His Kitten: Another Guest?!

Author's Note:

Having no internet really makes me keen to write… but I'm currently not able to post any of the chapters because I have no internet at my grandma's where I'm watching the dogs and the house this weekend. It's gotten me to write though.

I need to draw too though, this story could use a new cover photo but I'm not quite sure what to draw for it. If you've got an idea feel free to suggest it to me. I'm not the best artist but I can try.

Also if any of you play Pokemon ORAS and are looking for female eevees I've got about half a box of them since I'm breeding them. If you're interested just let me know! There's also a couple other pokemon in my trade box but mainly female eevees.

Also I want to hurry up and finish this so I can post it before the end of the month but it's been so busy lately and I haven't been able to stay awake for long on days where I have nothing else to do.

Thank you again.


Melody POV:

Tanaka gestured for all of us to stay quiet while he headed to the door. Each of us also got weapons ready.

Meirin had her gun, Finny had a broom, and Bard had a knife. I was ready to have my claws extend or just to use my bare hands to fight while Ronald had blades extend from his forearms.

Tanaka readied to open the door and I narrowed my eyes a bit more. Right as I was ready to get some rest this had to happen and I'm going to take it out on whoever this is, if I get the chance.

However I didn't really get the chance.

As soon as the door was opened the person who was at the door was ambushed by the first three. The man didn't speak or anything and instead let himself be tied up. I rose an eyebrow at it but didn't say anything.

Bard took the man's bag and the first three ran to the sitting room. Ronald and I followed them.

"Young Master! We caught some suspicious looking guy!" They called out.

Young Master turned toward us looking shocked. I headed over to his side and stood there.

Bard and Finny turned back to the door and snapped at the man.

"Come on, get in already!" Bard snapped.

The older looking man stepped in, his arms bound to his sides by rope and his upper body soaked by rain water.

Everyone turned to look at him in surprise.

"Wha- He was real?! Where on earth was he hiding?!" Earl Grey cried out.

I blinked, what they were all talking about before we came in here.

"You're…" Young Master mumbled.

I blinked and looked at him.

"So you mean… This is the killer?!" Mr. Woodly cried.

Lau smirked and stood.

"To think the thirteenth guest would show up this soon… Even I am a little surprised." He said.

He walked over to the man and put a hand on his shoulder.

"So who're you again?" He asked.

Young Master seemed to get irritated.

"This again?!" He snapped.

The man looked at him.

"My name?" He asked.

Young Master was quiet for a minute before speaking up.

"It's been a while… Jeremy." Young Master said.

I blinked and looked at him confused.

"Earl, is this old guy a friend of yours?" Lau asked.

"Y-yeah." Young Master said.

I hardly caught Jeremy mumble.

"Old guy?"

I tilted my head slightly.

Young Master walked over to the newly named "Jeremy."

"This man is Father Jeremy Rathbone. He's a popular advisor to the local church and somewhat of a famous person." Young Master said.

I couldn't help the small shiver of fear that ran down my spine at the word "church." When I was held in a cell I often heard my captors talking about "church." How I was a monster that shouldn't exist and that they should just destroy me in the name of their "lord."

"Please just call me Jeremy." The Father said.

"A… Father?" Mr. Wordsmith asked.

"Like I'd trust a suspicious looking guy like you!" Mr. Woodly snapped.

"The only one who could have committed the murders is the thirteenth person without an alibi… No matter how you look at it, it has to be this guy!" He continued.

Father Jeremy just smiled a bit.

"Actually, your reasoning is utter nonsense, Mister Woodley." He said.

Mr. Woodly jumped back a bit.

"How did you know my name?!" He spat.

The Father smirked.

"Looking at your ring, it's actually quite obvious." He said leaning forward.

"The only place you'd be able to mine a large diamond like that would be South Africa. Furthermore, the only way you'd be able to get the special round brilliant cut this diamond has, is with the latest polishing machinery recently developed by the Woodly company." He said.

"I've also heard that the London jeweler Daniel Anderson has been holding sales talks with women, saying it's a rare item that hasn't really appeared on the market yet." He continued.

The way he spoke was familiar but so odd at the same time. I felt like I'd heard it before but at the same time never had.

