Disclaimer: This fan fiction is not written for profit and no infringement of copyright is intended. Beta read by the divine BlueNBlackRoses. Rated T for some dark situations, suggestions of violence and mention of the sex trade. Nothing really happens on the page but be aware all the same. Enjoy!


"I am Loki of Asgard, and I am burdened with glorious purpose."

Eyes on him as he says it.

Men about him, women too. So shocked by his appearance that they stop what they are doing. Stare at him- interloper, stranger, thief- as if he were some fabulous beast conjured from out of a bard's tale. The hum of great things whispering in the air, so much magic he can smell it- taste it- And it's all within his grasp. All so soon to be his. To his left he can hear a great heart beating, one true and joyous and filled with pride. One that beats only for him, one that has called him all this way. One that he will never, ever tire of listening to, no matter what the universe throws into his path. For that is precisely why he has come all this way- He is here for his prize.

And his prize is right in front of him.

All else is darkness and loneliness and the silence-between-stars' light.

And so he reaches out, the prize's nearness intoxicating. Beauty- peace- love-all flowing over him. All of it, there within his grasp. Loki raises himself up from his knees and walks forward, confident now, aware that all eyes are on him. Feeling a smile transforms his features, his thoughts going to the glory of this day, to the actions of his brother. To the staff in his hand, and how it feels like it belongs there, how this feels like it was all meant to come to pass. But this is real. This is not a poet's imagining. He is here and he is ready and soon all the Nine Realms will know it-

So he brings his staff up before him, holding it out in readiness.

Showing the crowd what they can expect from him, from a Prince of Asgard, what to expect from Odin's son.

There is a beat of silence-of hope-of anticipation-and then Loki finally lays his hands on what he knows is his-

He wakes in his cell in Asgard.

Soaked in sweat, his heart pounding, and not for the first time he curses his memories and wishes his mind were truly lost.