I don't own How to Train Your Dragon.

A Little More About the Story: As the title implies, this is the story of how a certain girl finds a dragon under quite different circumstance but don't think this is just my ego trying to get high. This is her story, but is also Hiccup's. The past and his legacy are constantly, if not equally part of the story. What was done in the past, affects the present and future (though I am still debating with myself about the last one).

YES, there will be mature language and situations. Teens drinking, smoking and other (use your imagination.) I am not particularly good at writing lemons but I will show one here or there every once in a while, though don't expect much detail.

How to Find a Dragon

Chapter 1

The sun was setting, its warm colors bathing everything before the cold night set in. It would have been a regular evening with children running back home for dinner, mothers getting everything ready for the night, and warriors enjoying a good mug of mead with their friends before going home to their families. It would have been a regular evening in the island of Berk, where the Hairy Hooligans had lived for many generations. But it wouldn't be like this anymore because nothing was left but the still warm ashes of what used to be their homes.

Hiccup stood in the middle of all, reliving the past with wide saddened eyes. The Purple Death was dead but so were many dear friends, and his father leaving him to be the next chief. The battle had taken days as they kept trying to weaken the demonic dragon. It had been stronger than the Red Death, a male with a nasty attitude. It had taken many lives, mostly those of brave Vikings now resting in the great halls of Valhalla.

When everything had finished the survivors regrouped and set a camp. The remaining of the council had gathered and called to him to declare that he was to take his father's place. To say that he had freaked out was an understatement. He couldn't even get the words out to refuse; to say that he was not ready yet or simply wasn't the right man for the job. He had run off, mounted his dragon and rode to the place he once had called home, but there was nothing but grey ashes.

He tried to smile as his old friend nudged him, awakening him from his grey memories.

"Hey buddy, what do you got there?" his companion and best friend Toothless dropped at his feet an old and particularly familiar book "This is definitely awful" but Toothless wasn't sure if he meant the book, almost gone to ashes or the whole situation that had utterly gone to ashes. He guessed for the later.

His father had taken the last years to get him ready for this. He couldn't deny his birthright. If he didn't take over the position as chief, then their tribe would end right then. He felt like such an idiot for running off like that, but it just had been too much to take in. His father was gone, his home was gone, and now he was to lead everyone, and if he failed…

When the sun started to disappear beyond the sea, and as the chill deepened into his bones he broke out of the spell of misery.

There was nothing he could do for what happened before. Now, he knew, he had to take care of what was left and rebuild. Their cruel winter wasn't so far away, and he needed to find shelter for his people. His people... He thought with a warm breath over his hands. He had to protect them, just like his father would have done.

So he rode back on Toothless to the small camp they had set not too far away.

"Hiccup!" Astrid ran to him with a worried expression "Where have you been?" she still sported burns from when she helped the rest of the tribe to escape.

"I was feeling sorry for myself, but I am done with that" he said looking ahead into their camp. He was back and ready to take charge. There were injured people, hungry and orphaned children, new widows, but most of all a cloud of fear and insecurity about what the future held. He had to change that no matter what.

"Hiccup…" she stood back, unable to recognize the gentle boy she once knew. Now there was a man that followed his father's steps. She wasn't sure if to be glad or worried.

"Listen everyone! Come around!" his voice was no longer the one of an insecure child. He was the first man to ride a dragon and defeat two Seadragonus Giganticus Maximus. The shadows of the flames danced across his brilliant eyes as what remained of Berk made its way to him. They had waited for this, for someone to tell them what needed to be done. The situation was at its worst, no other man would raise his voice in fear of dooming what was left, so when he did no one questioned his place as the new chief and listened intently.

"Bork, gather a group of five riders and search the woods for any yack, sheep or herd that was able to get away. We need to get them breeding again before the cold sets in"

"Yes!" Bork, one of the older Vikings, but a good raider shouted before getting those close to him and then going to their dragons.

