Author's Note: I have not yet written any Walking Dead fanfics so I am pretty excited to get this started off. There will be swearing, violence, and suggestive themes through the entire story, just as a warning, nothing too awful. Also, there will be some parts that are word for word from the episodes and obviously a lot will be changed. I have an OC and for the first few chapters it will be focused on her just so she can be developed. After that it will include a lot more of the other characters, usually a good chunk of LorixShane in each chapter. Of course all the other awesome sub-characters will be in it as well, can't leave them out! :) Drop a review to let me know how you like it, or some constructive criticism. xox


She looked over at what she assumed would be the newest member of the group. The one that almost got them killed, what a fitting label, she thought to herself sarcastically. She was not like the others in the sense that shunning people out of the group for their own benefit made no sense. Why not have an extra man around? Most of the girls proved to useless these days… in her opinion at least. Then again with the onslaught of a zombie apocalypse she thought there was some room for cynicism.

"He's going to lose it…" Taylor whispered under her breathe as the thought of Merle being left for dead crawled back to her mind again.

"Who is? About what?" Rick's perplexed look urged the girl to speak on even though the mere idea of breaking the news to Daryl was making her nerves shake.

"Daryl. About us leaving his brother for dead on that building. I know it wasn't on purpose but that's his flesh and blood, all he's got left… and we left him there, to starve, or worse, be eaten."

"We didn't have a choice-"

"I don't think he'll see it that way." The guilt began to course through her, she may have not had any part of it, even was against the idea of cuffing him to the pipe but she let it happen. She promised him that she wouldn't let things get out of hand with his crazy son-of-bitch brother. That was a lie now. The silence was starting to ring in her ears with the only sound being the tires on the pavement. Apparently Rick was also dealing with the side effects of leaving a human being- even a complete and utter waste of space- to rot on a roof top.

"What's your name again? I haven't heard anything other than asshole and idiot…" Taylor looked over at him skeptically, she wanted to break the god forsaken silence. She pushed past the now haunting thoughts and tried to figure out what the new guy was all about. He seemed to be very good with a gun, and steady under pressure, always good points when you are constantly being tailed by the living dead.

"Idiot? I guess you're all a bunch of sweethearts. Maybe I shouldn't have helped get you guys out of there," he made a crooked half-smile at her, not taking his eyes off the road after the chaos they just endured to get out of the now overrun mall.

"Helped us?" She scoffed and rested her arm out the window, feeling a little relieved to be out of the city limits. "I won't even dignify that part with a response Mr. Blow Everyone's Cover, and for the record I wasn't the one that said any of those names."

"My name's Rick," he kept his eyes steady with no emotion this time. He wasn't sure if the decision he made was right. He didn't know these people or what they were or were not capable of. They had saved him from that tank but kindness can only get you so far in the post-apocalyptic wasteland.

"Rick, I'm Taylor. It's nice to meet you, we haven't seen anyone alive in…" she paused to think and that was a daunting task alone, "months? Maybe? I can't even remember, the days clash-"

"Well I guess I'm lucky then." Rick let out a breathe of air as they pulled into the make-shift campground. He was beginning to question his decision, would they even let him join them? If they did he still wasn't sure if they were to be trusted. Then again, he couldn't be picky with friends these days. Taylor slid out quickly and slammed the door shut, leaving Rick to sit in the truck and gather his thoughts for a few moments. He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed before getting out with the others. The group piled out of the back and took a gulp of fresh air, their lungs filled quickly after being stuffed in the back of the truck the whole ride. Everyone scattered off to their loved ones and hugged with sighs of relief that they all had returned in one piece- and unbitten. Taylor glanced around a few times and didn't run to hug anyone. The person she wanted to tell the insane story to was not at the site… probably off hunting again. What. An. Idiot. Doesn't he know I have to break the worst news I've ever had to in my entire life? Post or pre zombie land.

