Felix went home, downhearted.

His head hung lowly as he walked into his apartment. Who knows, this could be the last time he uses that front door. What would be the point of going to work today when Ralph wasn't even here? Might as well not show up either.

He went up to his room and walked inside, collapsing onto his bed.

He never thought about how things would end until now. Before, when he was happy doing what he loved, he never had a reason to think about the end.

Where would he go? Should he game jump like Ralph?

He couldn't think about being apart of a new game. He still felt like he belonged here.

There was a knock on his door. It became frantic the longer he ignored it until he eventually got up and walked over to answer it.

It was the landlord of the building. "Where's Ralph?!" He shouted, angrily. Like Felix, he was also terrified of the unknown and dreaded being unplugged.

"He's not coming home." Felix said softly, turning his head away.

The landlord gave a short look of shock but was replaced once more by anger. "Not coming home?!" He shouted then his faciel expression faded when the words sunk in. "...he's not coming home?"

Felix slowly closed the door before he could witness anymore of the man's further reactions.

He walked over to his bed again but stopped. The air felt colder for a moment and a wave of uneasiness settled in his room. He had never felt this way in his game before and at first he passed it off for the pain he felt inside.

The lights dimmed and flickered.

The knocking was back, frantic once more.

Felix came over and opened it, expecting the landlord. "Mr.-" He backed up at the sight of the black mass. It formed into a barely recognizable shape of a being as it entered his room like a hovering ghost.

Was this another game jumper?

If he was, Felix was certain that he didn't belong here. "Who are you?" He asked afraid as he backed into his bed, looking up at the slowly advancing shadow.

A sound like white noise emanated from the dark shadow's mouth. The soft spoken words under the noise were barely audible. "F3L1X..." he pushed against the tool man and pinned him to the bed, absorbing into his skin and everything around them.

Felix reached for his hammer on his toolbelt but by the time his fingers touched the golden weapon, he became too weak to pull it out and raised it up. He laid limp against the bed, pale and trembling with the sickness.

The virus soaked up into the surroundings, dimming the colors and turning everything bleak before moving on to another game.

Felix stared off, his thoughts muddled from the sickness. The only thought he could keep intact was his last thought before being infected, 'Please don't let this be the end..'

"Ralph, what do we do!?" Vanellope panicked, gripping Ralph's locks as she sat on his shoulder.

They had made a huge mistake. Ralph wasn't sure how to fix it. The moment of being a hero was so fleeting. He won the medal in hero's duty and then...as soon as he was praised, he wrecked the moment. He unleashed a virus.

"-We've got to do something! We've got to hide! Or run! Or fight! Oh, I don't know!" Vanellope stammered then looked down at the big guy. She scowled and knocked on his head. "Hellooo!? You've been sitting here quiet for ten minutes! You better be thinking of a plan."

"A plan?" Ralph raised his head slightly, looking away from her. "I'll only wreck it. I was created to wreck things. If you want a hero, go talk to Felix. Because he's the only one who knows how to fix my screw ups." He muttered, half-serious. He didn't want Felix involved in this. He should have gone home when he had the chance before.

"So is that the plan? Go get help?" Vanellope wasn't a fan of going to Ralph's game but if Ralph was right then maybe it was a good idea.

"Just let the others handle it. They'll stop the virus better than I can."

"Oh, sure. Let them clean up your mess." She punched the side of his head, only hurting her hand in the processes. "Ralph, you said you wanted to be a hero and now you're turning your back on everyone!" She pulled his ear and he swatted at her. "Get off your butt and do something! Be a hero before this virus destroys the arcade!"

Ralph inhaled deeply through his nose then stood up, sighing.

Vanellope smiled, glad to see Ralph getting up to do something. "Where to, Ralphy-boy?"

"I don't know." He said, walking forward. "I don't even know how to stop this virus."

"Use your giant fists to break his bones!" Vanellope pumped her smaller fists in the air, trying to pump up Ralph's hero attitude. "Let's go the station. Someone has to have seen the virus somewhere. We'll find what game he's in and we'll kick his butt!" And of course there was going to be help. This virus was attacking the arcade! As long as they could warn people ahead of time fast enough, they could build up an army to stop this creep! "Let's do this!"


I wish they showed what the virus looks like in the trailers lol Unless they did and I missed it o.o I wonder if it's just a virus or if it will have some shape or look to it xD Well in my fanfic, I gave him sort of a being shape lol It'd be awesome though if the virus turned into some bad guy form in the movie! ;D