"Sigrid," he called to Astrid's mother "gather all available women and use what you were able to rescue to start making something to eat. I know many of you are still mourning the loss of your family and friends, but they gave their lives so you and their children could survive. It will be disgraceful if we let them starve"

Sigrid nodded before all able women joined her; even Astrid and Ruffnut followed.

"We need shelters for the night. Men look for anything we could use; even caves would be okay. Remember, the dragons can help you get a better look from above. If you can't find anything, then we will create something; after all, we have quite the experience with building" and he was able to get a few chuckles out of them with that before they started moving. Tuffnut and Snotlout went with them, now men in all right.

"Fishlegs; gather the children together and get them to pick some berries and roots from nearby. Don't go too far" his friend went off to call the children who followed him like sheep.

Hiccup kept going until everyone had something to do. He stood still for a minute looking up at the full moon. At least they would have good light to move around.

"Your father was already proud of you," he turned to meet with his uncle, Spitelout who was carrying a large piece of timber "but tonight, tonight he would have said he couldn't have been any prouder of you. Any other man would have crumbled under the pressure"

"I almost did," he said almost choking on his words, part of him had wanted to.

"But you didn't" and he readjusted the timber he was carrying "and right now that's all that matters" and then he went on his way.

Hiccup felt the exhaustion take over his body, he was actually doing this; being Chief and giving orders. He realized his whole body hurt and that he had burns that screamed at him with resentment. He had ignored how much pain he actually felt. Truly, he realized he had been lucky to escape the battle of the night before without losing another limb. He almost laughed because he wouldn't have minded losing another one if it meant others could have lived.

"Hiccup! Ya look as pal' as a Yeti!" He felt Gobber's large hand rest on his back "Hav' ya seen the heale'?"

"No" he admitted.

"The' com' boy. Ya need to tak' care of ya self befor' taking care of others," and his old mentor led him to the healer, where he collapsed wordlessly and slept.

He dreamt of many things. He saw the past when the first Vikings arrived to dreamed of their lives; the good and the bad times. He dreamt of how they would stand up again as a proud tribe. That part was kind of foggy, but he knew it could be great. Then, there was the future; the future of Berk which he couldn't make sense of. It was a future that was too much beyond far ahead, and he couldn't even start to imagine their worries and pains. What made them happy? It wasn't battle that was for sure. Still, someone stood out among all that confusion of colors and sounds. It was a girl, and he could put almost a name on her. It was on the tip of his tongue. She stood up and looked at him with determined eyes, and in her eyes he saw his father, his tribe, and himself. It was a vision that he would remember later in some point of his life, but for now, it would remain buried.

…Present day…

"I can't believe you did that! What in the world were you thinking? And your hair!" her mother shouted as she drove not bothering to look her expression. She was glad the night hid her expression, "I mean, I know it was long due for your rebellious state, but to punch your cousin in the mouth like that! It's just no acceptable Hagnes!" oh how she hated her name "you knocked two of her teeth out!" and she couldn't help to smile a little at the memory. It was exceptionally long due for her to receive payback "it's no laughing matter Hagnes!" oh, so she was watching.

"I know, but she deserved it" her tone was as final as it could get.

"Why?" her mother tried to keep calm. Never before had she heard her daughter say such cold words.

"…" she bit her lip, pondering if it was right to expose her oh so perfect cousin.

"Why Hagnes, what could she possibly do or say to deserve that!" her mother beat the steering wheel exasperated at her silence.

"She was talking about dad" she mumbled, and her mother pulled the car to the side to look at her. The anger was gone; it was replaced by deep sadness.


"She can say all she wants about me, but she has no right to talk about dad" though she kept her tone flat her mother could see the outrage still burning in her eyes.

"No, she doesn't have any right. I will talk to her mother" and the rest of the drive back home was mostly silent. When they arrived home, her mother kicked her high heels off and undid her long red braid.

