don't like it… Simple don't read it and complain.
This is my first ever Fanfic so please review and tell me if I did badly.

Well Enjoy! (* O*)

[Edited chapters One through to six as of the 15/10/2013]

-Dark Link's POV-

I appeared before my creator, my master, Ganondorf as a blur of shadow and awaited his orders. I watched him as he paced back and forth. He drew a small vial of thick red liquid that was warped to him by his creation, Phantom Ganon before he was killed in battle. The vial contained the blood of the being that destroyed Ganondorf's creation.

Ganondorf swiftly turned around and uncorked the vial and walked over to the shadow. I immediately smelt the sweet, delicious scent of the blood. I watched as my master performed a dark spell and the blood began to boil and it turned black and then back to deep red. Ganondorf tipped the vial of blood onto the stone floor and it ran along the crevices in the stone till it reached the Triforce that was engraved in the stone floor. The blood was now in the shape of the Triforce and I reached out to the blood and as soon as I touched the blood, pale white fingers were formed, followed by a hand and arm.

Another part of the shadow touched the blood and a pale foot began to form. The blood magically ran up my newly acquired limbs to create the rest of the body. As it finished I was standing there naked and looked at my pale body. I felt all my organs moving, my heart beating and the blood of another being pumping through my veins. I felt something surrounding my face. I touched my head and felt silky hair in the shade of the darkness in my heart.

The shadows surrounded me and clothed me in a black tunic with a sword and a shield. I knew my purpose and I would complete this simple task.

Master Ganondorf transported me into the middle of a grey room.

The room was filled with ankle-deep clear water, they sky above me was grey and cloudy and the water reflected the sky. I saw a sealed door and across from it about 100 metres away there was another sealed door one of which I had to defend form any being trying to get into the sealed room. In between the two doors stood a lonely dead tree on a single island.

I walked over to the island and sat down and touched the dead tree and felt its sorrow.

Wait! What do I care if the tree is dead? I have a mission to complete.

I stood up walked into the water and relaxed. When I looked down at the water I saw my reflection looking up at me. I saw my pale skin and blood red eyes. I closed my eyes and felt myself become one with the water and became the water and waited for my prey.

I lost track of time after the 3rd hour and I didn't know if I was stuck in here for hours, days, weeks or months before something happened to the grey world I now lived in.

He heard a rattling at the door and it finally opened and a million rays of light and colour filled the dull grey world as the being walked into the room.

-Link's POV-

I looked around the room and noted the empty room. He walked over to the dead tree on the lone island and placed his hand on the blackened bark. I felt the tree's sorrow and stood up and walked to the door on the other side of the room.

I pulled on the bars a little and they didn't budge. I tilted my head in confusion.

"There's nothing in the room and still the bars won't budge" I thought looking up at Navi to see her in shock facing behind me.

I walked over to Navi worried about her. Why was she frozen? Reaching up to her hoping to shake her confusion off, she snapped awake and cried in warning that there was something over by the tree.

I spun around quickly and my eyes nearly popped out of my sockets.

There he was standing, his black shrouded form, pale skin and deep red eyes that felt like they were cutting into my skin and looking deep into my soul.

The most terrifying feature of the shadowy being was the aura that surrounded him. Death, Destruction and Hate.

I backed away feeling the immense power of his stare and watched him as he withdrew his sword at the same time I did.

Then he was running toward me.

-Dark Link's POV-

As soon as the boy stepped into the water I could remember each moment of his life and experienced emotions that I never had before. None of that fazed me as my mission was about to begin.

This person finally entered the room and I was about to kill him and get my reward from Master Ganondorf. My body began to form from the water as he passed the tree. He knelt by the tree and sighed in sadness exactly what I did. He wore a green tunic, similar to my black one and he had light Blonde hair and when he opened his eyes they were the most crystal clear blue I ever saw. He walked away to the door that was obviously locked.

I was almost fully formed when I noticed that the little blue fairy was watching me as I was formed into the boy similar to the one next to the fairy. I snickered and watched as the boy noticed the fairy. I heard the fairy cry and the boy spun around quickly.

He saw me and I saw him. I walked slowly closer to him and snickered as he backed away a little.

We both withdrew our twin swords and shields at the same time and I charged at him ready to attack.

My blade was blocked by the boy. I knew his every move and attack. We both attacked and blocked, only getting little cuts every now and again. I laughed knowing that this would be a long battle and that eventually one of us would tire out and it wouldn't be me.

He suddenly backed off and sheathed his sword. I followed him ready to strike when he suddenly performed a spell that I didn't know.

I backed away feeling the magical fire burn my skin and the impact of each blow with his master sword. I fell against the tree and looked at my burnt and bloodied skin and I watched the boy come over sword in hand. He sheathed it and looked down at me.

I have failed my master. I couldn't kill the boy in the state I was in. I couldn't even move. I didn't feel like living anymore. So when I saw the boy pick up my sword and raised it for the final blow I was relieved that it was to come quickly. I didn't struggle; I closed my eyes tightly as he plunged the sword into my heart.

The only thing was that it didn't happen. I opened my eyes and saw the sword and he had plunged it but not into my heart. I was plunged into the ground only millimetres away from my chest.

I looked up at him with questioning eyes as he walked to the door.

I used as much of the energy that I had to call out to the boy.

"W…Why didn't you K…kill me?"

He just stood there and opened the door in silence.

"Answer me damnit!"

He turned back and smiled kindly and closed the door.

Okay guys as I mentioned earlier this is my first ever fanfic O:
I hope you like it
I am open for advice or just a review.
I am sorry but Yaoi/boy-boy wont show up for a couple of chapters

And lastly if you have any ideas, anything you want me to incorporaste or any questions please free feel to ask.

Love Glompeh xx