"How'd ya'll get out there anyway?" Shane looked at a few of the members before Glen hesitantly answered.

"New guy, he got us out," he squinted past the sun as he spoke to the quizzical Shane.

"New guy?" His voice slightly wavered, he was not sure he wanted a new pack member.

"Oh my god," Rick mumbled to himself when his eyeline met Shane's. Taylor looked back and forth between the two and hearing his whisper she turned to face him.

"Do you know Shane?" She titled her head in confusion, there was no possible way he could know anyone from their group, right? He must have been mistaken. But neither took their eyes off of each other. Both men were in shock and disbelief. The small moment was broken when Rick heard a familiar voice shout out.

"Dad?! DAD!" The small voice was strained with utter confusion and happiness, all at once. It was little doe-eyed Carl, he ran forward with arms wide open and tears streaming down his face. Rick leaned down and smothered his son in hugs in pure astonishment that he was still alive and here! With him now! The odds were impossible but apparently in his favor today. The whole group watched carefully of everything that was happening. Needless to say, they were just as shocked as the boy and his father- and probably just as happy. They needed some lift me ups after all they'd been through in the past few weeks.

"I can't believe you're here," Carl cried into his fathers shoulder, tears of joy for once. "MOM!" He called back over his shoulder, making Rick follow the direction with his eyes, and like clockwork she appeared from behind one of the trailers. The tears streamed further down Rick's face he could not believe his fortune today. Both his son and wife were alive and right here with him again. Lori mimicked Carl's earlier reaction- racing into the arms of her husband who she had thought was dead all along. They hugged together, all three, crying tears of bliss and mumbling "I love you's" to each other.

Taylor watched on in awe, tears rolling down her own cheeks. She watched with a mixed reaction of joy and sorrow. She wished she still had her parents, her fiance her siblings. She was left with nothing and how great it must be for Lori and Carl to have Rick back. She wiped her face with the back of her hand before slowly creeping away from the group. After they had finished their beautiful reunion the introductions began. She already knew everyone at camp and she had gotten slightly acquainted with Rick on the drive back, she felt no need to be there.

Over at the campfire all the seats were empty with the smoldering embers burning out. Everyone was far too distracted to keep the fire going. She threw a few logs on and grabbed one of the hand guns. She wasn't supposed to have one since everyone considered her very under trained with a weapon. But if she was going to go off by herself she was going to need something to protect herself, that seemed like it would be suitable. And she knew how to shoot decently, not to any of the boys standards, but well enough to keep herself alive.

She followed the path that lead out of the camp site, all the while checking her surroundings. She tucked the gun carefully in the front of her pants, one thing Taylor never understood was having it tucked in the back. What if you are pinned by a walker and you're panicking? You would probably fumble to get it and cause yourself to become one. She did not want to take that chance. She slid the hair tie off her wrist and pulled her hair up into a high ponytail. As much as she liked having her hair down it would only get in her face and possibly blind her, an unnecessary risk to take. She continued wandering on the trail until she could no longer even see the campsite as a speck. If anybody back there knew she had strolled so far away by herself they would ream her out for hours on end.

Taylor heard a rustle in the bushes and spun on her heels, pulling the gun out swiftly and aiming right into a head shot. A not so dead one.

"Oh my god!" She shoved her counterpart away and scowled at him.

"Hey blondie."

"Damn you Daryl." She tucked the gun back away and inhaled deeply, she had almost shot her only true ally. An ally that she would be devastated if lost. He beamed a bright smile at her words.

"Sorry," he held his hands up in mock surrender.

"How long have you been following me?" She knew his answer already, probably since she first set on the trail. One of his specialties was hunting, crossbows and tracking. That was Daryl.

"Only long enough to know you would have been dead a few times had I not been shadowing you." He slung his crossbow back over his shoulder and kissed the top of her head. "Glad to see you made it out of the city alive." She rolled her eyes at him but was slightly more thrilled about the rare affection he'd shown than she'd openly admit.