"Aren't you going to ground me?" she asked.

"What's the point? All summer you have been behaving like this. It's like I don't know you anymore and I don't have any idea of how you are going to respond" she walked into the living room and sat on the couch "Your hair for starters, why would you cut it so short?"

"I like it like this" she said from the door before hearing her mother's sigh of frustration.

"Hagnes don't get into more trouble, please. At least until school starts again, okay?"

"You always expect the worst of me" she said before walking to the stairs.

"It's not like that!" she heard her mother shout from the living room after a long pause as if questioning her own answer.

"Yes, it is!" and she slammed her bedroom door to get the last word. If she had responded right away she might have believed her, but the silence had spoken louder than any of them.

She had changed, but that was good. She was glad to have changed. Why couldn't her mother see that? Looking at herself in the mirror, she knew she had never felt this confident before. When she looked at her green eyes, she could see all that her father wanted to accomplish in life. Silently she left her room and walked towards the attic's stairs. Of course, she never wanted to go back to before. She opened the door and went up.

"Hello girl, did you miss me?"

It was kind of hard to tell when it all started, but she had to guess it was with summer and a dream that both frightened and motivated her.

Three months ago…

"HAGNES!" like most accidents, especially those around her, it all started with a good intention. She had only wanted to have a few samples around the candle shop as business was slow. A curtain caught on fire. From there, it took a natural course of burning away one wall from the shop. And who had the brilliant idea of having curtains in a shop full of candles! She stood in front of the still smoking shop covered in a thin layer of ashes. The owner stood next to her taping her foot impatiently as her mother, major Steinunn, made her way to them "Hagnes…"

"Hi mom…" she said before the owner, Mrs. VanSolen walked up to her. Her hair half singed.

"Baddock, I had just enough just like everyone else in town!" she was way shorter than the Major, but that didn't stop her from pointing at her "any place she goes she only causes trouble! The bakery, coffee shop, and even the book store! I have already talked to all the shops around, and we all have agreed she will not be hired by any of them"

"I understand" she said defeated "I will also take care of the repairs"

"Wouldn't have it any other way" Mrs VanSolen sneered before turning and walking away.

"Mom, I…" she wanted to explain to her.

"It's okay Hagnes, let's go" of course she knew her daughter didn't do it on purpose, but she knew Hagnes was a first rate klutz and nothing would ever change that.

She hated this as her mother drove her back home, she hated the silence. In the past, her mother would ramble on and on about being careful and trying to make friends and fitting in with kids her age. Now, she guessed her mother had given up and remained in silence. She believed her mother had unquestionably given up on her. Well, she couldn't blame her. At least in two years' time she would be gone to college to the mainland. She could just imagine the whole town throwing a parade when it happened.

They stopped in front of their large old house. It had been in her father's family since forever and set to home at least a family of ten. But there was only them two. Most kids in the neighborhood said it was haunted. Even sometimes she thought it was.

"I will be back late, don't wait up" her mother said breaking her out of her thoughts. She turned to look at her. Her mother had her eyes on front hiding all emotion of disappointment away from her. She nodded and left the car before watching her drive away.

"Hey Hagggg… ness" She turned to face her cousin. A dark haired beauty with all the right curves, but the mouth of a pig "Heard you burnt another shop down"

"Hello to you too Soleil, and it was only some slight damage" she said walking towards her house.

"Righht" she laughed "mom asked if you would like to have dinner with us?" but she imagined neither her nor her mother genuinely wanted her there.

"That's very nice of her, but I think I will pass this time. Give her my thanks still"

"Will do" she said with a brighter smile "see ya' later Haggy" Oh, she certainly detested her name. She decided that as soon as she turned eighteen she would change it.

