First capter of a JJ/Emily fiction. This starts a the when JJ gets into labor and her friends bring her out of the office.


Chapter One

"I need to call Will."

"From the car honey. Breathe and walk."

"Agent Tod I hope you're ready because your job starts right now."

Hotch had already despaired to get the car and Emily, Garcia and JJ were heading to the elevator.

"Wait, I left my papers. The doctor said I should keep them with-"

"Ush. Emily you take her to the car I'll join you with the papers. Oh I'm so excited!"

Garcia rushed to JJ's office as Emily and JJ entered the elevator. JJ's contractions were staring again, making her wince with pain. Emily was holding her arm, watching the countdown indicating that they were heading to the ground.

Suddenly the elevator stopped, nearly throwing JJ on the floor.

"What's happening?" The blonde woman asked, obviously in more and more pain.

"It looks like the elevator is blocked. It's ok JJ, I'll just ring the bell and we'll take another one."

Emily pressed on the button, once, twice, nothing was happening. She checked at what floor they were stuck.


"What is it…?" JJ asked with a very weak voice.

"Nothing JJ, it's ok. Someone is going to come and fetch us. Hotch and Garcia know we are here."

Emily came back to the blonde agent, wrapping her arm around her waist. It was going to be ok. The elevator couldn't possibly break just today, just now, right?

In the parking lot Hotch picked up his phone.


"Hotch I think they are stuck!" Penelope sounded panicked.

"What? What do you mean by stuck?"

"JJ and Emily. I went back to take JJ's prescription and now the elevator won't move!"

Emily was ringing the elevator alarm but it didn't seem to work either. The brunette started biting her nails anxiously. That wasn't good.

"Please don't do that Emily."

"Do what?"

"You bite your nails when you're stressed out."

Emily quickly removed her fingers from her mouth. "Sorry…"

"It's going to be just fine; Hotch and Garcia are probably trying to open those doors right now."

"Yea you're right." Emily was suddenly feeling very stupid. She was the one suppose to reassure JJ, not the reverse. "Sorry, just a small claustrophobia crises." JJ smiled back at her.

Emily, JJ can you hear me?

Hotch's voice was coming out of the small interphone.

"Yes Hotch, we're-"

"Emily…" JJ moaned so weakly that a rush of adrenaline ran through Emily's veins. The brunette followed her gaze and found a huge puddle of water growing between JJ's legs.

"Hotch we need to get out of here NOW!"

Emily calm down, the elevator is stuck at the third floor and it has been closed for two week for renovation. We're coming but it's going to take a few minutes.

"We don't have a few minutes Hotch! JJ just broke water!"

There was a silence at the other end of the interphone. Emily was going to rush to it but a wave of pain hit JJ and her fell on the ground. The brunette had just the time to grab her before she hit the floor.

"JJ are you ok? Look at me what's going on?" Emily sat her down against the elevator.

Emily we cannot make it faster than fourteen minutes. I'll be there with the rescue team; Garcia is going to stay with you.

JJ was wincing with pain. Her breathing was too fast and too erratic. She grabbed her belt ad tried to undo it. It was just too painful.

"JJ what are you doing?"

"Help me. It hurts." The blonde's voice was strangled with pain and Emily quickly opened her trousers and pulled them away. Under any other circumstances Emily would was found this the sexiest thing ever. Except that JJ was in labor in an elevator, stuck somewhere where they couldn't be reached.

Hey my loves. Is everything ok?

"No Garcia it's not ok? Where are they?!"

They are on their way; they are kicking down all the doors in the floor to get to you. They are-

JJ grabbed Emily's arm, pulling her attention back to her. The brunette was squatting next to her and was starting to feel the panic gain every fiber of her body. JJ was so scared. She didn't want it to happen. Not like that, but, she could feel it. She could feel it coming.

"Emily, please…"

"What? What is it?"

"I think… I think he is coming out…"

Emily was petrified. Her eyes wide open, her breathing vanished, her mind blank. That… No! Not hear! Not her! She couldn't do it! She didn't now! She…

Emily wake up!

