SkyGem: Well, it's been a while, but I finally got this second chapter up! I'm glad the last one had such a good reception, and I hope you all enjoy this one as well!

Tsuna didn't really remember how it had come to this.

Mukuro had entered his office with a report for his most recent assignment, the older male had given the report, the two of them had started their normal friendly banter, then Mukuro had said those words.

"Kufufu, just you wait my sweet Decimo. I will possess that body some day."

And Tsuna, not know what had come over him, asked his mist guardian, "Why not today?"

Clearly taken aback, Mukuro's smirk disappeared into an expression of confusion for a moment before being stuck firmly back in place as the illusionist asked, "Kufufu, and what has brought this on, Vongola?"

Tsuna just shrugged in reply, saying, "You're always saying you'll possess me one day, but you never do it. I was just wondering why that is? Do you even want to possess my anymore?"

Looking slightly affronted, Mukuro replied, "Of course I still want to possess you. It is just that the right time has yet to come."

Tsuna didn't reply to this, merely staring at his mist guardian, with bright, honest, brown eyes that were silently asking him to tell the truth.

Something about those eyes frustrated Mukuro to no end, and before he even knew what he was saying, he was yelling, "Well, what do you want me to say? Do you want me to say that it's just an excuse? Do you want me to say that those Estraneo bastards messed me up so much that I no longer believe that there's anyone stupid enough to want me in their family?"

Tsuna didn't reply; he just let his mist rant, let him finally get it all off his chest.

"When I first met you, I really did want to possess you, but then you just had to go and act like…like…like you! You had to be nice to me and act as if you cared for me! And before I knew it, I didn't want to possess you anymore! I no longer saw the Vongola as a filthy mafia Family, but as my home! And I hate it! I hate you! I hate you so much because when you eventually come to your senses and realize that you don't want someone as messed up as me in your family, when you finally decide to send me away, it's going to tear me apart inside! And I won't be able to do anything about it because you're my sky! Why did you have to do this to me Tsunayoshi? It's too cruel!"

By now, tears were running down the illusionist's face, and his hand were clenched at his sides, the papers in them crushed.

Letting out a small sigh of exasperation, Tsuna stood up from his desk and approached Mukuro, who watched him with sorrowful eyes, but didn't budge an inch.

Arriving in front of his mist, Tsuna didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around the boy's still shaking form.

Mukuro was still for a moment before burying his head in Tsuna's shoulder and letting the sobs wrack through his body, tangling his fingers into his boss's shirt and holding on as if his life depended on it.

For a few minutes, there was nothing but the sound of Mukuro's sobs as Tsuna stroked his back, trying to get him to calm down, not stopping even when his guardian's sobs had quieted completely.

"Oh, Mukuro," he said with a sad little sigh. "Listen to me, alright? There is absolutely no way I will ever send you away, because you're my important mist, and you're Chrome-chan's other half. Do you have any idea how devastated she would be if you left?"

Mukuro shook his head at this. "She doesn't need me anymore. She has you all to take care of her."

Shaking his head in exasperation, Tsuna told the blubbering mess in his arms, "Of course she still needs you! Just because she has other people to look after her doesn't mean she would be okay losing someone precious to her! You are an amazing person, and I couldn't imagine life without you, Mukuro-kun."

Sniffling a little, Mukuro asked, "R-really?"

"That's right," replied Tsuna, pulling away a little to plant a kiss on the illusionist's forehead. "Now cheer up! How are you ever going to possess me with that attitude, hm?"

Giving one last sniffle, Mukuro pulled away and smiled cheekily, saying, "You won't be saying that when I'm in control of your body!"

It was the anniversary of "Nagi's" death, and Chrome was sitting quietly under a tree in the backyard of the Vongola HQ, supposedly reading a novel.

The girl was too preoccupied, though, with thoughts of the past, and ended up just sitting with her back against the trunk of the tree.

Some time while thinking, though, illusionist must have dozed off, for she was suddenly startled awake by a hand shaking her shoulder.

Looking up groggily, she saw her Boss looking down at her with apologetic eyes.

"Bossu?" questioned the girl.

"Good morning, sleepy head," replied the brunet, a soft smile on his face. "You shouldn't sleep here, you know? You might catch a cold."

"S-sorry," she said, rubbing her eyes. "I didn't mean to fall asleep. I was just…thinking…"

His eyebrows furrowing a little, Tsuna sat down, sensing there was something wrong.

"What were you thinking about?" he asked conversationally.

Looking down at her hands, folded in her lap, Chrome bit her lip, hesitating for a moment.

"I was thinking about…Nagi," she said finally said, pondering for a moment on the strange fact that, in her mind, Nagi and Chrome had become two entirely different entities.

"I see…" said Tsuna, recognizing this as a sensitive topic, and choosing his next words carefully. "What were you thinking about her?"

Chrome just shrugged in reply. "About how pitiful she was that her mother abandoned her…and about how scared I am that the same thing will happen to Chrome…"

The girl still had her dejected gaze glued to the ground, and therefore almost jumped out of her skin when she felt Tsuna's arm snake around her waist, pulling her closer to himself so that she was practically lying across his chest.

"You know what I think?" he said. "I think that both Nagi and Chrome are beautiful young women who didn't deserve what had happened to them."

Chrome didn't reply, feeling a few tears gathering at the corners of her eyes.

"I also think," continued Tsuna, "That it's about time Nagi got to meet Chrome, so that she could share her sweet memories to replace all those bad ones, ne?"

The tears overflowed, and Chrome gave one short nod of agreement.