Her house was dark even in the middle of the day. Silently she went to bathe and change into something clean. Then, she took her time opening all the curtains of the lower floor before going through the fridge to make something to eat. She sat in the living room and watched TV until dark. She didn't actually see anything, but spent a long time lost in her thoughts and memories. She wished her father was there. She missed him terribly and just as the tears were about to roll she decided it was better to get some sleep. She didn't even bother to take off her shoes. It was as if her heart could barely beat just enough to keep her alive. She flopped on bed like a dead fish and laid there until sleep came.

… …

The night sky was covered with large wings that slid silently under the stars and full moon. A soft breeze caressed her skin and blew her hair back, long and loose. The scent of the dense forest surrounded her and kept her in place. She stood on a field full of blue flowers frozen in terror as one of the creatures descended. She wanted to run, but someone took a firm grip of her hand with a larger and warmer hand. She turned to look at a tall, slim man who smiled at her. He looked just the same as last time she saw him.

"Dad" his green eyes just like hers shone as he walked her towards the creature that had landed close to them covered in mysterious shadows.

"Sweetheart, would you like to ride a dragon?" he asked with a soothing voice.

"A dragon?" and she turned to look again at the creature, but all she could see was a ball of fire coming towards them.

She bolted right up gasping for air turning to look around her. Her breathing rapidly coming out of her lips; she scanned around her fast before realizing she was in her old room. She turned to her half open window. It was still dark, but she suspected dawn wasn't far. She looked her alarm clock; it was showing a steady red 4:15 AM. The dream had felt so real, like her father had actually held her hand, but also as if the ball of fire had certainly been a little too close for comfort. She looked at her hand and felt it tingle. It was just a dream. She shook her head. It was childish, so she wanted to forget about it.

She hadn't dreamt, especially about her father in a long time. The dream had scared all sleep away from her, and the last thing she wanted was just to lay in bed in the dark and silent house. She walked to her mother's bedroom and picked in. Her mother laid face down on her bed still wearing her suit. At least they were alike in some way. A light snore came from her, very lady like somehow. She helped her under the covers before closing her door silently.

The dream had seriously disturbed her, and that was particularly odd since she was a truly rational person, she was a little annoyed because of that. Her aimless wondering took her to a room in the far back of the house. She opened the old door to what used to be her father's study. Everything was packed on boxes, but they had never bothered to move them to the basement. They just couldn't do it for some reason.

She sat on the dusty chair of his desk and remembered when her father would turn and turn the chair until she was so dizzy she could barely stand. A smile spread to her lips thinking of that. She also remembered how he would tell her stories about dragons and princesses; usually the princesses being the evil guys of the story. Locking the poor dragons in cages for fun until their dragon friends made it to them through odd schemes and disguises. Her father had been such an odd goof.

Maybe taking some of his things to the museum would be a good idea. She thought since he had been the head researcher at the Berk Museum. The pain had been so strong for her and her mother back then, that they didn't actually bother to look over his things before packing them. She leaned back on the chair, looked at the ceiling and sighed. They needed to do something with this room, maybe turn it into a guest room like the others. That would close a lot of doors for them. Still, she was sure that whenever she came in here the memories would be just as fresh; her father's smiling face… waking up in the hospital… broken arm and ribs… then the horrible news.

Sometimes it felt as she had nothing left, but memories, the most painful ones always trying to outdo the others in space. As she was getting up to go back to her room, she spotted something on top of a bookshelf. It looked like a box. After stacking some boxes together, she climbed and retrieved it. She blew on it, getting rid of most of the dust it had accumulated before setting it on her father's old fashioned mahogany desk.

There was some sort of symbol on the lid, but she could barely make it out with the light of the moon. She went to turn the light on, but there was no effect. They certainly needed to make some maintenance to that room, she thought tiredly before taking the box and going to her room. She went to her little desk before turning her desk lamp. What she saw made her feel as if her insides were being clenched by a large fist, after a minute it was as if the fist had left, but she was all squished already, and that felt even worse.

