Gohan ran to his room to change as Videl waited with his mother in the living room. Maybe that was a bit mean, but it's not like she could stay in his room while he was changing.

She didn't seem to enjoy the flight too much. He smelt the shirt he just took off that held her scent. God, it was good.

He finished putting on his gi, but for some reason thought back to Bulma's comment about staying focused on the more important matters: tracking down the envoy.

Was he distracted? Did fighting crime and teaching Videl to fly not count towards anything productive?

He remembered the group's conversation at the table.


Goku held a serious look on his face.

"If we can't track down this envoy, I'm worried he'll endanger innocent lives here on earth- or in the Tournament," said Goku.

"Nonsense. Who cares about those stupid weaklings anyway?!" shouted Vegeta.

Most of the group just ignored him at this point in time. What else would Vegeta contribute?

"I don't sense anything, and I've been keeping a watch on Kami's Lookout constantly," said Piccolo.

"And you're still keeping an eye on Hercule, huh Gohan? Seems you've been getting pretty close to his daughter over there," teased Krillin with a sly grin.

Gohan just blushed, "There's been nothing out of the ordinary in Satan City."

"Maybe we should start taking alternative routes, scouting various cities we don't often visit, for anything strange," offered Goku.

"I'm not wasting my precious time floating around some random, weakling city when I can be training to beat you, Kakkorrat!"

"I'm almost tempted to just wait for the Tournament, to be honest, and deal with this then. The envoy clearly doesn't want to be discovered, and I doubt we'll have much luck. We have Gohan in a prime location already, that may be all we can do these next two months," said Krillin.

Everyone remained silent. Maybe that was the best plan.

Gohan could hear yelling down the hall. Uh oh.

"Now listen here! My father is a great man and you should show him some respect!"

"Oh he's done nothing for us! He's an idiotic-"


Both Videl and Chi Chi stopped yelling but the tension in the air could be cut with a knife. It was his worst nightmare, both women upset and ready to murder.

"Fine. Go and train. But think twice before you go and join into her family! I don't want to be serving that buffoon of a man dinner any time soon," said Chi Chi through gritted teeth as she stormed out of the room.

"Excuse my mother, really. She gets these ideas in her head and then there's no stopping her. She can be pretty strong-willed…" said Gohan, putting his hand behind his head.

"Yea. I get that."

"You know she entered the World Martial Arts Tournament, too," said Gohan casually. "I don't think it helped her temper much, being a fighter."

"She- Chi Chi- oh," said Videl quietly. She'd had no idea who his mother was. She felt a bit embarrassed actually. Of course Son Goku would marry another fighter.

"Actually, they got married right after he won the Tournament. They fought against each other, and right after my mom lost to him, he proposed," said Gohan with a smile.

If she were into that stuff, she'd say that that sounded kind of sweet.

"Hm," was all that came out of Videl. She couldn't admit that that bit of information caught her interest.

"Let's start some training before it gets too late, huh?"

So, here they were. Sitting.

Videl was annoyed. She wanted to prove to him that she was stronger than he thought. Surprise him with her great fighting abilities!

"Videl. You need to calm down and clear your mind. A good fighter focuses as much on mental clarity and strength as physical."

She growled, "Fine."

She kept trying to meditate.

"You need your mind completely clear for what I'm about to teach you."

"And what's that?"




"I've never heard of Ki, is that a rough translation of something?" asked Videl, slightly confused.

"It's more like the life force that is within each of us that can be manipulated with training," said Gohan matter-of-factly.

"You're pulling my leg. Gohan, I need you to take this training seriously-"

"Videl! I am serious. Trust me when I say there's always something new to learn in the field of Martial Arts, and for you today it's about Ki manipulation."

Videl just took a deep breath. When did meditation start to calm you?

Hercule Satan sat in his leather reclinable chair, watching a previous match in his in home theater with beer in hand.

"YAY! HAHAHA! DID YOU SEE THAT?! HAHAHA! Hey Butler Man- go grab Videl so she can come watch this with me!" yelled an ecstatic father of one.

"The Mistress is out, Sir."

"What do you mean out!? It's nine at night on a school night! She hasn't come in to greet her old man all day!" shouted Hercule.

"She has not been home today, Sir."

"Grrr! What do you mean 'not been home'?! Where is she?! She better not be with some boy right now, or that stupid punk kid running around in a cape! If I catch her with him again, I'm going to have to beat that kid up and that would just be bad news for him! HAHAHA! YES IT WOULD!"

"You are correct, Sir. Shall I contact the Mistress?"

"HAHAHA! WHAT?! Oh, uhh.. yea. Get Videl on the phone! She better be home in an hour!"

"Thanks Gohan, although I must admit, this wasn't how I thought my first training session would go with you," smiled Videl.

They had spent more time meditating so she could reach her ki, something she discovered was one of the more difficult things she's ever tried to do. She was almost there though. Once Gohan showed her his ki, and explained that that was how he was able to fly, she became determined to manipulate it herself.

"It's a bit different, but a basic skill you need to know to really do anything," said Gohan sheepishly.

Videl quickly became irritated as Gohan continued walking her away from his house so she could find an appropriate place to take off in her jet copter.

"What do you mean basic? I've been fighting forever without it, and I'd say I've been doing just fine! Or do you not agree, Gohan?" Videl seethed. Why did this boy's opinion matter so much anyway? What'd he know?

"N-no! Videl, you're a good fighter! A great fighter! But ki manipulation will be able to take you even farther is all. I've just been controlling it for so long it just feels basic," said Gohan carefully.


"Really Videl, you did well! And you can practice at home for the next time we meet to train," smiled Gohan.

Their next session. A Monday was a poor choice to start training, but it was his fault. If he had been home yesterday…

"How about Friday after school?" suggested Videl.

"Yea, that sounds good," smiled Gohan.

They stood for a moment, Videl next to her jetcopter that she had decapsulated already.

"Well, it was nice training with you Gohan, even if I found it a little strange," said Videl. Why was she hesitating?

"You sure you don't want me to fly you back? It'll beat your jetcopter by a couple hours," grinned Gohan.

"Hey now, there's nothing wrong with my jetcopter. It's gotten me through a lot of tough times with the Police Force, and it's faster than any car I could drive," said Videl, playfully punching Gohan's arm. Ouch.

They both laughed. "I suppose it doesn't beat flying though," grinned Videl. "Soon?"

"Soon," finished Gohan.

There was a comfortable silence that fell, neither moving to end the conversation. They got along well.

Suddenly Videl's phone rang, causing the two teens to realize how late it really was.

"Ah, my Dad is calling," grimaced Videl. "I should leave now."

Videl hoped up into her jetcopter and began to take off, looking visibly irritated behind the glass of the machine as she answered the phone.

What a girl.

Videl got home about midnight, deciding not to worry about homework for the night. Maybe she could guilt Gohan into doing it for her?

She remembered the seeming success of the evening. She'd have to wake up early and mediated before school started.

A smile flashed as she remembered dinner. Boy, could his mom cook! The embarrassed Gohan as his family kept referring to her as his "girlfriend" or "future big sister". She didn't know why she found it amusing instead of strange or off-putting.

"Ok, girl. I've been thinking a lot this week and I have a great idea for you to improve your style," grinned Erasa.

Videl grimaced uneasily.

Erasa went through this with her every so often, believing that she would become more feminine if she just found something she personally liked doing within the cosmetic world.

"I have a lot to focus on right now, Erasa. Training and school are taking up too much time and-"

But she stopped short as the blonde slammed a magazine page down in front her; it was a girl with cropped hair.

She had been thinking about cutting it recently…