Final chapter everyone, hope you liked the story, see you again soon, maybe?

Byee xoxo

[Rachel's POV]

Payton stared at our hot doctor in shock as he rubbed a strange jelly over her stomach, a jelly I remembered from my last check up on my baby and pulled out his strange x-ray thing, yeah I'm not even going to pretend like I know what it's called and rolled it over her stomach as he flicked on the screen the bit-bob was connected and an image flashed up.

'Right...' He whispered. 'Well... This is the womb here see, and if you look careful you can see the screen flicker slightly.'

Payton gulped as I gawped at the screen.

'That's your babies heartbeat.' He gulped. 'But, if you see it's a little faster than normal and the pain in your stomach is also a problem, pointing to the conclusion there is defiantly wrong in there.'

'I thought I got rid of it!' Payton screamed turning to me. 'Oh my god! I still have my baby!'

I continued to gawp as I turned to her, tears fell so fast down her eyes and instantly they fell from mine too, we're going to have babies around the same time! They'll be the best of friends and will grow up loving each other like siblings.

A few seconds later, I screamed too as Payton lunged forward, even though the Doctor G was still rubbing the x-ray over her stomach. I hugged her tight and she hugged me even tighter as the two of us wheeped.

'Miss Chatsworth!' Doctor Galloway gasped. 'The child may be alive but I said there must be something wrong.'

Payton and I didn't faultier as she cried harder.

Then something hit me... If a baby with a country can beat infertility and the actually inability to bare children then... Surely, it can beat an adoption pill.

It's so obvious! How did we not realise all this time?!

After a few minutes, Payton settled down after realising that for the past 10 minutes, Doctor Galloway had been saying that something was wrong.

She waited patiently, her hands twitching her lap as I rested my hand on her forhead.

'Well...' The doctor whispered after a few minuetes. 'I... don't know the problem. The only guess I have is that your body is fighting against the pill, even still, that's why it's hurting now so I'd presume the pill is still in your body.'

'Should I try vomiting?' Payton gasped.

'No!' The doctor held up his hands. 'That's quite alright. I... I'm unsure if the child itself is in pain because nothing appears wrong inside the womb, the babies heartbeat is a tiny bit faster than normal but, to be honest, you had an abortion pill, I'm surprised it's in there.'

'Then what should she do?' I mumbled. 'We can't just sit and pray.'

'Well... I can only prescribe pain medication for now, come back in a few weeks after the child has developed more and I can tell you more.' He sighed. 'I'm sorry, but at this stage this is all I can do.'

'It's fine! It's perfect!' Payton jumped up, yanking her shirt back down. 'I'm perfect! Everything's perfect! Oh wait till I tell Fra- I mean... Alfred, he should know first...'

The smile didn't faulter from her face even though she messed up a little bit.

She jumped around the room, laughing like the school girl I remember her as, she turned to me, tears running down her face, her nose running and her cheeks were red, but I didn't care as she ran to me and wrapped her arms around my waist and cried and blubbered into my shoulder.

'My baby will live.' Payton muttered into my jacket. 'I will have my baby!'

[1 week later.]

'NO!' I screamed and stomped my feet hard on the floor. 'I said I wanted blue roses!'

'I'm sorry Miss Sherman, we were unable to find a potential seller.' One of the young men I hired sighed.

I growled in anger, everything was so stressful, I had less than two weeks till my wedding and I still have to sort out the reception, decorations and all this other crap.

'I GET MARRIED IN TWO WEEKS! I DON'T WANT EXCUSES, I WANT RESULTS NOW KEEP LOOKING!' I screamed and slammed my clipboard onto the side of my leg as I hissed angrily.

The young man whimpered and instantly sprinted away as I grabbed at my throbbing head, when my wedding day comes I'll be happy but until then it's stress, stress, stress, I know it's not good for the baby to stress so much but I can't help it.

I'm getting married god damn it! The bloody queen is going! I need everything to be perfect!

Suddenly, I heard the sound of laughter behind me as I turned around, my arms ready to pounce and scratch, my eyes ablaze as a loud hiss left my lips, I turned slowly on my heel and glared at the three girls in front of me, laughing their heads off.

'I WANT BLUE ROSES WITH BLACK SPOTS!' The blonde one laughed.

'AND A LEPRICAN IN A BLUE SUIT!' The brunnette twirled around, one foot in the air.

'AND THERE BETTER BE FANCY TUNA ON THAT MARBLE TABLE!' The black haired one giggled as she wrapped her arms around the other two.

