entitled; prejudiced
summary; after running away from the madness that is mystic falls, faye salvatore finds herself back in beacon hills, only to be confronted by howling beasts and no cure if one bites her.
word count; chapter - 3480 / total - 9281
rating; t/pg-13
disclaimer; i own nothing but my version of faye salvatore, and even that i can barely lay claim to.
notes; obviously, it took a while for me to get this chapter written and up, to which i apologize. i also just realized that this is completely un-beta'd and unedited. so any and all mistakes are totally mine. i really hope you guys are enjoying what is going on with the story and i can't express how thankful i am for all of you who read and leave reviews. they keep me going. in case anyone is wondering, i'm going to be working on a new chapter of ychbe next so it might be a while until i can get back here. love you all lots! leave reviews and get cookies!

chapter three; blood moon

Faye had never been blasted physically out of the connection with Genevieve, and even with the next day coming around, she still didn't like it. However, there were facts she had to consider about what she had learned.

Fact one: There was a family full of hunters in town.

Fact two: This family full of hunters was mourning the loss of one of their own.

Fact three: They were ready to rip people apart for revenge.

At the tender age of a hundred and sixty-one, Faye had learned many things, and she had been able to pull off many things. If she had to fight multiple vampire hunters at the same time, she didn't know if she'd be able to make it out without a stake jutting out from her chest.

One, she could take care of. Hell, she'd even be fine with two. But a whole family full? And whoever they had under their command?

Most of the night was spent tossing and turning, attempting to think of just what she was going to do. It would have looked odd if she just up and left after a day in town. There was too much trouble going around for her to leave just yet. Her luck, the attacks and all of the trouble would end as soon as she took a single step outside of town.

"Will Faye Salvatore and Lydia Martin please report to the Principal's office?" crackled the AP system. Faye sighed. Initially, the only words she'd caught was her name and report to the principal's office before they replayed in her head. Did they say Lydia Martin? Was Faye finally going to get to meet the girl she'd been hearing about so much in the matter of a day?

Walking into the office, being signaled by the secretary with a single finger motion, it seemed she would. "You can go right in. They're waiting for you." Faye pushed the door to the principal's office open and went wide-eyed in shock for a moment.

Principal Pepper was no longer sitting behind the far too elegant desk. Instead, it was an old man with a tight lip and pinched skin. It was Gerard Argent.

The tiniest lump in Faye's throat formed and as she swallowed it, her face was repainted with a neutral expression that no one would have guessed hadn't been there to begin with.

"Ah, you must be Miss Salvatore. Please come in," Gerard ushered. "And please close the door behind you. I will only take up a moment of you and Miss Martin's time." Faye nodded, turning in her spot to close the door. With the slightest glance, she noticed the doorknob had tiny impressions of her palm on it. Hopefully Gerard didn't notice once she left.

Faye knew full well that some hunters were specific in what they hunted and she knew that there was a possibility that whoever the Argents were, that it was possible they didn't hunt vampires. And then there was something in the back of her head that told her that if they weren't there to hunt vampires, what kind of supernaturally infested town had she stepped into?

Turning back towards the new principal, a tiny smile pulled onto her full lips, finding the girl that she believed to be Lydia Martin, was sizing her up. Lydia was pretty enough. She had elegant ginger hair, deep hazel eyes and fair skin. She would have fit in well in Ireland, in her opinion.

In a single sentence, Faye would bang her.

Unfortunately, dear Lydia was probably not in the same mental place with sexuality as Faye was. To the vampire, sexuality had become an enigma that couldn't really be pinned down. Gay, straight, bi; they were all words that didn't exist in her own personal dictionary.

But Lydia didn't know that and she knew that the ginger girl wouldn't. Not for a while at the very least.

"Miss Martin, I would just like to welcome you back and I hope you made a full recovery."

"Thank you Mr…" she trailed off, her eyes darting down to the new name plate briefly. "Argent. Any relation to Allison?"

"Why yes. Very astute of you to notice that. Allison is my granddaughter."

So that means you're definitely sticking around. Great.

Gerard gave another curt nod to Lydia before turning on Faye. "And you, Miss Salvatore, your first day was yesterday according to my records."

