Heyy I'm new 2 fanfiction soo yeah tell me how you like my story. Oh yeah this is a TiPo fanfiction.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Kung Fu Panda


It was a quiet, peaceful morning in the Valley Of Peace. The sky was a light cyan with hints of orange from the sun now peaking on the horizon and villagers were now waking up from there noiseless sleeps everything seemed peaceful. Though while everything seemed peaceful there was one person in the Jade Palace who seemed to think otherwise as you see female warrior has been having terrible pain stricken nightmares for months now, ever since the defeat of Lord Shen the feline has gotten no sleep whatsoever for the nightmare she has been having is the same night she thought she had lost her best friend.

#Tigress's Dreamscape#

"Return it, return it!" screamed Monkey, as the Five tried to put out the flames.

Tigress saw a wolf coming at her; she snarled then kicked the attacker in the face followed by dodging a few hits from behind and finally extinguishing the flames.

Running to where Po is, Tigress and the others were running as fast as they could to save him.'Faster Tigress' she thought as the the form of Shen watching Po being dragged on the converbelt was in front of her 'I Will Kill That Peacock!' a snarl formed on her face at the thought of that demented peacock.

"Tigress! Go!" yelled Mantis as the others fell back and attacked the wolves. Tigress immediately flipped onto a higher platform split kicked two wolves in the face and landed on all fours as a giant gorilla landed in front of her and roared in her face. She gave off a snarl grabbed his arm punched him then flipped and roundhouse kicked him to the face. Tigress then noticed Po being attacked by wolves

"Po!" she then kicked a wolf sending him flying and knocking on the wolves that were on Po who then got up and climbed a chain to were Shen was.

"Po, Get Away From Him!" said Tigress but of course the stubborn panda didn't listen and kept climbing. All Tigress could make out of their conversation was Shen saying," Your parents never loved you", Tigress could see the pain on Po's face.

"But here let me heal You!" said the peacock, the feline's eyes widened 'Oh No no no no!'

Po just stood placing the wok in front of him, and then the shot was fired…..

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" yelled Tigress

#End of Dream#

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Tigress jerked her body in an upright position, sweat pouring down her face while her golden eyes frantically darted across the room.

"TIGRESS ARE YOU OKAY?" yelled a really worried red panda followed by her comrades and the Dragon Warrior. They all barched in her room all with concern in their eyes they couldn't help but realize that the feline didn't look well. Instead of her bright orange fur it was now pale and a bit ragged with sweat with knots in it; her eyes were bloodshot and terribly redder than usual. Tigress then stood up from her bed, brushed herself off, put her hands behind her back, and stood up straighter and spoke in the most proper tone.

"Yes Master I'm fine" replied Tigress who hoped that they would buy her lie much to hey dismay a certain panda was eyeing her keen fully not buying he could tell she was lying. All of them didn't buy it but they knew not to poke in Tigress's business so all of them decided to go with it but all promised that they would keep and eye on her.

"Okay well since your defeat of Lord Shen and not having any villains to fight I will let you have the day off, that means NO training that means you Tigress" said Master Shifu who was eyeing the feline.

"Yes Master" Tigress muttered as she walked out of her room..