Disclaimer: I do not own any characters used in this story. The characters belong to their respective owners: Rumiko Takahashi who owns Inuyasha and Yoshihiro Togashi who owns Yu Yu Hakusho. I do not make any moneys from this story.
This story was written for the Deadliest sin's summer 2012 contest. Enjoy!
Kagome's thoughts
'Other thoughts'
'Hiei's thoughts'
*Kurama's thoughts*
Chapter 5
The darkness of the velvet night was quiet and soothing as he entered the bedroom and removed his katana, his shirt and shoes before climbing into bed with his Kagome. She came easily into his arms and he settled her against his chest at an angle that allowed him to run his fingers through the midnight silk of her hair while he thought about the conversation he'd had with his friends.
A wife, his soul-mate it seemed strangely right that he should be here beside Kagome as he was. He had never considered marriage at all. No one before Kagome would have considered him so he had thought to remain alone for his existence. Now, he had to stop thinking like a solitary being and more like the spouse she deserved.
What would Kagome want? A flashy wedding like he'd seen young girls gush over in magazines, or a quiet ceremony with friends and family like Yukina's had been? Money was no object since he had plenty stashed in various locations that only one with the Jagan could locate. Where would they live? Would she want a house?
Eventually a house would be nice. But for now what's wrong with staying here? Hiei's hand stilled from his constant movement through her hair.
You should be sleeping.
I heard the conversation through your thoughts, can I really not return to Tokyo?
'It would be dangerous for the time being. Yusuke wants to investigate the situation further before we take unnecessary risks.'
Kagome sighed, small. She wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned closer. He resumed running his fingers through midnight silk strands.
'Small? Small what.'
A small wedding, just friends this time, but maybe in time we could have a bigger one with my family? Renew our vows or something? Her mental tone was sad but hopeful and Hiei wanted to see and hear her smile. He disliked greatly the feeling of sorrow in her thoughts.
'Whatever makes you happy, Kagome.'
Shouldn't you be happy too? She asked turning to look at him her blue eyes searching his.
I wish only to please you and to restore your honor. It was an honest answer but not what she wanted to hear and she frowned a little before turning her face away. Kagome went quiet for a moment and Hiei listened silently to her thoughts but waited for her to speak them.
Tell me what you know of hiyoukai customs, Hiei.
Regrettably I know nothing of the marriage customs of my father's people except the term I told you before: sodalis vitae.
That's too bad, I thought maybe we could bridge the gap and blend your customs with mine and make it meaningful to both of us.
'If that is your wish I will find a way.'
"Thank you Hiei." Kagome yawned as she lay her head back down on his chest, listening to the steady sound of his breathing.
Hiei waited until she was deeply asleep before he slipped out of the bed to find Kurama. If anyone would know how to find something as obscure as the wedding rites for his father's people, the avatar for Yoko Kurama would. Although Kurama usually stayed in the city where he rented an apartment; lately he had been staying at the temple more often than not. Knowing he would find him in the garden Hiei moved silently out the window and into the night.
It wasn't hard to spot Kurama standing in the moonlight; a silver kitsune didn't exactly blend in. He turned as Hiei stepped up near him and leaned against a tree. He folded his arms and huffed. Even for Kagome it was difficult to ask for anything. "Did you need something, Hiei?" the voice was deeper and richer showing that the human guise was gone completely.
"Hn, fox you said you would assist me, I require information. I want to learn of the customs of my father's people."
"Kagome's behest I presume? Fortunately for you I think I may have just the thing. I acquired a set of scrolls long ago that may contain the information you seek. I will return in a day with everything I can find. Hiei, Yusuke said it first but I echo the same. I will watch your back my friend. I hope for you the joy that I was never able to experience."
"Don't get sentimental on me Kurama, I hate that."
Kurama smiled before he nodded and began to turn to leave "Oh have you ever heard of a Fire Crystal? I wouldn't mind adding one to my collection if you have." One silver ear twitched as he vanished into the darkness.
Hiei shook his head, Yoko Kurama, a bandit and thief obsessed by anything of value or obscurity. Some things never changed. Yet that same ruthless being was now one of his closest friends and one he could rely on time and time again. He allowed a small smile to tug at his lips before returning to Kagome's side.
The morning brought with it rain and a couple of soaked kitsune one carrying a gilded chest rather crusted in semi-precious stones the other looking like a wet thundercloud. Shippo glared at the avatar angrily. "You told me they needed me to steal that blasted mirror again Kurama, but none of the families had called for me, why did you really want me to leave?"