"There were walkers following me? I didn't even hear you kill them…" she trailed off ignoring his last comment, not wanting to broach the subject of his brother yet.

"Redneck ninja," he grinned before turning stalk still, he put his finger up to his lips and whispered 'shhh'. His eyes were fixed somewhere out in the woods that she could not follow with her own. The little blonde did as directed and kept her mouth shut, crouching down to avoid being seen by whatever he had spotted. He quietly pulled his crossbow back off and lined up the shot, pulling back the arrow and releasing with ease. She was always amazed at how graceful he made any weapon seem.

"What did you just hit?" She looked up at him and awaited an answer but did not get one. Instead she got pulled back along the trail, being dragged by sleeve of her shirt.

"Man you are slow today woman," he let go of her and walked behind to have a better vantage point for the living dead. "And I just shot our dinner, you're welcome." He received another eye roll which he chose to return right back. They continued walking at a leisurely pace until they heard a scream coming from up ahead. They both recognized it immediately as little Carl. They exchanged worried glances.

"Carl," they said in unison before taking off running, Why does he always wander off? Taylor thought to herself as they raced towards the piercing cries. If he was in trouble she was surely going to help him, whether he was her own or not, and regardless of the fact that he was constantly putting himself in dangerous situations. As they got closer to the screams their breathe became ragged from the long run back and as the rounded the corner they were both quite shocked with the view. They were staring down the barrel of a shot gun.

"Alive here," Taylor gave Shane a dirty look before he retreated his weapon. He lowered the gun and rolled his eyes with a rather loud scoff. He was obviously not thrilled to see either of them and the feelings were definitely mutual. "Oh joy, a welcoming committee." Daryl raised an eyebrow to her overly sarcastic comment that he knew would only piss Shane off more.

"Son of a bitch," he looked over at his now demolished deer. A walker had gotten it and it would be no use, a perfectly good meal wasted. "That's my deer!" He approached the dead body with no caution and began to kick it in anger while screaming out vile words. He had been tracking it for quite some time, in between protecting Taylor and watching his own back. It was quite a feat to multi task like that and now he had nothing to show for it. The hunt was officially a bust.

"Calm down son, that's not helping," Dale commented quietly from the side. He was always the reasonable one and for being so timid he also spoke his mind often. Most of the survivors were afraid to piss that boy off but it did not frighten Dale. Rick kept a careful watch on the situation. He didn't know either of these men so he was not ready to interfere, but if it got ugly enough he was willing to.

"What do you know about it old man? Take that stupid hat and go back to the pond." Taylor gave him a disappointed look, she never liked when he had one of his outbursts, always acting so different when it's just the two of them. When he saw her face he clenched his jaw, backing up a few steps. Shane held his shotgun in front of the two men to keep him back in case he decided to lunge. He was successful in keeping them apart and watched Daryl return to the mourning of his now worthless meal. He mumbled to himself over top of the deer corpse and pulled the arrows out.

"That's a damn shame," the disdain was still present in his voice. He patted his back and spoke up again, "I got some squirrels, that'll have to do."

The walkers head began to move its jaw open and closed. Amy groaned in disgust and Andrea took her away quickly. The men all watched as Daryl took an arrow back out and shot it through the eye.

"Gross," Taylor covered her mouth at the sight of freshly spilled brains.

"Come on people, what the hell?" He glanced at each of the remaining men and held his boot firmly on the head before effortlessly sliding the arrow out. "It's gotta be the brain, don't ya'll know nothing?" He stalked off back to the campsite not giving the deer or the walker a second thought. He had a new mission, he was going to show off his squirrels to Merle, proving that he could hold his own without him there. As he entered the inner circle Taylor made an abrupt stop and headed for one of the tents. Shane jogged after her and pulled her aside.

"Where you think you're going? You gotta go with him now."

