That's it! This is the last chapter. I hope you enjoy it all.

A movement caught her eye as she was peacefully lying on the couch. Emily sat up and saw her friend and colleague waving thought the window. The blond woman had took the habit of avoiding the door bell incase Henry was asleep. Emily put her book down and walked to the door.

As she opened it she called: "JJ, Garcia is here.". It was the middle of a Sunday afternoon and the two women had been lazily enjoying the peace of it so far. Well 'so far' are the keyword, Emily thought as Penelope entered the living room looking more excited than on Christmas Eve.

"Hey Pen! How are you doing?" JJ asked as she was coming down the stairs.

"You and you!" She started, pointing her finger at them. "Wait, is the little one here?"

"No he is with his father this weekend. What is going on Garcia?" JJ answered, suddenly feeling tensed.

"Good because you Ladies are in all lot of troubles! Why didn't you tell me! Do you have any idea how dangerous that was? Well it must have been part of the thrill but… Anyway you too are sooooo doomed! And I'm never gonna forgive you. And –"

"Hey Garcia slow down. I have no idea what you are talking about." And Emily honestly hadn't. She got lost shortly after the "dangerous".

"Oh yes you do! You two had been fucking around! And I am so mad because it's suppose to be a good news and you just ruined everything!"

Emily and JJ looked at each other. Ok, the fact that it was a good new was kind of reassuring but how was that dangerous? They hadn't told her but she couldn't be that mad just for that? Or could she?

"Yes Pen I'm sorry." JJ started, sitting on her couch. "It was a bumpy ride and I didn't really want to tell anyone yet. It wasn't against you…" JJ looked really scared. She feared that her friend would take it personally, that it would change everything, that everybody was going to-

"That's not what I'm talking about. I mean yes but no. I mean this!" The plump woman took something out of her bra.

"A USB key with a panda on it hidden in your bra… What part should I comment first? "Emily tried to joke to release a bit of the tension.

"It's what is on the key that matters! A video of you two in JJ's office making some lesbians babies all over the desk!"

Silence fell on the room like a wall of brick. A video?! But the cameras where suppose to be off! There was a technician who… Emily's face was frozen but inside of her a tornado was devastating everything. JJ just sat there, staring at the key, tears starting to slowly roll down her cheeks.

"Hey girls breathe…" Garcia walked to the couch and sat down next to her friend. Taking her hand in hers she added: "No one has seen that tape but me. I was the one checking the cameras that night and I made it so that the video would disappear. I pretended l had made a mistake as it wasn't my usual job." Garcia was panicking a little. She had planned on making a impact but she hadn't thought that her friends would decompose like that.

Emily breathed again and ran her fingers thought her hair. JJ relaxed back in the couch tears of relive still falling down in silence. Gosh Garcia we didn't deserve that!

"I'm sorry I didn't think you would freak out so much…"

"Of course we… Wait." Emily turned to face her friend. "You screwed up with the cameras of the BAU? Garcia you could lose your job!"

"It's ok it's not the first time I… nerve mind. It won't show Emily. I'm sure of that. But you two stop acting like two horny teenagers!"

"You almost gave me a heart attack Garcia. Don't do that again." JJ sighted as a smile appeared on her face.

"Yea well you deserve it! You should have told P.G. will you still had a choice. Now you're all life is in my hand and I have all powers upon you!" She said dramatically, raising the USB key over her head like a magic artifact.

The two lovers giggled. That could have been a disaster, but it was ok.

"Euh… Garcia… Why exactly have you kept the video with you…?" JJ asked suspiciously, starting to wonder how much of it her friend had watched.

"Oh no. Not for me sweetie. Not my stuff. But I thought you might want to keep it?" She answered with her natural innocence.

JJ and Emily turned red. They tried not to look at each other but it became impossible and as soon as their sight crossed they bused in a laugh!


"Do I really make that face?"

"I don't know. Generally I'm… not in the right angle to tell but you should ask Garcia." Emily teased from the other room.

JJ was looking at herself in the bathroom mirror. After their conversation with Penelope they had insisted in NOT taking that video but, unfortunately, their friend had 'forgotten' her USB key on the coffee table and… well…

"I'll give her her key back on Monday."

"Ok. I made a copy."


The brunette entered the bathroom. From behind she warped an arm around her lover's waist and kissed her neck.

"She knows we've watched it JJ." Emily giggles in her neck.

"It was a stupid idea." JJ was trying to stay focused but Emily had started making love to her neck which mad it very difficult.

"I know. But now we have a safe way to relive it…"

JJ contained her moans. She knew that if she lost it now would be nothing to stop her lovers from taking her right there. Not that she didn't want it but she needed to be sure they would never do that same mistake again.

"Em can you promise me that we won't do this ever again? I almost had a heart attack this afternoon. What if one of us had been forced to leave?"