"You got that right," she responded.

"Well, according to tradition, you're to get a proper school tour that Miss Martin is in charge of administrating. Now, I understand you have classes to catch up on, but with your impressive GPA of 5.0, something tells me you can miss your first two classes without having much trouble, hmm?" While Faye had to respect the way with which Gerard was able to command attention and get done what he wanted with a few well placed words, she was realizing that those qualities made him even more dangerous than your average hunter.

She had to figure out what kind of creatures he hunted and she needed to figure it out now.

"I guess I do have to fulfill my Presidential duty," Lydia mused, obviously annoyed. She turned slightly towards Faye. "Especially when it's so rare that we get new students."

Faye shrugged. "Sometimes things are just unavoidable."

The girls held each others gazes for a long moment. Perhaps Lydia would be her only match in this town. Only time would tell.

"Well, then that's that. Off you go girls."

Within the blink of an eye, the girls were out in the slowly emptying out hallways. Both girls silently vowed to ignore the prying eyes they were receiving from passersby. No press is bad press after all.

"Right, well, I guess we'll have to get on with this tour," Lydia started, extending a hand towards the girl. "First, a proper introduction: I'm Lydia Martin. You're Faye Salvatore, obviously." Faye nodded and shook the girls hand.

"Lydia, I appreciate the enthusiasm, but I don't do perky before noon. So turn it down a notch." The corner of Faye's lips perked up slightly, bringing her head back and fishing her schedule out of her bag and handed it to Lydia. "And I'm assuming this will be the next thing you need."

"Oh," Lydia whispered, taking the schedule from the vampire. Her ego seemed to take the hit and rebound it, her smile and confident air returning as soon as it had left. "I'm always perky. You never know who could be falling in love with your smile."

"The way I see it, if you have enough charm all you need is a smirk." To emphasize her point, she smirked down at the ginger, walking along with Lydia who was studying Faye's schedule.

"It looks like you're going to be running around a lot," she mused. "But we share a lunch, if you'd like to sit with me and my friends."

"Lunch with Lydia Martin? I feel like I should be kissing the ground for such a privilege." Lydia had a confident smile on her lips. "I mean you're all that could be talked about yesterday." The smile faltered and for a moment, Faye could have sworn she saw the insane panic playing out behind the hazel orbs.

"What do you mean? What have you heard?"

"Apparently you were running through the woods completely naked. After almost dying. Nothing too interesting really," she waved off. Sure, it was all said to try and see if Lydia was able to snap back with something good, but who could blame Faye? She needed someone to be able to go against and they had to be worthy.

"I was attacked by some wild animal and then the doctors couldn't explain why I ran around town naked for two days. On the plus side, I lost nine pounds." Faye's eyes went wide with a strange expression. It was a mix of being impressed and being concerned. Who in the world had those sorts of priorities? Eh, whatever.

The pair stopped in front of a random classroom with a man pointing wildly and moved around with the strangest facial expressions. "And that is Coach Finstock. You have him for Economics, obviously and he's going to be a breeze. He's an asshole, but he's easy to work over. Just mention football and he'll go on a rampage about how it's inferior to lacrosse for the rest of the period." The red-headed girl shrugged off Finstock's reputation and way of dealing with it.

"He definitely seemed out of it when he added me to his register. He made it seem like the biggest complication in the world to have a new student a few weeks into the semester." Faye rolled her eyes.

"He is kind of an idiot. Actually, no. He is an idiot. Like I said, mention football and you're golden."

The girls continued to walk around the school and Lydia explained the classes and gave Faye small tips on how to manipulate each of the teachers to her best advantage. Faye wasn't sure why Lydia was telling her all of these things when she'd barely known the girl. The only sort of explanation she could give to herself was that Lydia wasn't to befriend Faye to try and keep someone who seemed threatening to her status close to her. Oh, if the girl only knew just how threatening she could be.

They stopped in front of Faye's chemistry class with a sense of finality. She outstretched her hand to the door beside her. "And of course, this is your Chemistry class with Mr. Harris. You actually have it with me and my best friend, Allison. You can sit with her. I'll probably end up getting back together with Jackson, so unfortunately, you'll have to deal with watching her make googly eyes at her ex, Scott McCall."

