Okay I haven't updated since 2002 0.0;; sorry but I had put so much angst into it that I just couldn't go on 0.0; but now I think I have the strength to continue, .sorry for making you wait but this must be the last chappie ;___;

Who to choose? Who was Sakura going to choose. They passed through the gates

together and that meant that their love was true, everlasting though they were from two

different worlds.

'I wish.. I just wish we could just live together' Sakura sobbed holding little Nady so

close to her.

"Sakura" she heard a voice call to her. As she looked up It was the image of Li floating as

an apparition above her.

"Li?" Sakura looked up with tear stained eyes.

"This must be your last test, you shouldn't have to make harsh decisions like this, I love

you and Nady, so there fore I am making this decision for you. This is the final trial

Sakura" He spoke.

"What but.. Li" Sakura murmured.

His apparition came closer and he placed his hand on Sakura's cheek as her tears rolled

down. Then he kissed the child.

"Everything will be okay after this, and I will no longer be part of your memory or soul

Sakura" As his words faded a bright white light filled throughout the room.

She felt as if she was floating and she was surrounded by cherry blossoms. She snuggled

little Nady close to her.

'mm where am I?' Sakura's hand twitched and grabbed some sort of some soft sheets.

"Oh don't cry! It's okay"

She heard someone speak in a babyish voice.

Her blurry image soon cleared into Yugi playing with little Nady. He was bouncing her

up and down and her cries soon turned into giggles.


He rubbed noses with the baby and turned to Sakura.

"Ah Sakura I was getting worried." Yugi came over to her and placed a loving hand on

her forehead.

"What happened Yugi?" Sakura sat up feeling surprisingly refreshed. She had

remembered crying but didn't feel groggy.

"Nady!" She hugged her baby tightly as it cooed.

"It's all over Sakura" Yugi smiled.

"What do you mean It's over?"

"Our trial now we can finally be together"

"But how? I didn't make any decisions, It was between you and someone else."

"Sorry I hurt you Sakura, It will never happen again I swear it" Yugi said sincerely.


"Oh don't cry again or you will become completely dehydrated" Yugi said. "Oh come

and see the house it is beautiful." He took her hand and lifted her up while still holding


"See we have a beautiful view!" Yugi then opened the window and light flowed through.

A beautiful Oceanic view came into place.

"Wow it is beautiful!" Sakura's eyes sparkled.

Yugi then placed his arm around her waist and pulled her close. It's all for us. It's all for


They took awhile to absorb the breeze when the doorbell rang.

"Hmm I wonder who that could be?" Yugi careful handed the baby to Sakura and went to

answer the door.


Tea, Tristen, Joey, Tomoyo and Eriol Yelled at him.

"Gah what are yo guys doing here!!"

"To congratulate ya'll for cumin dis far!" Joey exclaimed.

"Tomoyo!!" Sakura ran up and hugged Tomoyo with one hand while holding Nady in the


"But? How?" Yugi and Sakura sked.

"Something special happened and your love caused our worlds to merge together." Tea

replied. (P.S she forgot about Tea too X3 muwhahha thank you Li ^.^-)

"This is amazing!" Sakura exclaimed.

"We came here to Party!!" Joey shouted as Eriol popped open a champagne bottle.

Yugi showed his friends in. A small boy with blue hair peeped from behind Tomoyo.

"Aww is he yours"

"No duh!" Tomoyo exclaimed. "Meet little Eichi he's just 6 ain't he a darling"

"Yes he is"

"And look at your little baby!" Tomoyo gently took the baby's tiny fingers.

Sakura just smiled. She saw Eichi looking up curiously at the baby.

"You wanna hold her?" Sakura bent down, Eichi just nodded and gently took the baby

form Sakura.

"Her name is Nady" Tomoyo told him.

"Na..dy" he repeated and smiled as Nady giggled at him.

"Hey What you guys waiting for join the PARTY!!!"

"YA MORE RUMJ For mE!!" Joey exclaimed.

"Joey you dumb drunk" Tristen sighed.

"Me? Drunk! I ain't gots no blood in my alcohol what'cha talking about"

"Come'on you guys we haven't even been here for two minutes" Tea scolded.

"Yea Tea dance with me"

Joey took Tea's hand and started to swing her around.

Sakura and Tomoyo looked at each other and gave a nervous chuckle.

'And so here begins a new end' she thought

The end

I had to end it for the sake of your guys. And I had to make it happy!! sorry for all those who liked all the depressing stuff soo Ja NE!!! AMY~