
The air seemed to dance around them, testing their lungs, teasing their hearts. He takes another step into the room, halting his words before any more could make their way out. Not that he knew one syllable of what he was going to say. The sod that he was could never say the right words.

Gillian can only feel the tremor of excitement course down her spine as her name floats around his office, echoing off of the walls. Her heart thundered in her ears. She felt like humming to the sound.

His sparkling eyes continue to raid over her, almost like a predator sizing his prey. She has caught him on more than one occasion looking at her like this. Gillian felt wanted, needed. And she wasn't running from him tonight. He licks his lips again and suddenly she wants to kiss him. The remoteness they both shared couldn't be bared any longer and the gap had to be filled.

Before she could give in to more of these desirable thoughts, Gillian knew words had to be spoken. They had to talk. And talking wasn't one of his strong suits sometimes.

The black font of the words still appeared along her vision. Every little curve and line would probably forever be stamped into her memory. Never would she forget the words. She couldn't believe he had finally let himself open up. That stubborn wall of his was breaking.

Another step towards her and both of them could sense that ever present hole between them getting smaller. That somewhat sickening ease was lessening and now the pressure was building. Her vision of him was very clear. There was no straining to see or horrendous headaches. She didn't step back and his steps didn't falter.

They were making their escape from that endless circle.

And still, he progressed closer.

Always sure of her steps, Gillian needed to move. She decided to face the facts; no matter how far they pushed each other away, the bond they shared would never truly separate them.

She strides away from his desk slowly. They had to meet in the middle. Forcing their way through the vast emptiness surrounding them, Cal and Gillian strive towards each other.

Cal stops a foot in front of her. Now that he was face to face with her he couldn't decide what he should do first. The options were laid out before him. She wasn't slapping him or crying. She wasn't running or hiding from him. She seemed to be waiting for him. Now to act…but Cal didn't know how.

She had read what he had typed. The delicate flush of her cheeks gave that away even if her position at his desk didn't. That paragraph was meant to be a desperate attempt at writing his rough draft for his next book. Yet, the words typed ended up being all about Gillian. In the end, she was what occupied his mind. She always occupied his mind.

Now that she had indeed read that lonely paragraph, Cal admitted to himself that he should feel vulnerable and scared but didn't. He felt anxious and yet could discern the calm within.

Her eyes were dancing, telling him a secret he must know.

Perhaps he already did.

Taking another deep, needed breath, Cal fidgets with his hands. Out of his pockets and back in again, he sets his eyes on hers. Infinitely so.

"Gil, I…I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for everything. I really can be blind…to what is in front of me…" His throat felt parched and he licks his lips yet again. The guilt was still visible. Finding the courage and strength in the soft gleam of her eyes, Cal steps forward. They were so close.

Before he could continue though, Gillian willingly speaks. "We all are Cal…in one sense or another." She breathes with him. Everything came to her and the words started to flow; after all, she usually had a way with vocabulary. "I should apologize for intruding…but I'm not going to. This," she gestures between them, "What we have Cal, has always been here. Neither I nor you can deny that. Not now. We haven't been unable to see; we've just covered our eyes on purpose. For the sake of the job, we had to keep that line. I shouldn't have read your thoughts but I have been reading you for years. You read me every chance you get. You may think you don't see…but Cal…you haven't allowed yourself to see. I haven't either. Why torture ourselves anymore?"

Her head turns to the side ever so slightly and a sweet, slow smile graces her lips. The look upon his face was quite exhilarating. She blinks and those compelling words flash in her sight again. All of this because he finally decided to start typing; well, at least bringing the situation to the forefront. The words were calling them to act.

She pauses, leaning towards him. "I am sure we can uncover our eyes now…"

Cal finds the inspiration he had been looking for and felt himself falling even more.

And indeed he was falling. Right into her. His body collides into hers delightfully. His arms wrap around her torso languidly. He'd done this a thousand times and every single time is like a warm welcome home. He could never get tired of that feeling. Fingers' splaying along her back, running over each curve and line, Cal breathes her in; takes her in. She fits perfect against him and he rejoices as her arms secure themselves tightly around his shoulders, fingers digging, clinging to his clothes and skin underneath. Their heads press against one another and together they sway where they stand.

She had read what he wrote. She had not turned away, running as far away from him as she could. She had accepted and basically told him she felt the same. The encouragement was smoothed over all doubt. She was encased in his arms. This entire he was not blind to.

