A/N: Okay, I hope you like it. I decided on Piper's POV. And I would like to clarify some things. Piper's dad hasn't been kidnapped, Jason isn't from the Roman camp. They are just regular demigods. Except for one thing, which I would love (and might need) your opinion on. Should Jason still be the son of Zeus? That could be some drama to add in for a while, but it might be a little repetitive, because of when Percy was new and they found out that he was the son of one of the Big Three. Also, it would make him, like, equal with Percy, and, I know it's stupid, but I like to have Percy be superior. So, what do you think? I will be putting his claiming in by the next chapter, so you'll need to give your answer with the next couple of days. (In other words, ASAP). I hope you like how I do this!


It was alarming. Well, pretty much the entire day was alarming, but this kind of topped it all, which, in itself, was alarming. Seeing Percy, lying there, pale and sweating, was terrifying. He had always been a leader, confident, and after all that had happened at the Grand Canyon, she understood why. He was like a superhero. And then when he jumped out of the chariot, with the water, and everything, it was mind blowing. She always saw him as a rock; strong, tough. Now- it was horrible. Annabeth looked at him with almost no worry, though, which made her relax a little. She, Leo, and Jason walked in. She sat in the chair, Leo sat on the table, and Jason stood beside them. They looked expectantly at Percy. Annabeth got up, about to leave, but Percy grabbed her hand, and gave her a look that said I need you here. She nodded, and took her seat again. He looked at her and said, "I don't think the orientation video will do for this group." Obviously that was some kind of joke, because she chuckled and replied, "I guess today we're having de ja vu all around."

Finally Leo interrupted. "Hello? We've been attacked by wind, tossed off the Grand Canyon, transported in a flying chariot, and watched Percy and Annabeth jump out of said flying chariot and be swallowed by water. Stop freaking laughing, and give us some explanations!" His eyes were wide- he was obviously freaked out. Piper put a hand on his shoulder, as Percy took a deep breath.

"Okay, you're right, this isn't funny. Okay, I guess I should start with telling you what you are. Which are demigods. You know in Latin class, how the child of a god and a human are called demigods? That would be us. We also call ourselves half-bloods. All of the Greek gods exist- and no, it's not like some religion thing, they are actual beings. I've met some of them several times, and one or two aren't so fond of me-"

Annabeth interrupted, with an eyebrow raised. "Excuse me? One or two? Yeah, right."

He scoffed. "Oh please, you're the one that has the queen of the gods against you."

She scowled. "I never did anything! And let's add up your enemies, shall we? There's Hades, and Ares, and never forget my mother, Athena, and Artemis isn't you're biggest fan-"

"Not my fault! It's just cause I'm a guy!"

"Oh, and Zeus. You have the king of the gods hating you. That's even worse than the queen-"

Piper shook her head, almost certain they were crazy. Greek gods? "Uh, guys? Still confused…"

Percy turned his attention to them again. "Oh, right. Well, I know you probably don't believe us. I didn't, at first. But the way it works is the gods travel with the Western culture. First it was Greece, then Rome, then a few other places, and now, they've been here for a few millennia. Their palace, Mount Olympus, is above the Empire State Building-"

Jason interrupted. "No, Mount Olympus is in Greece."

"Well, the actual mountain is, but the palace of Olympus also travels with the West." They all were still looking at him like he was crazy. He looked at Annabeth and said "How can we prove it to them?"

She frowned. "Well, I don't know. You were pretty easy. After the Minotaur and Grover, you would've believed anything we gave as an explanation." Piper could tell Percy was about to argue, but Annabeth turned to them.

"Look, can you come up with any other explanation for the storm spirits, flying chariots, and water battle? And Coach Hedge, as a satyr?" They stared at her, and realized she was right. This seemed to be the only explanation where everything fit.

"Okay, I believe you." Jason said.

Piper nodded. "Me too."

Leo just shrugged, like, whatever you say.

Percy looked relieved. "Okay, so this is Camp Half-Blood. We train demigods here, for battle with monsters, like the Minotaur, or the storm spirits. You learn archery, swimming, and most importantly, sword fighting. There is a cabin for the gods' children- one for each god. You-"

Piper interrupted. "Okay, hold on. Sorry, but it's taking me a while to process what you're saying. So, according to you, we're descendants of gods?"

"Yes. Think about it. You live with only one parent, don't you? If you have any siblings, they are only half- or step- related, right? Exactly."

"Okay, so who's our parent?"

At that, both Percy and Annabeth frowned. "Well, we don't know yet. They claim you. A sign will come over you head that is a symbol for the gods. They are supposed to claim you by the time you turn thirteen…" At that, he looked at Annabeth. She looked concerned.

"Percy, we can talk about that later. We need to finish explaining. Chiron needs to talk to you. And you need to explain some things to me, too, so hurry up."

"Anyways, um, so let's see. We will just have to wait to see once they claim you. There are some details about camp that we can explain later, and about recruiting you guys, but-"

Leo cut him off. "How long have you been here? And isn't this a camp? Why are you here during the winter? And what is your godly parent?"

Percy chuckled. "Okay, let's see. I've been here 4 years now, you can stay year round and, in these circumstances, I did, and my dad is Poseidon."

Piper's, Jason's, and Leo's eyes widened. "Isn't he, like, one of the 3 original gods? Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades-"

"SHHHH!" Annabeth screeched. "You can't just throw names around like that!" Thunder boomed outside. She cringed.

"But you and Percy do!" Leo defended.

