Author's Note: Alright, so parents are out and this is what I come up with while watching Xiaolin Showdown…. I gots no life. I'm sorry for the delay in my other fics, but school is being stressful right now and I have to go the store tomorrow which will take a while. I'll try to update… not too sure when but I will. I don't own XS except the idea for this fiction. So without further ado, a RaiKimi fic.
He Loved the Way…..
He loved her; there was no doubt about it. He loved her like a bee loves its nectar, how a tree loves its sunlight. Nothing would ever come between his love for her.
He loved the way her raven black hair would cascade down her back looking like a curtain of silk. The way it smelt like blossoms beginning to bloom. He hated when she changed her hair color though, hiding her natural beauty behind make-up and all that different colored dye. If he could change one thing about her it would be that. He just wanted to see her without her cosmetics. He didn't know why girls did that, only that they liked doing it. To him, it was a waste of time and beauty.
He also loved the way her bangs would never cover her eyes all the way leaving him to stare into her sapphire eyes. It was like swimming in the beaches of Brazil, he would never want to come out. Or sometimes he felt like he was soaring through the skies overlooking the land below, it was like magic. He was glad she never put in eye-color contacts. Just left them their normal color of beautiful blue.
Her pale skin was something he admired as well. He always thought of Snow White when he looked at her pale skin with her black hair. He also thought about being her prince and how in the end he would save her from danger and harm. Although if he did, he knew she would go on about how she would be fine and could take care of herself.
That's another thing he loved about her; her passion to be independent and always wanting to be like 'one-of-the-guys' and not just a 'lil lady' (as Clay would put it). He knew though she wanted to be treated like a girl as well. Which is why he never did anything to extreme when it came to pulling pranks, he always had limits when it came to her, but he loved seeing her ticked whenever he got the chance.
When he first met her though, he thought she was another brat that came from a rich family and didn't want anything to do with her. But over time he learned that there was more to her then what meets the eye and developed a crush. After he joined the dark-side though, he thought he'd lost all chance of having her. That's one of the reasons why he went back, for love; because he grew to having a crush to falling in love her. He changed his ways after that from being a cocky jerk to a kind…. 'gentlemen' (if you want to put it that way). Just so he got the chance for her to notice him.
But he didn't know if she felt the same way, he just hoped and prayed that she would love him back. To give him a chance and to love him the way he loved her.
Author's Note: Hmmm…. I'm thinking about making another with Kimi's POV… what do you think? Please review! And have a great day!