Hey guys, I'm SO sorry it's taken me so long to post a new fic! Please blame my incredibly stupid computer for spazzing out on me and taking over three weeks to repair. And coming back with NOTHING saved. No pictures, no documents, hence why I haven't been able to post my fic. Fate sucks sometimes, huh? Anyways, this is a Nicercy fic, starting off when they were little. So, I bid this A/N long enough so… Onwards my readers!
Disclaimer: No matter how hard I try, I can't make Nico appear out of thin air, nor can I own the rights to PJO. I'm not the only one, but I WILL be the one to succeed! Even if it's just the first one, I'll be happy.
(Percy's POV)
"Mommy, mommy, come and find me!"
A young boy, around 5 years old, hid behind a large tree, giggling excitedly. His bright green eyes shone with glee and innocence as he peeked around the trunk to see if his mother was coming this way. His hair, slightly long for his age, was pushed back from his face by a soft hand and Percy jumped and turned around, seeing the woman who looked like an older, female version of himself.
"Wow, mommy, how do you do that? You snuck up on me again! Every time you do it and every time it scares me!", he said, talking a mile a minute.
Sally just smiled in return. Leaning in close she whispered, "It's a secret" earning her a pout from her son. She just smiled and picked him up, spinning him around a few times.
"Well, sweetie, how about we head home? It's getting late," she asked her only child.
"Mommy," the child whined. "I want to keep playing."
"How about this," she replied. "If we head home now, we can stop by McDonald's for dinner."
"Yay!", the child exclaimed, jumping down and pulling his mother forward by the hand.
The child only calmed down once he was full, bathed, and tucked in. Once his mom said they didn't have time for another bedtime story, he squirmed for a minute to get comfy, then sighed and fell fast asleep. The last thought before he fell into a calm, dreamless sleep was:
"I wonder if anyone else feels the same way I do."
(Nico's POV)
"Nico, it's time to go home!"
A soft voice called out for the three and a half years-old boy as he sat in the shadows, unmoving. His dark eyes, blacker than the night sky, peeked out from under a fringe of curly black hair that obscured his vision. His sister, Bianca, and he had been playing a game of hide-and-seek when their mother called them over to go home. With his olive skin, black hair, and dark eyes, he looked like a ghost sitting in the shadows. Whenever someone came over and threatened to give away his position to his sister, he sent them a glare that had them running for their mommy, saying a ghost was hiding in the shadows.
"I found you!", someone behind him exclaimed and he was picked up and twirled around in a circle.
He started giggling and released himself from the death grip that his sister had.
"Wow, how do you do it?!", he exclaimed, looking up at his older sister in awe.
"Well, Nico, no matter how good you are at hiding, I will always find you. Now come along, mother's waiting for us," Bianca said.
She grabbed her little brother's hand and started walking over to their mother. Once they reached her, she gave each of her children a kiss on the cheek and a hug.
"Come along, children," she said in a thick Italian accent. "Your father is waiting for us back at the hotel."
She grabbed one of both children's hands, and then started leading them away from the park.
"What's for supper, mommy?", Nico asked his dark eyes wide and innocent, the look only a small child can pull off.
"Well,", Maria said. "I was thinking we should get something simple and eat in bed. How does that sound?"
"Yay!", Nico exclaimed.
"That sounds wonderful, mother," Bianca smiled, laughing at how cute her brother was.
Once they made it into their room, Nico immediately ran over to the bed and started bouncing. Bianca laughed and ran over to him, jumping on the bed and staring to tickle him. He shrieked with laughter while their Mother and Father stood behind them. Maria was grinning and laughing while Hades wore a faint smile. He pulled Maria out onto the balcony while their children played.
"Hades, dear, how long will you stay this time?", she said, holding his hands.
"Not long, my dear. I have to get back to the Underworld soon. But I was wondering what you thought about my offer," he looked her in the eyes with a pleading look on his face.
"Dearest, you know my answer. I will not allow my children to be raised in the Underworld. They need light, fresh air, friends that are living," she said.
"I only want to keep them safe," Hades replied. "Please think more on it."
"Okay, I will," Maria promised.
"Mommy, Bianca's attacking me!", Nico shrieked.
"No I'm not, silly boy! It's just tickling!"
Maria laughed and walked inside, grabbing her children and falling onto the bed with them. They all started laughing and right then someone knocked on the door. Hades answered it, getting the room service, and handing the food out. He climbed in one bed with Maria while Bianca and Nico crawled in the other. Maria began telling them an old story in Italian. Nico and Bianca curled against each other as they listened to the words spoken and about halfway through the story, Nico and Bianca fell fast asleep. Nico's last thought was:
"I wonder if anyone else feels the same way I do."
Okay, I know that the first chapter was kind of lame, but I promise that it'll get better next chapter. I also know that Percy was kind of cheated in this chapter, but I wanted to get into Nico's childhood more, since I had more freedom with his than Percy's. Anyways, please bear with me and see you next chapter (Hopefully!).