"I wanna know where you go

When you're dreaming

I wanna see what you see

When your eyes close

And when it all goes down

Will you have a place to run?

Cause I don't know and I can't tell what you're thinking

So we'll just drive through the night

Till we find some kind of home"

Some Kind of Home by Thriving Ivory

Emily almost toppled over laughing, she couldn't help it. "Did you see the look on his face?! Oh man, that was so great!" She smiled and looked up to JJ as she tried to stand and compose herself a bit more. What would the Ambassador think if she saw you like this, Prentiss?

JJ softly smiled watching her new friend. She's so beautiful when she smiles, her laugh is heart melting. Her smile slowly turned to a small frown as she tried to hide her disappointment. Surely the brunette wouldn't see any need to hang out with her anymore, she had her fun, she'd move on. But what do I do? I can't go back to him…especially after this…not that I'd want to…

Emily recognized the discomfort on the other woman's face and put her hand on the blonde's arm in an attempt to comfort her. She briefly hesitated as she wondered what would or wouldn't be appropriate and almost laughed at herself considering what had just taken place inside the bar. "JJ…are you okay? I'm sorry…I shouldn't have been so insensitive…"

JJ tried her best to smile and hold back the tears she knew were eventually going to come "No…it's not that…I mean, you're fine…I mean, what you did…are doing…whatever, wasn't-" She groaned and shut her eyes, trying to put together what she was trying to say "I just don't know what to do now" She sighed and looked downwards not wanting to hear what was going to come next.

A million thoughts flew through Emily's mind, wondering what had shaken the blonde. She was normally extremely talented at reading human behaviour; it was her job after all, and she did excel at it. But now, she was at a loss. Without thinking, her natural charm took over and she quickly wrapped her arms around JJ and gave her a reassuring squeeze and pulled back just enough to gently raise the blonde's head so their eyes met and tried to hide an almost overconfident smirk "Well, I do have a date with a gorgeous blonde I should probably be getting to…"

"Oh…" JJ's gaze dropped and she tried to hide her disappointment

Emily's features drew in confusion at her new friend's reaction. Surely she couldn't have misread the signs that badly, had she? Then it hit her, man she's so cute, I can't believe she…she couldn't really think she meant someone else could she? She silently thanked the universe for granting her the profiling skills she had because it was ridiculously hard to understand people even with them, she didn't want to think of the wreck she'd be in without them. She smiled and slid her hands down JJ's arms and into her hands, giving them a little squeeze to regain the other woman's attention she titled her head towards the door and gave a gentle tug at her hands. JJ looked a bit hesitant and caused Emily to smile even wider "You know you are the gorgeous blonde, right?"

JJ looked brighter and moved to step forward before slightly frowning "I…" "Don't worry," the dark haired woman interrupted "I don't intend to do anything to make you feel uncomfortable," she pulled the blonde into a friendly embrace and continued "I'm just guessing you'd rather not be alone right now…and, well, I'd feel better if you weren't…whatever we do is completely up to you, we can go out somewhere, go to my place and get take out, get a room here…whatever you'd like…" she smiled as JJ relaxed and leaned into the embrace "thank you…"