"If you consider that one of the people invited to the Earl's evening party is wearing such a rare ring, it is most likely the director of the Woodly company… In other words, you. Am I wrong?" He asked.

This guy sure likes to talk doesn't he?

He won't talk so much when you kill him.

No, stop suggesting I kill people. Stupid voice.

Mr. Woodly didn't respond.

"More importantly, how in the world… No, why and since when have you been here?" Mr. Wordsmith asked.

The older man sighed a bit.

"Sheesh, nothing but questions."

He turned to look at Bard who was still holding his bag.

"Hey you, would you mind opening my bag?" He asked.

Bard looked a bit shocked but opened the bag anyway.

"Whoa?! This is Mr. Sebastian's owl!" He cried.

I blinked and eyed the man cautiously before scooting over to get a better look at the owl. I'd never really seen one before and I couldn't help but think that the white bird was beautiful.

Hesitantly I reached out and touched the bird's soft feathers.

"I-is it dead?" Meirin asked.

"No but since it resisted I put it to sleep for a while with some medicine, it will wake up soon." Jeremy said.

I glared a bit at him.

"Just because it resisted a bit! How cruel!" Finny seemed to share my sentiments on this situation.

My glare turned away from the man and I carefully lifted the bird out of the bag. This scared people a little bit but I simply stood there and cradled it in my arms.

Normally I didn't like birds much but since I'd stopped seeing them as pests or possible food I'd started learning to appreciate their beauty and sometimes their intelligence.

"Please look at the letter at its claw." Jeremy said.

Young Master walked over to me and took the letter from the still sleeping bird.

"Young Master! What did Mr. Sebastian say?!" Meirin asked.

I blinked and looked at her.

Young Master was silent for a moment before crushing the letter in his hand.

"It seems that he anticipated that he would be killed and sent a letter to Jeremy." He said and stuffed the paper in his pocket.

I looked slowly ran my fingers over the bird's feathers to distract myself.

"Oh my… Mr. Sebastian…" Meirin mumbled.

"But you can't prove he isn't the killer with just a piece of paper! If he came from outside, he could just as well have committed last night's murder!" Mr. Grimsby yelled.

I jumped a little bit but made sure the snowy owl was secure in my arms.

"Actually, I have a simple solution to your lack of evidence. In my coat pocket." Jeremy said using his knee to push out one side of his coat.

Finny reached into the pocket and pulled something out.

"Huh. A ticket… Is it for a play…?" He asked.

"What's the date?" Young Master asked.

"Yesterday… It's for the evening show of March 12th. The place and program are umm… the… L… A…D…" He trailed off, having trouble with the words.

I couldn't really blame him. Reading could be hard.

"The Lady of the Lake at the Lyceum Theatre!" Finny finally pieced together.

I smiled a little bit, proud of him.

"The Lady of the Lake is indeed playing at the Lyceum Theatre at the moment." The singer confirmed.

"Indeed, I went to the Lyceum Theatre in London last night. The play ended after 10pm. Even if I took a Hansom cab and threw him a sovereign it would still take over two hours to get here." Jeremy said.

"Furthermore, in this rain the road would become so muddy it'd take at least twice as long as usual." He finished

"A Hansom cab in this rain?" The singer asked.

"In this rain the river along the road would flood, there's no way you'd get over the bridge in a horse-drawn carriage!" Bard snapped.

"Of course there are countless other ways of getting here. Walking or swimming… Though those aren't really ways I'd recommend for normal human beings." Jeremy said.

That tone…

There was something familiar about how he said that.

"There are always as many ways of getting to a result as one can count the starts but there is only one truth." He continued.

"In other words, you mean that you cannot be involved in the killings because you were in London las night… Am I right?" Mr. Wordsmith asked.

I briefly glanced up at him before busying myself with straightening the feathers of the bird in my arms. It was a nice distraction to have but I hoped that it wouldn't be angry if it woke up.

"As expected of a master novelist, thank you for speeding up the conversation." Jeremy said.

But it seemed to confuse Mr. Wordsmith.

"Huh?" He mumbled.

How did this man know who Mr. Wordsmith was?

"You can find out a lot by people's jobs and the like from examining their looks and habits you know." Jeremy said.