"You've caught me but Shippo it is not my news to tell."
The kitsune's auburn tail swished angrily again "Where is Kagome? I'll ask her what's going on. This has something to do with her right?" Shippo shook off Kurama's hand and headed the direction of Kagome's bedroom. Yusuke blocked the hallway.
"I can't let you go there man, you wouldn't like what you see. Things kinda changed while you were away. Kit, there aint no easy way to say this but Kagome's not on the market anymore if you get what I'm saying."
"He marked her didn't he?" Shippo's shoulders sagged. "I knew she was sleeping with him I didn't know it was serious."
"With Hiei, man everything is serious the guy need's to lighten up." Yusuke said with a stupidly large grin.
"Kagome will help with that. I'll bet he has no idea what he's gotten himself into." Shippo laughed though his eyes were still pained.
"I'm sure he doesn't Shippo-chan." Yusuke said mockingly.
Shippo's teal eyes widened. "How did you- Who told?"
"Kagome told us the story or some of it although I get the feeling the worst is yet to come." Kurama said wringing out his wet hair into a towel he had returned to his human guise. "Has Kagome woken yet?"
"I don't know! I wasn't going to check. I'd like to keep my head on my shoulders thanks!"
"Would you like to keep your voice box, fool? If you do stop yelling," Hiei spat as he entered the kitchen. "Kagome is getting ready for the day she will be out shortly." Hiei walked over to the chest. "Is this it?"
"Yes the chest was just a way to transport them. I want that back. But the scrolls within are yours. I recalled why I kept them when I saw them again. I was unable to open them and didn't get a chance to try before I died."
"You couldn't open them, now I am curious." Shippo said looking over Hiei's shoulder his tail twitching. Hiei elbowed him back as he picked up the chest and carried it to the table.
"The seals are complex-"Kurama began.
Opening the lid he took out a scroll and moved it to the side the first scroll was followed by four more. The last scroll Hiei held in front of him with a frown of thought. The seal looked simple enough so what- the seal warmed under his hand and something sharp pricked his palm drawing a drop of blood. Hiei dropped the scroll in surprise. All eyes followed the drop of crimson as it spread through the design of the seal before white mist rose out of it.
"Well well, I never expected to be woken. I thought for sure I was doomed to remain in that seal forever." A ghostly voice said as an old bearded spirit rose out of the seal.
"Saiya!? What are you doing here?" Kagome said walking in and freezing in place. Her face paled slightly at seeing the spirit of Sounga's sheath and a vassal of Inuyasha's father again. Her azure eyes went wide and she stumbled a little.
"Hello Kagome. Been quite some time has it not?"
"Yeah it has." sitting at Hiei's side, Kagome agreed quietly knowing what was coming next.
"And how is lord Inuyasha these days?"
"I'm certain he is just fine. I really don't know." Kagome said coolly looking away.
"Oh dear, I thought things were heating up between you but I can see I was mistaken I'm sorry my dear." Hiei growled opening his mouth to say something scathing.
"You know him?" Yusuke interrupted puzzled by the fact Kagome's voice was so cold and talking to a spirit.
"Er- yeah he was the guardian of the sword Sounga before it was taken to the underworld by the Inu Taisho, Inuyasha's father- look can we drop this subject?"
"I thought he looked familiar, he was the reason we all almost died when that crazy sword opened a path to the netherworld." Shippo said sitting near Kagome but maintaining a respectful distance. He was Hiei's friend and before that Kagome's; a fact that would never change though he knew that Hiei didn't love her yet. Still it was inevitable that he would, no one spent time with Kagome and didn't lose their heart. Unless they were stupid or heartless, despite what some thought Hiei was neither.
"Why are you here Saiya?" Kagome asked again her eyes hidden by the fringe of her bangs her voice quietly firm. Hiei glared at the one responsible for her pain.
"Answer her," he ordered sharply.
Saiya sighed dramatically "That crazy old coot; he made another sheath for me to guard a dagger made from his fang and I refused so he asked me to watch over these scrolls instead. He probably believed they would never be opened and that I would wait forever," he sighed heavily before looking closer at Hiei. "Oh my you look just like him, oh yes; I can definitely see the resemblance."
"Who does he resemble Saiya?" Kagome asked.
"Why, his father of course."
