Hey everyone! I decided to write another adventure time story, starring the popular couple Fiolee! This story is based off of the song, Need You Now by Lady Antebellum. The first 2 chapters are just the introduction while the rest of the story is based off of the song. Hope you like =]

***Updating and fixing the errors and mistakes currently! It's been 3 years btw lol =]


"Cake, I could use some help right about now!" Fionna cried as the large snake like creature started to squeeze around her. She struggled to get out of its grip.

"Don't worry Fionna, I'm coming!" Cake cried as she ran up to the monster.

Fionna groaned as the snake started to close around her throat. Cake stretched her way up to the large monster and threw it off of Fionna. It screeched as it flew to the ground. Fionna landed on her feet and struggled to catch her breath. Cake jumped on the monster and began punching it. Fionna took one more breath before running full speed at the fighting duo. She picked up her sword (that fell on the ground from earlier) and held it above her head.

"Ahhh! Time for you to die you poor excuse of a worm!" Fionna said, before slicing its head off.

"Nice going girl!" Cake congratulated before Fionna punched her arm.

"Cake! I almost got killed by that thing! You need to be faster next time."

Cake pouted. "My bad. That cute little peppermint over there distracted me!" Cake said pointing past Fionna.

"Yoo-hoo! Over here!" Peppermint Maid yelled at them.

"What's up ma'am?" Fionna asked, walking toward her.

"I've got a message for the both of you! It's from Prince Gumball!" She squeaked and handed them a paper.

"A message-" Cake asked.

"From Prince Gumball?" Fionna finished instead, interrupting Cake.

"See ya!" Peppermint Maid said before skipping away.

"it's an invitation to Gumball's Sweet 19!" Fionna said. "Oh my glob!"

"I know right. That dude is old!" Cake exclaimed.

"No!" Fionna said pushing Cake's face. "You remember what happened at the last party Gumball had?"

Fionna asked and her mind began to fill with the memories of that whole day. From the time he had asked to go "as pals" to the time she realized it was the Ice Queen's evil plan. But she had no idea why her or Cake started to talk about some Ice King dude. They concluded that it had been a rough night.

"Oh yeah I remember…but Prince Gumball isn't the Ice Queen anymore! And besides, we haven't seen that nasty old fart witch in like this many days!" Cake said holding up both her paws.

"Whatever Cake…I don't want to go." Fionna concluded before Cake pounced on her.

"Oh yes you are! This could be your only chance of getting PG to be your man for real this time!"

"Glob Cake why do you always say that?" Fionna asked pushing her away. "I'm not always trying to get him to 'be my man'" She slumped on the ground. "I'm sure he only thinks of me as pals anyway." She frowned.

"You never know unless you try." Cake shrugged. "You'll have fun there, I promise Fi! Please say you will go? Pretty please with righteousness on top?" Cake asked with big sparkly eyes.

"Math Cake. Okay I'll go!" Fionna said and Cake hugged her.

"Woo-hoo! Everyone's gonna be there! LSP, Cinnamon Bun, Tree Trunks…!"

Fionna was too busy thinking to herself to really hear her. "You think Marshall Lee's gonna be there?" Fionna asked.

"Why don't you ask him yourself?" A voice said suddenly and Fionna looked up to see Marshall Lee floating above her. He was wearing his signature red plaid shirt, dark jeans and red converse. Cake sort of yelped and hid behind Fionna.

"Oh, hey Marshall Lee. How long were you floating here?" Fionna asked.

"Just long enough to hear that you're going to Bubba's party tomorrow night." Marshall Lee answered.

"I'm only going because Cake asked me to go, and I'm still not sure about that." Fionna said walking away from them.

"Oh really? Well I'm going." Marshall Lee said following behind her.

"Why are you going? You're never into that fancy partying junk." Fionna asked.

Marshall Lee shrugged. "I went to his last party and it was pretty boring. But I heard this time that LSP will be there and he's going to spike the punch when no one's looking!" Marshall Lee exclaimed.

"Spike the punch? Aren't you guys too young to drink? Fionna asked.

"I'm not. And everyone's close to being able to." Marshall Lee said shrugging.

"I don't know…" Fionna said.

Marshall Lee stopped right in front of her. "Fionna, we both don't want to go to Bubba's party right? Me because we aren't classified as friends and I think his parties are lame, and you…well you just don't want to go 'cause of something. So, why don't we just go together?" Marshall Lee asked her.

"You want us to go together?" Fionna asked a little confused.