"First of all, you have a large callus on your right middle finger. It's different in shape from people who paint or draw… So you must be writing a lot. Next, there are blue stains on your sleeve. This can happen when you wash things with dyed ink on them. Furthermore you wrote several pieces of material you thought of on the inside of your cuffs with a pencil so you won't forget them." Jeremy continued.

"Pearl, India, locked room, sign. You have to be a novelist to do something like this right?" He asked.

I sighed lightly, he really did like to talk.

"Amazing… He's like my teacher, Professor Bell. He also liked people watching." Mr. Wordsmith said.

"Well now that your doubts should have lifted, would you mind getting this rope off of me?" Jeremy asked.

"It seems that the air around this mansion is heavy with the smell of a crime that will rid me of my boredom." He said.

Young Master turned to Ronald and gestured for him to free Father Jeremy. The red head sighed and moved forward, extending a blade from his wrist but making sure to make it seem like it was just a simple blade that had been hidden in his sleeve.

He used this blade to cut the ropes around Father Jeremy away.

The man rubbed his wrists for a minute before sitting down in one of the chairs in the sitting room.

Mr. Wordsmith started explaining to him what had happened.

"That's all that happened from the time of the first murder up until the murder of the butler that called you here." He said.

"I see… That's very interesting." Jeremy said.

"Could I first see the bodies? They will eloquently tell me nothing but the truth." He said.

Mr. Wordsmith stood up again.

"Well then, let's go to the basement wine cellar together." He said.

"Stop!" Jeremy snapped.

Mr. Wordsmith froze and I jumped a bit again. The owl I still held stirred a bit.

"I would like you to move each of the bodies to a separate room." Jeremy said.

"But why?" Mr. Wordsmith asked.

"The scent might be a clue to the crime. If we put the bodies together their scents will interfere with each other. Also, the wine cellar will have a particularly strong scent of wine… On that note, can you lend me three rooms, Earl?" Jeremy asked.

I was getting a little annoyed with the tones in his voice but I ignored it for now.

"That would be fine I guess…" Young Master said.

He turned to the group of servants.

"You guys, divide the bodies over three rooms." He said.

"Certainly." They chimed.

Except for Ronald who just nodded a bit.

Young Master turned to him and me.

"Ronald, Melody you two take the owl back to where it belongs." He said.

We both nodded a little bit.

"Yes Young Master." I said.

The two of us started heading to the owl's home. The bird was now a little livelier and started shifting its wings. I smiled a little bit and pat its head.

"Hello pretty bird." I cooed.

Ronald chuckled.

"I never thought you'd like birds, then again…" He trailed off.

I smiled lightly and let the bird perch on my shoulder once it was stable enough.

"True I'm pretty much a cat but now that I don't have to think of them as food when I can't find any, I find birds amazing… The large ones especially." I said.

The owl hooted quietly making me smile more.

"Besides, just look how beautiful and fluffy this one is. I love it."

Ronald shook his head and opened the door to where the owl stayed. I smiled and pat its head.

"Here you go sweetie." I said and let it jump over to its perch.

My smile fell a little bit as Ronald and I left the bird to rest more. I don't see why Jeremy had so much trouble with it. It's such a sweet thing.

I sighed a little bit and looked up at him. "Why was everyone scared of the owl?" I asked.

Ronald looked down at me for a second before looking ahead again.

"Owls are birds of prey, predators and people fear predators. The larger they are, the more afraid of them people are." He said.

I looked down at my feet for a minute and thought.

"Cats are predators… But people seem to love them." I said.

Ronald nodded a bit and kept walking.

"Yes that's true, but cats are small compared to most predators and so humans don't see them as a threat. The larger the animal, the more fear a human will have for it." He kept explaining.

I nodded my head a little bit but still didn't completely understand.

"But the large predators are the prettiest! They have so much power, so much beauty." I said.

I'd never really seen many large predators, besides Betty of course, but I'd seen them in books and pictures. They were more than lovely to me and I couldn't help but to love them.

Ronald chuckled a little bit and pat my head.

"That would be because you're part cat dear. You're a predator so you can understand what other predators feel like. You can appreciate them." He said.

