Hey everyone, I apologize for keeping you all waiting. I'm currently working on 5 stories. Haha, so its been a little time consuming. But I just want to thank you guys for all of the reviews.

They are very inspiring and they make me soo happy. C:

Well I'm sure you don't want to read this author note, but let me just say one more thing..

Check out my story SICK BUBBLEGUM. C: Its Adventure Time..

So yeah, Revieww!

Chapter 6

Marshall Lee's eyes shot open as his ears were assaulted with a loud scream, he shot up, and ran up stairs to his bedroom, almost tripping on his own two feet as he opened his bedroom door.

He saw Finn writhing in his bed, his fists balled up into the indigo sheets, as he fought away his nightmare.

Marshall shook Finn, trying to wake him. "Finn, Finn!"

Blue eyes met dark ones, and Finn's body deflated as he let out his breath.

"M-Marshall..?" He mumbled, voice coated in sleep as he sat up slowly.

The vampire could feel the humans rapid pulse from where he was sitting.

"You were having a nightmare." Marshall said, patting the humans shoulder and glancing over at the clock, it was around 10am. But the notiion wasn't unseen by Finn.

"Yeah, I.. I'm sorry if I woke you up.." Finn said sincerely.

He breathed out a shaky breath, and the fear was still alive, thriving inside of his mind. The monsters were still chasing him.

Marshall waved his hand. "Sleeping's weak."

Finn sat there for a moment, the lingering fear made him tense. That's why he jumped so hard when Marshall screamed, "PANCAKES!"

"Pancakes?" Finn asked, his voice breaking.

"Yes!" Marshall snapped his fingers and smiled. "I'm making you some."

Finn raised an eyebrow at him as the vampire king led him downstairs.

"When I have a nightmare, I make Nightmare Pancakes and I feel all better."

Marshall fished the mix out of the cabinet and grabbed some things from the fridge in arm fulls.

"So, you're making me Nightmare Pancakes?" Finn asked, leaning on the door frame of his kitchen, arms folded over his chest.

"Yep!" Marshall began to pour everything into a bowl and Finn watched him, he didn't understand this guy. At all.

"Well, let me inform you that.. I am not only the king of all that is evil..

I'm also the king ooofffff, PANCAKES!" Marshall said and poured the batter into a pan.

"I'm the king of video games," Finn said, hands on his hips. "So hah."

Marshall laughed at Finn, who found out that he really liked Marshall Lee's laugh, it was musical.

A few minutes later Finn had two pancakes in front of him, Marshall sat next to him- watching expectantly.

Finn blinked a few times, realizing Marshall wasn't about to go anywhere.

He took the fork slowly and cut off a piece.

Then slowly raised it to his face.

Marshall watching.

"Glob Finn, you're so suspenseful."

Finn shrugged and took a bite, "NIGHTMARE GONE!"

They high-fived and Finn smiled and kept eating his pancakes.

Marshall's phone started buzzing and he floated to the living room and awnsered it.

Finn curiously tilted his head at the vampire as he was talking on the phone, awnsering breifly to the person on the other line. Once he hung up he looked over at Finn.

"So apparently Jake has been searching for you for about 9 hours."

Finn felt guilty. "Aw, ballzacks.. Yeah. I'm gonna have to go talk to him. We've been fighting lately."

Marshall nodded understandingly. "Oh, do you want to use my portal back to the grass kingdom?"

Finn's eyebrows furrowed as he walked over to where Marshall was at, It would be easier considering he doesn't know his way around the Dark Regions.

"Yeah that sounds rad."

Marshall walked over to a door on the farther part of his cabin and used a little knob on the side of the door, and clicked it a few times when the switch turned green he opened the door, and a rush of familiar wind found its way inside.

Finn stared in awe as he saw his tree house, just a few yards away, he stepped outside, and turned to face Marshall lee, the portal was well hidden as he was looking into a tree, the tree that connected to the tree house, but wasn't used or hollowed out- just for a bridge.

