Let's Be One
Chapter 1
A/N: I made this fanfic by myself cause I was bored. I kinda got this idea randomly since I was kind of bored hahas. These two start off as strangers and it will gradually progress to become lovers. Well, they become lovers in the later part of the story. Whatever. Let's get started. Disclaimer: I do not own the characters.
"Who's there?" Yoshiki muttered as he stared suspiciously at a figure hunched over on the floor. The blonde crept slowly towards the male.
He had black hair, wore a buttoned up shirt, black trousers with a pair of black shoes and had a jacket over his right shoulder. Yoshiki was a bit happy that someone in his area was at least alive.
Yoshiki reached out to touch the male's shoulder and instantly jumped back when the boy seemed to jolt out of his stance.
"Who are you?" the male asked with his back still towards the blonde, a tint of fear in his voice. Yoshiki's scared expression instantly softened.
"Yoshiki Kishinuma in Kisaragi Academy High School in class 2-9," the blonde replied as he stared at a nearby pile of skeleton bones which still had the clothes of a male student.
"So, you're not the killer and you're a student too?" the dark-haired male asked as the frightness in his voice disappeared as he turned to look at Yoshiki.
"Of course and hey, c'mon, if I was the killer, I would've already crept behind you and smashed your head in with the sledgehammer like the guy did to me but luckily, my head isn't crushed. Hehe," Yoshiki chuckled as he took a sample of the blood dripping from his head and stared at it.
The dark-haired male glanced from the blonde's face to his head and his calm face immediately seemed to switch into panic mode.
"So, Yoshiki, you okay now?" the black-haired male asked, as his body turned fully to stare at the blonde, letting Yoshiki have a good look at his muscled torso as his shirt was unbuttoned.
"Yea, what's your name?" Yoshiki asked as he hissed when he touched the wound on his head.
"Yuya Kizami. One of the students in Byakudan Senior High School in class 2-4," the other male replied as he stood up, walked over to the blonde and stuck out his hand.
"Uh, yeah. Nice to meet you too Kizami," Yoshiki muttered as he shook the dark-haired male's hand, feeling a sense of affection well up in him when he saw the other male's features more closely. Kizami was indeed a charming man.
"Let's get going shall we, princess Yoshiki?" Kizami joked as he bowed down and pointed his hands in the direction of the door which leads to the corridor.
Yoshiki immediately blushed red in embarrassment upon hearing the words and seeing the smirk on the other male's face.
"I am not a princess! Don't make fun of me!" Yoshiki scolded the other male as he stomped out into the corridor with Kizami following close behind, chuckling to himself from how adorable the blonde was.
"Sshh! Hear that?" Kizami asked as he pulled the blonde to his chest without warning and covering the male's mouth, preventing other noises to be made by the blonde. Yoshiki raised an eyebrow at the blonde's behaviour.
"It's the sound of your heart beating from how close we are right now..." Kizami whispered in Yoshiki's ear, causing a jolt of electricity to run through the blonde's body.
"Kizami! This isn't funny! There're ghosts and spirits after us!" Yoshiki growled angrily but softly as he sent a swift punch to the black-haired male's face, causing Kizami to tumble back, a sharp pain in his cheek as the male pouted.
Yoshiki turned around to start walking when a hand touched the back of his neck, making him jump slightly."Kizami..." the blonde growled his eyes shut, face red and fists clenched tightly in anger.
"You idi-! Eh?" Yoshiki muttered, opening his eyes and turning around to find none other than Yoshikazu. The blonde's eyes immediately widened in fear as his body froze to the spot in shock.
"Yoshiki!" the blonde heard from Kizami before a strong hand gripped his right arm and tugged him away. "Kizami! Kizami!" Yoshiki exclaimed as his left hand reached out for help as Kizami tried to reach out and grab him but was unable to do so when the door Yoshiki and Yoshikazu went through closed in front of his face.
"Yoshiki... I'm sorry..." Kizami muttered as his head rested on the door as he slid down to the floor, tears sliding down his face as he heard the screams of the blonde next door.
"Ah... Mister... Is that your friend?" a spirit of a girl with a hole in the place where her left eye was supposed to be asked as she stared at Kizami with her right good eye.
"Who... are you...? Why are you killing everyone?" the dark-haired male asked as he frowned, his eyes narrowed deeply. The little girl seemed hurt by the question.
"I'm Yuka and I'm one of three children who were killed... I don't control my own spirit all the time... I get controlled by the owner of this school... Sachiko-san... She's the one controlling the spirits that were killed by her most of the time but now I have my free will for a while... I can help you while I still have it..."Yuka bit her lip as she said so.
To be continued...
A/N: Now this is what I call... weird work... owo" Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter and please keep a lookout for the next one. I assure you that romance between these two will be on the way! :D