'Shut up!' I snarled at my three best friends in the world. 'You all try and plan a wedding in a limited amount of time.'

'Charlotte did.' Ashleigh and Payton giggled.

'Yeah well she got married in the snow, thats several stuff off the list.'

'Yeah... But my wedding lasted nearly a week.' Charlotte snickered.

'Burn.' Ashleigh mumbled.

'Do you need some Aloe Vera, ginger?' Payton snickered.


'Because I don't care.' She giggled. 'You do.'

'ENOUGH!' I growled back. 'Have you all done what I asked you to do?'

'I did mine weeks ago.' Ashleigh smirked. 'Because I've got the canadians on my side.'


'I'm waiting for the approval form but I have been given the OK. Your mum will be the Minister at your wedding. The queen has agreed to sticking with the dress code, her and phillip will be wearing light colours, the queen said she might go for lime. Sadly, Will and Kate can't make it because Kate's due to give birth anyday now and they doubt they could make the journey, Charles said he'll watch the recording which is rather rude but... Yeah, every single guest you invited has given a yay or nay.' Charlotte suddenly pulled a pad out of her blood red trousers and flipped to a page close to the back.

I sighed happily. 'Good, I'm glad. At least that stuff'll be done. Ashleigh, you got the venue right?'

'The beach?' She smirked. 'Yeah, I presumed you wanted some beach in Portsmouth so I spoke to the council, as it's a celebrity/country wedding day they'll close a bit of the beach of but they won't be able to stop civilians from coming and taking picture of their own counties wedding but... At least you've got the place you wanted right?'

I nodded then turned to Payton who was scuffing her feet along the floor. 'Payton... Did you sort out the reception?'

I gave Payton one thing she could enjoy doing for me, sorting out the after party where everyone (minus the two of us of course) could get completely hammered and smashed.

'Nearly. I got the place you wanted booked on the day, I got the limo to take you to and from just fine, I got all that sorted...' She mumbled.

'What didn't you get sorted then?' I growled. 'That's all I asked you to do!'

'Well... There's one more thing I need to do but, I have more than enough time to do that.' She turned to the girls beside her and winked, they returned to her a quick giggle before they all looked to me, smiling all innocent like.

I humphed. 'I don't have time for games, I need to get all the rest of this crap done.'

'Why not give us all one more job each?' Ashleigh offered. 'It'll take a little of your shoulders and we have already finished ours.'

I sighed and mumbled under my breath before flapping my arms up and down again. 'Fine! Ashleigh can you try and find SOMEONE who sells blue roses, they have to be blue, if they're not blue, I don't want them. Charlotte, can you talk to all the vitals, best man, ring barrier, usher etc and see if they have all their clothes sorted and what they have to do.'

The two girls saluted me before jogging away and out off my front door, slamming it shut behind them.

'What about me?' Payton giggled.

'I need you to talk to all the Allies and the Axis.'


'France spoke to me the other day about all of them going to have a bachelor party for Arthur and I want to know if they're actually doing that so I can clear Arthur's schedule especially for that so he can have some fun.'

'Wait all of them.' She frowned. 'Why can't I just call France since he's the one who told you about it in the first place.'

'Well you can share Charlotte's job then and see if they're all ready with their clothes, call her before you go but I need you to talk to them all.' I hissed and ran my fingers through my hair. 'Please just do it.'

'Rachel.' Payton smiled. 'It's alright, you've got two weeks, more than enough time and giving us three these extra jobs is taking some more strain off you, I bet all three of us will be back tomorrow asking for more jobs.'

I rolled my eyes. 'Whatever! Just get the ones you've been given done before you ask for more.'

She giggled as she too ran away, out my front door, her loose maternity top pouncing around as she slammed it behind her.

'EUGHH!' I screamed just before slamming my head into my hands.

[Ashleigh's POV]


The line went dead as I stared at my phone in shock.

I turned to Matt who sat on the otherside of our hotel room, smirking at me as I tried to stop myself from throwing my phone across the room and out the DAMN WINDOW!

'I hate this country.' I whimpered, shaking with anger.

'What did you say that offended him?' Matt grinned. 'I didn't hear anything offencive from your lips.'

'He said that it'd take him a good few hours to get through london and then down here with the roses so I asked if he came from east or North London and then he was yelling and saying how I was calling him one of the benefit claimers up there and so I said "No! I was just asking if you were at the top of London" then he starts saying how he's been raising his three children all by himself, no women, no benefits just his crappy flower shop job and then he pretty much hung up.' I grumbled.