"Woah cool." Was all he said, and looked at Marshall who was smiling a little, his raven hair being tossed by the wind.

"See ya Finn." Marshall waved tossing his hat to the hero, the door closed before shutting with a bright light.

Finn's eyes widened as he look down at the rumpled hat Marshall had kept from him, and smiled.

He looked back at the rugged bark, that was now just an ordinary tree. He huffed and ran his hands over his light blonde curls and walked over to the door, and pulled the key out of the plant next to the door and unlocked it.

At first B-Mo stopped him, assuming he was an intruder and then froze at the sight.

"FINN!" He jumped up and down, "Finn came home! Yay!" His electronic body started playing music, it made Finn smile and walk over him, to be greeted by Jake.

"Finn, dude where were you?" Jake said, and he took off his red boots he had been using to go and search for the human boy.

"I was at Marshall's I'm sorry I ran off I just-"

Jake used his super streatchy arms and wrapped them around Finn in a tight hug.

"So you aren't mad at me?" Jake asked, using his puppy eyes.

Finn was at first, he was mad that he set Flame and him up, he was mad that he didn't understand but how could Jake understand something he didn't?

It was like Finn's emotions had been turned upside down, and twisted and knotted.

And blind aggression, towards his brother figure, it wasn't his fault.

"Yeah man, were cool."

"What happened?" Jake asked, following him into the lower living room.

"What.. do you mean?" Finn asked, taking off his backpack and setting it on the couch.

Jake huffed and pulled out the condom wrapper from his pocket and waved it in his face.

"When I left?"

Finn looked down and placed his hat over his head tucking in his messy blonde strands.

"Exactly what you wanted to happen, im going to go take a shower." He said and grabbed a towel.

Jake watched him walk into the bathroom.

/Marshall Lee/

"Does anyone know why THIS is here?" He asked, the crowed of monsters bowed their heads in respect.

"No sir, we believe it was the work of the princess."

His dark eyes narrowed at the large device, he had herd the commotion when he was passing through.

His body was a shadow as he made his way to it, it was buzzing and swirling.

"It looks like the portal's we make to come in and out of the nightosphere!" A zombie girl had chirped in, Marshall nodded in agreement.

He nodded and stroked his chin thoughtfully and stuck his hand inside of it, it consumed it completely and he pulled it out and looked at his hand.

"Hm." He mumbled, and then stepped inside halfway, scoping out his homeland.

He pulled himself out and turned to the curious undead who were watching expectantly.

"It took me directly to the nightosphere, is she trying to kick us out?" He wondered, causing the people watching to stir. He shook his head and snatched an umbrella from a vampire kid and said, "I'll be right back peeps."


The towel around his waist was tucked firmly as he left the bathroom and walked up the stairs.

He stopped and looked back down at Jake who was sitting with Flame Princess, his eyes widened and he ran upstairs and threw on a pair of blue jeans and a black t-shirt, and his hat and walked back downstairs.

"Flame?" He asked, and she looked up, her flame glowing a little brighter.

"Finn!" She said smiling, and she was wearing her flame shield, which he knew was slightly uncomfortable for a flame person to wear.

He walked down stairs awkwardly and hugged her, he turned to Jake and mouthed. "WHAT THE HELL?"

He shrugged and made a "I dunno" face.

He pulled away and forced a smile at Flame.

"I want you to come to the Candy Kingdom with me!"

Finn blinked.


"Because," She said hands on her hips, "There is really good resturaunts there- and you're kind of my boyfriend." She rolled her eyes and grabbed his hand. "Lets go now!"

Finn winced as she pulled him to the door. Jake waved at them and shrugged over at B-Mo.

/Marshall Lee POV/

I shut the umberella as I approached the candy door and shoved pass the Banana Gaurds and walked right in.

It was hard to explain how exactly