Frowning, she opened the box. The lid laid on the side showing off its design; a silhouette of a curling dragon on deep, dark wood. The symbol wasn't a mystery to her. She had seen it many times on a book in the museum. It was written in the arcane language of the Vikings that lived there almost a thousand years ago. The only thing they could make out of that book was that it was some sort of guide for dragons. They could tell by the pictures, but the words were still a mystery.

She realized she was only looking at the lid, and her lip was hurting. Hagnes stopped chewing on her lip and looked at the contents inside the box. There was a large stack of papers. It was as thick as the length of her hand. She pulled them out and read… Dragon Manual. Translation by Varick Haddock. As if the papers would disintegrate on her hands, she laid them carefully on her desk before stepping back. She paced her room relentlessly and passed frustrated hands through her auburn hair tangling it to a complete mess.

As the warm red sunrise made its way to her window she stopped and went back to the pages. She suppressed her laughter, surely if she let it out her mother would send her to the fun house. It can't be; it's just impossible. It can't be the same! But she sat at her desk with the pages in front of her. She listened to her mother move through her morning routine. She even heard her stop in front of her door for about a minute before she left, probably without breakfast again.

Once she heard the click of the front door she passed her thin fingers through the front page, the pages were eight or more years old. Their texture talked about their fragility. With her index finger, she followed the path the pen had left on the paper; the title and name spoke volumes to her. This was her father's wish. She moved to the next page and read…

For my dear wife Steinunn and daughter Hagnes. (She tried to read them aloud but almost choke, so she continued to read in silence)

In this book, you will find a detailed description of dragons by the head chief of the Hairy Hooligans; Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III around the end of the 10th century. The name Haddock is extremely common around the current town of Berk so it should not be a surprise to find it in this book. What follows might be taken as literary piece of the dreams of a man or as facts. I don't blame any man or woman for thinking of this book as a bed time story book; especially since there is no concrete evidence regarding the existence of dragons even though they appear through different cultures. In personal, I consider the details too complex to have been thought by one man alone and the designs of the creatures extremely accurate to actual anatomy, especially for the time the book was written on. The following words are Hiccup's so don't blink, or you might just miss the most magnificent creatures in the world.

My sweetheart, Hagnes feel free to go over this book as much as you like for it is all that we dreamed of and more.

With all his love, Varick Haddock.


Dawn crept slowly over their cold bodies; as the first rays hit the ground men and women started to stir around the camp yawning and stretching. Everyone had something to do and wasted no time to get started. A young man in his early twenties walked purposely across the camp checking for anything that might have escaped his master plan. If everything went as he planned they would have enough food and shelter for the winter.

"Hiccup!" he stopped and turned as a young woman about his age ran to him.

"Hey Astrid, what can I do for you?" he asked before crossing his arms knowing well she would have some sort of complaint. Though his wasn't the usual cocky and awkward smile she wasn't fend off by it. She would make him listen even if he didn't want to.

"I heard you are sending some of the dragon riders to fish. Why didn't you include me?" she asked with her fist on her hips and glaring with frustration.

"You already received an assignment" He said turning and then continuing his path, making sure she understood there would be no change in the plan.

"But I am surely of more use out there than weaving blankets" she followed him still glaring daggers at his back. Since he had returned that night he had barely spoken to her. It was as if he was a whole different person. She didn't think he would be the kind of chief to be so stuck up as to forget who his friends were.

"You already have your assignment Astrid. The others will bring a good catch" he tried not to sound frustrated but was having a hard time with it. There was too much to do, he had no time for selfish requests simply because she didn't like to sew

"But…" she tried to find another reason when he turned and gave her a narrow stare.

"This is an order of your chief Astrid. We need as many blankets as possible for the winter so we won't freeze to death. Do you understand?" his tone was cold leaving no room for complain.

"What happened to you Hiccup?" he had expected her to try to fight him some more, but instead she lowered her eyes to the ground, and he could swear there was moisture accumulating in her eyes. Oh how he wished he could take back those words, but he had to be the chief, and that meant no favorites. All women were working on that project; even Ruffnut was in without complaining. Still it hurt him so deeply to see her like this.

