I had never imagined living an exciting life in my fifteen years. I thought I would probably live on the same boring street, live the same boring life, and have nothing extremely exciting happen to me. Maybe the most exciting thing that would happen would be seeing someone almost get hit by a truck, I don't know. All I knew is that it wouldn't be coming close to anything my mind thought an adventurous life should be.

I never thought I would be so wrong.

The summer right after my middle school graduation is when my mother told me the wonderful news. You know, the news that every teenager wants to hear. That they will be moving, leaving everyone that they have known their whole life. That for my first year of high school, I'm gonna have to start over completely and meet people that I've never seen before. Even better, we're gonna move from the quiet mobile home park in Washington where everyone knows everyone, and their business, to sunny and hot California. It was perfect, wonderful news.

Wanna know the best part? It was because my mom had found a new man that she had been talking to long distance, for about six months. Of course, all that before is sarcasm. I was not happy with this. So, with all this being packed into my noodle, we had packed up and left Kent, Washington by the end of August, just in time for me to start school.

I guess it didn't really matter, I had never gotten close to any of my friends back home besides Bonnabell, but she had been far older than I and already left state for some science college or something. And you know, it's kinda nice to see my mom in love again, with a smile on her face. I guess for her, I could suck it up and let her throw me to the wolves that I heard high school held.

"Fionna, bun-bun, we're here."

I snapped out of my deep thoughts, noticing that we had in fact, stopped. I smiled to my mom, whose own ecstatic grin out shined my own. She giddily jumped from her car seat out into the sun. Her blond hair flew behind her as she practically ran up the stairs of the house, and rapped on the door enthusiastically. She did all this before I even had my own car door fully open.

I too stepped into the sun, noticing the heat immediately compared to the cars cool air conditioning. The second thing I noticed was the house. The most noticeable thing about it was that it was huge, casting a large shadow over the yard; the second was that it was old. It looked as though it had once been painted white, but it was mostly chipped away showing brown wood underneath.

I strode up to the house, going to stand next to my mom. The closer I got, the more wearing I noticed; browning grass, rotting patio boards, even some of the windows seemed to be boarded up. I was about to question my mom if she had the right address, but the door flung open before I could, showing us the owner of the home.

I think the man who stood in the doorway was creepier then the house. He stood tall above me, by at least a foot, clean shaven and sharp cheek bones. You know those old Dracula movies? That's exactly what he looked like, only buff. His face spilt into a grin, looking to be more of a leer then anything happy. The tall man suddenly locked eyes on my mom, and his grin grew wider before he lunged towards her.

To say I was surprised from the sudden movement was an understatement, and it had caused me to pull away from the two quickly. Even more so when I saw them embracing and their lips were making loud smacking noises. Yep, this was gonna be my new step-dad, Abadeer Barberri.

I made a noise of disgust at the two of them, to which they separated, my mom smiling at me sheepishly while her bou gave me that creepy grin.

"So, I uh, I'm gonna go get my junk." I stated awkwardly, not wanting to be near the couple. "You just, know each other better."

With that I hopped down the steps back to our moving van. I could hear their murmured voices behind me, both holding love-sick tones and flirtatious giggles. I was so not looking to what other noises I might be hearing on the first night that they have alone together.

After a couple hours of unloading the truck, and unpacking a few necessities, we had sat down for dinner. A couple more hours of hearing my mom and Dracula talking with each other, I had headed up to my new room to sleep. The house was just as large as I thought it would be, it had two floors, plus a basement and attic. About six bedrooms I think Drac said. I was thankful that the inside the house wasn't as broken down as the outside. Sure, dusty and had quite a few cob webs but it had a warm homey feel to it.

I was surprised to hear Mr. Drac insist that my mother have a room of her own too. He looked like an extreme creep but he did have manors towards my mom. So, you know, props for him.

Now I was lying on my new bed with my cat, Cake. She seemed to think Drac was a creeper too. She had been hissing at him when they were first put into the same room, and after that her tail had been so poofed it just recently went down. She was now relaxed, sprawled on her back as I ran my fingernails over her tummy.

Besides giving my Cake some lovin', I was reading a novel about some adventurer named Finn who slew evil and solved difficult dungeons. He seemed to wear a hat of a bear, as to blend in with his surroundings and fool the monsters around him. I really wished I could someday be just like him. Go on awesome adventures and kick major buns.

I was drifting more and more away from my book into my fantasies when I heard something odd. It was a deep thrumming noise, and I could feel the deep vibrations through the walls and to my head board. Cake let out a small cry to me in irritation as I stopped petting her and set my book down, trying to pay attention to what the sound was. Standing, I could then feel it through my feet. Whatever the noise was, I could feel it thrum through my whole body. I walked to my door and opened it, noting that the noise grew louder.

A deep uncertainty rose through my chest about wandering throughout the house, having been too tired with the box moving to have a proper tour. My feet seemed to guide me though, as if the noise was drawing them to it. The bare soles of my feet made not one noise as I was guided across the old floor boards and as I got closer and closer I noticed what the noise was. It was a deep sounding bass, and if I listened hard enough, I thought a voice could be heard going along with it.

Now knowing what the noise was I hurried my pace, seeming to get lost within the many hallways. My long blond mane flew behind me as I speed my pace further, my feet now making loud pounding noises, as if adding a beat to the strumming bass. A few moments later, I had to come to a sudden stop as I came upon a door. The bass was even louder than before and I knew for sure someone was singing along with it.

I cracked the door open, and the deep rhythm hit me full on, along with a dark haunting male voice singing to it. Even though it was too dark to see fully anything, I could make out a flight of stairs. It led to the attic. My heart raced as I lifted my nighty to my knees and I started ascending the stairs. One by one the music grew and the lyrics that the haunting voice was singing became clearer.

'I'm gonna bury you in the ground,

I'm gonna bury you with my sound'

I shivered at the dark lyrics, taking each step even quicker, the voice drawing me in."

'I'm gonna drink the red'

I was so close; I could peek just over the edge of the stairs and see a silhouette.

'From your pretty pink fa-'

I let out a short cry as I fell forward. My foot had snagged on the hem of my nighty, knocking me onto my face and into the room. I looked up quickly, searching my surroundings to see the mystery singer. To my disappointment and shock, when I looked around the dim room, whoever it was, they and their music had disappeared.