Disclaimer: The show Victorious, it's characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Two Words

Chapter 18

Jade's POV

I awoke again at 10 am and Tori was still snuggled in my arms. I looked forward to waking up with her for years to come. She was still asleep. She had performed last night which made her a bit more tired than I was.

I was seriously tempted to wake her up and continue the lovemaking session we had last night but something about the sight of her sleeping made me not want to disturb her.

I elected to get something to eat quickly while Tori still slept, so I tossed on some sweats and pulled my hair back. Before I went to eat I left a note for Tori.

As I emerged into the corridor I realized the ship was no longer moving, we must have arrived in Grand Cayman. I was told this was a fun place, though I suspected Tori had something in store for me.

I made it up to one of the little ship's café's to grab some brunch. Normally I wouldn't leave sans makeup but onboard the ship it's pretty casual.

I gotten an omelet and some potatoes and sat down next to the railing. We were anchored near the island so I spent some time eating and enjoying the morning sea air.

"Hello sister in-Law" a familiar Latina voice called out behind me.

Instinctively cringed at the sound of Trina calling me sister in law but tried not to show it. Before I turned around I briefly pondered if I could quickly toss the older Vega overboard and not be noticed. Sadly, she can swim and were only a couple hundred yards from shore.

Instead I pasted on a fake smile and turned around to see Trina carrying a tray heading towards me.

"Hi Trina" I said, "Please sit down" I motioned to a chair secretly hoping she would go away.

Her tray was piled high with food, I couldn't help but wonder if there was any left at the buffet.

"Hungry Trina?"

"Hey it's free!" she retorted.

"So are the pounds you'll be putting on if you eat all of that." I said with my trademark smirk.

She sneered at me "Why did my sister propose to you again?"

"The fact that Tori would get mad at me is the only reason I haven't tossed you overboard Trina." I said with a smile.

"You're funny Jade, It bugs you to no end that you will be related to me doesn't it?"

I frowned knowing sadly Trina was exactly right.

"Not at all Trina, Its like getting a sister." I said acting as if I meant it without the slightest hit of sarcasm.

"Do you actually expect me to believe that Jade?"


Her face turned serious, "My sister for some bizarre reason loves you and if you make her happy that that's fine but if you hurt my sister"

I cut her off. "I had assumed your threat to stick a pair of my scissors in gut if I hurt her still applied"

Trina took a bite of some Bacon. "Good you remember, it does"

"Hi Guys" Tori's voice suddenly rang out behind me.

Tori walked up to me and kissed me on the cheek. She was wearing sweats and carrying a tray of food but much less than her sister.

"Hi sweetie, why didn't you wake me?" she said sitting down next to me.

I took a bite of my potatoes, "You looked so peaceful, so I thought I would let you sleep in."

"Sorry, I woke up shortly after you left" Turning her attention to Trina, "Hi Trina, you two been having fun?"

Trina took a bite of her eggs, "Your fiance threatened to toss me overboard"

Tori looked at me somewhat crossly "Did you?"

"Only a little, beside I wouldn't do such a thing because you would get mad at me." I responded with smirk.

Tori smirked and took a bite of toast. "Only a little"

"Hey" Protested Trina Loudly.

Tori smiled at her sister "Don't worry Jade loves you as much as me."

Trina burst out laughing "Not even I believe that."

Trina suddenly looked at the clock on the wall, "Oh shoot, I have a manicure and facial scheduled in 5 minutes, Gotta run" Trina then got up from the table and started to walk away.

"Don't bother, it won't help." I said offhandedly to the older Vega as she walked away. She ignored me.

Tori then punched me in the shoulder.

"Oww" I said loudly.

"Must you threaten or insult my sister every time you two get together." She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"That makes her go away, and that's a good thing." I said with a smirk.

"She will be your sister in law"

I rolled my eyes. "Don't remind me."

I looked at my huge diamond engagement ring, I still wasn't used to having such a big rock. I found myself involuntary smiling every time I looked at it. I love my engagement ring.

"You ruined me Vega, you know that?" I said as I continued to look at my ring.

Tori took another bite of food and rolled her eyes, "What now Jade?"

"How am I supposed to be the bitchy Goth girl when you keep making me insanely happy, it's getting harder and harder to be bitchy all the time." I said sarcastically

"I guess you will have to settle being a happy Goth Girl" Said Tori between bites.

I frowned, "There is no such thing as a happy Goth girl."

Tori smiled, "Do want me to stop making you insanely happy?"

"NO" I said loudly. "You see you've ruined me, by making me so happy. If I didn't love you so much I would totally hate you."

Tori just began to laugh. "Good"

I looked at my ring again. This time I frowned as a thought ran across my mind.

"What's wrong honey" Tori said sounding concerned.

"I have this nice ring and you don't have anything," I found myself wanting to get her an even bigger ring. Tori has that effect on me, I've gone totally soft.

She took my hand, "Jade, I have you and I will have you for a very long time the rest of my life in fact, that's all I need."

"But I want to buy you something"

Tori smirked, "well you're going to buy something for me weather I want to or not so knock yourself out. It's all part of my evil plan."

I gave Tori a curious look. "What evil plans, I thought I was the only one here who had evil plans.'

Tori took a bite, "My evil plan to get revenge for you pouring coffee on me, One minute you're pouring coffee on me, the next you're going soft and buying stuff for me. See my plan was simple, evil and perfect and it worked."

I narrowed my eyes, "I'm never going to live that down aren't I"

Tori took a sip of her coffee, "No"

I cocked my head to the side, "So what is the next step in your evil plan, anyway?"

Tori looked up for a moment as if to pause to think.

"Continuing to love and spoil you for the rest of your life."

"Just don't stop, otherwise you will end up seeing a really bitchy Goth Girl" I said with a smirk.

"Good, because I have another surprise for you." Tori said grinning.

"You're Killing me Vega, what now." I said with a look of astonishment.

"Well, I'm not certain what kind of dress you would want to wear to our wedding but, Christine Dione has agreed to personally design yours." Tori said with a small smile.

I couldn't believe what I just heard. "Tori, she one of the top fashion designers in the world how on earth did you swing that?"

"She has a 15 year old daughter who is a big fan of mine; it's a trade, I perform for her daughter's 16th birthday party in two months and in return she designs your dress. It will be a one of a kind original."

I was stunned and began to tear up. "You see, I'm tearing up over a wedding dress, You've ruined me Vega."

Tori smiled, "I take it you approve?"

"Yes Dammit" I said tearfully.

Tori smiled and finished the last traces of food on her plate. "Only the best for my beautiful Jade."

"What about your dress?" I asked.

Tori just smiled, "You don't get to know anything about it until our wedding day when you see it."

"Besides the fact that you utterly ruined me as a bitchy Goth, I love you more than anything in the world and I can't wait to marry you." I said taking Tori's hand again.

"I love you too Jade" she said simply.

Personally I'm glad she ruined me, that way I get to spend the rest of my life being made happy by and making happy the most wonderful woman in the world.

The End….For Now…

I had a bit of an idea for a fluff chapter so I thought I would toss it in.