"Astrid, I am sorry, but I don't have time for this" his tone softened making her look up "I will make it up to you later somehow, but I seriously need your help with those blankets" and he took off again.

And she watched him go as the light bathed him. Her eyes widened not remembering when his shoulders had become that broad. He was still nowhere near the other Vikings his age, but his lean body had proven one too many times that it wasn't weak as it looked. She froze when he stopped and turned to look back, a blush on his cheek that spread to hers. Both suddenly turned and went their own ways. No, she wouldn't think of him that way. It wasn't the right time.

Hiccup entered the tent where Toothless slept, and Fishlegs waited for him with an impassive expression. As soon as he saw him his face lit up with relief.

"Sorry for making you wait" he said taking a seat in front of his work table where pen, ink and paper laid.

"Thank you Hiccup. I certainly need to show the kids some things before they pick their dragons, and it will be so much easier if I have something like the Dragon Manual"

"We will make something better," he smiled at his friend "let's start with an introduction…"

… Present…

Welcome all who wish to know about dragons, for good hopefully. This book as you probably already know is the Dragon Manual. It's a collection of facts and stories about the dragons the Vikings of Berk have come across. If you are not from around then let me tell you a little more about our home. Berk it's twelve days north of Hopeless, and a few degrees south of Freezing to Death. It's located solidly on the Meridian of Misery. Need more? Ok, it snows nine months of the year and hails the other three. You won't probably make it out without missing a limb or two.

Scared already? Sorry, I can't help myself sometimes. We do have a beautiful summer, if only for a few months. Now that, you know a little bit more let me tell you about what you truly want to know; Dragons, of course.

Life on Berk has always been difficult. Especially when dragons used to attack; we, being Vikings were crazy enough not to move and stay and fight back. Now me, well I am a different kind of crazy so don't be surprised when I tell you the following, please. I was the first one to train a dragon. Ever since then, my friends and I have acquired a new task; to train dragons and to teach the rest of Berk how to live alongside them. Believe me; it was not easy at all. Every day brought something new, exciting, and sometimes frightening. But after so many years there is almost no one who can say they don't like dragons.

Now, with my dear friend Fishlegs standing next to me, we will tell you more about our terrific scaly friends. The knowledge you are about see is not just from us, but also from the first volume of the Dragon Manual that burnt almost to a crisp in an attack. It was our guide and its words are engraved in our hearts and minds. And we hope that as you read it that the words become part of you as well since you will not find a most perfect and loyal friend than your own dragon. So, if it is Fishlegs, I or another future trainer listen, because if you want to train a dragon, you must know about them first.

Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III. Chief of the Hairy Hooligans. Isle of Berk.

Hagnes read the introduction, her heart warmed with every word. These were not the words of a cold blooded Viking, but a kind man who only cared for those around him. She couldn't help feeling they were her father's words, or maybe he didn't do a direct translation. She started biting her lip wondering if she should take this to the museum. Then when will she get the chance to read it again? They might not even take it seriously. Deep inside she knew she didn't take it to the museum because she didn't want to risk losing it. It would break her heart not to ever see those pages again.

She kept reading well after the sun was fully out, the birds chirped, and her room warmed. She read about the things dragons liked and disliked in general. They almost made them sound like pets. She read about how to befriend dragons in general before being told different dragons had different likes additionally. She was about to start to read about Bork the Bold when a loud grumble made her stop. She turned to her alarm clock and saw it was almost 11:00 AM and she hadn't eaten anything. Her body whined as she stood up and stretched after so many hours of sitting in the same position. She felt like an old lady; she thought with a yawn before getting something to eat, then a small nap, followed by more reading.