'I know.' I muttered. 'Such an arsehole.'

Matt chuckled slightly as he stood to his feet and walked towards me, his hands slung low in his blue jeans, he sat beside me on the large bed and wrapped an arm over my shoulder. 'So... I guess it's on to the next potential seller.'

'Yeah...' I sighed, cuddling into his thick chest. The fur on his coat tickled my ears and I giggled slightly at the feeling as Matt pulled me even closer, causing the fur to tickle me furthur, I wiggled around trying to move into a less ticklish position but that just made me giggle more as it ruffled along my neck.

'You're so cute.' Matt smiled as he pushed me forward slightly, removed his coat before pulling me back in again.

'Don't tease.' I blushed as I attempted to pull away. 'Anyway! Haven't you got to go pick up your suit!'

I turned to face him as he too blushed crimson.

'I'd rather stay here with you.' He whispered, barely audible.

'You can stay with me later,' I turned now so he wouldn't see how bad I was really blushing. 'You really need to get that suit so the bride doesn't kill you!'

Matt sighed as I jumped from his lap and turned to him, grabbing his hands and yanking him up with me.

The only thing I disliked about Matt was his height, he was so much bloody taller than me, I barely reached his chest.

None the less, I jumped up, wrapping my legs around his waist and pressed my lips onto his chin as he lifted me higher up his body so I could kiss his lips.

Soft and slow, his lips were like pillows, so warm and comfortable, I could kiss this man forever.

'Come on.' I sighed as I forced myself to pull away. 'We really need to get this wedding finished.'

'Maybe one day soon it'll be our wedding we really need to get finished.'

[Payton's POV]

'Say hey to Ashleigh for me, aru!' China called down the receiver as we said our goodbyes.

Right... After calling Charlotte earlier today we decided who was going to call who and we separated the 7 countries between us, though because I had an extra job I got three countries and she got the other four.

I had already spoken to China and he was ready for the wedding, his suit was prepared and his wok had been freshly polished.

Now I just had to contact Italy and France, since Charlotte finds them both completely annoying and cannot stand to talk to either since France is, in her words, "A pervert with little man complextion, he resembles a frog with a growth problem" and she just finds Italy a little clingy and his loudness hurts her ears.

That's alright, I wanted the two of them anyway.


No arguments? I doubt there would be!

I played around on my phone for a minute till I reached Italy's number and pressed call instantly. He picked up after about 4 seconds.

'Ciao?' He mumbled.

'Italy?' I grinned. 'Is that you? It's Payton, we met at Charlotte's wedding and on the way at the 2nd to last world meeting.'

'Ciao, Payton.' He mumbled. 'Is something wrong?'

'Wow. Italy, you sound down, is something the matter?'

'Germany's being a big meanie poo!' He whimpered. 'I don't know how to do my tie and he won't help me cause I'm a grown nation and should be able to.'

'Don't worry, Italy! Have you ever wore a tie before?'

'Only when I have wars but then big brother Romano hurts me- I mean helps me!'

'It's alright.' I smiled. 'I don't know how to do my shoelaces, I have to buy Velcro ones and can only wear laced shoes when my friends can help me.'

'Wow, really?' He suddenly gasped and I knew on the other end he was smiling now. 'I have to get Germany to tie my shoelaces too!'

'See! It's alright if you can't do something, you'll always have people there to help you and you tell Mr Germany that I know where he hides his... favourite book...'

'Favourite book?'

'Aye.' I chuckled. 'You tell him, I think that you, Italy, should read his favourite book, while you wait for him to tie your shoelaces.'

'I have to say that? But why?'

'Because then he'll do your shoelaces for you.' I giggled.

'VEE~ Really?!'

'Yes now go on, I'll call you back in an hour cause I do actually need to talk to you about Rachel's wedding.'

'I'm all set and ready to go-go!' He laughed. 'My clothes are here and so are Germany's, we're wearing the same suit so we look like brothers!'

'Oh well, if that's the case, don't worry, that's all I need to talk to you about!' I giggled. 'Bye Italy, you be careful with Mr Germany!'

'Ciao!' Italy laughed and pulled the phone away from his ear, I knew this because seconds later he shouted "Germany" at the top of his lungs but still sounded distant from the transmitter.

I laughed as I scrolled through my contacts again. 'Two down, one to go. He frigging better be in or I'll kick his Eiffel tower all the way to his Arc de Triomphe.'

I reached his number eventually but gulped just before I pressed call.