Faye nodded. She was bored of all this talk already and frankly, it was making her a bit hungry. That is, until her ears perked up at the sound of a certain name. Her round head delicately craned back to Lydia, a renewed spark in her eye.

"Jackson? As in Jackson Whittemore?" she asked in disbelief which Lydia clearly read wrong. She puffed her chest out and lifted her head proudly.

"I guess you've heard of him."

"Um, not exactly. More like he hit on me. Twice. In a matter of two hours."

Lydia's face quickly fell from her confident demeanor to a devastated state of shock. Faye felt a strange pang of emotion in the back of her chest, but quickly and easily shoved it away. She didn't care for the girl that she had basically just wrecked emotionally, but to Lydia's credit, she quickly wiped the horror away and turned on the charm.

Maybe she would be her match.

"Well, that's all I really have to show you. The bathrooms are pretty close by no matter where you go. I'll meet you at the cafeteria doors before lunch?" she asked, to which Faye nodded. Lydia gave the Salvatore girl a final nod before turning on her heel and walking away from her, presumably off towards one of the bathrooms she had mentioned.

Faye watched her walk away silently. Lydia was definitely an interesting character. She might not be Faye's match, but she couldn't outright determine that yet. So instead, she turned and went her own way to go on with the rest of her day.

By the end of the day, Faye had grown to truly appreciate the way news travelled in Beacon Hills. By the time the final bell rang she had found out that Lydia and Jackson had had a big blowout which included many tears and smirks and she'd also found out that some kid named Isaac Lahey had been arrested. Apparently he was the lead suspect in his fathers mysterious murder.

Faye didn't like the word mysterious. Not when it came to describing anything that happened or was happening in the town she had decided to take up temporary residence in.

In an effort to shake off her weird chills about Beacon Hills and escape her sudden extreme blood lust, she took a seemingly unused route out of the school towards her car, only to pull back when she saw a police car ride off with some kid in the backseat. He wasn't that bad looking. His features were sunken and he had a look on his face that clearly said he didn't understand what he had gotten himself into.

Almost as soon as the cruiser sped off, a sleek black Camaro appeared. "Get in," she driver ordered. Faye leaned forward slightly, squinting to get a view of who was behind the darkened glass. For a moment, her eyes went wide in recognition. It was the guy that blasted her out of her damn connection! What the hell was he doing at the school? Faye pressed herself against the wall of the school, deciding that using her ears instead of her eyes would be a hell of a lot better for her at the moment.

"Are you serious?" Scott asked. "You did that. That's your fault." Then there was silence. Faye strained her ears, thinking that they were whispering something so soft that somehow she wasn't able to hear it. Instead, all she heard was the faint noises of leather being rubbed against skin.

"I know that. Now get in the car and help me."

"Nah, I've got a better idea. I'm gonna call a lawyer, because a lawyer might actually have a chance of getting him out before the moon goes up," Scott insisted.

Moon? Why the hell did it matter if the moon was up? Faye had some sort of idea, but she refused to left herself actually believe it. Not without further proof.

"Not when they do a real search of the house."

"What do you mean?"

"Whatever Jackson said to the cops… Whatever's in the house is worse." Faye rolled her eyes. It figured that this had something to do with Jackson. Faye didn't mind trouble being caused to others, so long as she was the one causing it. The fact that this was all Jackson's work was annoying the hell out of her. "A lot worse."

Faye turned in her spot when she heard a car door open. Scott slid into the Camaro and closed the door. As soon as they were off, she sped to her car, brought it to life, and sped after them. However, she kept a far enough distance from the sports car just in case she was dealing with what she thought she was dealing with.

Her foot didn't move from the gas pedal until she saw them pull over so she did the same. The vampire stalked the boys and found them going inside a house with strings of police caution tape criss-crossing the front yard. Easily, she moved to an open window and opened her ears up to the conversation inside. She must have taken too long to let them get ahead of her, because she had to move towards a small window that was nearly flush to the ground, obviously leading to the basement.

She could smell the terror and blood and suddenly anger welled up inside of her.

"What happened here?" Scott asked.

