My first story here. Reviews will be highly appreciated!

Chapter One: Trader Johann

The Isle of Berk is a small island in the middle of nowhere. So when something new arrives, the people make such a big deal out of it. Unfortunately, what's new isn't always what's good.

It was an ordinary day on the Isle of Berk. The sun was shining, but it wasn't hot. It wasn't snowing, but it still wasn't all that warm.

Hiccup sat in his room, sketching a picture of Toothless, his dragon, a Night Fury. He dipped his pen into his ink bottle, only to find out that it was empty. Time to get another bottle.

Down at the docks of the island, Bucket was just about to set sail when he spotted a figure in the distance. It was a ship. And not just any ship. Everyone on Berk knew this ship.

"Trader Johann's here," Bucket said to himself. "Trader Johann's here!" he shouted so that everyone in the village could hear him. Bucket himself was so excited he fell off his little rowboat and into the water. In a matter of minutes, people flocked to the docks just as Johann's ship anchored.

Among the first at the ship was the village blacksmith, Gobber the Belch and a few of the viking teens, namely Snotlout Jorgenson, Fishlegs Ingerman and the Thorston Twins as well as Bucket who had quickly gotten out of the water (Berk's waters are cold so you don't want to spend a lot of time in them).

"Ah, Berk," exhaled Johann as he moved a a plank to connect his ship and the docs. "My favorite of all the islands to visit."

"Where have you been to this time, Trader Johann?" Bucket asked excitedly.

"Oh Bucket," Johann replied, "The things I've seen and the people I've met. I would need a week to regale on all the thrilling details. But alas, I have limited time to conduct our business together." Johann stepped to a spot higher on his ship. "Whatever it is you are looking for," he declared to the growing spectators, "I can assure you, you'll find it here!"

"It's all mine," Snotlout quickly said, throwing his arms over a pile of objects. "I call dibs on everything."

"I've got food of all sorts," said Johann, "spices, exotic animals, you name it. Works of art, jewelry, not to mention knowledge."

"Trader Johann," Fishlegs began, holding up a small brown book, "is this your only book on botany?"

"Yes, Mr. Fishlegs," Johann answered politely. "Why, it was given to me by the author himself."

"Would you take this necklace?" Fishlegs offered, holding up a necklace decorated with white fangs. "It's made from baby dragon's teeth."

"Fair enough, Mr. Fishlegs." Trader Johann takes the necklace from Fishleg's hands. Also now on the ship is star teenager Astrid Hofferson checking out a new weapon. Gobber sighs behind her. "You okay there, Gobber?"

"I'm better than okay," the blacksmith replied, rubbing his face with silk. "I'm in heaven."

Right next to Astrid, Hiccup pops up holding in his hand a container. "That's pure squid ink, Hiccup," said Johann. "It was wrestled from the colossal squid of the Northern Waters."

"Well how about this spyglass?" Hiccup asked Johann, handing him a spyglass from his leather bag. "I made it myself."

"Yes, I know," the trader answered, "you've given me five just like it. Unfortunately, I've got only two eyes." Hiccup thought for a moment before reaching into his bag again. "How about this winch? It will help you with that gangplank."

"A welcome tool for a working man's ailing shoulders. Consider it done." Behind Johann was Stoick the Vast, chief of the tribe (Oh hear his name and Tremble Ugh Ugh). In one hand, he held a sword and was testing another one of them silver blades in the other.

"Wow, another sword?" Hiccup murmured. "That's just what we need."

"If you must know," Stoick told his son, "it's not for me. I'm heading off to my yearly meeting with the chief of the Shivering Shores. The last man who showed up without a gift left without a head."

"But dad, then why do you have two swords?" Hiccup then asked.

"The second one still isn't for me." Stoick stepped in front of his son. "It's for you." Stoick handed the blade in his left hand to his son. Hiccup stared at it blankly. He blinked a few times.

"Wait a second, what?!" Hiccup suddenly exclaimed. "Dad, what are you giving me a sword for? You know I can't fight! I mean, dad, it's in the name. 'Hiccup', a runt, a weakling."

"What do names have to do with any of this?" said Stoick. He sighed. "Look, I know you're not a keen fighter, but now we know that Alvin the Treacherous is after you. The least we can do is to make sure you can handle yourself."

"I handle myself fine by running," Hiccup said to his father. "And apart from that, I even have Toothless!"

"I don't want to take any chances," Stoick boomed. "You need to learn how to fight and that's final."

"Then why don't you just get a sword from Gobber?"

"You know he's incredibly busy taking care of dragon teeth. Besides, this sword has traveled afar. Who knows what kind of adventures it already had."

"And how many people it already killed," Hiccup muttered under his breath.

"And now, the blade will be looking forward to face new frontiers with it's new wielder."

"Dad, you should know that I absolutely have no idea how to use a sword," Hiccup told his father.

"You shouldn't worry about that," Stoick replied. "All the chiefs of Berk were master sword-fighters. It should be in the blood!"

"Even Hamish the Second?"

"Even Hamish the Second!"

Hiccup gave up. He sighed and took the sword from his father's hand even though he didn't have the slightest idea on how to use it.

"That's the spirit," said Stoick, satisfied as he patted his son on the back. He turned to the trader. "Johann, what will you take in trade?"

"Stoick, it is but your good graces that I desire when my humble ship passes through Berk," Johann answered. Stoick chuckled. "Well, you'll always be welcomed on our shores." He turned to leave and sheathed the sword he was going to use as a gift. "I'll be back in five days. What am I saying? I'll be back in two now that I have Thornado."

A blue Thunderdrum sat on the pier. Stoick slowly got on the dragon.

"Dad," Hiccup spoke up, "you finally named him. 'Thornado', huh?"

"That's right!" Stoick replied, struggling to keep the Thunderdrum calm. "Because he has the power of the Thor and the ferocity of a tornado! Plus, it's the only thing he'll answer too. Apparently, he can be quite stubborn!"

Hiccup held back a snicker. "Can't imagine where he gets that from."

"Up, Thornado," Stoick commanded his dragon. The Thunderdrum slowly rose up into the air before taking off. Johann peered up at the sky in awe. "Ah, men riding dragons," he breathed. "What a magnificent sight."

"Johann!" a voice snapped. The trader turned around to see an old man standing on his ship. "Mildew!"

"Did you bring what I want?" the old man demanded.

"Always straight to the point," said Johann, "I like that." The trader gestured to a pile of baskets beside him and turned back to Mildew. "I assume you've brought my cabbage."

Mildew pointed to a basket filled with cabbage sitting on the deck of the ship. Johann sniffs the cabbages before putting them on one of the stands on his ship. A green Terrible Terror landed on the pile of the baskets that is Mildew's order. It started sniffing them.

"Now, now, little fella," said Johann, "that's not for you." The Terror refused to move. Johann picked up the little dragon and threw him onto the deck. The Terror landed near Hiccup's feet.

Toothless growls and pounces forward, pushing Hiccup out of the way. Toothless looks at Johann threateningly. Hiccup runs up to him. "Toothless, no," Hiccup told his dragon before turning to Johann. "Sorry, he's just a little protective."

Hiccup looked down at the pile of the shattered container and his squid ink on the deck.

"Sorry, lad," said Johann. "That was my last one. But I assure you, I'll find that colossal squid and wrestle you up another bottle!" Hiccup, disappointed, got off Johann's ship and headed home.