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, but Percy's stubborn and never would listen to us about it. Plus, after all we've been through, they wouldn't dare incinerate us for just using names. You guys, though… you gotta be more delicate."

"Okay, what happened? You keep saying things like 'talk about it later' and 'in these circumstances' and 'after all we've been through'. What are you talking about?"

At that, Percy took Annabeth's hand, and she squeezed it. Obviously, something big happened, thought Piper.

"That is an extremely long story, that we don't talk about much around here. Maybe I can explain later, but for right now, I'm just going to finish. Everything related to Greek legends exists. We train you to fight the monsters. You've dyslexia, but it's actually because you're hardwired for Ancient Greek. You're ADD is for battle. Don't eat the stuff I'm eating- it's the food of the gods, and is healing, but if you eat too much, you can get killed. For now, don't go in the woods, because monsters are stocked up in there, and you don't know how to fight yet. That should be it-"

Annabeth raised her eyebrows. "Excuse me, but that is most certainly not it. What about you going missing for 4 days? What was that about?"

At this, Jason, Piper and Leo were confused. "Um, what are you talking about?" Piper inquired.

"This idiot disappeared for 4 days, apparently to come get you, when we usually just send satyrs, and-"

"Whoa, hold up. Percy's been with us for nearly a month now. We've never seen him leave- he can't. What are you talking about?" Leo asked, and Percy glared at Annabeth, and Annabeth cringed.

"Gamoto." She said, which Piper somehow understood meant damn.

"Okay, guys, this might be weird for you to hear, but I really have only been with you for a few days. There is something called the Mist, which can create an illusion in people's minds. Usually only mortals are subject to it, so they aren't revealed to what a monster really is, or they see a gun instead of a sword, but it can be turned up a notch for demigods, too. Remember when I snapped my fingers over that photo?" They nodded. "I was putting the Mist on it, so you wouldn't be able to read the shirts. The same thing happened to you, except it made you think I'd been with you for a while. I only met you 4 days ago."

Piper couldn't believe it. She was sure he had come a month ago. He was the new, awkward kid that they took in, and he would always sympathize with them about Coach Hedge- but then she really thought about it, and realized he had suddenly seemed different recently. A few days ago, he changed. Seemed more worried, also more confident- that must be the real Percy. She nodded.

"Okay, it makes sense. Sort of. At least, I understand."

Annabeth cut in. "Well, I don't. Percy, why in Hades did you go? And why didn't you tell anybody? Why didn't you tell me?" she exclaimed.

"Annabeth, you know how it is. They had a really strong scent- three demigods together? Plus, they must be from the Olympians, because it was really bad. At least, that's what Hedge told me. It's amazing they hadn't been attacked before this. And it was an emergency, and Chiron told me I needed to go immediately, and it was the middle of the night, and I wanted to tell you, but you know that if I did, you would have insisted on coming along."

"So? Why couldn't I come?"

At this, he blushed a little. "Uh, I wanted you to, but Chiron said we might get, um, distracted…"

Annabeth's cheeks turned red. "Oh. Okay. Well, you know you're not off the hook for this. And why wouldn't Chiron tell me after, when the entire camp was freaking out?"

"I'm actually not sure. I thought he would. And how did you know to come to the Grand Canyon?"

"Oh, I realized Grover still had that connection with you. Obviously, he was still alive, which meant you were, but I asked him to check you're emotions. He said worried and panicked, and then I asked if he could do the weird mind-talking thing, and he said he could try. He obviously didn't get through to you, but he could see where you were. So I got Will and came."

Percy laughed. "Of course you did." Piper was extremely confused, but was getting used to it. Which wasn't good.

Annabeth turned to them. "Okay, now, I actually think the orientation video might be good. It's a little better at explaining, we may have left some things out, and it covers some extra details. I'll go tell Chiron we should set it up. Be right back." She kissed Percy's cheek, and said "Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone."

"I'll do my best."

Then she leaned over and whispered something in his ear, and his eyes widened, and he frowned. She pulled away, smirking. "Don't you dare!" He said.

"You know I would."

"Not if I take you down."

"As if that's a possibility."

"I can, and will. Just go talk to Chiron." She growled, and walked out. Jason, Piper, and Leo raised their eyebrows once Percy looked at them.

"Yeah, it's another long story."

They got up, and walked over. "You seem to be full of long stories. Anyways, I'm not sure how to treat you now- as a stranger, or as a friend." Piper commented.

"Well, I see you guys as friends, so I hope you'll treat me the same as before."

"Gotcha. Now, I wanna check out this camp…" Annabeth walked in, holding a DVD. "Okay, you guys can watch in here. Percy, can you come to the study? Chiron's waiting for us."

"Yeah, sure." he said. He threw the covers off, swung his legs around, and got up. He certainly recovers fast. He stood up, and felt his pocket. "Annabeth, where's Riptide?" he asked.

"Check your other pocket, doofus." She replied, rolling her eyes. Piper didn't get it. Weren't they dating? It was confirmed when he walked over to her and laced his fingers in hers, and Annabeth bit her lip to keep from smiling. She tossed the DVD to them.

"Okay, we'll be back-" he looked at Annabeth with concern- "Uh, in a while. Don't leave this building. The video should keep you occupied for a while. See you soon."

As they turned around, Jason asked, "What's Riptide?"

As they disappeared from view, they both called, "Long story!"

A/N: I hope I did okay. This one was a little difficult. The next one will be Percy's POV, talking with Chiron and Annabeth, and who knows what else will happen. Remember my questions from the AN above. THX!