Peter just sat and held me until I calmed down. I was terrified of the Major, as I am sure you can tell. But I always have the need to go to him, just to be with him. It always calms when I see him or am near him, but never truly goes away. However, I was too scared to ask somebody about it. I'm sure Peter wouldn't judge me if I asked him, but what if I didn't like the answer? Ugh, these thoughts are getting out of control.

"Isabella, why don't we go back to camp?"

All I did was nod. I didn't want to go back, but I knew I had to. People, well, vampires, would become suspicious. So, like a good little girl, err….vampire, I got up and walked beside Peter back.

Major was waiting for us when we got back. He just stood there, staring, judging. I didn't cower. No, he wouldn't see that weakness again. Never again. It would tell people I am weak, and could get me killed. I valued my life too much.

"Isabella," Major finally said, "come with me a talk for a moment." And with that, he turned and walked back into the forests. Me, being the good little vampire I am, followed obediently. I noticed how he glanced over his shoulder, even though he knew I was following. I even noticed the ghost of a smile on his handsome face as he did so. This confused me. Why would he smile? I am nothing but a pawn to him.

Maybe he felt the need too. But no, he probably had plenty of lovers in this camp. I know how the women stared at him with lust, how they turned when he walked by. And it got on my last nerve. Didn't they know it was taboo to do that when a man could easily kill you? End your life? Did they have no self-preservation?

Before I could elaborate my precious, frustrating thought. Major stopped and just stood there for a few minutes.

"You know, I can feel all your emotions. Your depression, your anger, your determination. And it puzzles me. Why would you feel that? What are your thoughts? Who are you? You must feel the pull, the need. But, no. You couldn't. You couldn't be my mate. You are nothing but a pawn in Maria's games. And you will be killed by the end of your first year. No matter what I say, you will. What do you think of that?" He asked, all too slowly for my liking.

"Well, it is useless to create all these people and waste potential power. Once the bloodlust is gone, they will be better fighters. Albeit not as strong. And, to me, I am just another one of those types. No freewill under her hand. I'd say if it was up to her, I'd already be dead." I said the last one with a raised eyebrow, daring him to challenge me. And he didn't.

"Do you feel the pull, dear Isabella? Do you feel the need to be with me at all costs?" he asked quietly, almost like he was afraid of something.

"Yes, yes I do. But what is there to do about it?" and with that said, his lips were on mine, his scarred arms wrapped around my waist. Lips soft, arms strong, determination clear in his movements. And I didn't protest. I actually quite enjoyed it. He tasted like hay and honey.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, standing on my tip-toes so he wouldn't have to bend down as much. But he just picked me up.

"Mate. Mine." He growled next to my ear, gently nibbling on it, working his way down my neck. Heat trailed down behind his kisses. His arms tightened. If I was human, I would've been halved.

Suddenly, a throat cleared at the other side of the trees, through where we entered. We both snapped out heads up to see Peter standing there, smiling like a fool. We immediately untangled ourselves. I looked down at the ground and played with my hair embarrassed. Major growled at Peter, getting into a defensive crouch in front of me. And you know what the idiot did? Freaking laughed. Laughed so hard his was rolling in the dirt. All it succeeded in doing was pissing major of more. He jumped on the idiot, getting dirt and twigs all over me, and pissing me off.