Days went like this, sometimes she would take down notes of dragons she quite liked. At times, she was surprised about the ordinary things dragons loved and how easy it was to take care of them. They were quite smart, not kidnap princess and place her in a tower kind of smart, but playful and even mischievous kind of smart. Dragons didn't need much, but owners that actually cared for them and would enjoy spending time with them. The drawings, which she was sure her father had copied from the actual Dragon Manual, added more wood to the fire that was now burning brightly inside her mind and heart. She could almost see them move and behave as the words described them.

More than once she read about the joy it brought the Vikings when it came to fly along their dragons. She would lean back at such times and wonder about it. Nowadays flying wasn't that peculiar, but she had to guess that back then it was odd as seeing now… well, a dragon. She almost burst into laughter. Her reading took her to know about all kinds of dragons: Stoker class, Boulder class, Fear class, Sharp Class, Tidal Class, Mystery Class, and then she reached the Strike Class. Here, her frown returned because there was a little story about a specific dragon of this class. Here, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock went into a lot more detail and told a story like no other she had ever read.

This chapter is actually pretty significant to me because here I will tell you all about my best friend, my dragon Toothless. He now rests besides my table, faking to be asleep, but his ears move ever so slightly as I write. I know he will ask me to read him this chapter once I finish it. My life, the lives of everyone in Berk would be remarkably different if we hadn't met. Like all Vikings, I once dreamt of killing a dragon and being recognized by my village as a great warrior. However, there was a tremendous problem with that, and that was that I was and still is quite small compared to other Vikings. Now, don't you dare laugh for I hold a weapon and muscle greater than any other, my mind. Okay, now you might laugh.

I'm but a hiccup, which if you don't know (but you should) is the name always given to the runts. For most of my life, I was called Hiccup the Useless. No matter how many times I tried to prove myself to my village I always failed, usually destroying something in the way. It was no different that night. I had built a catapult to throw a pair of Bolas for me the night the dragons attacked. Against orders and common sense I went out to the cliffs and pointed it at my target; a Night Fury. The unholy offspring of lighting and death, it can shoot bolts of blue fire, fly faster than any other dragon, and be invisible in the night sky. Additional to that it's extremely smart, or at least I think that should be for all Night Furies, but Toothless it's the only known Night Fury around. Against all odds I actually hit him. The rest of that night was terrible as no one would believe I took down that one impossible dragon to catch...

She could almost swear she could hear the voice of this mind in her mind as she read on. It scared her a little bit that she could understand this man born and dead so long time ago. His story was greater than any other she had ever read. It spoke volumes about the man he was; crazy of course, determined and loyal. She couldn't help passing her fingers through the sketches of Hiccup's dragon. Toothless was beautiful, and she could see by the drawings what Hiccup saw. It was deadly alright, but she saw its expressions, the crooked toothless smile, the protective glare and so human like stances. The eyes of the creature hypnotized her, and she couldn't help to feel the wish to know this beast, real or not.

She kept reading through Hiccup's story to the point where they found the Red Death. Her heart stuck to her esophagus as she read about this monster, greater than all she ever heard.

Do not ever engage this dragon, run as far away as possible as you can and never look back. It's not worth the risk or your life. We had no other choice that day. I will tell you more about this dragon in the following chapter.

She continued to read and learnt how the Red Death was defeated but not without sacrifices. Hiccup lost a leg from his knee downwards. Still, this man didn't sound so hurt by it. It seemed it made the connection to his dragon even greater. Their faults got them closer and made them even stronger. When she knew all there was to be known about the Night Fury it was already sunset. She heard her mother arrive early, curious she went down stairs. Her mother brought take out and was splitting it on plates for them.

"Home early, now that's a first" she said after almost no speaking to her for a whole week. Her mother was surprised to see her daughter in such a pleasant mood, but didn't question it. She was glad she felt better.

"It's been a long time since we haven't eaten dinner together, so I brought some of your favorite" she said showing her the Chinese food.

"My favorite?" she asked with a raised eyebrow "My favorite is Mexican" she said before a sly smile spread on her lips.

