Author's Note:

Sorry this took so long! Read my profile for the reason! For those of you that have, it didn't work and now I get nothing back I have to restart everything!

It wasn't anything new for the archer to jump off of high places.

Clint Barton felt as if he was seeing everything in slow motion as he saw a single bullet fly right next to him as he started to drop. He maneuvered his body to turn, all while pulling out his now ready arrow. The rush of air was all he heard as the arrow flew out above him and gripped the outside wall to the apartment building.

His body started to swing forward after being yanked to a stop and it only took a moment to register that there was no window directly in front of him. He eyed the balcony a level under him and dropped, holding on tight to his bow.

He landed and pushed forward into a roll.

When he came to a stop he jumped to his feet, relieved he wasn't seriously hurt. He glanced up at his window and saw someone pull back into the room. Clint glanced around before he broke the sliding glass door in front of him and ran inside. He was thankful no one was home.

He made it into the hallway and bolted for the stairs, having no time or patience for the elevator right now.

Clint collapsed his bow and attached it to his quiver but he realized he couldn't exactly do much to hide that. He was just glad it was at least dark outside.

Once he stepped in the cool night he immediately spotted two black vans parked across the street with people standing around them just looking suspicious. Clint strayed a group of friends who were talking swiftly in French and didn't seem to notice him.

He needed a plan

He had no other weapons, a few arrows, no way to get a hold of SHIELD…wait. Clint pulled away a few blocks over and stopped in a dead-end alleyway. The jet would be here to get him in two hours at a small private airport a few miles from here. If he could get there, he could make it back.

But Daniel had been sent to get him early, what if the original jet already got told that and didn't bother coming.

Clint thought of Natasha and the baby on the way. He had to try something.

If the jet didn't get the message yet and even if Clint couldn't make it in time, all field agents late from a pickup would immediately be called in as missing and a team would be sent out for them. He and Natasha knew that much from experience.

Clint hoped the jet would come.

"I have strict orders. No one is allowed in or out of this section of our Clinic once Agent Romanoff was submitted." The doctor said and crossed his arms.

Pepper Potts starred at him in shock.

"You just saw me! I was the one that got her here. She just went in but you shut the door on my face!" Pepper was in a horrible mood right now. It was almost four in the afternoon and she was alone with Natasha when her water broke. Tony was actually at Stark Industries, Bruce was already at the SHIELD base in the lab and Steve was out for a walk. Pepper hasn't thought about trying to call him on the cell phone Tony gave him. Steve still wasn't used to it anyways.

"I am sorry, she will be fine." He offered and Pepper sighed. She had to get in there.

"Move aside Doc." A voice spoke up and Pepper turned to see Director Fury himself walking up.

"Yes sir," The doctor said and actually held open the door for both of them.

They walked in and Fury knew exactly which room she was in. Once the door was opened Pepper rushed in. She saw Natasha on the bed with a nurse asking her questions. Natasha looked over and smiled once she spotted Pepper.

"Pepper where were you?" Natasha called and Pepper leaned down to hug her.

"I'm sorry, they wouldn't let me in." Pepper smiled as she looked her over. "How do you feel?" She asked.

"Fine actually. The nurse said something about waiting for contractions to get closer together or something but I'm not allowed to leave." Natasha shrugged and rubbed a hand over her round belly.

Natasha focused on Fury who was talking to the single nurse in the room. Her face lit up.

"Did you get any news on Clint?" She asked, cutting Fury off from whatever he was saying. Natasha couldn't find herself to care right now though and Fury actually didn't seem to mind.

"I sent an agent out to pick him up who was already near his location. Should be here anywhere from seven hours at the latest." Fury shrugged even though his voice had a hint of an apologetic tone.

Natasha smiled though and took in a deep breath. She couldn't believe this was it. They would be all together finally and a family.

She was relaxing into her bed when she gasped and perked up. Pepper looked over her in worry and the Nurse rushed to her side.

"I-I didn't get to talk to Clint, about names." She said and looked around panicked before settling on Pepper who actually smiled and let out a small laugh.