That's right, I'm a predator and I kill. A frown came to my face as I thought of it. I didn't like that much, but I guess that's who I am. Predators weren't bad though, I know that. But, why did I feel a little bad when I thought of it?

Ronald looked at me out of the corner of his eyes and pat my head again.

"Look, I know that right now things are hard, but you're strong. You can get through all of this, I know you can." He said.

I stopped walking and looked up at him. My lip quivered a bit and I rubbed my eyes after a minute. Ronald pulled me into a hug and I broke out in tears. I was feeling a bit lost. He rubbed my back.

"I didn't hate him Ronald… I was mad at him but… I didn't hate him." I sniffled and rubbed my eyes again.

He nodded a bit and wiped the tears off my face.

"I know Melody, I know." He said.

We stayed like that for a bit longer before he pulled away from the hug with a small smile on his face.

"Come on now, let's go see Midnight. I'm sure she wants to see you." He said.

I nodded a little bit and wiped my eyes a bit.

"Okay, let's go see Midnight." I said.

He put a hand on my back and we headed for my room. I was a little afraid that we'd get in trouble from the others but Ronald made sure to tell me that we were together and therefore a group.

In my room I not only sat down to play with Midnight, but the many other cats that had come out of Sebastian's room earlier. Midnight stayed comfortably in my lap as I looked out the window, watching the lightning flash every so often.

"Can I get an owl?" I asked.

Ronald blinked and put the cat he was playing with down.

"Well I'm sure you'd have to talk to Young Master about it." He said.

I sighed a bit and nodded a bit to myself.

My ears twitched a bit on my head and I listened to the larger group run around the manor. The bodies had already been moved before we got to my room. Ronald wouldn't allow me to go and stand by Young Master again and it bothered me a bit. That didn't stop me from listening though.

Ronald kept trying to distract me but I refused to listen to him.

The group started with the rude man who had died first. My ears twitched a bit as the "father" spoke and I focused so that I could understand what he was saying.

"The only external trauma is on his chest. A single stab with a sharp edged blade it seems." He said.

A sharp edged blade?

Like a sword?

I continued listening.

"He was quite the violent drinker during his lifetime, wasn't he?" Jeremy asked.

Oh yes he was, we all learned that before he died.

"How do you know?" One of the Charles' asked. I can never remember which one is which.

"I knew as soon as I saw this." Jeremy answered and paused for a minute. I suppose he was lifting something up.

"Melody!" Ronald said loudly.

It broke my concentration and caused me to jump a bit.

"Huh?" I asked.

He chuckled lightly.

"You're not listening to me. Maybe if you found a little owl without a family and take care of it, just like you took care of Midnight." He said.

I blinked and tilted my head.

"But how would I find a baby owl without a family?" I asked.

He chuckled and continued petting the cat in his lap.

"Well, after this storm I'm sure that there will be at least one that's lost its nest." He said.

I looked out the window again and I couldn't help but feel bad again.

So many creatures can lose their lives in a storm and no one really will notice that they're gone. No one will miss them.

My ears fell again. We'd always miss Sebastian. Finny, Meirin, Bard, Tanaka, Ronald, Young Master, and I will miss him. I'm sure of that.

Midnight meowed in my lap and I looked down at her. Without Sebastian, I wouldn't have her.

With a small smile on my face I scratched her ears.

I did my best to focus on the conversations in the other rooms but it took me a few minutes to do so.

By now they had moved on to the person who'd stayed in Young Master's room. Mr. Wordsmith explained all that they knew to Jeremy.

"Can you show me the room he died in?" Jeremy asked.

I could hear them all start moving up the stairs.

"Hm? That old guy's not following you know." Charles said.

I blinked and kept listening.

"Jeremy?" Young Master called.

Another set of footsteps started up the stairs.

"I'm coming, I'm coming. I'm sorry for being late, let's go." Jeremy said.

They started looking around the room and I could hear them shuffling. Ronald was quiet the whole time and I kept listening.

Finally someone spoke and that was Jeremy.

"It seems there are several killers in this crime." He said.

There were a few gasps.

"So there were multiple killers after all…" Young Master mumbled.

My ears twitched but I kept listening. Sure there were a few noises from all of the cats around me but it was very distracting.