"My father?" he echoed with a bewildered expression. Hiei stared at the ghost feeling like the earth had fallen out from under him. Of course he knew he had one as Hina had not been punished for nothing, but he'd never thought much on the male or who he might have been. When he had been younger he'd once pondered who would have been cruel enough to create such a being as himself, but he never dreamed he'd one day know more.
"Oh my! That is impressive your expressions are the same too. Tell me young hiyoukai by what name are you called?" Saiya asked curiously.
"Hiei." The name slipped out without thought.
"Well Hiei, it is an honor to finally meet you," the ghost stroked his beard with a smile. "I presume you wish to learn more of your heritage as you have finally opened the seals am I right?"
Hiei frowned did he want to know? Did he want to know about his parentage and his father's people? Did he want to know for certain that he had been abandoned completely by them both on the day of his birth? Was it worth knowing to hear the marriage custom? Beside him Kagome slid her small hand into his and gave it a small squeeze as she listened to the thoughts going through his head through their link.
It's up to you, Hiei. But you could be wrong you know. Maybe things were not quite as they appeared and what happened was out of his control.
Perhaps. He doubted it though.
"Tell me what you know spirit." Hiei demanded as he straightened his shoulders and folded his arms his claret eyes now focused on the seal's guardian fully waiting to confirm what he'd always known- Or not.
"He loved her, your father did. Broke his heart to lose her and at such a time" Saiya mused quietly watching Hiei out of the corner of his eye. When Hiei's gaze sharpened on him he knew he had his attention. "Hina was pregnant and she knew there were two lives within her one of ice and one of fire, a boy and a girl. Hiko, your father, wanted her to stay but she could not. The ice child would have died without the energies of the Ice land to support her. So she left, Hina left just before you were to be born. Last I heard Hina and her fire child died, I can see that isn't true."
"My mother left him?" the question fell from his lips in shock.
"You thought he left her? Oh no, Hina was his life. Opposites they might have been born but they were sodalis vitae completely. Never was your father happier than with his Hina. They were to be wed after she returned but she never came back. Poor Hiko tried to follow her but he didn't make it in time. We never saw him again either."
"We?" Hiei's throat was dry and his voice came out a rough whisper.
"Me and your grandfather; Hiei, he searched frantically for you, your mother and your father but he only heard you had all died. It changed him. But He never gave up a slim hope that you had survived. That's why he wrote these scrolls, for you. He wanted you to know of your hiyoukai heritage. If he is still around then- "A crash of thunder and a bright flash of lightning were punctuated with a …moo?
"Was that a –cow?" Shippo asked Kagome who snapped her head back to look at Saiya.
"He's here sooner than I thought, though I can hardly blame him."
"Who is it-who is here?" Kurama asked standing quickly.
"Hiei's grandfather," Everyone followed Hiei who had vanished the moment Saiya had identified the youkai as family. "Well I guess they will know who soon enough." He finished quietly to himself.
Hiei stood staring at the youkai in front of him. The rest followed stopping at his side except Kagome who raced past and embraced the face of the three eyed cow. "Momo!" she cried.
"Moo" Momo replied in greeting.
The old youkai raised his head slowly, his skin hung off his bones showing he'd lost weight and there were bags under his eyes from countless sleepless nights His silver hair was still up in a traditional topknot as Kagome remembered it had been. Gone was the jovial slightly absent minded elderly youkai and in his place was a mere fragment of the blacksmith she'd known. Years, time and grief had left him nearly broken. He stood beside the three eyed bovine and Kagome's heart ached for him. His eyes held the look of one holding on to a spider's thread of fragile hope. She released the cows head to hug the old male. "Oh Kagome, it's you." His smile was so brittle it hurt.
"Totosai, his name is Hiei, "she whispered before letting go and stepping back.
"Hiei?" he asked turning to look at the group standing there watching.
His eyes caught and held the claret eyes so like his late son's eyes that it was uncanny. The change in his stance was almost instantaneous as his shoulders raised and the fragile hope became a perfect clarity. He took a slow step forward and then another. Hiei stood frozen like a deer caught in headlights unable to move as the old youkai came towards him; finally Totosai closed the distance and grabbed Hiei into a hug. Hiei, not knowing what to do, think or feel simply stood like a statue. "Finally m'boy, I finally found you," the aged blacksmith hiyoukai said into his hair.
Silently Hiei moved out of his arms and walked away.
"Hiei" Kurama chided calling after him.