"You are in a naughty mood tonight" her mother couldn't help to laugh "now eat before I decide to take it all for myself"

"If you insist" she sang before sitting.

They ate in silence as usual which neither minded. Both had a lot going in their minds. As Hagnes finished an idea came to her mind. She looked at her mother sizing the chances of her agreeing.

"Mom?" she called getting her attention "Would you mind if I take some of dad's things down to the basement and some to the museum?"

"Why?" her eyes had become expressionless but nonetheless she sounded curious.

"Well, I was thinking there might be important things for the museum in the boxes and the rest are just accumulating dust in that room" 'Also, it's being eight years and it's time we move on' She added silently in her thoughts.

"Would you like some help?" he mother asked.

"No, I can manage" she said smiling serenely.

"It's okay I guess" but she kept her eyes on her now empty plate.

And they became silent again. They cleaned the kitchen before going to watch some brainless TV. It was rare that they spent time together and she felt quite guilty for bringing that subject up but if she didn't now, then when? They had to move forwards, though it didn't feel fair for her to think that since she had been reading her father's last work. But also, as she neared the end of the book she knew there would soon be nothing left to hold on to. She and her mother would have to stand on their own.

As she made her way to bed already bathed and changed, she noticed that she felt a lot better than a few days ago. It was as if finding those pages had cleared all the wrongs of the past eight years. All the mockery was gone as sure as when she turned those pages to the museum. So she went to sleep with a clear mind; her dreams, however, weren't as enjoyable.

It was the same night sky covered by dragons. Farther away in the field she could see a man standing with a dragon. By just looking at the silhouette, she could tell it was the Night Fury; Toothless and probably the man next to him was Hiccup. She wanted to call out to them, but a hand, this time colder and wet pulled her back. She turned and saw her father's pale, wet and dead face. He shook his head shaking off some drops of salt water off as if saying no with fear and pulled her back even more.

"It's too dangerous" he said through teeth covered in remains of seaweed "you have to stop" he said with dull green eyes and a water clogged voice.

A large shadow covered them, and she looked up to see a monstrous being pass over them. Her heart churned knowing well what it was. The creature started to fight with Hiccup and Toothless in the sky. The dragon and its rider descended at fast speed just like when they had defeated it in the past before they turned into dust. The large monster then turned towards her. Her father was gone. Only she stood there before this creature out of hell. She started to run, but she knew there was no way for her to outrun it.

SLAM! She had fallen off her bed and landed on her side. She lay on the floor a few minutes with wide eyes not looking at anything in particular. With a sudden burst of energy, she bolted to her desk and went to the last pages of her father's work. There laid the sketch of a mountain and a few words.

The Seadragonus Giganticus Maximus is born from the depths of the earth, from the center of its molten core. The only place hot enough to hatch its eggs. In my journeys, I learnt that these dragons have made appearances every four to five hundred years, usually erasing all life in their way. There is no possible way to befriend this dragon. Do not ever engage this dragon; you won't make it out alive.

It described the places they usually resided and her breathing stopped when she read they suspected one was dormant inside the mountain shown in the picture. It scared her because she knew that mountain. It wasn't that far from their town. Wanting to know more she hurried to turn the page, but only found photocopies of the un-translated Dragon Manual along with a small piece of paper.

I suspect Seadragonus Giganticus Maximus will awaken…

And that was it. She looked at the photocopies trying to make sense of the strange symbols. But after an hour she knew it would be impossible. It's just a book, it means nothing. There are no dragons. There are no monsters living inside the mountain or volcanos. She kept telling herself. He just didn't have a chance to finish his work. It was rotten luck. It means nothing! She shouted at the other side of her brain that kept looking at those words, wondering when would the Seadragonus Giganticus Maximus would awaken and kill them all.

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A big thanks to Azaroth Lavaetain for his help as a Beta Reader to make this a great first chapter.