I hadn't spoken to him since I punched him in the face after he said he slept with me... Surely, I'd remember sleeping with him because even I remember the stuff that happened before I slept with Alfred, we had to share a room, we hadn't been talking whilst with there and tried to avoid each other but failed, couldn't be arsed to try anymore so slept in the same bed, me being drunk beyond comprehension and him being seriously pissed as well.

But with France, I can only remember stealing his drink on one occasion, I can't remember talking to him at all, but then again, from day 3 onwards I don't remember anything so I'm not going to come out and say Francis is lying because... I don't think he is... OHH! I JUST NEED TO TALK TO HIM AND-

'Hello?! Seriously, if someones there, TALK! I am getting very auntcy now!'

'Hello? Oh crap, I forgot I pressed call, sorry Francis!' I gasped in shock. 'Sorry.'

'Oh... Payton... It's you.'

'Didn't you know that, surely your mobile has caller I.D?' I frowned.

'I deleted your number.' He confessed. 'What do you want?'

'Don't humph at me, I'm here on business doing some pre-wedding checks. Have you got everything ready for the big day, your clothes, your speech?'

'Speech?' He frowned.

'Yes. You are the best man...'

'I am?'

'DUDE, YOU DECIDED THIS WEEKS AGO!' I snapped. 'Arthur couldn't choose between Alfred, Matt or Kiku so he just went with you because your an arse and had your eyes set on the position anyway.'

'Someone could've told me zhat!

I growled. 'Ok... So a speech is not done, what about your suit, do you have the details on times and places?'

'Oui! I have got zhe suit and everything but... Non, a speech is not done. I will do it tonight and it will be the sexiest speech ever written!'

'Just get it done.' I mumbled. 'And France...'


'I'm sorry.' I whispered. 'I love and miss you, you're probably my best friend other than the girls and... I don't know what I would've done without you when you let me stay for a week.'

'It's alright.' He muttered. 'It's all over now, nothing involved between us so we can go seperate ways, Payton, I am also sorry for everything zhat I did... I was not zhe father of the child that much was obvious... It was not you that I slept with during that week.'

'Oh?' I frowned.

'Non. I got a call the other day from the women, she was sober so she remembered it and... she wants to date me, trouble is, she's the most annoying women ever.'

'Who was she?' I smirked.

'Zhe maid of honor.'

'PIPPA!' I gasped, laughing. 'Oh dude, best luck to you, man, I hope the two of you are very happy, and France, you can raise her child since she just had one.'

'Don't joke. Not funny.' He muttered.

'It is and... I guess I should also tell you, the abortion failed, I still have the baby and unless something bad happens, the baby should be born perfect, not jinxing it because I'm still on a red light according to the hospital.'

'Zhats great!' He gasped. 'I will come and talk to you during zhe wedding because sadly, sweetheart, I have business to attend to.'

'Awesome.' I giggled. 'Be safe. Love you.'

'I love you too.' He chuckled as he closed the phone.

I sighed happily as I placed the phone back into my pocket before swinging my arms from side to side, everything was almost perfect, there was just one more person I needed to talk to and then everything will be perfect, even if it doesn't work out alright.

'Am I interrupting something?' A voice spoke softly, a voice I recognised so well, an angelic voice I'd been hearing for a short amount of time in my 20 years on this planet, yet I didn't care, I loved it, it was like a dozen violins playing "Requiem of a Dream" in my ear.

I think I'll quote Jack Whitehall and say "It's like someone laying your head down and making love to your ear wearing a condom made of velvet."

So sweet and sexy it almost brought tears to my eyes.

'Are you ignoring me? Are you seriously that angry at me for what I did to you you're not even going to look at me?' The voice rose slowly and I gulped as I turned to face him, regretting it instantly as my knees turned into jelly, I sunk down gently onto my butt as I stared up at him.

'Am- Alfred.' I whispered.

'Oh good, so we don't have to talk about that...' He mumbled, his hair appeared greasy and was like a birds nest on top of his head.

'I- Umm... How are you?' I gulped.

'Alive.' His face was blank. 'What about you?'

'Umm... Fine.'

He walked towards me slowly and fell to his knees in front of me, our knees touched and I gulped at the spark that vibrated through my body.

'What are you doing here?' I gulped.

'It's Arthur's wedding, I'm here to help out.'

'Oh... What have you been up to?'

'Work, politics, had a argument with BO the other day, you know how he likes to be.'

'BO?' I gulped. 'Doesn't that stand for Body odour?'