The voice in the interphone was yelling at her.

Whether or not this baby is coming now you have to do something!

"And what am I suppose to do?!"

You have to check. Place yourself between JJ's legs and check if he is coming out or not.

"But what if-"

Ush! You do as I say, now!

Emily carefully pulled JJ's panties of. She was terrified. That was not supposed to happen! She slowly placed herself between JJ's legs and looked at her.

"I can see the tip of his head…"

JJ exploded in tears. No! What if something happened to her baby? What if no one could reach them in time? She was so scared. That couldn't happen.

"JJ. JJ look at me!" The blonde woman opened her eyes and saw Emily a few centimeters away from her face. "JJ I swear that nothing is going to happen to you or your baby. Everything is going to be fine." Emily couldn't stand seeing JJ like that, and if she had to be the strong one, push her fears away and deliver that baby herself to make her friend stop crying well then she would!

"I can't Emily. I can't do this. I'm not-"

"Don't say that. You are going to be the best mother on earth. You are the strongest, bravest, smartest, most caring, most beautiful woman I've ever seen. I know you can do this. And I'll help you. I'm right here with you." Something in Emily's eyes simply maid all the fear vanish.

A wave of relive ran through JJ's body. Tears were still rolling down her cheeks but a small smile was now lightening her face. "Thank you."

"Garcia what should I do?"

I'm on it honey. If you can see the baby's head then it's time to push JJ, Emily try and hold the baby's head as it gets out. Be careful with the umbilical cord.

JJ closed her eyes, took a deep breath and started pushing. Good! The pain was unbearable! She could have fainted right there but she pushed again, and again. That little baby was counting on her, she couldn't let him down.

JJ don't forget to breath!

The blonde woman was nearly out of oxygen and gasped a huge breath of air.

"I can see him JJ. I can see his forehead!"

Come one Mommy you're nearly there. Push!

"Just one more time his head is almost out!"

Emily they say you have to gently pull on him to help JJ once his head is out.

"Wuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"

"Oh my God JJ… He's here. Here's your son." Emily was out of breath. In her hands was a brand new life screaming his arrival to the world. For a second she lost herself in his small blue eyes. Then she banded over and gave the baby to his mother. JJ looked the weakest and the strongest woman on earth as she took her baby for the first time. Tears running down her cheeks.

"Hey. Hello Henry."

At that moment a noise resonated on the other side of the elevator but none of them noticed. Emily suddenly pulled her T-shirt over her head and carefully wiped the little boy's nose before warping him into the fabric.

The doors of the elevator opened and Hotch with four other men appeared. Two of them were obviously doctors or nurses and were holding a stretcher. When he saw them Hotch immediately ripped his shirt of, and gave it to Emily so she could hide JJ with it. But the blond woman didn't even seem to care as her eyes and her all self where on her new born wonder.

In less time than it took for the rescue team to reach the elevator JJ, Emily and Henry were in an ambulance, followed by Hotch and Garcia in a SUV. Once at the hospital the doctors cleared both Henry and his mother. One of the nurses even congratulated Emily for the way she had handled what could have been a very hard delivery. They were now all in a small hospital room, admiring the little boy.

"Where is Will?" JJ asked, holding her baby close to her heart.

"He will be here in a hour or so, his coming back from his parents." Garcia answered. "He'll be so happy to see that his little boy looks just like him!"

"Actually I think he look more like you…" Emily was sitting on the side of the bed, where JJ had pulled her down a couple of minutes earlier. She was looking at the baby without having conscience of the deep change that had happen in her. For the past few years she had learned to hate William Lamontagne with her heart and soul, and when the new that JJ was pregnant came out, she had started hating that baby too. The loathed him for what he was doing to his mother, changing her body, her habits, making her sick and taking away some of that natural confidence she always had. Of course it was ridiculous but she simply couldn't help it. And of course he was the concrete and eternal proof of JJ and Will's union. Even marriage wasn't so radical.

