They knew that Mas y Menos were going to be ok, but they couldn't help but worry.

The light died down and the boys were lying face down, still holding hands. They slowly sat up and looked around.

"What happened?" The first one asked.

"I don't know." The second one said. Suddenly, they heard shouting.

"BOYS! What are you doing in there? Come back here!"

The boys looked up in fear to see their mother stomping towards the fence. They got up and staggered to another part of the fence that was far away from their mother. They clumsily climbed over.

"BOYS!" Their mother was running towards them. In fear, they grabbed hands again and started running, only this time, they disappeared. Their mother stopped and stared confusedly at where they had been just a second ago.

"What the hell?"

Several feet away, the boys stopped and stared at each other in amazement.

"How did we do that?" they both asked at the same time. They looked back in the direction they had come.

"The light." The first one said, "It must have been the light."

"But what was it?" The second one asked.

"An experiment? A government experiment?" The first one guessed. They stood there staring at each other before grins broke out on their faces.

"No one can catch us now. Not even Mamá." The second one said.

"We can travel the world." The first one said, "We're free!"

They grabbed hands again and took off.

The screen went black.

"So… what was that?" Beast Boy asked, "Are we going to be watching memories about how we got our powers?"

"But Robin and I don't have powers. And Aqualad, Starfire, Jinx, and Raven were born with their powers." Speedy said, "So why did we see that?"

"Ese fue nuestro peor recuerdo." Mas said. (That was our worst memory.)

Robin paled, "Your worst memory?"

"Yep! That's right!" Everyone looked up as they voice came on again, "You will be watching each other's worst memories. They'll go from least worst to worst. It also depends on who's my favorite so Robin will be last."

"Great." Robin said, slumping in his chair. He was pale though.

"Alright! On with the next clip! Up next is Bumblebee!" Bumblebee paled.

A/N: I have no idea if that's true about Mas y Menos or not. There's nothing about their history except that they're from Guatemala or something like that so I made something up. So don't point it out alright? Good. Anyways, I am super excited for this. I literally wrote this in like 30ish minutes I was so excited! And no, this is not like Fighter1357's story, A Look or Another Look. I even asked her if it was ok just to make sure. It's only one worst memory per Titan. They will each get one chapter So this will be about 12-13 chapters. I hope you liked it and Happy Anniversary to me! Review!

Oh, and if any of you have any ideas for Jinx and Bumblebee that would be awesome!