'Well... Yeah but I mean Barack Obama in this case.' He avoided my gaze as he looked around the small field I sat on, after running from Rachel's house, I don't know why but I came here and sat facing the childrens park, watching all the mums and dads with their children.

To think that I'll be taking my child in there soon.

'So... What have you been up to?' Alfred whispered.

'Umm. I went away for a few weeks but I came back here and have been helping to plan Rachel's wedding.'

'Oh... Good and it's... working out?'

I nodded. 'What about you? Are you and Belarus... working out?'

He was silent and still didn't look at me as I stared at him, silently begging for him to tell me he hates Belarus and wants to be with me, wants to marry me, help me raise our child.

But... Of course, he never will, it's a selfish, stupid dream to want a nation to leave another nation for a pesky normal person like me.

'I... Umm... Sorry, but I have to go, I have to finish the preperations. I'll see you at the wedding?'

'Yeah, of course.' He whispered. 'Since we got partnered together again.'

I stood to my feet, holding my stomach as I did and waved at him as I walked away as fast as I could, and every single I step I took was another rip to my heart.

I love him so much.

Why can't I have him?

It's just not fair, why am I nothing above average? Why is he so damn perfect?

Why can't I fight this feeling?


*** Two weeks later ***

'A night of fierce passion, he clung to me like I would disappear, his hands were so soft, his skin was so warm, he held me tight yet he was so gentle!'

'Gross.' I mumbled as I zipped up my bridemaids dress. 'Why are you telling me your sexual affairs, Ashleigh?'

'I just think Matt is a heaven sent from above!'

'You're still drunk.' I turned to her as the zip finally reached the top and smirked. 'How are you still drunk?'

Last night, was a brilliant night, Charlotte, Ashleigh and I had been planning it behind Rachels back and she really had no idea. Her hen night was amazing filled with hot guys on poles, drunken friends and fast paced music as drunk guys tried to hit on us.

Charlotte had returned to a loving husband, Rachel returned to a bed on her own as her fiance slept elsewhere, I returned to a warm bed with warm pyjamas on the radiater waiting for me, while Ashleigh returned to a drunk boyfriend who... did stuff... to her... and she's told me... and now I feel... slightly ill.

'It's perfect, Payton!' She giggled. 'I'm so happy!'

'Aren't you scared you're going to get pregnant?' I frowned. 'What with the whole "country chooses one human" thing?'

'Matt and I use condoms.' She smiled. 'Just in case I am that one human but I don't think I am.'

'What makes you think that?'

'I'm not good enough to be a countries mother!' She laughed. 'Who do you think I am?'

'You are Ash Mash Bean bag, what do you mean you're not good enough.' I walked towards her as I noticed her struggling to zip up her own dress, I pushed her fingers away as I untangled the long ribbons in her hair from the zip and pulled it up properly as she sighed, happy but... somewhere inside of her was sad.

'I'm small and I'm weak, how could I raise a nation?' She mumbled.

'You're not weak!'

'But I am small!'

'Well no ones denying that!' I laughed. 'But... You are not weak, someone weak would not be able to keep up a smile after a bunch of crap like you have, someone who fears lonliness and failure who works hard and achieves, you are the most famous friend I have Ashleigh because you are bloody amazing... But modest I just learnt. If you have Matt's child which... you probably will since the two of you are more rabbit-like than Rachel and Arthur...'

She blushed and turned away from me as I flattened her curled hair and yanked the ribbons from down the back of her dress out, I walked around her till I was in front of her and slowly brushed my thumb along her cheek to rub in a tiny bit of blush that wasn't in enough as I smiled at her happily.

'You're awesome, Ashleigh! You don't need reassurance because you have constant proof. You and Matt will be together for a long time, that much is obvious, if you have children then good luck to you, you'll have the best children ever and they'll be strong.'

'They'll be invisible.' She whispered. 'No one will remember them.'

'If we're going to start this fight then my child is going to be fat and be a complete arrogant arse...' I frowned. 'But he will not, because I will not let him, or rather, I would not mind because no matter what my child is my child, your child is your child, your child is perfect to you.'

'Don't you start singing now.' Ashleigh giggled as she too rubbed a bit of make-up off my chin. 'I'm almost crying as it is.'

'You're as strong as any nation, Ashleigh. They may have a title but they will always be the same as us.'

'Thanks, Payton.' She whispered as the two of us ran out the bathroom and down the stairs where the rest of the bridesmaids (Charlotte, Seychelles and Hungary) were waiting all ready to drive to the venue, we were at my house as the bunch of us "weren't allowed" to be with Rachel when she changed as she had her special arrival for one to prepare for.

