I am going to try to put my own comments in the story to hopefully make it a little funnier because I love making people laugh. Let me know if you like it when I add my comments or if I should just stick to no comments and just the story.

Evil Baby Part 4

Wednesday: Lair…

"Hey, did you guys hear about the guy that kidnapped Harry Styles from One Direction? It's so crazy. Who would kidnap a famous boy from a famous band at two O'clock in the morning in California?" Raphael grumbled and chugged down his fourth cup of 'hot chocolate'. Leonardo was sitting next to him on the couch while Donatello was trying to find a bag of his powder coffee where all he has to do is add it to hot water and ta-da: coffee (try it if it's real!). Don grumbled as he searched the entire kitchen. Leo stared at the TV where the news was being reported. Raph scratched his head and drank another sip of 'hot chocolate'. "Why would anyone do that (obsession)?"

"I don't know. I would be laughing though if the Shredder was behind this (well…)." Soon, a picture of a figure coming out of Harry's window showed up. The figure looked too much like the Shredder. Leo stared at it for five whole minutes before laughing like Michelangelo on two hundred pounds of caffeine (that would actually be funny. We need a TMNT episode with that as a scene). "You got to be kidding! The Shredder is obsessed with Harry Styles! I am never going to let that go in our battles with him!"

Quick check-in with the other band members of One Direction…





Liam, Niall and Zayn turned to Louis. "You must be worried about him if you're calling him Hazza."

"No. He still has that twenty bucks he owns me."


"Plus a penny."

Back to Lair…

Donatello threw his hands up in the air. "I can't find a single bag of my powder coffee mix." He was going to go crazy if he didn't have any coffee. He heard Raphael's slurping, indicating that he was finished with his 'hot chocolate' (that's what my brother does). Wait, since when did we get hot chocolate refills. I didn't go get some more from the store yet.

Raph went into the kitchen with his cup and placed some boiled water into it. He took the hot chocolate container and placed the correct amount of the powder into his water. He stirred it in and took another sip.

"Raph, where did you get that hot chocolate mixture?" Donnie asked.

"I found it in some white bags and thought they were the refills, so I poured them in here (busted)." Raph was about to leave the kitchen when Don's arm blocked his way. "Uh, Donnie, can I get out of here now?"

"Raph, did it ever occur to you that the 'hot chocolate' mixture is my powdered coffee?" Donatello's eyes gleamed with rage and disbelief (see, busted).

"Uh, no."

"Of course not. Raph, I think that you have been drinking MY coffee all morning today."

"Uh, no."

"Yes Raph. My coffee was in those white bags and I can't find them anywhere, so that must mean your 'hot chocolate' is MY coffee."

"Uh, no."


"Uh, no."

"Raphael, stop being stupid!"

"Uh, no."

"Now your just being foolish!"

"Uh, no."

"Forget it!" Donatello stormed off into his lab. Leo came in soon after.

"Hey Raph, have you seen Don?"

"(let me guess 'Uh, no.') Yeah Leo, he went to his precious lab (never mind)."

Wednesday: Shredder's HQ…

Karai woke up and searched around for Michelangelo. Seeing that he wasn't in her room, she suspected that he must have left (who would want to stay?). She got up and went out into the hallway, but stopped as she smelled something that almost caused her to faint (spoiler alert: this is a part of why I call this short story Evil Baby, because Mikey is just plain evil like this). It was not a smell that you would want to hang out in for long, but it was lingering throughout the whole HQ! Some Foot Ninjas were passed out in the hallways and Karai thought she could she stars circling their heads, except this one ninja who seemed to have nyan cat unicorns circling his head (he must be a very happy ninja, probably a little too happy…hm).

A couple of minutes of tripping over passed out ninjas and nose-plugging, Karai found evidence that this was Michelangelo's work (blame the baby). A diaper sat on the floor…opened (…nasty). Karai slowly circled around it (I would too) and started to walk again when there was another diaper. More and more was coming the farther she walked down the hallway. The stink increased. The diapers stopped in front of a door and when Karai opened it, there was Michelangelo throwing a diaper at the wall. He put another on to only take it back off when it was full and throw it around. He would then put on another and take it off when it was full not even five seconds later (careful everyone, the baby's fully loaded).

"Michelangelo, how are you using the restroom in your diaper that fast?"

"I want to, so I do it."

"How can you want to do this? The HQ is now filled up with an odor." Karai scolded.

Mikey laughed at big sister Karai's face and took the diaper he was holding, filled with a huge pile of poo, and threw it at her face (poop-filled diaper fight!). He watched as she scream and was in a huge rush to get it off. She knocked herself out by hitting her head against the wall. Michelangelo waited for a moment before going back to his stinky 'business' for the rest of the day.

I had this diaper idea in my head for a long time now, but thought to not put it in. Since I had no other ideas however, I ended up using it anyway. Remember to leave a comment about if I should add my own little comments in the story or if I should shut my trap and just write without any magical voice interrupting the story.