"There will be plenty time for that once he gets here." Pepper patted her hand and Natasha settled down again.

She smiled and hoped that would be soon.

Clint ran. He was still in the alleyway and finally decided it would be faster and easier to travel by rooftop.

His foot landed on the windowsill and he pushed himself up and off of it to drive his other foot into the side of a drainpipe. He caught up to his higher foot and over handed his way up a few feet.

He pushed off with his right foot to land on a second-story windowsill and let go of the pipe with his right hand for balance. He used his left foot as leverage as he pushed up and against left foot to throw his body higher to be able to grip the small edge on the side of the building a foot or two under the roof's ledge. He coiled his upper body and shot up to hook his left hand on the roof's edge and pull himself up. He jumped down onto the roof easily and let out a breath as he scanned the area.

He was only a few blocks from his apartment safe house so he knew which way to go to get to the airport. He jumped to the next building then stepped down onto the next one and smiled. He should be there soon, as long as nothing bad happens. But knowing him, something bad would find a way.

Clint started at a light jog as he went over roofs on his mission to get to the airport.

To get to Natasha.

It was five minutes into his mission to get home when he paused briefly on a rooftop. He eyed the distance to the next building and was preparing to jump when movement caught his eye on the street below. He turned his full attention across the street below and saw a black clad figure step back into the shadows of an alley.

Clint probably should have kept going but he stopped and crouched down. He starred the spot down and not even a minute later a man looked right in his direction. Their eyes met and the man quickly pulled back.


He was being followed. Clint froze when he heard a creak in the direction of the alley he was about to jump over moments before. He jumped back up to his feet, nocking an arrow as he realized someone was coming up a fire escape.


The creaking stopped and all was quiet. Clint carefully edged closer. When he got to the edge he took in a breath before looking over. There was the fire escape but no one was on it or in the alley. Clint furrowed his eyebrows as he let his loaded bow point down as he relaxed his tense muscles.

Clint had a moment to react when he felt a presence behind him. He swung around to face the man that somehow got on the roof while he was distracted. He let the arrow fly just as the man raised a gun.

Clint whipped around and blocked a punch from another man that was with the first. The reflexive move made him drop his bow. He held onto his arm with his left and punched the man out with his right.

He heard the creak of the fire escape and when he turned around a man was stepping onto the roof followed by three more. Clint lashed out with a kick that made the closest man drop his gun and it skidded across the roof. The man charged and snuck in a punch to Clint's jaw before Clint could knock his legs out and send him to the floor. Clint moved forward but the man kicked out and knocked into Clint's legs, making him stumble. The man jumped up and punched Clint in the gut but his leaned down posture was a mistake because Clint snuck his arms around his head and twisted sharply. The snap was very sudden and the man dropped down onto his back. That's when Clint noticed he was in a SHIELD uniform. He risked a glance at the first man he killed with an arrow. He was in the same uniform.

What the hell?

Was this a mistake? Were they looking for him? Did they not recognize him? Did they just not know who he was?

His thoughts were cut short when a rope was thrown over his head and tightened around his throat.

Clint's instinct had him reaching up to grip the rope around his neck. His knees were kicked out and the rope tightened as he dropped down. Clint reached for his bow that was laying on the ground in front of him. He snatched it up and swung it up and around. He heard it connect to the man's head just before he heard the shout of pain. The rope was loosened and Clint pulled it even farther away from his neck. He whipped around and sent an arrow through the man's heart in the blink of an eye.

Once he fell over, Clint dropped to his knees and let out a cough. He reached his hand up to rub the tender skin of his neck that he knew would bruise.

He let out a breath and went to get up when he realized he made a mistake.

That was clarified when a horrible sharp pain slammed into the back of his head. Then again and once more.

He was being pistol-whipped.

Clint was sent to the ground just barely managing to twist around to look at his attacker.

He was hit again this time in his temple. He felt his vision blur the same time he felt blood drip down the side of his face.

He blinked slowly and looked up. The last thing he saw was a fist coming his way.