A short drabble inspired by an anon said to gingersincardiff on tumblr;
"You just know that come the next banquet, Leon is going to publicly ask Arthur to recite one of the poems he learned - you just know it!"
So yeah, I took it upon myself to write this.
The knights were drunk, Arthur could tell. Even if he was at the other end of the table. Gwaine looked set and ready to jump onto the table, while Elyan, Percival and Leon were all leant together, giggling like children. Giving Gwen a nervous look, Arthur gestured to his unruly knights.
"How much have they had to drink?"
"Oh leave them be, Arthur, it's not every day they get to be so carefree." Gwen chuckled, then turned to Merlin. The manservant was standing behind Arthur with a jug of wine in his hands and an amused expression. She opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by the shout of none other than Leon.
Standing up to say something, Leon turned to his King and Queen and smiled.
"If I may, your highnesses, I have a...request." Leon was definitely the least drunk, but even he swayed slightly on the spot.
"Go on Leon." Arthur smiled. The other knights snorted and sniggered in response and Merlin was sure he heard Gwaine say, "You'll regret that."
"Well, I was wondering if you would like to share with us some of the poetry you've been taught?" Leon grinned. Gwaine spat out his drink in a bellow of laughter and Percival and Elyan roared in hysterics. The Queen turned around to raise an eyebrow at her husband. Arthur however paused, then seemed to take it all in his stride.
"Well you see Leon, I haven't really been improving that much. As wonderful a teacher as Merlin is, I just don't seem to be able to get the hang of it." A groan of disappointment was heard from the foot of the table. "But," Arthur smirked and turned to his manservant, who was trying his hardest not to laugh, "Merlin himself is an extraordinarily talented poet. I'm sure he would love to recite some of his own work to us all. Wouldn't you Merlin?"
"Woah, first juggling now poetry eh Merlin!"
"You're a man of many hidden talents."
A chorus of encouragement came from the knights and even Gwen seemed entertained. Merlin grimaced then stepped forward, with a glare shot at Arthur.
"Once there was a prince,
The most pompous of them all.
But for all his attitude,
He was pretty small." A simultaneous 'Ooooh' went around the hall and Arthur gaped at his –yes well maybe taller than him – manservant. Merlin took a breath then continued.
"Now he is a king,
A very fine one at that.
Even if he's rubbish at avoiding,
Getting really fat.
Oh who am I kidding,
Arthur's still a prat."
OKAYOKAYOKAY I'm not a great poet but neither is Merlin.
Merlin : HEY!
Me : Well...you're not.