Obviously I don't own Death Note or any of the characters.. but damn.. if I did! Heh.
Author Note: Hey! I've decided to try my go at a Death Note Fanfic. Light and L of course! The best pairing, or in my mind the only pairing.
Chapter 1
Light sat on the lawn of the school grounds and ate his homemade lunch his mother had packed for him. He stared at the other kids, laughing and gossiping, and sighed, feeling almost envious of them all. They didn't have a care in the world while he, Light Yagami, was creating the perfect, criminal free world.
When Ryuga settled himself beside him, he almost jumped in surprise but then figured he wanted to copy his homework as most other kids did, though Ryuga did seem to be able to handle the school work on his own. Ryuga Hideki had recently transferred into this school and still had the new student vibe; not to mention shared the same name as Light's younger sister's, Sayu Yagami, idol.
"Hello, Light-kun." His words didn't register for a second.
Was he attempting small talk? For the three weeks that he's been here he never once made a move to talk to me, Light thought to himself. Ryuga, however, was unfazed by Light's lack of response.
"Heeeelloooo…" He finally answered, drawing the single word out to longer than it should be.
"I have noticed your intelligence level surpasses that of everyone your age. I am quite impressed." He sounded it too.
Light couldn't help the smug smile that appeared on his face.
"That is why I trust you to know this, I am L." L's eyes seemed to grow in size as he said this. He stared at Light with wide, unaffected eyes. Apparently not fearing for his life.
Light on the other hand felt like his heart had stopped. He sat there, unfazed on the outside, as an emotional fire raged inside of him. His voice was surprisingly calm when he spoke, "If you are who you say you are ... then shouldn't you be working? I imagine the Kira Case takes up most, if not all, of your time."
L smiled and Light's stomach did a flip which he thought was really annoying. "Light-kun is smarter than that. I am working and you are my top suspect for the Kira Case."
"I am not Kira. If anything, I would like to catch the bastard." Light lied smoothly.
L tousled his boyishly messy, dark hair which Light found distracting. "I never expected a confession. The only person alive that your intelligence doesn't surpass is me." He didn't sound smug or arrogant, just like he was stating a fact.
"L." His voice sounded a bit exasperated.
"Please, Ryuga in public and Ryuzaki in headquaters."
"Headquarters?" His eyes widened a little in excitement.
"I would like your help with the Kira Case." L chewed on his thumb watching Light for a reaction that of course wouldn't come, Light would never give anything away even accidentally. "Of course, you can't come to headquarters until I can prove you're not Kira. There is a 5.7 percent chance that Light-kun is in fact Kira."
Light's heart dropped a little but he inwardly smirked and thought to himself, that low huh? Once I clear my name I'll set up a way for Misa to meet L and tell her to write his name in the Death Note. This was just too easy.
"How can I convince you that I am not Kira?"
"Don't worry, Light-kun. There's plenty of time to clear your name if what you're telling me is the truth." Light nodded, not saying a word.
The rest of the students all filed orderly into the school when lunch was finally over and Light and L followed them all. "Be warned, Light-kun, you're the only person that I have revealed I am L to." L whispered in his ear and then strode away from the front door and off the school grounds. "I'll be here after you get off school." He called back to Light. He climbed into the back of a car and it sped away.
Dammit. Light's eyes hardened and he sent a quick text to Misa telling her to kill any criminals she thought fit.
Light Yagami needed to get on L's good side and he believed that was only possible if he was not using a Death Note, but never would he ever give up ownership of his justice delivering tool.
"Ryuk." He muttered quietly to his Shinigami. "This just got interesting." He heard his Shinigami laugh and agree.
"Yes, Light. It has."
I apologize for it being so short but I felt that was a good way to end it. I'll try my best to update soon and to write as much as I can fit into a chapter without it feeling too forced. There will be a slight OOC since I did not write Death Note and Light-kun has never been in love! *pout* the poor baby! L Will fix that right up. I hate writing about school.. but it was a necessity for the scene, even if I did change it from Death Note's original scene. School is like L's and Light's safe place! Well sorta kinda. Sorry for bringing Ryuk in so late! But I had to bring him in! heh. heh. heh. Ryuk's MY baby! Oh if only he were real...
Update: oh my i really need to start proof-reading my stories there were so many mistakes c'x whoops!