Craig sighed, he had this stupid test coming up soon and he had to study, he hated studying it was just so boring and unimportant to him, but there was one thing about studying that was worth it, he heard the light snoring above him and looked up from his position on the floor, the book in his lap neglected for the moment to look at the perfect being curled up in the arm chair he sat against, Tweek, he slept peacefully, his cup of coffee resting on the arm of the chair. Craig smiled, it didn't matter that he didn't make straight A's, it didn't matter that this test was worth half his grade, the fact that he was able to watch this beautiful boy sleep, to see that face so relaxed and free of stress, that made all of this worth it, it made sitting here staring at these stupid problems okay, because he had the most amazing boyfriend in the world.. and he didn't care if he never understood a single word of that test tomorrow.. all that mattered right now was that the love of his life didn't have a care in the world at the moment, he wasn't worrying about underwear gnomes, or jittering over spilt coffee, or pulling out his hair... he was completely and utterly calm... and that made Craig the happiest thing on earth right now... if he failed this test.. that wouldn't matter either.. because Tweek would still love him... and that made everything okay... so for now, Craig would rather watch Tweek sleep a little bit longer... and then when he woke up.. Craig would hold him and everything would be perfect... because they have each other.