'Were are the guys?' Ashleigh asked.

Just like Charlottes wedding every bridesmaid would be walking down the aisle thing with a partnered male, Charlotte with Ivan, Ashleigh with Matt, Seychelles with Japan, Hungary with Prussia and of course, me with Alfred.

However, as we could clearly see none of the men were here.

'They're waiting in the car.' Charlotte rolled her eyes. 'You guys take to long.'

'We got here late!' I snapped back.


We didn't speak furthur as the group of us ran and jumped into the large bus Rachel had hired to take all of us to and from the wedding and reception.

Thanks Rachel who will be riding on her own white horse and carriage with a butler driving them really slowly down every road as "Until the day I die" blurts out a big CD player that's been installed into it.


We jumped into the bus and of course all the men were waiting, each with a spare seat which I presumed were for each of their partners...

Alfred sat at the back of the bus, his arms crossed and his head looking down at his laps, the girls jumped on before me and each sat next to their designated partner, each one smiling at their friends as I slowly made my way to the back and sat a little distance away from Alfred on the seat.

'Hello...' I whispered.


'Are you alright?' I whispered.

'Lobstrominous.' He whispered.

'Lobstominous?' I laughed. 'Is that even a word?'

'I heard it on TV.' He looked up at me, a tiny smile across his cheeks. 'TV is always right.'

'You heard it on "Big fat quiz of the year" you numpty.' I placed my hand on his shoulder, letting the sparks flow as I raised it higher and ruffled his newly washed hair, his quif of hair tangeled around my ring finger. 'An English comedy show.'

'It did make me laugh.'

'It should've.'

'So...' He smiled. 'You look really pretty.'

'Thank you, you look sexy as hell.' I winked but, then realised, our relationship wasn't that far yet, him commenting on my look was a stretch for us and I just had to go and say sexy.

Well done, Payton. If he doesn't run away from you then he must be freaking stuck to something.

Thankfully, Alfred just chuckled and must've over looked the comment as he smiled at me. 'So... What do you plan on doing at the after party, are you going to get hammered or calm it?'

'Oh I can't get drunk!' I smiled.

He frowned. 'Why not?'

'The abortion I had... Failed. So I still have the baby and I don't plan on doing anything since the doctors aren't sure whats going to happen to him.'

'It's a boy?'

'Oh no! I just say him as a default, I really hope it's a girl though.'

'Why a girl?' He smiled.

'So she can show the world not only men are strong.' I grinned. 'Which... reminds me... I need to ask... Do you plan on... being apart of his/her life?'

Alfred frowned. 'Why me? I'm not the father.'

I frowned straight back him. 'What? Yes you are, why wouldn't you be the father?'

'I thought... You and Francis were going to raise it since... the two of you are together and it's his child.'

'Oh christ! No way! Francis is like my gay best friend!' I laughed. 'I've never slept with him, ever, it's definatly not his child. I'm certain it's yours, 150%, the two of us have never been and never will be together in any way, shape or form.'

'Oh.' Alfred smiled a little. 'Good. Because I was going to tell you something and if the two of you were together it would be awkward.'


'Well... Payton... I'll tell you now, I'm not actually with Belarus. It was some stupid plan Mitt Romney spread around and the Belrussian government thought he was serious so jumped at the chance, the two of are nothing more than nations who don't actually each other. She thinks I'm annoying and I think she's wierd. I don't know how she thinks I'm annoying though since all I ever do is-'

I silenced him as I jumped forward and pressed my lips down onto his and wrapped my arms tightly around his neck, he froze as he realised what happened but soon joined in as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me tighter to him.

As we pulled away a few minutes later, I blushed crimson and smiled at him. 'Alfred... I'm in love with you, I know it's selfish to want this but... I want to be with you, I want to raise our child as a family, we may be young and stupid but this is one thing I know is the smartest thing I've ever done. I want to be with you so bad it hurts... I want you to want to be with me too.'

'Payton... I'm not even going to dignify that question with an answer.' He whispered before slamming his lips on mine again.

... He quoted a damn movie again.

*** 5 months later ***

'SHUT UP!' Rachel screamed before throwing her chess piece to the floor. 'I KNOW HOW TO PLAY CHESS!'

'NO YOU DON'T!' I screamed straight back, throwing my queen at her head. 'YOU DIDN'T MOVE YOUR PIECE ON YOUR LAST GO SO I'M TAKING IT!'





