Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. I'm not getting paid. Sadly... -_-

Summary: Draco is found beaten and nearly half dead by Sirius Black and a group of aurors during a raid upon Malfoy Manor. Sirius takes Draco back to Grimmauld Place where Ron, Harry and Hermione just happen to be residing at currently.

Warning: SLASH! If for some strange reason you don't like it, don't read. Rape, torture, dark moods. Slight AU (Sirius never to Azkaban and he's an auror)

Pairings: RL/SB, HG/RW, GW/DT, DT/SF, AW/MW, and future HP/DM

Remus looked stunned as he moved quickly to Sirius' side.

"This is Lucius' son?" he asked as he started to check the other boy over. He couldn't believe that this was the same arrogant, prejudiced, spoiled boy he had seen in his classroom earlier that year. Sirius nodded grimly as he leaned against the wall, watching as a piece of parchment appeared in the air and writing appeared on it with Draco's medical reports. Remus frowned as he glanced at it, trying to heal some of Draco's vast amount of wounds. After a few moments, Remus took the parchment and scanned it, pursing his lips together before pausing and setting it down, his amber eyes wide.

"What is it?" questioned Sirius, pushing off the wall with a worriedly look. Remus shook his head and looked up at Sirius, a horrified look on his face.

"It's...there's so much damage..." he said in a shocked whisper.

"What do you mean?" asked Sirius, starting to look even more worried.

"Numerous internal injuries, not to mention the external injuries, three broken ribs, numerous untreated illnesses over the years, malnourished and there's evidence of r-rape." he said, stumbling over the last word, his skin deathly pale. Sirius' eyes widened.

"Who the hell did that to him?!" asked Sirius in an outrage. Even if this was Lucius Malfoy's son, no one deserved that.

"I have an idea..." said Remus grimly, starting to work on the broken boy's body in an attempt to save him. Sirius shook his head in disgust, suddenly he glanced up, hearing footsteps upstairs. He gave Remus a quick wave as warning and starting towards the door. Hermione appeared, wrapped in a fluffy pink bathrobe, her fuzzy light brown hair knotted and tangled. She rubbed her eyes as she approached him.

"Sirius, I heard loud voices. Is everything all right?" she asked tiredly, rubbing her eyes as she peered over Sirius' shoulder in an attempt to see inside the room. Sirius immediately moved to block her view, wanting to give the boy some privacy.

"There's nothing wrong, Hermione." said Sirius reassuringly, moving again as Hermione tried to see in the room.

"Who's in there?" she asked curiously, crossing her arms and frowning at Sirius.

"No one." said Sirius confidently, smiling warmly at her. "Now, back to bed with you." he said in a friendly tone, but his lie was given away when Remus opened his mouth.

"Pads, get over here! I need help. He's not breathing." said Remus urgently.

"Scuse me for a second." said Sirius before darting across the room to help Remus. Draco's skin was ashen and his lips had a blue tinge, his entire body limp and his bloodstained hair hanging in his eyes. Hermione let out a loud gasp and her hands flew to her mouth.

"I-is th-that, Malfoy?" she gasped, her question ignored by the two others as they tried to get the boy breathing again. Remus frowned, cursing under his breath while he performed spells on Draco in an attempt to get him breathing.

"Come on..." muttered Remus as he cast an airway clearing spell before casting an examination spell.

"What's the matter with him?" demanded Sirius, feeling for the boy's pulse. It took him almost a minute to find it and it was slowing down. "Hurry it up!" he snapped. Remus groaned and looked over at Sirius, completely ignoring Hermione.

"His broken rib punctured his lung and it's stopped his breathing. I'll have to heal his rib, fix his lung and then re-break his rib so it can heal properly." he said grimly.

"Why has Malfoy broken a rib?!" squeaked Hermione, her brown eyes wide but she was again ignored.

"Well do it then!" cried Sirius, stepping back from Draco to let Remus do his work. Remus frowned a little, knowing that it would be quite painful for the boy, even unconscious.

"Well, let's try this..." he sighed, pointing his wand at the boy. He muttered a spell under his breath, wincing when he heard a sickening grinding sound. Draco didn't stir, nor did his his breathing resume.

"Come on, Remus!" urged Sirius, not wanting a boy this young to die. Remus waved him off with a frown.

"Shut it, Pads. I'm trying." he snapped as he pointed his wand back at Draco and muttered an unintelligible spell. He stepped back, a concerned look on his face as he waited to see if it would work. Suddenly, -and nearly giving Remus and Sirius heart attacks- Draco's eyes snapped open and he shot up, a panicked look in his eyes. He opened his mouth to say something but burst into a fit of coughing. He doubled over and covered his mouth until he stopped coughing and pulled his hand away covered in blood. Remus groaned and carded his fingers through his hair. Draco looked horrified before another fit of coughing rattled his body and more blood came up. His breathing quickened and it sounded hoarse and sounded strangely like a whistle.

"What's wrong with him?!" cried Hermione, looking pale and like she was about to faint.

"I must not of healed his lung correctly. Mr. Malfoy, I'm quite sorry for this." said Remus apologetically before pointing his wand back at Draco. "Stupefy." he muttered, and Draco fell back onto the bed, eyes closed. Remus rushed over and started work on Draco.

"What is going on?" thundered Hermione, her face turning red as she refused to be ignored any longer. Sirius sighed, remembering that she was there. He left Draco's bedside and guided Hermione out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

"Sirius, why is Draco Malfoy here at Grimmauld Place?" demanded Hermione, crossing her arms and glaring at him. Sirius sighed and ran his fingers through his messy hair.

"I don't even know, Hermione. Please, just go to bed." he said tiredly. "We'll discuss this tomorrow." he said tiredly before turning and heading back into the room and while the door was open, Hermione caught a small glimpse of Draco's slashed chest. She gasped and her hands flew to her mouth and she turned, scurrying up the stairs as quickly as she could up the stairs, trying to get that image out of her head. She dashed into her room, nearly knocking over Harry who had just woken up.

"Hermione, what's the matter?" he asked thickly, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

"N-n-nothing." she whimpered, throwing herself onto her bed and pulling the covers over her head. Harry looked puzzled for a moment before laying back down, shaking his head as he got underneath the covers.

"Nutter..." he muttered. "Nox!"

A/N: Please tell me what you thought! Still a little stuck but I'm trying my best. Please review!