"No let him go, Hiei has a lot to think about, I'm certain his world was just turned on its ear." Totosai said as Kagome put her arm around him to guide him into the house.
Yusuke stood watching silently; for once understanding more about their taciturn friend than Kurama. Yusuke's father had abandoned his mother while she'd been pregnant. He had never even heard the man's name but he knew the pain of not knowing. He could only imagine how it would feel to suddenly find out that the man hadn't abandoned them but had been unable to return. To learn that he was not a mistake as he secretly believed but that he'd been loved and wanted by both mother and father, yeah he'd be confused too. Yusuke was grateful to the old guy when he stopped Kurama from going after Hiei. "I know it did old man." Yusuke muttered following them as he stuffed his hands in his pockets.
Hiei's thoughts and emotions were in chaos. Everything he'd ever thought, ever felt and ever done in the name of his abandonment was wrong. He hadn't been created as a sick joke for some faceless nameless male who had knocked up his mother. His mother hadn't been the heartless being who had killed herself because she was weak; no she had done it out of grief for him. She had wanted to be with him, her son even in death. And his father had died trying to find them, because he loved them.
He had been loved and wanted by both of them. It was almost Yukina who had been abandoned because she was not conceived out of love but instinct for the survival of the Koorime. Their mother had been taking Yukina to the ice maidens when she'd been captured and held till she gave birth. But why hadn't she taken Yukina there after their birth? What was he missing? Some detail had not been told, there had to be a reason. Saiya had said that his father had asked her to stay with him but that she could not. Why?
"Why couldn't she stay with him damn it!" he growled his fist met the wood beam hard but not enough to break it. He narrowed his eyes as he heard someone intrude upon his space but the voice stopped him or rather what he said did.
"She was sick, deathly sick Hiei. Carrying you was strain enough but having your sister too nearly killed her." Totosai said quietly sitting beside him on the wraparound porch at the back of the house. "She needed the support of her native lands to finish the pregnancy. It was the only reason she left Hiko's side. She knew what would happen to her if she were caught and do you know what she said to me when I reminded her while trying to convince her to stay, she said I know I could die but if I go then my son can live. If I stay then he has no chance."
"She risked herself for me." It was barely a whisper.
"No she risked everything for you." Totosai said firmly.
"Totosai," he could not call him grandfather yet for he had not yet accepted it "why did he not marry my- mother?"
Totosai smiled as he climbed slowly to his feet, "Simple, you happened first and Hiko wanted to prove he loved Hina and not just for your sake Hiei. He wanted to restore her honor."
Honor he understood the rest of what he'd heard made no sense to him after the life he'd led up to this point. "Totosai, will you share the details of the wedding with me? I too have the need to restore honor to my sodalis vitae."
Totosai blinked for a moment looking his grandson over. He'd missed so much of his life already but one could not turn back the clock. As much as he'd wished it a thousand times, he could not undo the damage the world had done to Hiei. If one being in the world could it was Kagome.
He being a hiyoukai had sensed Hiei's jyaki marking his young friend. He had not been surprised to see her though as Shippo had often visited; keeping him informed on the goings on with everything. He had told him just three days before that Kagome had been found. How ironic that she would be the one to be soul-mate to his lost grandson. The fates were certainly kind this time around.
"Kagome is a special girl, with a sad past. Will you seek to make her future happier Hiei?"
"I will." Hiei didn't have to think twice to answer that.
"Then I will not only tell you of the ceremony but I will perform it for you both as well." Totosai said placing his hand on Hiei's shoulder. Out of the pocket of his green and black yukata he withdrew the scroll Hiei had broken the seal on and handed it to Hiei. "Everything takes time, m'boy. You will understand in time."
Hiei didn't return to the house until well after everyone had gone to bed. As he slipped through the window he was surprised to see Kagome waiting up for him. She didn't say a word as she slipped off of the bed and came to him wrapping him in her arms. Hiei was trembling as he slowly raised his arms and drew her closer his head bending slightly to find her lips before he captured her mouth with his own. It didn't take long to lose himself with passion as Kagome encouraged him on with each moan and the way her body moved with his. As he lost himself in the physical act of sex, he sought to find the balance within in something he knew was constant. Her body, her scent, her eyes they were all he had to cling to as his world within crumbled.