"It will be simple to catch Georg's killer, but it will be quite troublesome to catch Phelps' killer. In order to avoid any further victims it'll be better if we make sure to catch this criminal soon." Jeremy said.

They were going to catch the killers? They better do it fast and I wanted to help. But I'm not sure if I'll be allowed to.

"No human will be able to get out in this storm anyway." He continued.

"What do you mean?" Mr. Wordsmith asked.

"In order to catch Phelps' killer there are two requirements. One is to wait for nightfall, the second is…" Jeremy trailed off for a moment.

"Your cooperation, Earl." He finished.

My ears shot up and I started paying attention.

"I have to get to the others!" I said.

Ronald blinked and looked at me as I got up.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

I looked down at him as I hid my ears and tail.

"From what I heard they're going to all but use Young Master as bait!" I snapped.

Ronald sighed a bit and got up before brushing the cat fur off of him.

"Melody, now isn't a good time… Please just stay here a while longer." He said.

I looked at him confused.

"Why? Why can't I go help? It's my job to protect the people in this manor, I have to help." I said.

Ronald sighed and shook his head.

"It's not only your job Melody. Finny, Meirin, Tanaka, and me… it's our job too." He said.

"I'm not trying to keep you from doing what you think is right, I'm trying to keep you safe. You're not ready to deal with all of this." He said.

I just looked at him and didn't say anything for a bit.

"I'm stronger than you think…" I finally said.

Ronald sighed a bit and bushed some of his hair back.

"I know that Melody, I know you're strong. But you're not ready for some things. You're still so bright and sweet… If you try to push yourself too much you'll lose this part of you and only get your other side…" He said.

I looked down again.

Maybe he was right… With this voice in my head telling me to kill everyone, I didn't enjoy it.

There was no telling what would happen if I lost control of myself. What if this voice in my head was the other side of me? It only wants to kill. It tells me to kill every little inconvenience.

I don't like it and I don't want it to take over.

I fell back down into a sitting position and looked at the floor.

"I guess you're right…" I said.

Ronald pat my head again.

"Don't ruin yourself Melody." He said.

I just nodded a little bit and stayed quiet for a while.

"I don't want them to use Young Master… I don't want him to be in anymore danger…" I said.

Ronald looked at me again.

"I know but what if it's the only way to catch the killers and stop them from killing him? You know no one here will let him get hurt. We'll all be there to protect him at the last minute if we have to be. You know that." He said.

I nodded my head a little bit.

"I know that… I'll cling to the ceiling to wait and watch over him if I have to. He's my family now and I can't let anything happen to him." I said.

Ronald smiled a bit.

"That's my Melody, an innocent demon princess." He chuckled.

I blinked and tilted my head.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

Ronald kept smiling.

"Well, you're the most innocent demon I've ever come across. Despite your other side of course." He said.

I blinked again and looked down.

I don't understand how I was innocent. I've killed, fought, stole, envied, I've done so many things that people would never consider innocent. How could Ronald consider me Innocent?

I didn't say anything though and kept the thought to myself. I wasn't about to ask about it out loud.

You were never innocent you know. You're a demon.

The voice came back. I ignored it and didn't bother giving it a reply. That voice was wrong.

Just because something wasn't designed to be innocent, doesn't mean it can't be. Maybe I can prove it somehow.

I looked out the window again and blinked as lightning flashed.

If that's the case, then maybe people of the church aren't as bad as I've thought before. Ronald seems to be a part of one and he's very kind to me. So perhaps this "Father Jeremy" can be a nice person too.

Maybe I could give him a chance, without him ever knowing what I am of course. I doubt he'd be as willing to speak to me if he knew I was a demon.

But Ronald seemed to be keeping me away from him. But maybe he was just trying to keep me from seeing Sebastian's body again. It's still hard for me to believe that he's dead. He was a powerful demon after all. So maybe it's a trick.

No I'm sure he'd tell me if he was planning something like that, even if we were fighting at the time.

These thoughts made me shake my head a little bit to clear them.

Even without my cat ears I could still hear the movements of the others, but now I didn't listen.

After just a while longer Ronald pulled me up and helped me brush the cat fur off of me.

"We don't want Young Master to start sneezing." He said.