He feels her chest shudder as she takes a breath. Her voice continues, flowing gracefully around them.

"Cal, I want to say that we still need time. I want to tell you that you aren't off the hook just like that. I want to take things slow and not rush into anything. But…" She pauses, and he can feel the intake of breath hitch. "We've had plenty of time. You'll never be off the hook and we both are ok with that. You find ways to outskirt the rules anyways no matter how many times I say that it's no excuse. And…we should be…crashing into each other as fast as we can no brakes in sight…."

She presses her lips to the curve of his neck to his shoulder, feeling free and finally able to speak her mind completely. This no fear was something of an accomplishment.

She didn't expect him to reply so quickly but he surprises her. She knows every bit of him and yet he's always surprising her.

"Bloody hell woman, we do think alike."

She laughs, loosening her grip on his shoulder to lean back and look into his eyes. They were close but it was easy to see. Her head didn't hurt and his eyes were focused. He joins her mirth, their laughter swirling in the air.

They've done this a thousand times or more but this time their visions were clear.

And they were both right.

They were oh so right.


"No more distance, s'ok love?"

His fingers glide up to cup her face and Gillian smiles lightly. His touch was like another apology, completely sincere and loving, whispering along her skin. Instead of answering him, she closes the space between them, forever demolishing the detachment. Their mouths meet in the dimly lit room and fireworks could be heard, or so to speak. His lips are soft and she knew she had made the correct decision. She finally acted and he finally stopped. She senses the ease and the comfort in his kiss. This was what she would always find with him. Despite his hard exterior, when it came to her, Cal was a different man. And true to her words, beneath all of that was indeed an amazing, funny, interesting mind. Frustrating as he is, Cal wasn't going anywhere and neither was she.

This man had woven his way into her heart and he would forever be nestled there.

Cal finds himself slumped in the cushions of his office couch, laptop upon his lap and Gillian curled up beside him, his arm slung around her shoulders.

She had told him, sometime after they stood in each other's embrace that he ought to continue on with what he typed. His inspiration could be at the highest amount. Maybe more would come to him and he just might get a start at his book.

Cal obliged her, despite wanting to do other things with his hands.

She would laugh at him as he tried to type one handed, looking like a young boy just learning the keys. He would admonish her, squeezing her shoulder and nudging at her with his chest. Her laughter was intoxicating. Her blushing cheeks and pink, smiling lips were beckoning. Cal could see everything now.

Soon the laptop was forgotten.

Gillian couldn't help but smile when she heard the rumble of his stomach as the noise almost shook her. They had been laying there for a while, curled up in warmth, love and limbs. Both had lost track of time and neither cared. But Gillian had to admit, even if Cal wasn't saying anything, they had worked up an appetite. Takeout may be the next thing on the list to achieve. If only their phones weren't so far away.

Nuzzling his shoulder with her cheek, Gillian sighs quietly. In response Cal glides his hand down the curve of her back to the curve of her bottom then back up again. He continues this fluid motion, sending chills spiraling to every nerve ending. His touch was powerful and sweet. She could no longer pretend to ignore the sensations.

Instead of being two steps away from each other, they decide to take everything in together. There was no longer a fear or an ignorant wall. They had opened their eyes, finally. This dance could only work correctly if they both give and take.

And they definitely did some giving and taking tonight.

Amidst all the passion and newly expressed feelings, a healing comfort wrapped around Cal and Gillian…calming the storms that had threatened to tear them apart for good.

Love is blind. In many senses this is true. Love is cruel. Much of this is true. Love can also conquer over all that comes to harm. When you allow yourself to look deep within not only another person but also within your own heart, you'll find that all the petty thoughts and worries were useless. All that matters at the end of the day is that you are willing to venture through the world with that person by your side. There are no lines and no barriers to the amount of love and time you want to spend with one another.

For Cal and Gillian, the simple pleasures were theirs. Eyes wide open, they float and sink and soar within each other. Words aren't everything. Touch isn't everything. But when those two finally blend together, bliss is waiting for you. Life is too short and once you figure that out, you've got to jump with arms widespread. Cal and Gillian wasted no more time.


Not completely happy with this but that's okay. You live, you write, you learn. Thank you very much for the beautiful words and support. You all are amazing.
