Title- A Sexy Predator
Author- OroKabuLover
Rating- M, smut, language
Author's note- I wrote this with in mind, basically my inspiration for this thing. ENJOY!

The Slenderman sighed as he straightened his tie.
"I will only be gone for a few hours," He said, looking down at the teenager whom sat on the couch.
"Okay," she said, looking up at him, having to crane her head back to look at his face.
"That's not so long," she smiled as He nodded.
"Remember the rules," He reminded her as she rolled her eyes.
"Of course," He nodded before he vanished.

She flipped on the television, not really finding much on but reruns of Jeopardy. She watched that for about an hour before the doorbell rang, causing her to jump slightly.
"Coming!" She yelled as she ran across the large home, quickly opening the door.
"Hello," the tall being said, "I believe my nephew lives here, Slenderman?" He asked as she nodded.
"He went out for a little while."
"And left such a gorgeous lady such as yourself home alone?" She blushed at his comment.
"I don't believe you said your name," she asked and he nodded.
"Ah, terribly rude of me," he chuckled as he pulled a bright red rose from inside his jacket, a long stemmed one.
"Manners are always important, especially when in front of a woman," he held the rose out to her. She looked up at him, admiring the rose.
"Thank you," she smiled as she accepted it, "it's gorgeous."
"It is dull compared to your beauty," he commented as she blushed again.
"Your name?" She asked, noticing he was avoiding the subject.
"That's right, I felt like I was forgetting something," he laughed, "you can call me Smexy," he remarked before grabbing her around the waist roughly, causing her to drop the rose.

The door was slammed closed in an instant as they were teleported to her large bedroom. "Ladies first," he said before tossing her onto the bed, she shrieked as she landed on it. She instantly sat up, trying to get off of the bed, but he was already on top of her. "I don't believe I caught your name either," he smirked.
"Sasha," she said, looking away from him.
"What a stunning name, you will be hearing it called out quite a bit," he smirked as he ripped her pink tee shirt off.
"Hey... Get off me!" She said, pushing against him, only to have several thin tendrils grasp onto her wrists, holding her firmly in place.
"Don't be rude," he demanded as he yanked her khaki shorts off, tossing them somewhere behind him. She gasped loudly. "Don't worry, this will feel amazing," he smirked before his long black tongue licked up her bare neck.

He was fully dressed one second, and completely naked the next. She blushed darkly as he climbed back on top of her. "Whatever He is giving you, I will give you more," he assured her.
"We are NOT sleeping together," she yelled, hating it when people assumed her and Slenderman were together.
"Don't have to yell," he chided as he ripped her bright green panties off, followed by her white bra. "Here, you can hold my hat," he smiled as he removed his black fedora and placed it on top of her head. "I don't want to lose it, just in case if I have to make a mad-dash out of here," he laughed as he pressed his mouth to hers, noting she wasn't resisting at all, in fact, she opened her mouth up slightly to him. He let out a low growl as she sucked on his tongue.