Everything he was, everything he'd fought to become he had done to carve out a place to be. Rage at a world that despised him from birth had been the fuel for his fire and his drive for survival to spite all of it. But what was he now? He hadn't been thrown away by the ones he'd thought had primarily been the cause of his suffering. Who was he? Was he really a blood thirsty monster who lived to fight and fought to live or was he something more? Something - better? Who had he been all this time, was he a lie? Who and what was Hiei?
He was a Jaganshi. He was a hiyoukai and an ice apparition. These were facts unchangeable and constant. Everything else had completely fallen away as the rage he'd built on vanished in a single statement: he had been loved. He was not meant to be the villain or the creature he'd been forced to become. But what should he be? What kind of a male was this being who had given him life? Should he have been like him? He knew that Hiko had honor and had loved his mother.
When had he accepted Hina as mother? Had it been the day he'd heard her screaming out for him to be returned to her? Or was it when he'd heard that she sacrificed everything to give him life? Him, she'd chosen him an Imiko over her own life. And he had mocked her gift, callously risking his life with every turn. He owed her more than he could comprehend.
Kagome slept beside him as he slipped from her side and went over to his clothes. Reaching within his shirt he withdrew his only memento of his mother, a crystal blue hiroseki stone. A gem formed of the tears she shed on the day of his birth. He'd thought once, how cruel a woman had to be to cry at the birth of her child and that seeing him must have been so revolting she shed tears, but he'd been wrong again. This tear was a tear of joy. Opening the clasp he placed the chain around his neck feeling the cold gem warm slowly on his bare skin. The gem had new meaning and he, clipping the chain into place, would wear it once again.
Over the next few weeks Hiei slowly changed. He was quieter and sometimes more distant than he had been before but he seemed to always be close to Totosai. Kagome watched him from where she stood hanging clothes out to dry. Hiei seemed to be watching the old blacksmith again.
Hiei? She called mentally. There was no answer. Hiei had shut her out the night Totosai had come and his view on his life must have changed. When she'd woken the next morning he had been laying beside her but his thoughts had been far away or so she'd surmised from the way his eyes were unfocused and looking out the window. He hadn't said a word to her as she greeted him that morning and had been gone when she'd come out of the bath. By the time she'd arrived to make breakfast he'd left again.
Since that night he hadn't looked her way at all. He hadn't returned to their bed either to sleep or for the comfort she had offered him. Tears pricked her eyes and she held them stubbornly back. He was essentially her husband but she knew nothing of the pain or confusion he was going through because he had pushed her away. He had pushed everyone away.
It hurt. Something within her heart hurt seeing Hiei look so lost and unsure. It was a look she had seen far too often in her past with Inuyasha but it had become far more common at the end of the Sounga incident. When Inuyasha had learned that he had caused his father's death, even though it was only the day he was born, Inuyasha had shut down too.
Learning that the man you thought your father was wasn't true and that he had sacrificed his life for yours out of love, had to be hard to hear after a life time of believing you were worthless. Kagome could not identify with Hiei any more than she had been able to with Inuyasha. Her father had loved her and her family, showering them with his affections daily with everything he did and said. She hadn't ever felt abandoned by him till the day he was killed in an accident when she was eight. But even then she had known without a doubt that he loved her. Hiei had been opposite she gathered. He had always believed he'd been hated.
Kagome turned quickly to hide the tear that slipped down her cheek before it was seen, the world spun and sudden nausea gripped her as spots danced in her vision. Pain radiated out of her chest and she clutched the bamboo structure to keep from falling. She gagged silently as the metallic taste of blood filled her mouth. Staggering a little she moved to the porch and sat down her breath coming in small quick gasps.
Just as soon as it happened it was over and Kagome swallowed waiting to feel the nausea again. When nothing happened she stood and continued hanging the laundry grateful for once, Hiei had shut her out. She took it a little easier the rest of the day without being obvious about it and retired to her bed earlier than normal.
Her dreams that night were dark blurry images of a past that was not her own and she saw her life from someone-something else's eyes. Blood, power and a wish, one single wish spoken by her lips followed by a shifting sensation and then sudden darkness engulfed her. She could hear the constant lub-dub of a heart beat and then a stirring, a sensation of bitterness and sorrow and the darkness was gone it could see again. Kagome saw herself again this time with Hiei and felt the sickly evil glee as she coupled with the youkai the first time and its power grew…
Kagome's eyes shot open as she clutched her chest. She felt it once more, a sensation she had hoped never to feel again, but this time it came from within her…the Shikon jewel was inside her! Her eyes widened as she realized something that made her tremble in fear. The jewel had been tainted. Hiei's words came back in a rush.
