Hey guys and girls. Thanks so much for all of the reviews for the final chapter. Here is the alternate ending as promised (it follows directly on from chapter 15 - which is actually chapter 16 when jumping).

Please enjoy.

Chapter 16 – The Alternate Ending

Violet could see the hope glinting in his eyes. She smiled sweetly and took a few more steps until they were standing face-to-face. "Xander," she started and reached for his hand. His warm fingers wrapped around her own. "Xander," she said again, "I need you to understand…" Violet didn't get to finish her thought because Xander pulled his hand away and almost shouted, "You chose him didn't you?" A little helplessly Violet tried to calm him down. "Xander. Xander! Please, let me finish." She caught his strong shoulder and made him face her. "Why don't we sit down?" Grudgingly Xander followed her lead.

When both of them were comfortably on the mossy ground Violet started again, "You need to understand how hard this decision was for me. You should also know that part of me has always and probably will always love Peter." Angry again Xander fumed, "I knew it. Why won't you just say that you're staying?" Violet sighed and continued, "Xander I'm not finished. I've been told stories of a boy who never grew up for as long as I can remember and I can't change that." She paused took a deep breath and continued, "Xander you hurt me." He cut in, "I know and for that I will be eternally sorry. Please Violet come with me; let me spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you." Xander grabbed her hand as she said, " Xander, I don't think I can go back to my old life." Xander squeezed her hand tightly and said, "You don't have to. We can start a new life somewhere else, just you and me." Violet squeezed his hand and a smile crossed her soft lips. In almost a whisper she said, "I was hoping you'd say that."

It took a moment for Violet's words to register but when they did Xander leaped up and pulled Violet into his strong arms. "I take it this means you'll come with me." He was unable to contain his excitement. He kissed her with such passion that it took Violet's breath away. She deepened the kiss and Xander tightened his grip on her. When they broke apart Xander spun Violet around and Violet's sweet laugh filled the clearing. Suddenly her face dropped. She said quietly, "I still have to tell Peter that I'm leaving." Xander stood still and thought briefly before saying, "I have a fairy guide ready to take us back to the mainland. I'll meet you on the beach at sunset and we can leave then."

Violet nodded. She kissed Xander on the cheek and untangled herself from his arms. "I'll be there," she said. "I'll be waiting," was Xander's reply as he watched her disappear into the trees.


A short while later, Violet was back at the hideout. The boys had instantly surrounded her to press her for details about what happened on the Jolly Rodger after they had left. She told them a condensed version of the events before asking, "Where is Peter?" Blue Jay answered, "Up there." He pointed above their heads where Peter could be seen in the highest branches of the hideout tree. How am I going to get up there? Violet wondered. Tink, as if reading her mind, flew over and covered the girl in fairy dust and Violet began rising slowly towards Peter.

As she rose higher she could hear the soft tune of Pan Pipes. Violet smiled to herself as she hovered just behind Peter. She took a deep breath and touched him gently on the shoulder. His tune stopped abruptly as he spun around to see Violet. "Violet," he said softly, "I didn't really expect to see you but I guess you've come to say goodbye." Violet was stunned by his words. How could he have possibly known? she wondered. She came to rest gently by his side and said, "Peter, why would you say that?" He laid down his Pan Pipes and looked her squarely in the face, "Because he can offer you more than I can."

Violet gave him a bland stare as he continued, "Neverland is fun for a time but soon you would start wanting to go home; to grow up. It happened with Wendy so I guessed it was going to happen with you too." Violet was struck by the truth of his words. "Peter, you must know that I don't want to hurt you." He nodded, he understood perfectly. "I may be leaving but Neverland will always be a part of me and you will always have a place in my heart," Violet said as she leaned closer to Peter. Her lips were gently and soft on his cheek. Violet pulled back, looked directly into Peter's deep blue eyes and asked, "Will you forget me Peter?" A boyish grin snuck onto Peter's lips. "Me? Forget? Never!" Violet couldn't help but laugh.


The sun was getting low in the Neverland sky when Violet emerged from the forest onto the warm sand. She spotted Xander and made her way towards him. When she reached his side he asked, "So you've said all of your goodbyes?" Violet nodded and reached for his hand. She said, "I'm ready. Let's go." Xander nodded and their fairy guide showered them with pixie dust and the three of them began their journey back to the mainland. Violet told herself not to look back, for she feared if she did that she would want to stay.



Several years had passed since Violet and Xander had returned to the mainland. Just as Xander had promised they had made a life for themselves and they couldn't have been happier. Violet now stood in the nursery of their home gazing out of the window up into the night sky. Subconsciously she wrapped her arms around her pregnant stomach and murmured, "One day child I will tell you the story of a boy who never grew up…" Her gaze came to rest on the second star to the right and she could have sworn that she heard a rooster crow. She smiled softly and the star seemed to reply with a boyish grin she knew all too well.

The End

So there you have it, our story has officially ended...twice :) Thanks again for all of the support, you guys have been awesome.

Until we meet again,
