The world I live on is awful, the world runs by electronics and the media, people base their lives around the media and what's in it, now a days I feel like I'm the only one who isn't manipulated by these famous fools in every article of my newspaper.

The world focuses on the countries, of course I know their names but it's not because I follow their lives like a little stalker, it's because I know my bloody Geography.

I flicked through my daily newspaper reading only the titles and revealing the same as always.

"Get the latest in the dating world as France reveals all.'' "Italy's back. Out of the hospital and into the frying pan as he reveals his new Pasta recipe." "Scandal! Sea land is planning to take over us all!"

I snarled in irritation before throwing the newspaper to the floor, I don't really see why I even read that stupid paper anymore.

I stood to my feet, letting my fluffy red and black dress fall to my knees and my long brown hair to slip off my shoulders and brush down my back as I moved across the room and grabbed my router from its place.

I stared at it in confusion as my eyes scanned to today's date and looked at my new hours for work. Even though I hate the newspaper I read there is the slight problem that I actually work for the newspaper and have to write a lot of articles like the ones I read earlier.

But I have it much worse then what you think, after my recent promotion I now have to do interviews rather than writing my usual comedy strips which everyone I knew loved, rather than spending most of my day at work with a smile on my face, from now on I have to repeat the same question. ''The public want to know, what are you looking for in a relationship because the world is stupid enough to believe they could one day meet their celebrity idol and then everything will end with a marriage, baby and bloody UNICORNS!"

Of course, I'm not allowed to say all of that.

My work timetable told me I was at work at 1pm today and sadly it was nearing 12pm so I would have to start changing and leaving soon.

Thankfully, work is only a 15 minute drive from here. So I probably won't leave till half 12.

Either way I got up and headed out the room, grabbing my charging phone from the kitchen then ran up the stairs full speed. I threw my phone down on my bed as I stripped my favourite football t-shirt over my head and threw it on the bed, as hypocritical as it is there is one thing the media show that I love and that's football, I will forever support England 'till I die.

Anyway, I grabbed my work blouse and threw it over my head as I wiggled out my pretty little summer dress whilst all at the same time grabbing my work trousers and attempting to pull them up my legs, whilst still kicking the dress off and getting my top on.

When that was done I grabbed my tie and concentrated at doing it properly, tying it tightly around my neck before grabbing my blazer with the newspapers logo on the side.

'Done already.' I sighed. 'Quickly dressing for work, what the hell for?'

I grabbed my phone and placed it in my pocket before walking over to the mirror and adjusting my hair, slapping some cheap lipstick over my lips and foundation all over my face.

Finally satisfied I walked back down the stairs and plonked down onto the sofa in annoyance, grabbing the stupid newspaper again and read the stupid articles anyway.

My watch read 12:29 so I jumped to my feet happily, flinging the now-read newspaper towards the bin before jumping to my hallway with strange eagerness, I sunk my feet into my heeled shoes and grabbed my car keys from the side. I stepped out the door, the unnatural sun hitting my skin hard. I hissed in shock, I wasn't used to sunshine. Great Britain rarely had blazing heat which we've been having lately so I was slightly confused and annoyed

Yes, I live in Great Britain, I live down towards the bottom of England, Portsmouth to be exact, it's a nice place, not very crowded, not very ugly or job unfriendly.

The only thing was the weather and the people.

Suddenly, shocking me even more my phone vibrated causing me to shriek and jump up in shock, clutching at my leg trying to grab my phone. Once it was out I breathed a breath of relief and looked at the caller I.D.

It was my boss.

I groaned as I pressed accept and held it to my ear.

'Good afternoon, Mr Shanks.' I pretended to sound happy.

'Miss Chatsworth. Great to catch you before you arrived.' My boss laughed.

'Why?' I asked.

'I have your first interview, but I'm not sure if you're ready for it kid, it's a big one.' He gulped.

I rolled my eyes. 'Sir, I'm the most qualified one for any interview in the entire office. I think I'm more ready than anyone.'

He gulped. 'Ok, kid.'

'Don't call me kid.' I muttered, my pretend good mood disintegrating instantly. 'I'm 19, not 4.'

He chuckled. 'Sorry, love. Well… It's our first big celebrity interview.'

'Easy.' I growled. 'I have amazing people skills, note my sarcasm.'

'You don't have to do it.' Mr Shanks muttered. 'I could get Mandy and she-'

'No!' I growled. 'I can do it and I will do it so well you'll want to give me yet another promotion in the next month or two.'

He chuckled. 'Alright, it's England.'

'Wow.' I muttered, actually surprised. 'A country? How'd you bag that?'

'A maid of his owed me a favour, I told her just to mention my name, company and whereabouts.' He snickered.

'Sneaky sir.' I laughed. 'Well done, where is this interview taking place then?'

'Your house.' He gulped.

'Excuse me?'

'I gave him your address.'


'Not to toot any trumpets love but I'm not sure if a sex predators going to make his interviewer his so called ''prey'' Miss Chatsworth.'


'Miss Chatsworth, just be thankful it's not France.'

My eyes bulged. 'You're right, fine, is there any topics you want me to focus on when asking questions?'

'Ask about what he thinks about Sea land apparently taking over.' He chuckled. 'I bet you get some funny responses to that. Aren't you excited for this one, kid?'

'I'm not a kid! And I'm not that bothered to be honest, you know I don't care for celebrities or even countries. A bunch of annoying attention seeking pricks if I'm honest.'

Mr Shanks laughed. 'Don't say that in the interview, so just wait at home till the door knocks, good luck.'

I rolled my eyes and turned from my car and walked straight back into the house.

I threw the keys down on the side and snarled, slamming the door behind me then threw my phone towards the couch, it hit the pillow hard then tumbled down the couch onto the floor with a quiet thud.

I removed my blazer and hung it on my coat hanger before sitting down in my living room on the couch, grabbing my empty notebook and pen where I always left it in case a story idea came to mind.

I turned to the first page and wrote the following; Interview with England, questions focus on the recent uproar about Sea lands threats.

I placed the book down again after and started heading towards my kitchen since I was staying in now, I didn't think I was so was going to grab something to eat at work, I reached into the fridge and pulled out something which I would think England would enjoy also when he arrived, I pulled out the scones I made with my grandmother a few days ago and rested them on the side as I grabbed a sausage roll, instantly taking a large bite.

'Hmudhg.' I mumbled through my full mouth of food, meaning to say ''yummy.''

A few minutes (and sausage rolls) later, I stood to my feet and placed the cold scones in my microwave, not actually knowing when England would arrive but hoping it would be in a few minutes.

I boiled the kettles and settled out my cup and guest cup before throwing the usual milk, sugar and tea bag into the bottom of the cup and waiting for the kettle to beep signalling it finishing.

And as if sensing this, the door was knocked and I knew instantly that England was on my property.