She gasped loudly and her eyes shot open as she felt his hand trail up her inner thigh. "Didn't mean to startle you," he chuckled. She pouted.
"You didn't..." She insisted, gasping again as she felt something pressed against her womanhood. She instantly blushed as she looked down. "There's no way..." She said, caught off-guard by his size.
"I'll make it fit darling, don't worry about that, just relax and enjoy the ride," he smiled at her as she slung her arms over his shoulders.
"Then lets at least do this properly," she said as she hooked her ankles around his waist.
"I like the way you think." She gasped as he pressed against her roughly, she slowly felt him starting to slide in, stretching her lips apart slowly.
Amazingly, it didn't hurt like everyone said it did, it felt... Tingly. She gasped softly as she felt him enter her fully. "Does it hurt?"
She shook her head. "Tingly though..."
"That's me, I do that so it's no pain, all gain," he smiled down at her as she blushed.
She closed her eyes and moaned softly as he slowly pulled out before pushing back in, shoving his length fully into her.
"O-oh..." She gasped, knowing now why people talked so highly of sex.
"Feels good huh?" She nodded. "It's only just begun."
She moaned out as he pulled out until just the tip remained inside of her warm canal, then pushing back into her as far as he could. She closed her eyes and moaned loudly.
"Oh God..." She gasped as he set a rhythm, her nails lightly dragging down his back.
"Damn... You're so warm inside," he said, his long black tongue snaking out of his mouth, licking up her neck slowly.
"Y-your so big," she gasped as he began to slam into her faster, more white tendrils appearing and holding her waist for him, holding her in place as he reached up and squeezed her breasts.
She let out a long breathy moan as he pinched her small pink nubs before rubbing them in a circular motion, still slamming into her, causing her breasts to jiggle up and down.
"Such nice tits," he chuckled as he reached down, his long black tongue making contact with one of her hardened nipples, licking over it. She moaned louder as she felt the warmth of his tongue on her skin.
He snickered as she shuddered, the air in the room feeling cold against the wet skin, creating dozens of small goosebumps to cover her skin.
"Oh God!" She cried out as he slammed into her faster, the bed slamming against the wall now, chipping the paint first, but now causing small craters in it from the metal bed frame.
He moaned loudly as he quickened the pace, still slamming fully into her, his pale sac hitting against her ass.
Sasha drug her nails down his bare back, fine lines of deep red appearing. The being growled and began to fondle her breast once again, rubbing the pink nubs and licking them every once in a while.
"O-oh..." She moaned as she tilted her head back, the black fedora she wore almost falling off.
He ran his tongue up her neck once again.
The teen dug her ankles into the man's lower back tightly as she felt a large heat in her lower abdomen. "Oh Smexy..." He snickered as she said his 'name' for the first time. "I... I think I'm g-gonna..." She gasped, unable to even finish her sentence.
"Ladies first," he reminded her as he slammed up into her at an angle. Her back arched sharply as she cried out in ecstasy.
"Oh Smexy! More!" She cried out.
"Always happy to oblige," he chuckled as he slammed up into her repeatedly at the angle, roughly abusing her sweet spot.
"O... Oh..." She gasped, unable to keep her eyes open anymore, her body running fully on lust. "S-so... Good-d!" She cried out.
He thrusted quicker, still slamming her spot. Her breath quickened as she felt the heat get larger and warmer. "S-smexy..." She panted. He nodded, extremely close as well.
"M-me too," he said.
Sasha's grip on the being tightened by the second until she couldn't take it any longer.
"SMEXY!" She screamed out loudly as her legs tightened around his waist, her tight walls contracting against his pale cock as she was pushed over the edge of orgasm.
"Sasha!" He groaned as he slammed in as deep as he could go and shot his hot load deep onto her.
She slowly loosened her grip on him, her legs and arms eventually dropping off of him and onto the bed beside her. Her chest heaved as she panted, her eyes closed, too exhausted to open them.
She gasped softly as he pulled out of her and lied down beside her, pulling her tight against him. Sasha smiled as she put her head onto his chest. "Best sex I've ever had," he smiled down at her.
"First sex I've ever had," she blushed.
"And it won't be your last. You were too pretty to be a virgin any longer anyways." She laughed softly at his compliment.
"I should get going, He's going to be home soon," Smexy said as he got off of the bed, Sasha quickly sitting up.
"Don't forget your hat," she smiled as she took it off and held it out to him.
"Keep it," he smiled, "it will remind you of me," she nodded and put it back on.
"Will I see you again?"
"Do you want to see me again?" He asked.
"Yes..." She admitted.
"Then I will see you again... Very soon," he chuckled as he got dressed instantly. "I suggest some rest," he said as he walked back over to her, grabbing the large fleece throw from the foot of the bed and opening it up, tossing it up over her.
She nodded. "Good night," he smiled as he kissed her, gently this time. She kissed him back happily.
"Good night," she said as she lied her head back down onto the pillow, the hat half-way falling off of her head. She fell asleep instantly.

The Slenderman sighed as he pushed the door open, noticing the tv was on, but Sasha wasn't in the living room. He walked in and closed the door behind him as he took a few steps into the oddly-silent house.
He quickly recognized the scent.
Then He saw it, a bright red rose, lying on the ground. He quickly ran back to her bedroom, noticing the 'guest' was already long gone. Sasha was sound asleep in the bed, covered by a fleece blanket.
Wearing the black fedora.
He sighed and closed the door and turned the television off. He stared down at the rose, knowing she would flip out if he got rid of it.
He grabbed it and set it up on the counter before continuing on with his daily routine.

((If I get a few reviews on here, I will add a sequel, a SlenderxSmexyxSasha threesome!))