"Now, why don't Nagi and Chrome show me that beautiful smile of theirs?"

This elicited a small laugh from the female mist guardian as she looked up at her boss with a radiant smile on her face.

Placing a kiss on her forehead, Tsuna pulled her to her feet, saying, "Gorgeous. And now, it is time we go inside so that Tsuna can get some food into the much too skinny and probably very hungry Chrome?"

"Hai, Bossu!" replied Chrome, letting out another giggle and allowing herself to be pulled along by her boss and into the mansion.

"Thanks so much for making this, Takeshi! I was really starting to miss Japanese food…"

"You're welcome, Tsuna," replied the rain guardian, a smile on his face. "I liked making it; it reminds me of home. And I can't let my skills get rusty, or dad would never let me live it down next time I visited him."

Tsuna smiled at his rain, who was sitting across the dining table from him.

The two were the only ones of the guardians in the mansion at the moment, and they were having a late lunch in the kitchen, the chefs all bustling around them, minding their own business as the two friends talked in their mother tongue.

"You're going to visit him next week, aren't you? Let him know I said hi, ne?"

Takeshi nodded thoughtfully, putting a sushi roll into his mouth and chewing slowly, looking slightly preoccupied.

Then, seemingly out of nowhere, he said, "Thank you, Tsuna."

Tsuna, who had been thinking about things himself, was suddenly pulled out of his thoughts and looked at his friend in confusion.

"For what?" he asked, tilting his head to the side in confusion.

"For stopping me," said Takeshi quietly, laying his head on his arms.

Tsuna immediately realized what he was talking about, and a small smile crossed his face.

"I'm glad I did. I would have lost an amazing friend if I hadn't…but I'm curious, what brought this on?"

Takeshi just shrugged at this, his eyes were glued to the table, but his gaze was somewhat distant as he looked at something only he could see.

"It's just…dad is always so happy whenever he sees me; he always has this huge grin on his face the entire time I'm there. When I think that I might have been the one to take away that smile, I feel guilty that I ever attempted it…and that I still think about it sometimes."

There was a sharp intake of breath when he said this, and a moment later, he felt Tsuna's firm grip on his hand, and looked up to see Tsuna looking at him worriedly.

Letting a small smile stretch across his face, Takeshi shook his head, saying, "I would never really do it. I could never bring myself to do that to you and the others, Tsuna, but sometimes, it just gets so hard, and the thought will cross my mind, like what if I died? Would the others be upset? Would they get over it right away? Would they miss me? Of course I know you would, but there's just those moments of self-doubt…"

Suddenly, the reassuring pressure of Tsuna's hands moved, and Takeshi looked up to see Tsuna getting up from his seat and coming around the table to stand beside him.

Feeling Tsuna's arms wrap around him, Takeshi rested his head against the still standing brunet's stomach, his eyes sliding closed at the feeling of security that washed over him with this simple gesture.

"If thoughts like those ever come to you again, come find me. No matter what time it is, even if it's two in the morning. I'll talk you out of it, alright? Because there are so many, many people who would lose a huge part of themselves if you were to die. So take good care of yourself, alright? So that we never have to feel the pain of losing our rain."

There was a moment of silence before…

"I will."

It was one of those rare days when Hayato was all alone in the mansion.

Tsuna was at an alliance meeting with Kyoya and Mukuro accompanying him, and the rest of the guardians were on assignments.

Feeling restless, the storm had decided that, to kill time, he would play the piano for a bit.

Before long, the silveret was completely engrossed in his favourite song, one that his mother had taught him before she had died.

It was a beautiful song, but it had a melancholy tone to it that brought tears to it, and before long, there were tears rolling, unnoticed, down his cheeks.

So engrossed was he that, as the last note was fading into the air, the sound of someone clapping made the storm nearly jump out of his skin.

Spinning around in his seat, Hayato saw his boss leaning against the doorway, still with his mantle on.

"J-Juudaime!" he exclaimed, quickly standing up. "W-what are you doing back so early?"

Tsuna shrugged in reply, saying, "The meeting ended early. I didn't know you still played the piano."

"I-I'm so sorry, Juudaime! I won't play it again! It's just that there was nothing else to-"

"Wait a second Hayato, why are you apologizing? And why won't you play again?"

Hayato's eyes widened to the size of saucers when he heard this, and he gaped openly at his sky. "W-well, aren't you…embarrassed?"

Tilting his head to the side in confusion, his eyebrows furrowed slightly, Tsuna asked in a bewildered voice, "Why would I be embarrassed?"

Ducking his head in shame, his cheeks a flaming red, Hayato mumbled, "W-well, why would you want a lowly pianist as one of your guardians?"

"A lowly pianist?" asked Tsuna his voice shocked. "Hayato…being able to play the piano is an admirable talent. There's no way I would think lowly of you for it. In fact, I'm proud of you for it…and I would love to hear you play again!"

Hayato's head snapped up when he heard this, and he asked, "R-really?"

"Of course," replied Tsuna, approaching him and wrapping his arms around his shocked storm. "Don't listen to what all those other people say; they were probably just jealous that they couldn't produce such a beautiful sound."

Hayato blushed in pleasure at the unexpected praise, and his cheeks only became redder when Tsuna placed a peck on his temple.

"Now…would you mind teaching this poor, talentless brunet the basics?"

Flushing again in pleasure, a bright smile lit up Hayato's face and he nodded enthusiastically, saying, "Hai, Juudaime!"

The End

SkyGem: Ta-da! What did you guys think? Like it? Hate it? Please do leave a review and let me know what you thought! Ciao!