It had taken her ages to figure out what was wrong with her. She could always hide behind a "I don't like Will that's all." But tht didn't work with the baby. After month of self torturing she had simply concluded that her felling for JJ weren't the ones she thought she had. Weren't the one she was supposed to have. A huge burgeon had been lifted from her heart, but another one had immediately remplace it. She had feeling for her friend that would never see the light of day. Because of that thing in her uterus.

"Garcia, what about we go and find some balloons to light up the room a bit?" Hotch suggested, perfectly knowing that the two women needed some time together.

"Oh yes! We'll be back in a minute with the biggest "It's a boy!" in town." Garcia gave a sonorous kiss to JJ and to the tip of Henry's head. "Take care of our first ever official BAU baby."

They both walked out the door under the amused look of JJ and Emily. A comfortable silence filled the room as the two women drove their attention back to the baby. Ridiculous, that was the word. Now that he was here, all Emily could see was that a little part of JJ was born in him. Like an extension of her. And him, unlike his mother, she could love him with all her heart.

"Emily I… I can't tell you how much I' grateful to you. Thank you. Thank you so much."

"You don't need to thank me. You did all the work."

"I wouldn't have managed without you." They looked at each other in the eye, Emily drowning herself in JJ's cobalt iris. Emily's words where still resonating in the blond woman's head: You are the strongest, bravest, smartest, most caring, most beautiful woman I've ever seen… The most beautiful woman she had ever seen. JJ hadn't been able to figure out why her friend had been so distant with her, so tense around Will, so annoyed about everything that revolved around him and the baby. Of course the brunette had tried to hide it, but they were always an irritated movement or a scathing sentence. After that, it just all made sense.

"I'm sorry Emily, I've already asked Penelope to be Henry's Godmother. If I had known…"

"If you had known I hope you wouldn't have taken that elevator." The brunette teased. "Garcia will do a far better job that me at this. She is going to properly ruin that child's education." JJ giggled, caressing her son's face with her finger. "You look exhausted…"

"I am." JJ sighted peacefully and lay back against her pillows. She looked at her friend one more time. She wanted to be sure she was right about this. Her brain was fuzzy and she was feeling sleep coming but she wanted to do that first. "Come here."

Emily moved closer to her, the baby still in the middle. JJ ran her hand in the dark hair, gently pulling her forward until their foreheads were touching. Emily closed her eyes, a hand on her friends arm, her face just centimeters away from hers. That was the best moment of her life.

"Kiss me."

"What?" Emily asked, not even pulling back as she was sure to have misunderstood.

"Kiss me Emily." JJ repeated and this time the brunette pulled away to look in her eyes, but they were the same as usual, with that same friendly and motherly look. What was happening? "Kiss me. That's all I can give you, and you deserve it so much."

"No…" Emily's voice was just a shocked whisper.

"Em-" JJ tried to bring her face to her friend's but Emily gently pushed her back against the pillows.

"No JJ. You're tired. You don't know what you're saying."

"But you-" Tears were showing up in her blue eyes. JJ wanted to thank her, to tell her she understood now and that she wasn't angry at her for acting like she had. But most of all she didn't want to screw up and she had the feeling that was what she was doing.

"Ushhh." Emily ran a loving hand on JJ's cheek. "I am not taking advantage of you. Not when you're having the best day of your life." She was glad that JJ took it so well, that she wasn't angry or scared, but she also knew that it was the tiredness and the gratefulness speaking for her now.

JJ closed her eyes, a tear getting caught is her eyelashes, and put her own hand over Emily's, burying her face in the gentle touch. Slowly her muscles un-tensed and her breathing calmed down. She fell asleep in Emily's hand, her son still sleeping against her heart.

Emily watched her leaving for the lands of dreams and then bended over. Her lips almost touched the blonds' cheek but she hesitated and then pulled back. Instead she took Henry in her arm, holding him against her heart and gave him the kiss his mother had asked for.