'You're a bollock of logic!' She humphed jumping to her feet and scuffling across her new living room to Arthur who sat in the "man room" across from us drinking gin as he fought with Alfred, Rachel back was bent back and she glared at me every few seconds.

'Arthur! Payton's cheating again!'

'Again?!' Alfred gasped. 'I can only forgive you once, Payton!'

'SHUT UP, IDIOT!' I forced myself onto my feet now and scuffled to them, holding my back as it bent with the size of my stomach. 'Don't you try and be funny or I'll kick your arse.'

'They're pregnant, Alfie.' Arthur gurgled. 'Don't get involved.'



'He's drunk, your husbands drunk!' I poked my tongue out at Rachel who glared back at me.

'Well your husband is a dunce!'

'So is your mother.'

'So's your father.'

'So's your brother.'

'So's your sister.'


'MY NAN'S DEAD!' Rachel wailed.

Geez, normal people would think the two of us are drunk but NO! We've only had a few sherries because of our bambinas.

'Get out of my house!' Rachel snapped.

'KISS MY ARSE!' I snapped back as I finally reached Alfred and tugged on his arms.

'Your husbands going to die of heart disease.'

'So's yours!' She sang back.

So, update, a lot has happened in the last 5 months, I guess you could say my life has changed completely along with all my best friends.

Rachel's a bitch, oh but we all knew that, but she's also really fat because the bitch is having TWINS!

I mean TWINS!

Two babies!

How the- can she- but the- and the-


She's happy though with her husband in their huge house in the country with their TWINS almost here, Rachel has also got a new friend, Kate the Duchess of Cambridge is her new friend, both being pregnant at the same time they met up a few times since none of us live near her anymore.

Ashleigh moved in with Matt you see, the two are still taking it steady and careful unlike the rest of us who jumped the countries as fast as we could, Ashleigh wants to be certain that Matt and her are going to last for her entire life before she marries him because the heart break would be too much if something went wrong.

But it hasn't! They live together and, as far as I know, are still at it like bloody rabbits in mating season.


Then there's Charlotte, she's living her dream, amazing job, sexy (her opinion) husband who treats her like a princess (again, her opinion) and now... The two are trying for a baby.

Charlotte is certain that in time her and Ivan will succeed and have a big family (even with Belarus creeping them out every five minute) and the two are happy over in Russia as far as I can tell.

And me?

Well... I changed my name,

You're now reading the inner monologue of Mrs Payton V Jones.

My wedding was also a quick one me and my friends sorted out in less than two months but who cares, it was amazing, it was the happiest day of my life, and Obama told me I was pretty so it was a VERY good day.

Now I wait for my own baby who is finally in the green zone, the pain stopped months ago and everything is fine, doctors didn't know what caused the pain to start and stop so weirdly but Alfred and I do.

We know it's because we made-up, we know that the logic of how a country is born is... wierd.

But we're having a baby, there's nothing wrong with him/her, he/she's exactly what we want as we wait patiently in our home over in America since I moved in with him almost immediately after Rachel's wedding.

Of course, my boss was pissed that I bailed on him again but they all knew it was what a wanted so even the pricks on the bottom floor forced a smile as I waved goodbye holding my stomach tightly.


Everything is perfect. Everyone is happy.

Rachel is happy

Charlotte is happy.

Ashleigh is horny- CRAP I mean happy!

And I'm happy.

Sure they're people who are pissed but you know what... SCREW THEM!


'Payton?' Alfred suddenly smirked at me.


'You're talking to yourself again... Biatch.'


*** 5 years later ***

'Tristan!' Rachel growled next to me. 'Let go of your sisters hair! Annette it's not nice to hit people, you're a lady! TRISTAN WHAT DID I JUST SAY?!'

I laughed as my best friend jumped to her feet and sprinted into the park and grabbed her two children by their waists and pulled them away from each other with a strict and firm "Be nice."

I almost laughed at her as she jumped back up again, ran her hands through her hair then turned back again as her children were fighting once more on the floor even after her "be nice."

'Honestly.' Charlotte tutted next to me. 'Those two are little menaces, I'll be sure to given Scarlet a talking to about those two later.'

'Your daughter barely two years old and she's not even here right now, leave the poor kid alone.' I giggled as I ran my fingers throw my own long gingery hair (I managed to finally grow the dye out and have returned to my natural hair colour as has Rachel the brunette bitch.)

Rachel eventually came back and sat beside me, rubbing at her temples. 'They're just as stubborn as their father!'