I nodded a little bit and we headed down to the kitchen to help the others get ready for dinner.

"So will the old guy really be able to find the culprit?" Bard asked.

I glanced at them over my shoulder but didn't say anything.

"I'm worried about that too, but right now deciding what we're going to do for today's dinner is more important. We don't even have any meat or fish to serve as the main dish." Meirin said.

I blinked and looked at them.

Finny made a shocked noise and seemed very disturbed.

Ronald looked at him curiously.

There was a knocking on the door and everyone started freaking out.

"Hey hey no way, it better not be that guy in white again." Bard snapped.

"There's no more food left in here." Finny called.

"Let's just pretend to be out…" Meirin suggested.

Finally a voice that was both familiar and unfamiliar to me spoke up.

"You guys are in there aren't you? Won't you open the door?" Father Jeremy asked.

Finny looked at the door a bit shocked.

"Mr. Jeremy?" He chimed and went to open the door.

"Is there something you'd like?" Finny asked as he let the priest in.

"If you're scavenging for food, there's none here Mr. Pastor." Bard said with his arms crossed.

Meirin quickly scolded him for his attitude and I sighed a bit. Ronald put a hand on my shoulder to keep me back.

"I haven't come to gather any such things but… More importantly, you're saying you're out of provisions?" Father Jeremy asked.

"I'm embarrassed to say Mr. Pastor, but… This and that happened so…" Meirin trailed off.

"I see…" Father Jeremy mumbled and put a hand to his chin in a familiar way.

I tilted my head a bit.

"And so you're in trouble for tonight's menu?" He asked.

"Yes…" Meirin mumbled.

"Moreover, that guy in white eats a ridiculous amount!" Bard snapped.

"The only things we have in excess are soy beans and flour. The only thing you can cook with that is bean soup. However, if we put that up as the main dish the Young Master's reputation will be destroyed." He continued.

"Wasn't there an herb garden here?" Father Jeremy asked.

I blinked, how would he know that?

"Yes, Mr. Sebastian planted a lot of them…" Finny said.

"Excellent!" The Father smiled brightly. "It's a great help if we've got a lot of herbs." He said.

"But herbs don't have any substance and don't really fill you up right?" Bard asked.

I looked at him.

"Herbs don't just have their own unique flavors, some also have medicinal properties. Amongst these there are many herbs that are able to stifle hunger. A prime example is fennel. If you put something like that as flavoring on the appetizer, you'll be able to reduce the overall consumption." He kept speaking.

Still something bothered me about the way he talked. But I couldn't seem to put my finger on it.

"Herbs are able to do stuff like that?!" Finny chirped.

"Of course it's not all powerful or anything." The priest mumbled and turned to Meirin.

"Furthermore, if you've got soy beans you can make soy meat." He said.

"Soy meat?" Meirin and I chimed together.

"It's an imitation meat that's made from soy beans. It's a little difficult to make but if you manage to prepare it well, you won't be able to tell that it's really soy beans. With such an amount of soy beans you'll be able to make Hamburg steaks for 30 people." Father Jeremy finished speaking.

"30 People?!" The first three servants yelled out and gathered around a barrel.

"Woooaaahhh! C-can you really make Hamburg steaks out of soy beans?!" Bard asked.

"I do not tell lies." Jeremy said.

I blinked a bit and looked at him as he continued speaking.

"Cooking is chemistry, in which you are able to change the outcome in infinite ways by combining the materials." He finished.

"Mr. Jeremy sure is knowledgeable!" Meirin and Finny chimed.

I just looked at them confused. There was something about this man that was way too familiar.

He clapped his hands together.

"Well! Rather than praising me, I'd like you to get a move on, there's little time left until dinner! You'll first have to cook a large amount of soy beans, hurry!" He ordered.

Ronald's grip on my shoulder tightened a bit.

"Okay, I'll go pick the herbs!" Finny offered.

I smiled a little bit and raised my hand just like him.

"I'll help Finny!" I offered.

Bard gave a thumbs up.

"I'll cook the beans for the main dish!" He said.

"I'll go pick the wine with Mr. Tanaka…" Meirin trailed off and shouted.

We all turned to her.

"What's wrong?" Bard asked.