"The dragon is drawn to your purity and entranced by the taint upon it."
She swallowed thickly.
"Something in you has sullied your soul. The dragon is drawn to that which darkens your purity."
The tainted jewel had drawn the dragon to her; drawn Hiei. She felt sick and weak as she stumbled out of bed and into the bathroom where she vomited into the toilet. Her body shook with silent sobs as her blunt nails dug into the skin where the tainted jewel lay within her.
"I wanted your body and your power"his words came back to her fraying mind. She retched again till there was nothing left and leaned shakily against the wall.
"Hiei," she whispered as she curled her knees to her chest feeling shattered and broken. He had never wanted her it had always been the jewel though he couldn't have known if she didn't. "It's all a lie. Hiei is my friend, he is. He's my sodalis vitae he said so…he said so." She argued against the doubts flooding her mind with darkness the impurity of the jewel crawling beneath the surface.
Then where is he now… The voices of many spoke at once hissing a crossed her mind like sandpaper as the jewel spoke. Kagome clutched her head in pain as she fought the darkness alone. He has abandoned you little Miko. You are alone now as you always have been…He has thrown you away and you will die alone. Your soul belongs to us… Tear's spilled from her eyes.
"No, he hasn't abandoned me. He's suffering he needs time to cope with everything."
And while he is coping you are dying little Miko. Do you think he will care when your soul is no more in this world and your body a cold and lifeless shell?
Her hands rose to cover her lips in horror. She couldn't leave him now she could not abandon him it would break him completely. Hiei's mind and heart were fragile right now. She knew that she knew but- she staggered back to her room collapsing on the floor her body in agony.
Scream for him to come to your side and if he does… we will give you time. If not you will die here alone and broken… Scream little Miko like your life depends upon it…
"Hiei!" the word was ripped from her throat in a ragged scream.
The desperation and fear in the sound made his hair stand on end as he raced to her side cursing himself for leaving her alone. He burst through the window and flew to her in the space of a heart beat his eyes searching her for injury. His mind reached for hers but a force blocked his way. She was sobbing silent sobs as she clutched him to her. The only injury he could see was self inflicted as there were five small crescent shaped cuts on her chest over her heart where her nails had bit into her skin. She was pale and shaky her face stained with tears as he turned her to face him.
The horror in her eyes turned to relief as she met his concerned gaze. The words she wanted to say froze in her throat and the evil laughter scraping over her thoughts told her that she would not be able to speak of what had occurred. She would not be able to tell him her life was ending or that the tainted jewel was within her and he would not be able to read it in her thoughts either.
Hiei tried to reach for her mind and was relived to reach her. The force blocking him was gone but so was her memory of what had occurred as far as he could tell. "Kagome, what happened?" he asked finally.
"A nightmare, I thought I was going to lose you!" her mouth was forming the words but she could not control what was being said. "I thought you had abandoned me too like he did."
"Never," Hiei said pulling her to him realizing he had hurt her while he'd been so confused. Well he wasn't confused about her, not any more. "Marry me."
"What? We are getting married already and you already marked me as yours." Kagome said confused at the statement.
"No we are having a wedding to restore your honor, and I marked you in passion without your knowledge. Kagome, I'm asking you to marry me."
Her eyes widened as she pushed back to look at his eyes. It was not a bold confession of love but it was as close to one as she figured Hiei would ever come. Did she want it? Even knowing that the jewel would steal her from him one day? They were together regardless if she said yes or no but he was offering her more than she'd dreamed. "Yes." Yes she wanted it and for as long as she could she'd give it back as much or more than she got.
Hiei's eyes warmed as he scooped her up and leaned in to kiss her. Kagome put her hand over his mouth "can I do something really quick before you kiss me?" She slipped around him and went into the bathroom brushing her teeth quickly she returned to him. Tenderly he made love to her showing her through actions the words he couldn't say.
Preparations for the wedding went into high gear and with reluctance Hiei left with Totosai to complete preparations on his end with a promise and a customary death threat to his friends if they failed to protect her while he was gone. Totosai had left her plenty to do to prepare too.
Kagome rubbed her eyes tiredly as she set the scroll on her lap. While the information was fascinating Totosai's penmanship was not. "What I wouldn't do to give him a typewriter to write this with." Kagome muttered picking up the scroll once more. She was learning invaluable information but her thoughts were elsewhere as she rubbed her chest where the jewel rested and wondered how long she had to live.