Hearing JJ's scared voice Emily stopped and gently turned the blond woman around so she could see her face. God! Everything in that face was so beautiful. Her blue eyes, her pink lips, her golden hair, even the little wrinkles that had been appearing lately at the corner of her eyes made her more radiant.

Emily bow forward and kissed her. "I promise we won't do this again." She pulled away so she could meet her eyes. "But there is something I need to talk to you about."

JJ was surprised but not scared. The brunette was looking at her with too much love for it to be a bad talk. But something in the chocolate eyes seemed a little worried.


The brunette sighted and pulled away a little. This was a serious talk, not a flirty one.

"I have been contacted by the Pentagon. They are offering me a job in the international department."

"Wh… But… Are you thinking about it?"

"Yes." Emily answered in a sight. JJ looked awfully scared but she couldn't afford to back away before telling her everything. "I thought that working for the BAU would fix this feeling I had. I don't really know what it is but the BAU didn't fix it. You did. You and Henry. And now I… I just don't feel like running after monsters anymore and try to understand how they think and… I want my life."

JJ looked even more confused. "But we need you there Em. You're part of the team." As soon as she had said that she realized how unfair it was of her. You couldn't force someone to do that job.

"There would be someone else taking my place. Just like I took Elle's place and Rossi took Gideon's."

"I know. I'm sorry it's just that… I want to have you with me at work every day and…"

"Well that was an other reason for me to leave in fact… I… I need my space and having you around all the time is… suffocating. No wait let me finish!" Emily didn't want this to turn into a fight. She needed to make herself understood and JJ was starting to panic. "I leaved alone most of my life JJ and is much as I love you I need that time alone. That's why this job would be perfect. For both of us. I would work normal hours and I will be there when you're home and I'll have my time when you'll leave to work on a case. I'll be here more often for Henry too. And I'll love you even more when you come back and-"

JJ's lips crashed on hers. In a flash Emily's mind was obliterated by the feeling of her lover's mouth on hers. There was nothing she could do to fight it. The smell of her skin, the taste of her mouth, the feel of her hands in her dark hair…

"You said it Emily." JJ whispered in her mouth. "You said you loved me."

Emily' warped her arms around her lover's waist and brought their bodies against each others. Yes she had said it and she couldn't care less anymore. No more fear, no more pride or pain. It was just as natural as breathing.

"Yes. I love you."

JJ slowly pulled away, leaving small kisses on Emily's lips.

"Emily we're going to talk about the job offer right? I mean you haven't decided anything yet?"

"Yes. I'm not taking that decision without you."

"Good. Because I love you too."


The old woman stood up from her garden chair, placing her glasses down on the metal table. How old was she again? Oh yes! 78 years old. Or was that last year? She walked to the living room were a exited little boy was jumping around the chimney.

"Carful young man. I don't want you to fall into the ashes."

"Who is this GranGran? Who is this?"

The boy was showing a framed picture on the chimney. The old woman smiled and took it before going back into the garden and sit in her chair. Oh! Her back! Why had they found a cure for cancer and not for sore backs?

The little blond boy climbed on a chair and sat next to her. He was 6 in two weeks.

"So you don't recognize the people on this picture?" The lady said as she put on her glasses. The boy shook his head. "Well this is me."


"Yes! That was me about forty years ago. And that is…"

"Is it Grandma?"

"Yes that's Grandma. Wasn't she beautiful?"

"I still am beautiful!" A second old lady walked out of the house and sat down with them. With her came a handsome man of about 45 years. He picked up the little boy and put it on his laps.

"Yes you are." Emily put a sonorous kiss on her wrinkled cheek.

"But Grandma, your hair was yellow and not grey!"

"Well that happens when you get old Spencer. That and you lose your teeth!"

The boy slapped his hands on his mouth to prevent his teeth from falling.

"Don't worry Spenc'. It cannot happen to you I promise." The boy relaxed and looked once more at the picture with suspicion. "You recognize the boy there in Grandma's arms?"

"No? It is me?"

"Nop. It was me, when I was your age. Or a little younger maybe." Henry said.

"Really?! But you were my daddy back then?"

The adults laughed.

"No. Not back then because you weren't born yet. I was just Henry. And now I'm your Daddy!" Henry answered as he started to tickle his son.

"B-B-But! Wait! I-It-it's no-fair!" The boy could hardly speak between the laughs. When his father stopped he managed to say: "But what will you be when I'm a daddy?"

"Well I'll be the Grandpa of your children and I will still be your daddy."

"And GranGran, what will you and Grandma be when I'll be a daddy?"

The two women looked at each other. There was no fear in their eyes.

"Well… we will be in the stars. Looking out for you and your father."


"Yes we promise."


Tadaaaaaaa! Thank you to all of you who read this until the end! You guys rock!

Don't forget to leave me one last review. It's environmentally friendly and it's friendly to me! =D