"What are you doing here?" Angela asked instantly the anger inside of her boiled up, at any moment it would burst.
"No, who do you think you are coming in here!" Angela yelled as she looked at her ex-husband, setting down plates and coffee cups Angela put her hands on her hips and looked at Frank with anger.
"I'm here because I have to talk to you; these last five years have been horrible. I am sorry for what I did and how I treated you, I want for us to start over see if we can make things work again." Frank replied; Angela was about to yell back but felt her voice freeze at his words and that is when silence settled between the former couple. Jane, Maura, and Frankie walked into the café followed by Sean all four stopped dead when they saw Angela and Frank Senior standing in silence.
"What did you say?" Angela whispered out with a broken tone that she only had when she was about to cry.
"I want to try again, Angela I loved you then and I still love you now I know my actions speak otherwise but I was going through a lot and I never talked with you about it. Please, Ang just give me another chance. We have gone through so much together it only makes sense for us to be together and stick it out to the very end, I know what I did was wrong and it won't happen again no other woman I've ever met is like you." Frank pleaded as he took final steps to close the gap; taking Angela's hands he held them with conviction. Standing silently Angela felt tears begin to drip from her eyes, she had wanted Frank back for years after he left but the last year she had let him go and now hear he was saying everything she had wanted him too all that time ago.
"Frank, we're divorced I have moved in with my life you cheated on me then up and left. Our daughter is married and you weren't there, Tommy and Lydia are having another baby, Detective Frost died, Frankie has become a detective and I'm seeing someone who respects me who makes me feel like I am beautiful and loved and that I can do anything. Someone who doesn't keep me inside the home, someone who actually wants me to go out and work if I want to and takes me to go see a musical even though he doesn't like them. I wanted you to come back Frank for a long time but then I realized I was just comfortable in the misery, I hadn't really loved you for a long time Frank. I'm sorry, I don't want you back not now and not ever I love my life now and I love Sean." Angela pulled her hands out of Frank's and took three steps back, Frank stepped forward but Angela put her hands up causing him to stop.
"You made a choice Frank, there are consequences and now you have to face them. You should go back to Florida where you have a life now because there isn't one that is here for you anymore." Angela concluded.
"This isn't done Angela; I'm not giving you up!" Frank's voice boomed as he turned and walked out of the café, once out of sight Angela let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. The four that had been watching stepped into the café causing Angela to turn around with a jump. "How long were you all there for?" Angela asked.
"Long enough." Sean answered with a smile, Angela smiled back and went to grab everyone's food and drinks she really hoped that Frank would go back to Florida but as Angela poured the coffees and the one green tea Angela had a bad feeling Frank was going to be popping up a lot more often.