Shaking her head she glanced at her watch before rolling up the scroll and standing with it in hand. Yusuke and Kurama would be returning from work soon and she needed to make dinner. It had been decided that being a detective's assistant would be too much of a risk for her so Yusuke hired her instead as the resident Miko for the temple. Occasionally he would take her with him on missions in the living world but never anywhere near the Makai or Reikai.
"Resident housekeeper, Kagome," she grumbled as she made her way to the kitchen and removed the rice from where she'd left it to soak. It had been since Hiei's proposal that she had not been invited to go on any missions at all and she had a sneaking suspicion her hiyoukai had something to do with it. "Protective males." She growled as she poured the rice in to the rice cooker and turned to prepare the rest of the ingredients.
She was pulled roughly back and to a firm chest with a gasp. His lips brushed her neck and she shivered. She tried to pull away but a bandaged arm trapped her to him. She let her head fall on his shoulder as he nibbled the soft spot on her jaw beneath her ear. "You are back early," she said breathlessly.
"I am." He agreed "And will you welcome me properly onna?" he asked turning her in his arms and backing her up to the counter.
"I have dinner to make." She argued half-heartedly.
"They can live on rice." He stated picking her up and carrying her swiftly out of the kitchen and to their bedroom.
Yusuke picked up glob of sticky white rice with his chopsticks and smirked glancing at Kagome knowingly as she blushed. "It's great that you are back an all Hiei, but could you have waited till dinner was ready?"
"-Kagome makes the best hands down I can't wait to-" Shippo's energetic voice cut off and Kagome's blush deepened as she knew he was looking at the table. On the table was a large bamboo bowl of rice, a stack of seaweed cut in squares, a variety of vegetables and several whole fish of different varieties with heads on.
"Um Kagome, I think sushi is supposed to be in rolls." Shippo said poking one of the fish with a claw.
"I can see I have been missing out Shippo- Kagome's sushi has nothing on the restaurants at all." Kurama teased.
"It's his fault," Kagome said pointing to a grinning Hiei. "He came home and was all you should welcome me properly and I-"
Kagome looked like a tomato realizing what she'd almost said and hid her face in her hands. Kurama, Shippo and Yusuke joined in the laughter and Kagome looked up as Hiei began to laugh. Not a dark chuckle but a full laugh. A grin tugged at her lips and she found herself laughing too.
"Man, three eyes I haven't seen you laugh like that since the last time I died. You should laugh more." Yusuke commented as the laughter died down.
"I should indeed; you are certainly enough of a clown Detective."
"Why I oughtta –"Yusuke said with a mock glare.
"I guess dinner is on me." Kagome sighed.
"Not for the rest of us, but I'm sure Hiei would enjoy that." Shippo said absently watching for Kagome's reaction. He was not disappointed. Kagome spluttered some weak defense about that not being what she meant as they all laughed again.
"I learned how to make subjugation beads from Kaede Shippo..." Kagome said thoughtfully.
"I guess I'm buying dinner so where should we go?" Shippo said quickly, he didn't want to know if her threat was real or not.
Four days after Hiei's return, Kagome stood in her bathroom while Kuwabara's sister Shizuru did the finishing touches on her hair which had been pulled up off her shoulders into a high ponytail. It brushed her bare lower back and she smiled. Looking into the full length mirror she eyed herself thoughtfully.
Her skirt, a gauzy material she'd never even heard of before, brushed her shins as it moved with her movements flowing like silken water. The colors of fiery red and orange made up most of it but around her hips hung a belt of finely wrought gold, tiny gold dragons hung from it chiming lightly as she walked. The same tiny dragons lined the neck and bottom edge of her halter top as it rested an inch or so beneath her breasts leaving her stomach bare. The top also in the same colors was the same mysterious material as her skirt.
Shizuru smiled at her handy work. It was her first time meeting the woman but they had hit it off instantly. It was her first time meeting any of Hiei's friends, except Yusuke and Kurama and the one time she'd met Kuwabara. Now outside waiting for her were several more youkai she'd never even heard of but they were all there for one thing, "You look great kiddo, Hiei's gonna have a hard time remembering his vows." their wedding day.
Kagome smiled sheepishly at the older girl as she turned for Shizuru to take a critical once over. "You are all glitzed up girly. You ready?"