"I-I-I just remembered! Back when we were checking the baggage I found something weird!" She said.

Jeremy turned to look at her.

"Something weird?" He asked.

"Miss Irene was carrying this bottle with a dark red liquid in it. The Young Master and the others were talking about a vampire after they saw Mr. Phelps' body." She told everyone.

"I see. Actually, I'm intrigued." Father Jeremy said.

"It also seems that Lady Irene is twelve years older than Master Keane." She continued.

"Twelve years?!" Finny and Bard shouted.

I covered my ears this time but uncovered them again as Meirin once more started talking.

"So I thought she might look so young and beautiful because she was a vampire but…" She trailed off.

"If she's a vampire she can probably walk through walls right…?" Finny asked worried.

"That's just a farytale." Ronald assured him.

"Of course I haven't ever met a vampire myself but… I think I can guess what that liquid is." Jeremy spoke up.

"What really?!" Meirin shouted.

I sighed a little bit and shook my head. What was with all of this yelling today?

"Yes, I'll tell you the answer tonight." Jeremy said as he started taking off his coat. "But you all should focus on making dinner right now. I'll help." He said.

"If we don't hurry, night will be upon us along with all the unworldly creatures it allows to infest this world." He finished.

I blinked and glared lightly at him before going outside with Finny to get the herbs.

We talked but didn't talk about much other than how much fennel we had both picked.

We quickly headed inside once we had enough, partially because we didn't want to be outside in the storm much longer and partially because we had to hurry and help with dinner.

Once we were in the others started working but Ronald sent Finny and me to our rooms to get dried off and changed before we could catch colds. I didn't know if I could really catch a cold or not but I quickly did so.

The cats licked some of the water off of my hands before I started drying off and getting changed.

The laundry would have to be done soon though, I was starting to run out of clean uniforms in this style and might have to wear some of my original uniforms which were much too short for a situation like this.

I headed back to the others before long and helped them serve the food, staying quiet the whole time.

"Ahhh I'm full! It was delicious~." Charles chimed and rubbed his belly.

"Today's Hamburg steak meat wasn't greasy at all. I could have gone on eating forever. As to be expected, the meat used by the Phantomhives is something else." He continued.

"Thank you." Young Master chimed.

"Well then, now that we're all full, why don't you finally let us in on the truth of these incidents?" Lau spoke up.

I looked at him from my place beside Young Master.

Father Jeremy wiped his mouth delicately.

"Well let's not be hasty now. There are still some things I want to prepare before that." He said.

"Will you lend me your assistance, Earl?" He asked.

I couldn't help the little glare I gave him.

Young Master was still eating.

"Yes, what should I do?" He asked.

"Well then Earl… Take off your clothes." Jeremy demanded.

Young Master froze and everyone shouted out in shock. I stepped forward a bit to try and give him some protection.

But before long, I gave in and allowed it. Only after having learned the plan.

Late at night, three people sat in Young Master's room waiting for the killer. I was waiting impatiently, having a hard time sitting still and not doing anything.

I was forced away from the room and everyone else because I was a liability and would possibly ruin the plan.

I hated it. I hated it all.

Was there even a guarantee that the killer would fall for it? What would happen to Young Master?

I was worried and I couldn't help that.

This killer had caused so much trouble in my home, the home I wanted to protect. I wanted to stop this all.

It had to stop.

But even if this was the only way to stop it, that didn't mean I liked it any more.

I have to find a way to do even more to protect this home.


Author's note end:

So I already had part of this chapter typed and that was a start. Hey I got it done and I'm glad I did.

I got a few replies to my last review chapter and I want to thank you all. A lot of you commented about my kitten, she's actually laying on my belly as I finish typing. She had a ton of fun on Christmas and I got a few great things including funkos of two of the dragons from Game of Thrones since I do have a thing for dragons. A new ds case, some of those Disney tsum tsums, a Roku player, and a Pikachu mug are some of the things… Well if you don't include the tattoo that I got in November which was the gift from my grandma.

A late Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all of you. I hope you're having fun and I thank you.

Also I did say something in this chapter about an owl, well I am planning on Melody getting one way or another and I was curious about what kind of owl you think would be good for her.

Thank you all for reading and I hope you're having a good day!