"The kind of thing that leaves an impression."

That was the only confirmation that Faye needed. Whoever this Isaac guy was… His father had been a monster. A kind that made Klaus look tame. Carefully, she slid closer to the window to get a better angle to hear everything. There wasn't anything to hear for a very long time.

"Open it," the stalker's voice said. Faye wished she could be in that basement herself. She just wanted to know exactly what was going on, but for now, she knew that wasn't possible. Unfortunately, she wouldn't be able to start a connection with Genevieve either.

This was all getting really fricking annoying. She was tired of all of this mystery and confusion and speculation. She'd left Mystic Falls and this was one of the reasons why she did that.

The only sound that Faye heard was the creaking of something opening. Whatever had happened to his Isaac kid, it made Scott's voice accusatory again. "This is why he said yes to you?"

"Everyone wants power."

Another silence.

"If we help you, you have to stop. You can't just go around turning people into werewolves." Scott's voice was practically a shout to her finely tuned ears.

Faye froze. There was her confirmation. It was an undeniable truth now and all she wanted to do was run very very fast to a place very very far away. She and werewolves rarely got along. It made sense. They were natural enemies, so why should they get along for an extended period of time?

"I can if they're willing."

So not only were there werewolves roaming the town, but there was also an Alpha who was eagerly creating a pack. It made sense to Faye. The pack mentality meant that the more you had behind you, the stronger you were. Faye never really gave into that whole idea. Then again, vampires were always rather solitary creatures. That sort of behavior is ground into your mind when you constantly have to run to stop the risk of being discovered and killed.

"Did you tell Isaac about the Argents?" Scott asked, his voice dropping all of a sudden. The Argents… That was the family that just had the funeral. Was it possible that they weren't vampire hunters? Was it possible that they didn't even know that vampires existed? Could it be that no one in this crappy little town knew that vampires existed? "About being hunted?"

"Yes, and he still asked."

"Then he's an idiot."

"And you're the idiot dating Argent's daughter." Faye rolled her eyes at that. She wanted to gag, but she also knew the slightest noise would give away her position to an older werewolf. So instead she just listened to the exchange for a little bit longer. Even if it did have to do with some weird Romeo and Juliet kind of story.

"Yeah. I know you're little secret. And if I know, how long do you think it's going to take for them to find out?" This guy did have some sense. If only she could put a name to his voice and face. "You saw what happens to an Omega. With me, you learn how to use all of your senses. With me, you learn control… Even on a full moon."

Full moon?

Eyes darted up towards the sky and she couldn't believe what she had seen. There it was, plain as day, a bright white orb hanging delicately against a black background with just the tiniest bit of glitter scattered across it.

"If I'm with you, I lose her."

"You're going to lose her anyway. You know that."

Faye sunk down further in her spot. Not in sympathy to what she was hearing. She didn't care about love or romance. No. She shrunk down thinking about her options. She couldn't stay in Beacon Hills, but she couldn't just up and leave either. If these Argents suspected her of being a werewolf as her cause for leaving, they'd send out a hunting party to take her down. Sure, she would be able to handle them no problem, but the business of getting rid of bodies was never her strong suit.

There were footsteps walking away from whatever had made the hinging noises, presumably. "Wait," said Scott. "I'm not part of your pack." Oh that's a relief, Faye thought. "But I want him out. He's my responsibility too."

"Why? Because he's one of us?"

"Because he's innocent." Faye rolled her eyes. The last thing she needed in her life was another martyr-like hero. She'd had enough of Elena, and if Scott was anything like her, she was going to have a fun time ripping his throat out. Suddenly, all things were silent again except for the soft sounds of feet moving through the house towards the front door.

I have to get out of here.

The vampire stood and started to speed towards her car. She didn't get very far, unfortunately. Faye slammed into something tall, hard, and strong. Great. Did some witch figure out what she was and lock her in a forcefield around the Lahey house? She quickly realized that wasn't the case when she pulled back and found the stalker Alpha wolf towering above her. His face wasn't menacing however. Instead it was a sea of confusion, sadness, and had a dash of happy recognition somewhere deep in the depths of those deep blue eyes.

"You're real."

[to be continued.]