"No." She looked into his eyes and for once she did not see the hate radiating from them. Shane was temporarily putting his anger towards both her and Daryl aside for a moment. He knew the safety of everyone depended on him not losing his shit once the news of his brother was broken to him. "You're going to tell him about Merle and I don't want to be there." She looked over her shoulder at a very confused Daryl as he called out his brothers name- to no avail.

"You need to go over with him so you can keep him calm. He's obviously not going to take it lightly, I don't want anyone getting hurt." Shane gripped her shoulder tightly in an effort to talk to her into it with as much sympathy as he could muster. "He needs you."

"No, I'm not going to see the look on his face when you tell him that his brother is most likely dead. I won't do it."

"Taylor," his grip became more forceful as his anger with her reared its head again, "we may not like each other but I am no dumbass. You are the only one he gives the time of day to around here. Do you think he wants any of us to tell him that without anybody by his side? He wants to hear that bullshit by himself?" She winced as his fingers dug into her skin now. She tore herself away from him and shook her head slowly. "Girl you listen to me, he didn't choose to go hunting, we sent him off because he was going off left and right with all us guys. Then as soon as you come back he stands down from that fight with Dale. You think that's a coincidence?"

"I think that I'm part of the reason his brother is still there, I didn't do anything, I sat by and watched. I'm partly responsible Shane! Don't you think that would hurt him a lot more?" Shane bit his tongue to keep himself from exploding on her, she was obviously not getting it and was not going to listen to him.

"Fine, be a cold hearted bitch, you live with that, not me." He spit at the ground by her feet and stormed off. The group had decided he would be the one to tell so he had to man up regardless if she was going to help or not.

"Merle! Get your ugly ass out here! I got us some squirrels!" He cheerfully continued walking with the game holstered in front of him now.

"Daryl, slow up a bit I need to talk to you." Shane rubbed the stubble on his chin unsure of how to make the words come out right.

"About what?" He whipped around and gave him a puzzled look. He dropped the squirrels to the side and watched Shane with reservations as he approached him.

"About Merle. There was a problem in Atlanta," he stuck his hands on his hips. He knew he had to choose the next few sentences that came out of his mouth with caution. Daryl looked around at everyone before pacing a few times.

"He dead?"

"Not sure," Shane responded quietly.

"He either is or he ain't," his voice began to raise, drawing Taylor's attention over to the scene as it unfolded. She watched tentatively to his expression just waiting for the moment that they tell him his brother was left chained to a pipe and to fend for himself.

"No easy way to say this so I'll just say it," Rick cut in now as he stepped towards the two men. Daryl's face contorted in confusion as he did not know this man.

"Who are you?" He didn't know him and he didn't appreciate that he was going to be telling him about his brother.

"Rick Grimes," he said calmly. He was not looking to upset him more than he already was.

"Rick Grimes?" He repeated with mockery in his tone. "You got something you wanna tell me?"

"Your brother was a danger to us all. So I handcuffed him on a roof… handcuffed him to a piece of metal. He's still there." Rick's eyes never wavered once, he was trying to stay as cool as possible to keep the situation from escalating. T-Dog wandered up over the hillside with a pile of fire wood stacked in his hands. He knew what was happening already.

"Huh, let me process this… So you handcuffed my brother to a roof and you left him there?!" The shouting echoed through the woods and Taylor cringed when she heard it. She may have not been right there in the middle of it but even from where she was standing she could tell they were losing control of the situation.

"Yeah," Rick dropped his head in shame, hearing it spoken back to him made it even worse. Before he could react Daryl threw his game at him before taking a lunge towards him. Shane tackled him immediately to the ground and T-Dog ran over to help restrain him and hopefully clear things up.

While still on the ground Daryl slid his spare knife out and pulled himself up out of the dirt. Taylor could no longer stand by and watch, not like she did with his brother which is precisely what the fight was about. She now realized Shane was one hundred percent right and she was an idiot for not listening sooner. Once she saw the knife hit the sunlight she knew that it was not going to end well.