"Yes." Kagome replied with a smile. No one knew about the marking so as far as they were all concerned this was a big step for Hiei one no one expected. She took a last look in the mirror at her bridal dress. It was the traditional costume for a bride in the hiyoukai tradition. Totosai had given it to her telling her that it would mean a lot for himself and Hiei to see her wear them. Hiko had ordered them for Hina but she had never worn them. Hiei had commissioned the tiny dragons decorating as he had wanted something of himself to add to them.
Shizuru smiled back, "Let's go kid, this is your party."
"Yeah." Her party? Suddenly Kagome felt very nervous. She was a stranger to them all and they were all there to see her marry their friend. What if she tripped or forgot her part of the vows or –
"Come on, Kagome." Shizuru said taking her arm, "Hiei has been waiting for you probably his whole life, and you don't want him to wait longer do you?"
"No," she smiled and took a deep breath. Shizuru led her out the back doors and up a winding path lined with torches. The ground was covered with a soft mossy carpet that she was grateful for as the ceremony was conducted with them both barefoot. The soft chiming of the dragons on her clothes gave her the courage to put one foot in front of the other. The path widened and Shizuru let go of her arm as they entered a circular flat stone plateau. Youkai she knew and didn't know sat to either side but her gaze settled on the figure kneeling before a central fire burning in a circle of runes.
Hiei wore mostly red trimmed with orange his clothes in the Chinese fighting style. Banded around his waist was a similar gold belt like the one she wore minus the dragons. It was the first time Kagome had seen his wedding clothes and she smiled appreciatively. Hiei stood smoothly and turned his breath caught in his throat as he looked at his bride. Reaching out his hand he waited for her to take his hand. Together they knelt before the fire facing each other.
"You come to the flame of your own will?" Totosai asked standing to the left of the fire.
"We do," Hiei and Kagome said as one. Azure locked with carmine as their eyes caught and held each other's gaze.
"And what do you offer these sacred flames?" Totosai asked solemnly.
"We offer our fear and uncertainty," their voices were steady with no hesitation.
"Accepted," Totosai intoned before turning to Hiei "Present your vows to your bride and to the fire."
Together Hiei and Kagome stood before Hiei knelt and dipped his finger in a golden dish containing a small amount of his blood. Turning back to Kagome he drew a sacred symbol on her the tops of her bare feet. While saying: "I mark your feet with this symbol of blood that you may walk at my side through life and flame."
Hiei solemnly marked her stomach next drawing another symbol while saying "I mark your navel with this symbol of blood that life may burn strong within you." Rising up to his full height on his knees he marked her wrists first left then right with another symbol while saying "I mark you with this symbol of blood and offer you in return my arms to protect you and shield you."
He rose smoothly again to his feet facing Kagome locking eyes with her again for a moment before drawing a fourth symbol on her chest over her heart. His voice was slightly softer as he said "I mark you with this symbol of blood that your heart will burn for me and no other."
He drew the final mark on her forehead before his eyes found hers. "I have marked you with blood; giver of my life and power with these my flames cannot burn you and we are one."
Totosai nodded before turning to Kagome "Present now your vows to your groom and to the fire"
Kagome knelt before Hiei bowing to touch her forehead to his feet "I will walk beside you." She murmured before sitting up and reaching to take his hand in hers. On his left hand she placed a kiss on his wrist and then taking his right hand repeated the action "Your hands shall protect me and your arms shall be my shield" Kagome rose easily to her feet, the gold dragons chiming softly. Kagome watched his eyes as she placed her left hand over his heart. Her voice full of gentleness she said "Your heart shall burn for me and no other" Raising to her toes to reach Kagome kissed his forehead. "I have marked you with a sacred kiss and with air which feeds the fire and keeps it strong. I accept into myself both blood and fire, we are one."
The markings which Hiei had made upon her skin ignited for a moment before sinking into it. She smiled as the warmth of his blood and the flames born of it warmed her to her toes.
Turning to the flames burning in the runes they reached in together and removed a ring adorned in the center with a small diamond looking crystal
"Within this sacred fire crystal burns a living flame symbol of the vows you have made to each other. May it burn always," Totosai said with a smile. Turning once again to Kagome; Hiei placed the ring upon the middle finger on her left hand.
"We are one," he whispered.
Soon little Miko…your time ends soon…that sandpaper feel brushed her thoughts with eerie finality.
"Forever," she added.
~To be Continued~