'Just as smart as well.' I mumbled, Rachel instantly glared at me as I held my hands up in surrender.

'Well your kid is the spitting image of Alfred, a feel sorry for the poor sod!' Rachel poked her tongue out at me.

'Are we 5 too then Rachel?' Charlotte laughed looking around me.

'Oh whatever, you two just bully me!'

'Just wait till Ashleigh comes back, then we're the Fem!Bad touch trio!' I smiled.

'Speaking of the hobbit, there's Ashleigh now!' Rachel jumped to her feet and waved at Ashleigh who was cuddling two children in her arms as she limped across the field.

'She does know Aidan can walk right. Even if he does walk like an old drunk... Just like his father.' Rachel smirked.

'Shut it!' I laughed. 'That's my family you're offending.'

'Oh sorry, I thought I was speaking fact.'

'Suck my empire state building.' I poked my tongue out at her as I got up too and walked to greet Ashleigh across the field.

Charlotte was just behind me and once we reached her, took her daughter from the poor blondes arms.

I grabbed Aidan and placed him down on his feet again, he instantly took off back to the park running to see his dear old frienemy Tristan.'

Ashleigh whimpered as she lent on my shoulder. 'I hate those children.'

'Don't worry, the benefits outweigh the risks.' Charlotte smiled as she placed Scarlet on her shoulders. 'I'm sure yours will be exactly what you want.'

I can't believe how long it's been, five years since all of us went our separate ways and settled down, during that time, Charlotte had a baby, Matt and Ashleigh got engaged, Rachel got pregnant with her next kid and Ashleigh found our she's also going to have a kid.

Though both of them are still very early on.

I've had one and Rachel's on her third.

She's really got her legs open with her husband, I must say.

She'd smack me if she heard me saying something like that... Hmm, I might just do it for the fun of it.

As you can probably tell, all four of us have failed to mature and grow into proper mothers but none of us care, I'm still faf (funny as flamingos) Charlotte's still witty and clever, Ashleigh's still cute and shy and Rachel's still a whore!


Haha, I joke, we're all doing great at what we're doing.

Tristan and Annette are really good kids with good manners, Tristan is already a fine young gentlemen like his father and Annette is sweet, kind and innocent (Unlike her mother!) the two children just can't stand each other even though they're twins.

Scarlett is the menace! She is all her father I tell you, she once pulled the leg off a spider once... and laughed.


Ashleigh's kid is obviously, not my friend yet, since I haven't met the babbo and neither has anyone else but I know he or she'll be the spitting image of Ashleigh, have the personality of Matt but will probably get Matt's recessive gene of confidence and will be very loud all the time.

Now that would be funny to see.

Aidan... My little boy, not a girl like a hoped, even though he does act like one at times, people tell me he is Alfred, completely Alfred, he doesn't take after me in anything except love for FOOTBALL not Soccer like his dunce of a dad. He's still my little hero though.

All the little ones are cuter than belief and mostly take after their country fathers but each one have their own unique twist, Scarlets got her mums wild frizzy hair and already has a passion for reading all the kiddy books Charlotte and Ivan bought her (and believe me, those two spoil that little girl) Tristan cannot stand Scones but loves crumpets, Annette loves getting dirty (Just like her mother, but the two get dirty in different senses) but hates typical English rain and my Aidan is allergic to something in burgers so is not allowed to eat them.

I think they all came out ok and I can just imagine what the next two will be like.

Maybe Ashleigh's baby will have a phobia of mooses or have an allergy to maple syrup... Or maybe he/she'll pronounce about right unlike Ashleigh and Matt who both say "Aboot"

"What are you going on aboot?!"

Who the fricks Aboot?

I know someones who last name is Abbott! Spelt differently, said the same.

Oh well...

I'm just glad that all my best friends are happy.

Even Francis has been enjoying some special time with a certain Spanish fellow much to Romano's embarressment.

We're all going to live happy lives with our men and raise our children to be strong and smart! They will be awesome and my Aidan will be bloody president.


So... I guess to end my inner monologue I'll say one little message.

I love my family and friends more than anything, though I tease them more than anything (Ginger Rachel) I love them more than zhe heavens above! They are the cheese to my cheeseburger, the peanut butter to my peanut butter and jelly sandwich, the gin to my gin and tonic.

You get the picture.

I love them and they are awesome.

This is Payton Valentine Jones.

Who's deciding to stop doing an inner monologue inside her head and just live to the fullest with her friends.