"Yeah, That's what I just said!" Marshall Lee said and started to float backwards. "Besides it just wouldn't be that fun by myself. I don't really hand out with anyone besides you. And Lumpy Space Prince is one crazy dude! He's always blabbering about moving out and junk. He's just going through his dumb teenager phase." Marshall Lee carried on then floated back to Fionna. "So what do you say?" He asked.

Fionna began to think. She looked at Cake for some judgment but she was too busy cowering. She looked back at Marshall Lee, who flicked his tongue at her; which made her smile.

"Okay Marsh, I'll go with you." Fionna finally said.

"I knew you couldn't say no to me." Marshall Lee exclaimed and Fiona hit him softly on the arm.

"Whatever Marshy." Fionna said.

"Well I'm going to crush some pixies or whatever. Later Fi. Bye Cake!" Marshall Lee said and made a scary face at Cake which made her do her scream song.

"Aha." Marshall Lee said laughing. "Oh and call me."

"Wait. Why do I need to call you?" Fionna asked.

"So I know when to pick you up, duh!" He answered, rolling his eyes.

"No, no, you don't have to do that! I can just go there by myself and I'll meet you there! I don't need to call you." Fionna said a little too fast. Marshall Lee raised an eyebrow and shrugged.

"Whatever. Guess I'll just see you there." He said and floated away.

Cake then suddenly emerged from her hiding spot. "Whoa girl, Marshall Lee is taking you to PG's party?" Cake asked.

"No. We're going together. Not like a date or anything! Uh because that would be awkward right? Hehe." Fionna laughed nervously as her face started to heat up.

Cake raised an eyebrow. "Yeah it would. But what if he goes crazy and tried to suck your blood! You do remember that he is a vampire right?" Cake asked.

"Cake, Marshall Lee is my friend. My BEST friend actually and best friends don't do those things to each other." Fionna concluded. "Besides, I still don't know why you're so afraid of him."

"It's not that I'm afraid…I'm worried. You're my sister Fi, and I don't want anybody hurting you." Cake said sincerely.

"Thanks sis. But I'll fine, you'll see!" Fionna said and yawned. "Was it dark this whole time?" Fionna asked suddenly noticing the dark blue sky and the full moon.

Cake shrugged. "I guess so. We were fighting that snake beast the whole day!"

"Guess that explains why Marshall was out." Fionna said and jumped on Cake's back. "To the treehouse!"

Cake started to neigh like a horse and took off down the dark green grass. "Hey Fionna?" Cake asked.

"What?" Fionna asked.

"If you did let Marshall Lee suck your blood, would that make you friends with benefits…? If you know what I mean." Cake said winking.

"Cake what are you-" Fionna asked confused until her eyes widened in realization. "Cake! That's gross!" Fionna said with red cheeks.

Meanwhile in the Ice Kingdom…

The Ice Queen was currently planning one of her evil plans. "This is perfect! My Prince Gumball is turning 19 and he's throwing a party. Wow, now that I think about it, he is way younger than me…" She said and shrugged. "Oh well…love has no boundaries!"

Suddenly one of her penguins started to scowl at her.

"What Gunter? I am not stalking!" Ice Queen said pointing to the telescope she had positioned against the window.

"Wack wack wack!" Gunter said.

"This is just how I get my news." Ice Queen said, getting up from her seat and walked through her Ice Castle. "But that little brat Fionna and her cat Cake will be there." Ice Queen said to herself.

"Hmm…" She said and picked up her video camera. "Good thing I taped everything they said too." Ice Queen said, holding up the camera.

Gunter raised an eyebrow.

"I'm a crazy and confused person! Don't judge me!" Ice Queen exclaimed and played the video. She skipped to the part where Fionna was sitting on the ground, with Cake sitting next to her.

"You never know unless you try." Cake shrugged. "You'll have fun there I promise Fi! Please say you will go? Pretty please with righteousness on top?" Cake asked with big sparkly eyes.

"Math Cake. Okay I'll go!" Fionna said and Cake hugged her.

"Woo-hoo! Everyone's gonna be there! LSP, Cinnamon Bun, Tree Trunks…!"

Ice Queen stopped the tape. "I'll have to stop them from going to Prince Gumball's party, then I'll have him all to myself!" Ice Queen concluded, putting a finger on her light blue chin.

"But how?" She watched as Gunter waddled his way towards a wall and smacked right against it.

"Gunter…You just gave mommy and idea." Ice Queen said and started to laugh evilly as she walked towards her room.

Well there we go! I hope you liked the first chapter and I hope you review too! Sorry for any grammar mistakes! I was writing this quickly. Pce =]